Quit You (HunterXReader[The O...

By officialsimpcentral

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Life on the Boiling Isles is tough by default. Between the acid rain, demons and monsters running around, and... More

Chapter I - New Job
Chapter II - Eclipse Lake
Chapter III - Friends
Chapter IV - Belos's Rage
Chapter V - Any Sport In A Storm
Chapter VI - Sleepover
Chapter VII - Hollow Mind
Chapter VIII - On The Run
Chapter X - Clouds On The Horizon
Chapter XI - King's Tide
Chapter XII - Safe Here
Chapter XIII - Time Passes By
Chapter XIV - Kisses
Chapter XV - Scared
Chapter XVI - Thanks To Them
Chapter XVII - For The Future
Chapter XVIII - Watching And Dreaming

Chapter IX - Labyrinth Runners

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By officialsimpcentral

Camping out in Hexside wasn't as bad as I'd been expecting. I mean, I didn't know what to expect, but it wasn't this. We were staying in the Paranoratorium. It was closed for repairs, the doors barred with yellow tape. Inside was a bunch of huge wooden crates and a stage. Me and Hunter kept our stuff in a small nook tucked behind the blue curtains.

It was quiet and no one gave us much trouble or found us. We managed to get food from the cafeteria at lunch and stole it for breakfast and dinner. On our second day I went out to get myself some food. Hunter sent Flapjack since he couldn't disguise himself in illusions like I could. I posed as a student and grabbed a lunch tray. I cued in line and was served without anyone sparing a glance at me. Then I made sure no one was looking and left the hall, heading back to the Paranoratorium. When I got there I found Hunter stood on the stage with his hood up and Gus Porter infront of him, pointing his Palisman staff at him.

I dropped my tray with a clatter and ran over. I vaulted onto the stage and summoned my spear. I held it tightly with both hands.

"You too?" Gus asked. "What are you two doing here?" He demanded.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" Hunter asked darkly. He chuckled and stepped forward. "But rest assured, Gus, we-"

Something fell in our little hideout. Gus looked and Hunter stepped to the side. He held out his arms and hid it with his cloak, blushing. I cleared my throat and looked back at Gus, nodding for him to continue.

"I'll ask you one more time," his tone softened. He dropped his staff to his side. "What are you doing here, Hunter, Y/n."

We glanced at eachother. Flapjack swooped down from nowhere and pulled on Hunter's hair strand. He yelped and his hood fell down.

"Okay, fine!" He yelled. Flapjack let go and landed on his shoulder. "Truth is, our living situation has been... compromised. Maybe."

"We just needed a place to crash for a couple nights." I said, holding my spear by my side.

"Hexside was the only place I could think of." Hunter muttered, folding his arms.

"How... vague of you." Gus said. "Do you know where Luz is by any chance?"

"She's not with The Owl Lady?" Hunter asked.

Above us, Principal Bump's voice came through the speakers. "Students. Please join me in the gym for an important announcement."

"I'm not sure what you're going through," Gus said. He cast a spell and a bag dropped into Hunter's hands. "But that much Hexmix can't be good for your stomachs."

Hunter opened the bag and I peered inside. It was a sandwich, apple and orange.

I looked up to thank him, but Gus was already running out. I watched him go, then noticed my lunch. It had fallen off the tray and splattered all over the floor.

"Aw," my shoulders sagged in disappointment. Hunter offered me half of the sandwich. I smiled and took it. "Thanks."

"No problem."

We sat down. Hunter opened Gus's lunch box and tipped it upside-down. The apple and orange spilled out. We both grabbed one.

"You reckon he'll tell?" I asked before biting into my sandwich.

"Not sure." Hunter said. "Not at first, but..."

"We should probably consider moving soon." I finished.

Hunter nodded and bit into his sandwich. He chewed and swallowed. "What do you think happening in the gym?"

I thought for a moment. "Oh, crap,"

Hunter sat up. "What?"

