The lost triplets

By hgmgyj

1.9M 60.1K 9.8K

Alexander, James and Skye were triplets. They were stolen from their family at the age of 4. The family searc... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
the house
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 50
chapter 51
chapter 52
chapter 53
chapter 54
chapter 55
chapter 56
chapter 57
chapter 58
chapter 59
chapter 60
chapter 61
chapter 62
chapter 63
chapter 64
chapter 65
chapter 66
chapter 67
chapter 68
chapter 69
chapter 70
chapter 71

chapter 35

26.8K 917 143
By hgmgyj

Okay so you all probably want to kill Frank after last chapter but I've decided on his fate.

Also the triplets backstory will be explored in later chapters would you guys want a more wattpad version or slightly more realistic version. I do try to be realistic in certain areas but obviously it's wattpad. However Im debating whether to make it a little more realistic. So comment your opinion on this.

Marco woke up gasping for air, tears fell down his face, he never let anyone see this side of him. The vunerable side. He had nightmares not often but he suspected this one was brought on by confessing what he did to him. It was 2am. Everyone was asleep by now.


The name made him shudder.

But then another thought crossed his mind. Skye had also suffered at his hands and admitted it. Was she okay?

He couldn't not check on her. So he changed and left the room to check on her. She has suffered more than him and he couldn't bare the thought of her having nightmares like he did.

He quietly opened her door hoping to see her peacefully asleep but instead she was twisting and turning her eyes tightly shut tears rolling down her face. Muttering the word no over and over.

Marco hated it and was by her side in seconds

"Skye, Skye please wake up. It's just a nightmare but you need to wake up" he said. He  knew if he held her she would freak out more when she woke up.

"Skye, please just open your eyes for me. You're safe now " he continued.

Her eyes suddenly snapped open.

At first she looked at Marco in fear and terror then her eyes widened in realisation"I didn't mean to disturb you. I'm sorry" she whispered.

"You didn't disturb me, I came to check on you" Marco told her.

Skye didn't know what to say she just nodded. Marco had just seen her at her most vunerable. She never really slept but since coming here she was getting better but the nightmares didn't stop.

"You're safe," he told her but he was also telling himself.

Marco didn't shout at her like she expected. Skye watched him, he didn't make a single move and didn't look like he was going to attack her.

Everytime she had a nightmare, Alex and James would hold her. She didn't want to disturb them here though so she never really told them however right now she needed comfort.

Maybe Marco....she quickly dismissed that thought knowing he would never.

"Can I hug you Skye" Marco asked. As a child he would have loved someone to have held him after a nightmare and he knew his father would have if he had known. Marco shut down so he never did tell his father about the nightmares.

Skye nodded needing the comfort.

Marco held her tightly. She had always been by his side when she wasn't with Alex or James.

"Don't leave me" Skye said when Marco pulled away. It had been a good half hour of the two siblings hugging each other.

"You need sleep Skye" he stated.

"Please don't go" Skye instantly regretted saying that. She moved away thinking Marco would beat her or at the very least insult her.

Marco nodded "I'll be in the chair" he said deciding he didn't want to leave either.

He took a seat on the lounge chair but before he could close his eyes Skye spoke "don't go. You're too far away" Alex and James never left her side usually.

"Okay where should I sit then" he asked as he stood ready to move the chair to wherever she requested.

Skye didn't say anything she just curled up asleep leaving the duvet open at one side.

"Are you sure Skye" Marco asked getting the message.

"Don't leave me" she mumbled.

Marco reluctantly got in the bed.  Making sure to give her plenty of room. Despite sleeping around which he only did to feel like he had a choice. He did it because he wanted it on his own terms but despite that he never slept next to anyone.

So when Skye curled into him he went tense not knowing what to do whether to push her back to her side or let her seek comfort in him. He had never comforted anyone since they had been taken. Not even his brothers.

He lost most of his friends...he couldn't bare the thought of being around anyone.

He got into the wrong crowd....he did heavy drugs, smoked and drank to try and forget but nothing worked.

But Skye curled up to him, it oddly helped. He knew where she was, he knew she was okay and she was finally safe. She was back home. And the boys too, Alex and James were fast asleep in their rooms.

The triplets were safe and that helped him.

So he let her cuddle him. And suprisingly he drifted off into a peaceful sleep.

"What the fuck did you do to her. Get off my sister now. You fucking monster, get your hands off her"

Alex had come to wake Skye up as she hadn't come to his room so he had presumed she was still asleep. He didn't expect to see Marco holding her. He didn't notice how she was cuddled up to him or clutching onto his t-shirt, almost as if she was afraid he would leave her .

He saw Marco holding her and snapped.

