Devil's Bargin •Bob Floyd•

By ScarlettAcklen

49.4K 1.2K 54

Abigail Seresin has been practicing military law for 4 years and she's never had a worse case then the dagger... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 9 Part 2
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 5

2.6K 61 6
By ScarlettAcklen

"You never said you were in the bird strike,"

Abigail sat next to Bob it was finally the end of the week and the dagger squad were enjoying a much-needed break at the Hard Deck as became the usual on a Friday night.

'Navy night' Penny had affectionately nicknamed it according to Rooster.

However, Abigail heard some girls giggling 'More like eye candy night' clearly eyeing up Rooster and Hangman which Abigail just thought was ridiculous, do porn stache or a Ken doll face really do it for people?

Bob looked up from his phone as she seated herself on the stool next to his "I had to get you to talk to me again somehow," he grinned.

She would admit that she hadn't properly spoken to Bob or any of the team for that matter since the Monday she started, she'd been building up an idea of the team and their workings which meant digging through Maverick's decades-long career of rebellion and Iceman's just as long career of saving his ass.

"Well it worked," she said "Because I'm curious, you ejected quite late,"

"The trigger was jammed, I couldn't eject properly until a little later than I'd have liked," Bob said "Same with Pheonix. . .She blames herself but a birdstrike could happen to literally any of us." Bob said.

"You seemed to walk away from it pretty physically okay," she said.

"Minus the metal I got in my shoulder," Bob snarked ". . .Fair," she nodded.

"Yeah, physically we could have been way worse but mentally. . .We weren't great" he said sadly.

"The file never mentioned any therapy or counselling," Abigail said.

"Because we didn't have any" Bob answered.

"Well were you offered it because you're definitely meant to be offered it after that type of event" She insisted.

"We wouldn't be fit to fly and we'd delay the mission" Bob argued. "Okay and if you had some form of a PTSD attack or something in the air on that mission, what would happen then?" She answered back. "We're fine now, they made counselling mandatory after the uranium mission anyway," Bob said.

"Right. . ." Abigail said sceptically.

"Hey, Mini Seresin, you should play a game," Payback called.

"Oh I'm not really into playing pool," Abigail shook her head lightly.

"Oh come on, one game, please," Fanboy joined in.

Abigail stood from her chair. "Lovely talking to you again Lieutenant Floyd," she said. "Likewise Ma'am," he said with a nod.

"I'm not good at it," Abigail told them as Fanboy handed her a cue.

"I'm sure you're great at it," he prompted.

"Yeah come on Abbs," Jake grinned. "See if you can beat me,"

"I can damn try," Abagail shot back.

Jake racked up the balls with a grin that said he knew he'd win.

Bob walked over whispering in Abigail's ear.

"Hey! No cheating," Payback called "She won't win with Baby on Board's help,"

Bob whispered again causing Abigail to laugh.

Abigail played against Hangman, Bob whispering each time it was her turn with Rooster's running commentary.

"And if Abigail gets this hit right she will have dethroned the reigning king of the pool tables, can she do it? Can her trainer and mentor Lieutenant Bob Floyd get her to the finish line?"

Abigail took a deep breath "you got this," Bob assured.

Abigail hit the ball watching them roll "And she does it! We have a new monarch at the pool table! Everybody bow to Queen Abigail Sersin!" Rooster announced.

"Oh please, I think Bob should take that title, he helped," Abigail laughed.

Rooster stood silent for a minute arm still raised in his dramatic pose "And her royal advisor! Sir Robert Floyd!" He shouted dramatically bowing to the two, Phoenix through fits of laughter doing the same.

"Ya'll take pool very seriously," Abigail commented.

"Friendly competition never killed anyone," Rooster shrugged.

"They say it makes them better at flying, I say they just want an excuse to yell at each other," Bob said as Abigail walked with him to the bar.

"Well, either way, let me get your next drink, as a thank you," Abigail said.

"I don't really like alcohol, I just don't like the taste," he said.

"Can I buy you something then?" She asked.

Bob nodded.

"Hey, Pen!" Abigail called "Two Jack and Cherry cokes," she ordered.

"Can't taste anything in it," she promised.

"I'll trust your taste," Bob nodded as the drink was handed to him.

"To new royalty," he chuckled clicking her glass with hers "To new royalty," Abigail said.

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