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brownsocialite เคฆเฅเคตเคพเคฐเคพ

12.9K 260 9

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1.3K 39 1
brownsocialite เคฆเฅเคตเคพเคฐเคพ

"We join today at the seat of the sea to commit the Lady Laena of House Velaryon to the eternal waters, the dominion of the Merling King, where He will guard her for days to come. As she sets to sea for her final voyage, the Lady Laena leaves two true-born daughters on the shore. Though their mother will not return from her voyage, they will all remain bound together in blood. Salt courses through Velaryon blood. Ours runs thick, ours runs true. And ours must never thin."

Vaemond's glare had attached itself to Visenya as Rhaenyra held her close, Daemon letting out a laugh. "My gentle niece, may the winds be as strong as your back, your seas as calm as your spirit, and your nets be as full as your heart. From the sea we came, to the sea we shall return."

Laena's allies and relatives have all gathered to mourn her untimely death. 

Visenya clings to her mother as they stand amid the crowd. "Go on, darling." Rhaenyra encourages, breaking her grip on her arm free.

With a visible frown etched on her face, the blonde stumbles through bodies, eventually finding a clearing by the stone steps. "Are you alright?" A deeper voice.

The voice of a man? She is too afraid to look up. "Quite alright." She squeaks out.

"My lady-" The girl looks up at the figure before her that blocks the sun from her view, and her breath catches in her throat as she steals a glance at his face. "Seven hells, I sincerely apologise, Princess."

Such a handsome face he has, the most beautiful she'd ever seen on a man, a boy, as he was nearly, maybe fully, man-grown. "It's alright." A cascade of curls sit atop his head at a shorter length than she'd seen before, certainly shorter than her brothers', barely a stubble along his jaw. "And who are you?"

She observes his face consistently, making no effort to hide her fascination, yet he is too bashful to notice. These are the features considered plain? Or was this man, or boy, so lucky as to have perfectly plain features make a perfectly handsome face? "Cregan Stark, Lord of Winterfell."

He notices how her face fell at the mention of his mature title. "Lord?"

"Well, I am yet to rule independently. You see, my uncle has kept things in order since my father died three years ago. I am now of age, but still with an advisor who believes in his own best interests."

Visenya giggles, understanding his seemingly lighthearted frustrations, not too disheartened by the hearing of his sixteenth name day. "I'm sure you'd have no trouble with ruling." She comments with a shy smile.

"Thank you for your faith, Princess."

His smile, so charming.

"Visenya. Visenya!" Aemond loops her arm through his. "Come on, let's go."

Although she had the force of a boy tugging her away, she didn't dare not bid the gorgeous specimen adieu. "It was lovely meeting you, Lord Cregan. You must come by Dragonstone to introduce yourself as Winterfell's ruler."

He chuckles. "If you insist." 

Having been finally parted from the Stark, the pair walk together, one obviously dazed. "He's lovely, isn't he?"

"Who?" The Targaryen rolls his eyes, already sure of her answer.


Aemond doesn't say anything on the matter.

"It's you." Rhaena announces, finally able to see the culprit.

Aemond shamelessly confirms."It's me." 

"Vhagar was my mother's dragon."

"Your mother is dead, and Vhagar has a new rider now."

Visenya, disgusted at his newfound attitude, contemplates whether or not the power of a dragon was one he deserved. It was a mind-fogging thought after promising him for so many years that he was born to be a rider. "She wasn't yours to claim, Aemond."

"Maybe her cousins should find Rhaena a pig to ride. It would suit you."

It certainly didn't take long for the dragon-less girl to throw herself onto the thief in a fit of rage, only to be instantly thrown down to the ground.

Baela's punches didn't go unnoticed. "Come at me again and I'll feed you to my dragon!"

The comment, the threat, lights a firey rage within Jacaerys and Lucerys, both boys moving to pounce on Aemond as Visenya's inner conflict had disappears. She tends to Baela and Rhaena on the ground, urging her younger brother to stay back from the scene. "You will die screaming in flames just as your father did! Bastards!"