Marco opened his eyes instantly but was met by a punch to the face. At first he was confused then he understood and quickly stood but Alex wasn't having it. He started hitting Marco. Marco didn't stop him, he knew he deserved it for everything he had done in the past weeks.

"Stop it. Stop hitting him"

Both boys turned and saw a fearful Skye.

"Stay out of this Skye.He was holding you Skye, he was touching you. The sick fucker had his hands on you" Alex snapped.

Marco didn't like what Alex had implied and felt himself recoil as he remembered Frank.

He felt sick and knew he would only throw up again once he got back to his room. He couldn't let anyone see. Skye was an exception, he didn't mean for her to see.

"No he didn't. I asked him to stay" Skye said just as the door opened and Lorenzo walked in. He had heard shouting when he walked past

Alex didn't stop his attack on Marco and Lorenzo was quick to pull Alex away. Lorenzo smiled slightly thankful Marco wasn't in his room.

"What the fuck is going on" he demanded.

"The sick fucker was touching her" Alex snapped.

"Marco?" Lorenzo knew Marco would never but he was curious as to why Marco was in Skye's room especially after not leaving his own room for a week.

"I had a nightmare, I asked Marco to stay with me and I was cuddled up to him, he must have put his arm around me but I was the one who wanted him to stay. He wanted to sit in the armchair but I wanted him closer. Please don't blame him. I was cuddling him. He didn't do anything" Skye explained before Marco could reply. She saw he was struggling with accusation. She knew the look in his eyes. He was thinking of what Frank had done.

She loved Alex and James, they meant everything to her. She knew they witnessed things that should never have happened. They knew the pain she went through but they didn't know how it actually felt. Maybe they were hurting  just as bad as they had  to witness it but Marco did know and Skye, although she didn't forgive Marco for his cruel words she found a connection forming.

The same went for Marco. He never meant to tell her, it just came out when he was vunerable but in a way it helped. He knew she wouldn't treat him different.

They could relate in a way.

"Why didn't you come to me" Alex demanded still not happy. He didn't trust Marco. He didn't trust any of them.

"I didn't want to wake you" she tried to say.

"How did Marco hear anyway"  Alex asked suspicious of Marco.

"Skye and I talked earlier. I just wanted to check up on her"

"You talked?" Lorenzo was suprised. Marco had been refusing to talk to any of them

"Yes. I should go back to my room" Marco said still feeling sick.

"Ok I'll walk with you" Lorenzo said, Marco rolled his eyes knowing it wasn't a suggestion.

"Did you talk to her about the abuse?" Lorenzo asked quietly as they walked down the hallway.

"A little but our conversation is private" Marco was very blunt. He didn't want to talk.

Thoughts were clouding his mind and he just wanted to throw up. He didn't want Lorenzo to see him vunerable so he just wanted Lorenzo to go back and comfort the triplets.

"Will we be seeing you at breakfast" Lorenzo asked.

Marco shook his head. He wanted to be alone.

Lorenzo got that and nodded "I'll bring some food up later" he said and left as they reached Marco's room.

Marco raced to his bathroom shutting the door and throwing up once more. His hands were shaking  and tears fell down his face.

Meanwhile (this is set the moment Lorenzo and Marco left)

"I do t like him near you. You should have gotten me"  Alex stated.

"He's not that bad" Skye defended.

"No of course not. He only attacked James and I, and don't think I haven't noticed how you avoid him at all costs" Alex said.

"He also helped me when his friends attacked me and when those people took you and James, he stopped them too. He's not that bad" Skye defended.

"Are you fucking stupid. He's evil. He did a few decent things but he's still a monster. You want to defend a monster Skye, go ahead but when he attacks you, you will see I'm right. He's not a nice person, he probably sent his friends to get you because that's the kind of person he is. And the fact that you let him stay with you is unbelievable" Alex practically shouted.

Skye had tears running down her face as Alex spoke.

"Go away Alex. I appreciate you're trying to protect me but Marco isn't a monster. He would never do what they did. He has anger issues yeah but he isn't evil"

"How do you know he wouldn't do that. He had his arm around you. Who knows what he was thinking"

"By that logic you are saying you and James are the same. You are both always hugging"

"That is different Skye. We are your brothers. He may be biologically our brother but we dont know him. He could do anything and you're too fucking stupid to see what a sick evil monster he is"

"Get out Alexander" Skye said coldly.

Alex rolled his eyes "you will only get hurt Skye" he said and left.

He really didn't mean to be a dick. He did feel bad for how he spoke but he had been protecting Skye and James all his life.

They didn't know these men. And Alex didn't like his theory of them being in a gang. He didn't want his siblings to get hurt and he saw Marco as the one who could do the most damage.

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