Fairy Exorcist

By Otakusdreamwolrd

166K 5.5K 3.8K

A fairy tail and blue exorcist crossover! More

Authors Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Authors Note
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
✨ Final Chapter ✨

Chapter 23

3K 108 100
By Otakusdreamwolrd

Gray's POV

After cooling Lucy and Rin off after all this running we were deciding whether or not to go in or wait for the others.

"I think we should just keep going" I say since it would waste a lot of time just waiting for them.

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Rin asked looking back to the dorm, why wouldn't it be?

"If your worried maybe you can wait out here while Gray and I take a quick look around" Said Lucy.

Rin sighed and said "I guess we could just wait inside" and started walking towards the door pulling out a key from his pocket.

When he opened the door we heard a voice yell for help, "AHHH NO I DONT TASTE THAT GOOD I PROMISE!"

"Hey that sounds like Happy!" Lucy chimed in looking over at me, it did sound like him so we ran inside towards the yelling.

Rin led the way until we made it into a kitchen to see happy in a giant pot with some monster trying to cook him up.

"GRAY, LUCY! THANK GOODNESS!" He cried moving around the pot.

The weird monster lookin thing turned around and just roared at us.

"What the hell is that thing?!" I asked backing away from it.

"That's ukobach, Memphos familiar. I completely forgot about him!" Said Rin.

"Uka-wha?" What did he just say?

"Well whatever it is it's creepy and goin down!" Lucy shouted grabbing her keys.

"No wait!" Rin grabbed her hand in an attempt to get her to put her keys away.

"What's wrong?" I asked

"He makes our meals sometimes he's a good demon!" He said fighting Lucy for her keys.

"He doesn't look so friendly trying to eat happy, sorry but your demon friend- has to go!" She said tugging at her keys.

"No! He's good I swear!" Rin tugged back.

At this point it was a game of tug of war. "Will you two cut that out!" I yelled

Lucy let go of her keys causing Rin to fall over with a 'yelp' and proceeded to grab her whip.

"This things going down one way or another!" She said

"Lucy please help me I'm too cute to diiieeee!" Happy yelled from the pot.

"We'll get you out of there Happy, don't worry" I said trying to figure out a way to get him out of there.

"Wait! I'll distract him! You can get your cat friend or whatever!" Rin said scrambling to his feet.

"O-k cool man you do you" I responded. Guess that settles it!

Me and Lucy stepped to the side so that Rin could take care of that demon.

"Uh hey ukobach, why not just calm down remember you shouldn't cook people's friends hehe..." He said nervously walking towards him.

Not before long that thing just swung his arm sending Rin flying through a wall and walking towards him to finish him off.

"Was that the distraction?" Lucy asked

"I don't know, maybe?" I answered

"Alright then I'm going in" Lucy ducked back into the kitchen before I could tell her not to and headed straight to happy.

"Thank you Lucy you can have all my fish when we get back to the guild!" I heard happy say as Lucy tried to quiet him down.

But by the looks of it the ukobach heard them and turned back around and roared again making us all hold our hands to our ears.

"He's so loud!" Lucy wined holding happy in one arm and covering her ear with the other jogging back to where I was.

"Alright we got happy, let's get Rin and get out of here!" I said to her.

"Right, good idea" she said nodding.

Then out of nowhere a knife came inches away from Lucy and my head hitting the wall behind us.

We slowly looked over and saw the beast with all sorts of kitchen utensils as he got ready to throw more.

"Eehhhh.. yeah we should leave like RIGHT NOW" Lucy panicked squeezing happy to her chest.

"I got this- ice make, shield!" A created a wall of ice in between the demon and us so that the utensils wouldn't hurt us.

"You and happy go outside, tell Natsu and the others what's going on if you see them" I said trying to keep the shield up.

"Aye sir" they saluted and ran out the door like there was no tomorrow.

"Hey Rin, how're you holding up over there?" I asked looking over at the big hole in the wall.

"Fan-freakin-tastic" he said climbing out covered in flames sword in hand and Lucy's keys in the other.

"Oh hey hand me those keys before I forget" I said once I noticed he had them.

"Yeah hang on a second..." he took his sword and rammed it into the demons back causing him to shriek.

So much for being his friend or whatever.

I put the shield down and watched as the monster began to shrink in size until he was this small purple thing, looked cute even.

"Sorry ukobach but we're running out of time" Rin tossed the keys to me and I caught them while breaking the shield.

He lifted the demon and placed it down on the counter then walked back to me.

"Guess we should get going" he said to me now putting his sword away and I watched as the flames died out.

"Yeah" I responded turning around seeing how we left their dorm a mess.

I feel kind of bad now.

When we walked out of the dorm we checked the time to see there was only 15 minutes until midnight.

"We're never gonna make it in time" I mumbled to myself looking up at the clock tower.

"What do you mean?" Happy asked flying up to me.

"We only have until midnight to find everyone, who's left?" Rin chimed in

"You said that Natsu, Yukio and Shiemi are together so then all that's left is Kuro, Erza and that other chick" I asked Rin

"Yeah that's what it seems like" he said putting his hand up to his chin to think.

