Blood and Wine

By SithSorceress

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Jaskier wakes up from a heavily induced coma, only to wake up to the scents of lavender and chamomile. No lon... More

Ch.1 Coma
𝗖𝗵.𝟮 Yennefer
𝗖𝗵.𝟯 Geralt
𝗖𝗵.𝟰 Incubus
𝗖𝗵.𝟱 Old Tale
𝗖𝗵.6 Choice
Ch.7 Darkness
Ch.9 Portrait
Ch.10 Time
Ch.11 Winter
Ch.12 Red
Ch.13 Book
Ch.14 Blood
Ch.15 Bard

Ch.8 Beast

330 13 0
By SithSorceress

Yennefer woke up feeling exhausted and just drained altogether finding herself laying face first on the floor. Her body ached, She lifted herself up and stood up slowly, she could feel the aches start to subside.

looking around the room she noticed Geralt was lying next to her asleep as well. But when she moved closer, the witcher stirred lightly before blinking slowly. When he looks up to face Yennefer.

His eyes are wide, and confused. They stay locked on her for a moment, "What happened?" he finally asks, his voice deep, rougher than usual.

Yennefer shakes her head lightly, feeling a bit overwhelmed with all that had happened. "Something took Jaskier... but I know where he was.." she tells him, "...That mist.... it did something to him, something dangerous..." she whispers.

Geralt grunts, sitting himself up on the ground.

"..This is the moment that you actually need my help... I'll portal us."

Geralt's hands clenched and unclenched at his sides. Yennefer turns her focus to summoning a portal. After a brief moment of silence and concentration the portal showed immediately they both walked into it, the two of them appearing in front of a large dark forest, Yennefer could immediately sense the darkness here.

And it was strong..

She quickly glanced towards Geralt who was already scanning his surroundings carefully, his sword drawn and ready even if he was feeling sick from the travel.

Yennefer takes several hesitant steps forward toward a thick cluster of dark grey mist. The witcher follows after her silently. "Yennefer.." Geralt calls to her. "Wait.." he says firmly, his voice stern.

The witch hesitates briefly before turning towards Geralt questioningly. "There's something wrong..." he mutters to himself. "Something powerful..." He continues quietly.

Suddenly the ground starts shaking underneath them, causing Yennefer to stumble backwards. Before she could say something the earth starts shifting. A large creature bursts out of the ground. A beast twice Geralt's size. "A trap." Yennefer says immediately, stepping closer to the witcher protectively.

The monster roared and charged towards the two of them, it's long furred arms swinging in their direction. Geralt readies his sword as the creature gets closer, raising his blade to parry the monster's attack.

He swings hard and fast, cutting through the monster's arm. But before he manages to make the kill the monster grabs Geralt's shoulder tightly lifting him off the ground before attempting to slam him hard onto a nearby rock luckily Yennefer was ready and lifted both her hands casting a spell.

A bright invisible shield materializes around Geralt's body protecting him from the impact with the stone. But the monster had other plans. It's other leg comes up and knocks Yennefer off the ground sending her flying backwards.

She landed roughly against a tree trunk, her head hitting painfully against it causing her to lose consciousness for a split second. As soon as her vision returned she was able to push herself back up.

The beast ran towards Geralt, its jaws opening wide, ready to devour its prey, Geralt swung his sword at it's stomach, missing and slicing through its side instead. It lets out another loud roar as it tries once again to crush Geralt, who quickly casts quen.

Yennefer sees the beast coming towards Geralt again. She raises her hands once more and sends a wave of energy crashing into it, knocking it off its feet. Geralt manages to slash it again, leaving a deep gash in it's flesh.

The monster roars again. This time the sound is much louder and more menacing. The blood starts oozing out of the wound, painting the snow crimson red. It charges at the two once again, Geralt readying his sword once more. But Yennefer moves in front of him just before it reaches Geralt casting a larger shield.

"-It's too strong.." Yennefer speaks out. "I don't care.." Geralt responds back taking out one of his strongest potions immediately drinking it. The monster roars before hitting the shield. The force of the hit causes Geralt to fall back a couple feet away from Yennefer, his sword dropping out of his hand. It doesn't take much for him to recover from that though. In mere seconds.