Her own head pounding, vision blurred with rage and betrayal, the princess lunges at the boy she previously considered a friend. Pinning him to the ground, just about overpowering his attempts to squirm away, she makes use of the dagger that lay nearby.

Silver blade glistening in the light of a nearby torch, sharp edge digging ever so slightly into Aemond's pale skin, she cries. "Shut up! Shut up."

He softens at the view before him, the pretty lady he admired in the Westerosi sunlight nearly every day has melted away, leaving behind a girl covered in tears and the blood of her own brothers, begging for him to stop. "Alright." Aemond whispers, only for her to hear.

Visenya relaxes with a deep breath, the weapon finally releasing from the contact with his skin. 

Lucerys, with no knowledge of the interaction and the silent pact made, relishes in the boyish adrenaline coursing through his veins, the world's strength in his bones, he jerks his sister's arm.

With one swift action, sharp silver creates a slit down the Targaryen's face, slicing through his eye. 

It was only then the guards had discovered them, after the greatest damage had been done.

"You took oaths to protect and defend my blood!"

"I'm very sorry, your Grace. The Kingsguard has never had to defend princes from princes and princess."

"That is no excuse!"

The maester speaks. "The flesh will heal, but the eye is lost, your Grace."

The doors open abruptly, Rhaenyra and Daemon making their entrance along with Rhaenys and Corlys. "Jace, Luke. Visenya! Show me, show me." She knelt before her children, gasping at her younger's injuries. "Who did this?"

"They attacked me!"

"He attacked Baela!"

"He broke Luke's nose!"

"He stole my mother's dragon!"

"He was going to kill Jace!"

"Silence!" Viserys roars, the entire room and each child mute themselves with one word. "Visenya." He addresses.

The young girl looks up at her grandfather, after remaining silent through the pleas of her brothers and cousins. "I will have the truth of what happened."

Alicent's eyebrows visibly knit together in distress. "What else is there to hear? Your son has been maimed, her son is responsible."

"Aemond attacked Rhaena." Visenya croaks. "Baela hit him, and he hit her back. Jace and Luke went after him. He broke Luke's nose, then I went after him with the blade." Several gasps were heard throughout the room.

"I had the blade, and it was an accident. Luke knocked my arm when I was about to move away, we didn't mean to." Jacaerys continues to look at his sister as she reasons. 

"Princess Visenya brought a blade to the ambush, she intended to kill my son."

Rhaenyra clenches her jaw. "It was my sons and daughter who were attacked and forced to defend themselves. Vile insults were levied against them."

"What insults?" Viserys interrogates, although calm.

"The legitimacy of my sons' birth was put loudly to question."


With one last stare at Aemond, in which he avoids, Visenya takes it upon herself to inform him. "He called my brothers bastards."

"My sons and daughter are in line to inherit the Iron Throne, your Grace. This is the highest of treasons. Prince Aemond must be sharply questioned so we might learn where he heard such slanders."

"Over an insult? My son has lost an eye."

The King approaches Aemond. "You tell me, boy. Where did you hear this lie?"

Alicent is quick to intercept with a plethora of excuses. "The insult was training yard bluster. The lot of boys, it was nothing."

He ignores her. "Aemond, I asked you a question."

"Where is Ser Laenor, I wonder? The boys' father? Perhaps he might have something to say in the matter?"

This time, Viserys didn't ignore his wife. "Yes, where is Ser Laenor?"

"I do not know, your Grace. I could not find sleep, I had gone out to walk."

"Entertaining his young squires, I would venture." The brunette remarks.

"Aemond, look at me. Your king demands an answer. Who spoke these lies to you?"

He took a moment to think of his answer carefully. "It was Aegon."

The older boy finds himself in a mess he didn't create so suddenly. "Me?"

Viserys takes staggering steps towards the accused. "And you, boy? Where did you hear such calumnies?" He receives no answer. "Aegon! Tell me the truth of it!"