All of a sudden the ground began to shake in thuds. "Rin!" We heard a someone call out.

We all looked to the side to see Kuro carrying Yukio and Shiemi on his back running straight for us.

"AHH DANGER!" Happy freaked out and hid his face in Lucy's chest. Lucky ca- anyway Natsu was running with them.

"Hey it's Natsu!" Lucy waved at him and happy peeked his head out.

Kuro stopped a few feet away from us and Yukio jumped down helping Shiemi down as well.

Natsu on the other hand kept running then practically almost tackled Lucy to the ground.

Looks like happy's not so lucky after all..

"Man am I glad to see you guys!" He said with a giant grin on his face.

"Nat-su c-can't breath! Crushing-bones" Lucy tried to say before the dragon slayer released his death grip on them.

"Looks like we just have to find two more then huh?" Yukio said looking around at everyone.

"Guess so" I said scratching the back of my head

"We better hurry then we only have a few minutes left!" Rin said checking the time

"Kinda hopin' you guys would have found more people" Natsu sighed holding his hands behind his head

"Are you kidding my flame brain we found more than you!" I argued back at that idiot

"Are you guys seriously doing this right now?" Lucy questioned with a sweat drop

"Then let's get going, Ezra's this way" Natsu said pointing behind him with his thumb

"How do you know?" Rin asked

"The power of a dragon slayers schnoz!" Replied Happy

"Your kidding, that's so cool!" He said with a gleam in his eyes

Strange I thought he knew this already

"Well what are we waiting for?" Shiemi asked with a smile

"I'm taking Lucy, Gray, and Happy with me to look for Erza. You guys look for Shura and we part ways from there ok?" Natsu said grabbing me and Lucy by the shoulders.

"Ok sweet! See you guys then!" Rin said grabbing Yukio and Shiemi in response.

"Natsu what are you-" Natsu put his hand over Lucy's mouth before she could continue and began to drag us away with an idiotic smile plastered on his face.

What's he up to?

Once we were out of sight Natsu let go of us and started looking around.

"What's up Natsu?" Happy said flying up to him.

"I've got a plan" an evil grin appeared on his face for a second then he continued."this way" he waved us over and began to walk.

"Uh, since when does Natsu think up plans?" Happy whispered to me and Lucy.

"I don't know but something's up, I'm scared!" Lucy replied and we all looked over at Natsu as he hummed to himself walking along.


Lucy's POV

Ok so far I woke up to find myself chained to a chair in some weird school, all I know is that we have only a few minutes to find Erza and this Shura lady for some kind of sick game or happy, kuro,Erza ,shura, and I will die!

Not exactly the best thing to wake up to...

And now that I'm back with the guys Natsu starts acting up! Just what the heck is going on?!

I hope it's just a dream,I can't wait to get back home...

"Hey Lucy, don't you think Natsu's acting a bit off?" Gray comes up behind me and whispers into my ear.

Guess he noticed too, but maybe for a different reason?

"Yeah, did something happen?" I asked

He just looked at me as if I were stupid or something. "what?" He sighed.

"Come to think of it, why wasn't Natsu riding the kitty?" Happy whispered.

"You know it's rude to talk about me I'm right here!" Natsu shook his fist at us.

"Eek sorry!" I bowed.

"Jeez Natsu calm down, what's up with you?" Gray asked as we walked along.

"Yeah and why didn't you ride the kitty?" Happy said somehow seriously

"And what's with this plan?" I asked to join in on the interrogation.

"Hmmm" Natsu stayed quiet and just walked ahead of us.

Am I missing something here? I started to think back to as far as I could.

let's see I woke up today, got dressed, went to the guild, looked for a job and then went to the academy, went through some tunnels, met some demons......hmmm.

Then what happened?

Why was I in a classroom?

Ugh! This is so frustrating!

"Hey Lucy, you alright?" Gray noticed I was struggling to remember.

"Yeah, where are we going?" I asked trying to focus.

"Where else? We're going to get Erza" Natsu answered stopping.

"You know where she is?" Gray asked a bit impressed.

"Of course, she reeks of perfume" he said scrunching up his nose. I didn't know Erza wore perfume, then again she always smells nice.

"HEY ERZA!" Natsu screamed when all of a sudden a sword fell to the ground.

We all looked up to see Ezra's feet tied to a tree with rope from a trap.

A moment of silence fell as we just stared up at her for falling for such an obvious trap...

"Nice panties Erza" Happy snickered.

"If you don't get me down from here in the next five second the next sword will go through your skulls DO YOU HEAR ME?!" She yelled.

"Aye sir!" We said frantically trying to get her down.

Once she was finally down Natsu spoke up, "Alright this is where the plan takes its effect" he grinned.

"Plan? What plan?" Erza asked

"We don't know yet he hasn't told us anything" Gray responded.

"Shush we don't have time!" He said it a whisper yelled as we all huddled in for some reason.