He pushes himself back up and rushes back towards the monster his eyes black with veins and his skin pale as snow under the moonlight. It roars in anger, charging at Geralt.

The witcher goes to grab his sword before swinging, cutting through the monster's neck severing the creature's head, causing it to drop lifelessly down beside the witcher. Geralt drops to his knees and collapses on his side, panting harshly.

He glances over at Yennefer for only a second before his eyes roll back into his head, losing consciousness. Yennefer instantly rushes over to him.

"Geralt!" she yells worriedly kneeling down and checking him for injuries. She places her palm over his opened wounds. Yennefer felt Geralt stiffen beneath her palm as a surge of magic flowed out of her, covering the wounds immediately.

Geralt let out a pained groan as the healing works it's way through his system. Once the wounds have been healed enough Yennefer removes her palms. She watches as Geralt starts to breathe normally, his heartbeat returning to it's normal slow rate.

He'll be okay..

Yennefer stands up, wiping snow and dirt off of her dress. She walks over to the creature's decapitated head which lays next to the witchers legs. Carefully, she lifts the head up and holds it between her hands noticing how it resembled a wolf.

"..Where did you come from?" she questions aloud. The creature merely stared at her blankly with lifeless dark eyes. She couldn't tell what kind of creature it was though, She sighed heavily running a hand through her hair.

There was nothing to do now except wait for Geralt to wake up, he was still vulnerable in unconsciousness. Her attention turns back to Geralt, noticing he was starting to stir. She kneels down by his side again. hesitantly touching the witcher's armored arm.

He mumbles something incoherently before his eyes open slowly. He stares at her blearily, his expression slightly dazed. "..Bird.."

Jaskier woke up with a gasp, he looked wildly around the unfamiliar room for a few moments trying to figure out where he was. when he attempted to move he noticed he was forced into a kneeling position, His wrists, neck and ankles were all bound tightly by chains and he no longer was wearing Geralt's cloak in fact he was completely shirtless only having his trousers on.

He furrowed his brows, he tried desperately pulling against them. "Help!" he yelled loudly hoping someone or maybe even a ghost would hear him. Jaskier started panicking.

What happened to him? How did he end up here?

As if to answer his own question, someone suddenly came bursting through the door of the room startling Jaskier badly, The person stopped walking, clearly surprised that Jaskier's awake.

But this person wasn't a human at all, Jaskier could see that immediately. the top half was completely bare, while the bottom half was covered in dark hair. Jaskiers gaze then trailed up the stranger's body. He was tall, well over 6 foot and muscular.

Jaskier's heart began hammering inside his chest at the sight of him. 'What was happening!? Why was this monster so intimidating? And why did he seem so familiar??'

The creature walks slowly towards him, his steps heavy. " finally decided to wake up."

"..Who are you?" Jaskiers voice cracked a little, he hated how his breathing seemed shaky. "How did I
get here? Where am I?"

"Calm yourself, Julian." he said calmly. "You aren't in any danger here."

"..Then why the hell am I shackled up kneeling on the floor before you, shirtless?!" he snapped angrily.

The monster chuckled lightly before answering. "You weren't doing your job properly. your the last prince, we are destined to fight for the throne." he explained casually while placing a finger under Jaskier's chin and tilting his head upwards causing the musician to flinch.

It's when Jaskier remembered the drawings in that book Vesemir had shown him when he noticed what this monster was.

"..Wait, are you-"

"An incubus like you, yes." he answers bluntly, meeting Jaskiers eyes. "Now, are you going to cooperate with me, or will you continue being difficult?" he asks, releasing Jaskier from his grip. Jaskier takes in a sharp breath nodding slightly when he felt sharp long nails scrape slightly on his chin.

"Tell me your name first." Jaskier demands.
The incubus smirks evilly. "Hmm..." he hummed. "Well, since you asked nicely, my name is Fyzrel..Fyzrel the second Prince." He introduces himself, bowing slightly in front of Jaskier.