"We know, father. Everyone knows. Just look at them."

A long, heavy silence. "This interminable infighting must cease! All of you! We are family! Now make your apologies and show goodwill to one another. Your father, your grandsire, your King demands it!"

Alicent's face resembles one of a disappointed child that hadn't received a treat. "That is insufficient. Aemond has been damaged permanently, my King. Goodwill cannot make him whole."

"I know, Alicent, but I cannot restore his eye."

"No, because it's been taken."

"What would you have me do?"

"There's a debt to be paid. I shall have one of her daughter's eyes in return." The baffled, almost terrified looks of the crowd speaks volumes to the Queen's demand. "He's your son, Viserys. Your blood."

"Do not allow your temper to guide your judgement."

With pursed lips, she decided. She would get that eye, even if she has to tear it out herself. "If the King will not seek justice, the Queen will. Ser Criston, bring me the eye of Visenya Velaryon. She can choose which eye to keep, a privilege she did not grant my son."

"You will do no such thing." Rhaenyra grit.

Visenya saw no point in there being a crime with no justice delivered. "My left. I will give my left." She announces.

Eyes narrowed, Viserys raises his hand. "Visenya, no. Stay your hand, Ser Criston."

"No! You are sworn to me!"

Criston Cole stands straight, monotoned. "As your protector, my Queen."

"Alicent, this matter is finished. Do you understand?" She only examines him with enraged, tear-blurred eyes. "And let it be known, anyone whose tongue dares to question the birth of Princess Rhaenyra's sons should have it removed."

"Thank you, father."

Suspiciously compliant, her lack of argument was explained through action as she snatched her husband's dagger, instantly making a determined beeline for Rhaenyra's only daughter.

While her actions were thought out, they weren't considered well enough as the elder princess holds back the arms of a maddened Alicent. People move out of harm's way, studying them from afar. "You've gone too far."

"I? What have I done, but what expected of me? Forever upholding the kingdom, the family, the law. While you flout all to do as you please!"

"Alicent, let her go!"

She only continues. "Where is duty? Where is sacrifice? It's trampled under your pretty foot again!"

"Release the blade, Alicent."

"And now you take my son's eye. And to even that you feel entitled."

Rhaenyra holds her ground. "Exhausting, isn't it? Hiding beneath the cloak of your own righteousness. But now they see you as you are."

The two women harshly part.

Sounds of thick blood hitting the floor in drops, accelerating in speed, have been recognised. A dark red stain trails down Rhaenyra's arm, entangling itself between her jewellery. Alicent drops the blade in what seemed like regret, but no one could be quite sure.

Aemond steps forward. "Do not mourn me, mother, it was a fair exchange. I may have lost an eye, but I gained a dragon."

"This proceeding is at an end."

Her mother and father had sent her to bed swiftly with a kiss, hoping for the night to be over and for a new day to begin to prepare for their return home to Dragonstone.

Visenya lays under her covers, perfectly comfortable, but unable to find sleep. "Go to sleep, Jace." She fakes grogginess at the opening door, not prepared for her brother to come in and talk to her until he was able to sleep.

The body that enters was much bigger than Jace, taller and more muscular. She sat up straight, registering the shoulder-length white hair. "Daemon."

"You know who I am?" He was pleasantly surprised.

She shrugs. "My mother speaks of you. She says you were close, once upon a time."

Daemon looks down at the girl, discovering her features for the very first time, he smirks. "You offered your eye, like a daring Targaryen."

"The Queen said there was a debt to be paid."

"You like the Queen?"

The princess shakes her head. "A debt is a debt. My mother has taught me of politics."

"Smart girl." His smile falls slightly. "What you did, offering your eye was a bravely stupid thing to do."


"Stupid, nonetheless, Visenya." He enforces, the corners of his lips tug upward despite the sternness in his voice.

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THE FIRE BETRAYAL โ€ข house of the dragon mara เคฆเฅเคตเคพเคฐเคพ


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