Broken soul. (A fanfic starri...

By LadySchneefee

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Adar had been captured by Halbrand and Galadriel. Not knowing what to do with him, Galadriel asks Eilith, an... More

Adar's character


123 4 0
By LadySchneefee


Eilith was glad to return to the forest. She breathed in the earthen smell of nature. Listened to the birds awakening and marvelled at the first beams of the sun shining onto the wildflowers, that were growing everywhere now that summer had begun. All of this was slowly washing away the stain of evil.

She was dead tired but Ragnall needed space to move and some food. So she rode a little until she found a small meadow. Here she let Ragnall loose. There was a big willow tree too under which she found shelter. She cast the protective spell and only than she allowed herself to sleep.

The sun was beginning to set when Eilith awoke. She watched the beautiful sundown, until there was only different shades of green and blue left in the sky. This wasn't her, this living in the dark but it would have to be her for a while now. She took Ragnall to his Hidding Place, where he could sleep during the night. Than she went back into the chaos of Saurons army. The creatures she encountered were mostly hideous, scary- looking and seemed uncoordinated and simple, also they were loud and rude. Eilith spend her night following Adar around. His orcs had been put to work, making weapons mostly, makeshift armour and various other things. These weapons were built to kill and harm... it felt wrong to her not to do anything against this wrong but what could she do, topple over the one or the other hearth? No, for now she had to let the events develop. She hoped that eventually she would get guidance from above on how to act. 

After a few days Eilith realised, that she wasn't as taken back by the ugly creatures that surrounded her during the night. When she was with Adar and his orcs, she started to see that there were male and female ones, unfortunately equally ugly looking and they each had ther own character and what surprised her the most they seemed to care for each other and especially for Adar. Once again she thought that they weren't actually evil, they just followed their orders, not really thinking about it. These creatures were totally misunderstood and misplaced. She also realised that she perceived them as ugly because she viewed beauty in a certain way and the creatures surrounding her here, didn't fit in with that beauty-standard of hers. But, for them beauty was probably perceived totally different? So, beauty lies in the eye of the beholder? Interesting!

She wondered what their life would look like, if they were simply living somewhere minding there own business. Would they than just be a bunch of families, building houses, maybe growing their own food, doing what every other creation would do? Sauron was using them, the orcs, as well as the trolls and creatures that looked like a mixture of the two, they were all just to dim-witted to see this, which made this even worse!

 Eilith had expected to meet Adar's children as soon as they joined camp. But she was beginning to understand that there was no children, at least not as she had imagined. Instead, she was sure that those orcs were somehow Adar's children. They called him Adar after all. Maybe it was more metaphorical because Adar was the one taking care of them? They couldn't actually be his children, could they? But she was sure some of them actually bore some of Adar's features. This was puzzling and in a way disturbing. She would ask him one day, there was probably a perfectly fine explanation. 

Eilith felt restless being just an observer. Sure, it was useful to get to know the creatures that where involved and to ponder about them but really she wanted to practice her magic. She wanted to explore that power that was there inside of her. She had to admit, that some part of her was scared of what was happening, she herself was scared and she feared for Adar and maybe by now also for those poor gullible creatures in Saurons grip and in the broadest sense also for those standing on the other side of this army one of these days. Galadriel maybe, elves, men, dwarfs... this senseless war that was maybe to come, she wanted to do something about it. How? She didn't know but maybe she could help, either side!

She didn't like leaving Adar alone, not knowing what was happening to him but as he seemed alright, she went back to the woods and there she practiced. She tried to harness that power inside her, tried to feel it and penetrate it. After a week or so she knew how to harness it and she was sure she could direct it too. She knew it was too powerful to try though, so hopefully when the time was right it would do as she wished. 

And than it was time for the army to be on it's way... Eilith was sure that she wouldn't be able to walk next to Adar, especially because Sauron had all his leaders riding on these kind of wolfs, called wargs and they could smell her, Once or twice they had almost given away her presence. She had to make another plan. The day before the army would start marching, she was walking restless through the forest, when she came across a falcon who dashed down to catch an unfortunate mammal. This gave her the idea she had hoped to come across. She scared the falcon, who flew away, thankfully leaving behind his prey. The mouse he had caught was barely alive still, it's organs had been severed, it was gruesome to look at. Eilith cradled it in her hand, speaking softly ancient words of elven wisdom. These words were words of comfort and they were easing the pain and the fear of the oncoming death. Than the mouse died. Eilith carefully removed it's eyes and ears, thanking the creature for it's service. This magic, she wanted to achieve was new to her and she wasn't sure if it would work. She laid out the tiny body parts, closed her eyes and listened..her intentions were pure and in this case the magic usually came to her. She felt the words form and the power going over to her staff.. afterwards she fastened one of the eyes onto one of her own eyes and one of the tiny ears into one of her own. Than she lay out the other eye and ear further away. It had worked. Now she could see what the other tiny eye could see and she reckoned the ear worked too. 

Than she went into the camp and into Adar's tent. She watched him for a while, desperate to touch him. He seemed to be unsettled and troubled. Maybe he was hunted by nightmares? So for a moment, Eilith rested her hand an his chest, praying. Soon he calmed down. Now she fastened the other eye and ear of the mouse onto Adar's armour. Before she left, she took another minute to watch him. "I love you!" She whispered. 

There was a few hours left before nightfall, so Eilith slept one last time under the willow. 

She was woken by a loud racket. It took her a moment to realise, that the noises she was hearing where noises coming from the camp. The tiny ear was working. She heard Adar bellowing orders and saw the orcs getting ready. She would allow Raghnall a few more hours of sleep, than she would wake him and follow the army. She realised that the additional vision in her periphere would be irritating but it was the only way for now.


Adar was convinced he had dreamed of Eilith, he could still feel her presence when he awoke. This sure helped him with the fact that tonight they were actually on the move, towards war! He hadn't taken care of Sauron yet and this was making him restless. It was his responsibility! But how? He had to admit that fear was holding him back. It had to be the right moment because he probably only had one chance but so far that moment hadn't presented itself yet... 

He though with dread about his children in this war and Lethauriel.. he so wanted to protect them. He had to think back to that moment in the forest...

One morning, when the camp had gone quiet already, he had gone over to Lethauri's tent. He was still awake, so Adar convinced him to follow him into the woods. Here they found a place, where the first rays of the sun were playing with nature in such a way that it was feeding the heart, with a sense of peace and longing. Adar felt it and he could see that Lethauri was feeling it too. 

"You know Lethauri," Adar gave it a try, "Not all is bad in this world, there is goodness out there, elf's that care." 

Lethauri scoffed, " Nobody cares about you and me!" He seemed adamant.

Adar knew this not to be true but he wasn't sure yet if he could trust Lethauri with the beautiful mystery of Eilith. So instead he said: "That is not true, I care about you!" 

Lethauri was evidently surprised. He stared at Adar as if he wanted to figure him out. "You sure have changed!" was all he said but Adar had a feeling that his words, his love for Lethauri had planted a seed.

Ever since than Lethauri was by his side whenever possible and so he was now, ridding one of Saurons wargs into war at least they would be side by side. 

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