"Prince Fyzrel..." he repeats quietly to himself. "..You must know I won't fully cooperate until you tell me why you've kidnapped me?" Jaskier says glaring at him.

Fyzrel chuckles darkly again, looking amused. "My dear Pankratz. I've already told you why."

"I know, but that's hardly an answer." Jaskier retorts.

Fyzrel simply smiles a sinister smile, "I believe you understand very well why you're currently in this position..."

He continues staring intently at Fyzrel. "..I can't fight you, I mean look at me.. compared to you.." He gestures vaguely at his body. "I'm still half human. I haven't trained with swords or fought monsters or anything. If this really is my destiny, then you've already won."

Fyzrel just laughs, shaking his head. "Looks hardly matter. our strength and powers matter. Your destiny lies just ahead of you. You belong to us, you belong with us. So you'd better listen."

"Listen... to what exactly?" Jaskier inquires confusedly.

"You must be trained to be a incubus, once complete we'll fight to the death, whoever wins becomes the king." Fyzrel tells him simply.

"..And what if I were to say no?" Jaskier counters,

"If you refuse then you die." Fyzrel answers calmly.

"That's barbaric," Jaskier comments shaking his head at him.

Fyzrel shrugs. "What's barbaric about winning a battle for a greater good, or a greater life span?"

"I don't care about either of those things. I only want one thing and one thing only: freedom," Jaskier answers, trying to sound confident and assured.

"Freedom?" Fyzrel repeats, raising an eyebrow. "You think you can escape?"

"Yes." Jaskier replies confidently. "I've escaped from worse situations than this.." he admits remembering what Rience has done to him.

"Oh really?" Fyzrel asks challengingly. "Have you ever heard of the legends that speak about two men and their inner beasts, called the White Wolf and the Crow?"

Jaskier frowns. why would he remember hearing such a story...

"They used to hunt with each other and slaughter others mercilessly. But the White Wolf always found a way back to his crow, even though it resulted in his own death." Fyzrel explained.

His story caused a knot to form in Jaskier's stomach, it sounded like Fyzrel was talking about Geralt..

"-Well he's not dead..." Jaskier whispers under his breath, his lips turning downward.

"No, he isn't. but he will." Fyzrel says causing the bard to look away worriedly not knowing what the Prince meant..

"..But why me?" Jaskier pleads. "...Why am I chosen?"

"Because you're the only one who can defeat me." Fyzrel explains. "You're the only one who can kill me."

"Kill you?" Jaskier echoes facing the incubus. "-I don't understand.."

He didn't know what else to do, he needed more information before deciding how to proceed.

Fyzrel sighs exasperatedly, "Look Julian...your not ready for this yet. You barely know anything, and you don't have the skills or knowledge needed to defeat me. However the succubus and I will teach you everything you need to know."

"..Who else are you talking about?" Jaskier asks curiously.

"Succubus, they'll all submit to you like your their master." Fyzrel explains. "They'll obey your every command, you'll be able to do as you please with them but asking to leave this place won't be granted."

"So..what? They live here too..?"

"Yes." Fyzrel tells him. "This castle has been abandoned for centuries were also born here."

"..I..was?" Jaskier whispers. Fyzrel nods smiling smugly.

The bard looks down his wrist and knees beginning to hurt from kneeling awkwardly for so long. "Will you unchain me?" he requests, looking back up at Fyzrel. The other simply stares at him. "..Please, my legs are starting to ache." Jaskier adds.

Fyzrel seems to consider for a moment before he nods curtly. "Very well." He kneels and unlocks the manacles from around his wrist, ankles and neck.

"..Thank you." Jaskier mutters, rubbing his wrists gently.

Fyzrel stands back up, towering above him a few inches He stares down at the bard. "Come on, I have much to show you. And you need to prepare yourself."

Jaskier hesitates a bit before taking a deep breath and standing up himself on shaky legs, he follows closely behind as Fyzrel leads the way out of the dungeon, his bare feet padding softly against the stoned floors next to heavy hoofed ones.

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