"Now that we have everyone lets head back to the guild so that we don't risk anyone's life and get home Scott free" he said

"Natsu that's an awful plan, we won't get paid!" Happy said.

"Who cares if we don't get paid? I don't want you and Lucy to die" Natsu mummers

"That'd work if we weren't dealing with Mephisto" Erza said backing away from the huddle.

"What do you mean?" I asked

"He can poof us anywhere as long as we're in the boundaries of true cross, which we don't even have enough time to leave." she said

"How do you know that?" Gray asked

"I had a chat with him after I won the arena battle" she said crossing her arms.

"And that's kind of rude after Rin and everyone helped us we just leave them behind like that." I said looking down

"Oh you mean the same people that tried to kill us? The demons? Yeah they seem like great guys" Natsu said sarcastically

"The same ones who helped me find both Lucy and Happy, yeah" Gray said taking my side

"We don't have time for this, lets just hurry and help them find whoever so that we can leave" Erza said not wanting this to continue.

"How much time to we have left anyway?" Gray asked looking up at towards a clock tower.

"About 9 minutes" Erza said uncrossing her arms "so we should hurry".

"But I don't think they're there anymore, it'd take too long to regroup" I said since we did tell them to hurry didn't we?

"That's true there's no telling where the-"Gray was cut off by a loud voice.


We all looked to see a man yelling from the top of a building just far enough for us to be able to see where the voice came from.

"Who the heck is that?" Natsu asked drooping his arm down.

"I don't know and I don't care, lets go find Shura" Gray said calmly walking in the other direction.

"That guy has shura" Natsu said pointing at the strange man.

We all turned to the man and yelled in sync "WHAT?!"

"How do you know that?" Happy asked

"I can smell it from here she's around him, alright let's go Happy" he said walking past us again with happy close behind

"Should we do something?" Gray asked

"Like what? I'm sure Natsu can handle it" I said looking over at Natsu and smiling

"I'm not so sure about that." Erza spoke up and began to walk where Natsu was headed but by now was in the air with happy headed towards the building so gray and I followed.

"What do you mean?" I asked

"That's amaimon, the demon known as the king of earth." She said picking up her pace.

"What would someone like that be doing here?" Gray asked

"He's been with Mephisto this whole time, I can only assume he's played a part in this" she said requipting into some new armor.

"Keep up if you can, we need all the help we can get to do this quickly" she said then ran off faster then I could ever keep up!

"Woah she's fast!" Gray commented

"Yeah no kidding, how the heck are we suppose to keep up with her?!" I added

Gray looked around and then quickly froze the ground before I could say anything he grabbed me and began to skate on the ice at some impressive speed.

I was trying my best to say on without freaking out since I felt like we were going to crash at any minute.

"Gray this is crazy!" I said squeezing him so that I wouldn't fall.

"Ease up Lucy I can't breath, this way we'll get there faster we don't have much time!" He said as I tried to loosen my grip around him.

Eventually we caught up with Erza and the others were crowded around as well, all except Natsu who was nowhere in sight.

"What are you guys doing here?" Shiemi asked as Gray put me down next to him.

"That demon has your friend" Erza said clenching her sword.

"Wait amaimon has Shura?" Yukio asked to clarify.

"I believe so." she responded

"Oh you mean her?" The one named Amaimon grabbed shura by her hair and held her out for us to see.

"Yeah she's a fighter all right, I had a lot of trouble with her around" he said pulling her face up to his own.

"Shura!" Yukio yelled looking up at her.

"How much time do we have left?" Rin asked as I looked back at the tower to check.

"Uh.. five minutes!" Holy crap! We're almost out of time!

"Hang on, are we talkin' frieza blowing up the planet five minutes or...?" Rin asked but I didn't understand his question.

"Shut up Rin this is serious!" Yukio slapped the back of his head

"Ow! Hey!" He held his head and whined.

"I think this is perfect Rin, since the last few times we fought this one kept getting in the way" amaimon said holding shura over the edge.

I looked over at Rin to see he was insanely mad glaring up at him, do demons really fight? I guess that makes sense.

I looked back up at Amaimon when out of nowhere he ducks his head forward as flames appear behind him causing him to drop Shura.

"Oops" he said in a monotone voice watching her fall off the building then turning around to face what I assume is Natsu.

"That really hurt you know, so I guess I'll be fighting you then!" He took something out of his mouth and threw it to the ground.

Rin ran up and managed to catch Shura before she could hit the floor and began to skid across the concrete . ouch.

"NATSU YOU IDIOT! TRY THINKING BEFORE YOU ACT!" Gray yelled after watching what had happened.

"I'm done thinkin!" He yelled back

Wouldn't he have to think to begin with in order to be done with it? Oh well~


Hello! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I'm sorry it's a bit rushed but they are timed so I guess it's realistic?

Any who, as a fair warning I will be ending the story in the next few chapters sadly so it may or may not take some time to finish since I'd have to tie up any loose ends.

Thank you again for reading!

And as always~ comment and vote

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