"Back in the barracks I heard some scouts talking about a mission to Hexside. They were gonna trick the kids into getting coven sigils."

Hunter said nothing for a moment, thinking it over. He stood and held out his hand. Flapjack flew into it and turned into a staff. I stood and picked up my spear.

We abandoned our lunch and ran out. I closed the door behind us and locked it with magic. We ran through the halls and into the gym. I disguised us as students and my spear as a Palisman. We mingled into the crowd, keeping our heads down.

Bump was introducing a man on stage. He held up his hand and cut him off. He walked forward.

"Please, Principal Bump, I deserve no accolades." He wore a brown jacket, hood up to cover his face. Black trousers and boots. He had a long blue tale with blonde fur on the end. He pulled his hood down and revealed dishevelled navy hair and a earing shaped like a magnifying glass.

I recognised him instantly as Adrian Graye, Head of the Illusion Coven. He introduced himself as such. I tensed, he wasn't one of the nicer coven heads.

"Unfortunately, I'm not here with good news. The Emperor's Coven has plans to stop multitrack studies by inducting every Hexside student into a coven before the Day of Unity."

Everyone gasped and muttered to eachother. One kid swore loudly and ripped off the sleeves of his uniform. Me and Hunter shared a look.

"Don't worry." Bump said. "No one's magic is going to be sealed away. Head Witch Graye supports us. And has come to help."

One scout with Graye stepped forward and lead a boy towards the stage. I knew him from picking up abomatons. Edric Blight.

"Before any coven scouts come by, I'm going to make illusions of siglils on your wrists." Explained Graye. "They'll be temporary and harmless."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait. Wait." Edric said, backing away from Graye slightly. "I just started the other tracks. Are you sure this is safe?"

"Don't worry, once the scout sees your fake sigil he'll move on. And you can continue your studies in peace." Graye said.

Edric pulled up his sleeve and presented his wrist. Graye cast a spell and lowered his hand towards Edric.

"STOP!" Gus yelled from somewhere in the crowd. Everyone around him parted. Me and Hunter pushed forward and watched him. Gus pointed at Graye.

"Don't trust him! He's hiding behind an illusion!"

He cast a spell and fired it at the stage. Graye was engulfed in blue smoke. When it cleared, a scout Captain was stood in his place, wearing the coven sigil branding glove.

Edric gasped and stepped away. Bump and another teacher on stage stepped infront of him. The other teacher and scout captain cast a spell.

"Cut!" Someone yelled. "Just... just cut."

Around the room, illusions fell. Coven scouts were posted every few feet around the edge of the room. Three were behind the Captain holding lighting equipment. Two were behind the teachers and Edric with mics. In centre stage was the real Adrian Graye, in his usual expensive clothes and holding a coffee.

He laughed the laugh that meant he was pissed. Even from across the room it made me shy away slightly.

"Alright. Couple of notes." He stood and walked over to a scout. "Tom! That Adrian illusion was lacking a certain... hmm. You get me?"

Tom shrugged and shook his head. Graye walked over to a scout on lights.

"Severine. That was really... poor work. You're on thin ice."

Severine groaned and dropped her light mirror thing. She hung her head. Graye walked over to the Captain.

"Captain, the read on your last line was just a little... mmm." He waved his hand from side to side.

"I don't know what that means." The Captain said.

"You'll figure it out." Graye handed him his coffee and disappeared in blue smoke. He reappeared behind Gus. He grabbed his arm.

"And you. Well, you just ruined any chance we had of making this something."

"You were gonna trick us into getting sigils!" Gus yelled, pulling away. The Captain walked through the crowd and handed Graye the coven sigil branding glove.

"Uh, yeah. I work for Belos. Kind of my job. But let's make sure you can never use your little illusion tricks again. Shall we?"

Slowly, he lowered the glove towards Gus. Gus yelled and pulled away. Hunter's grip tightened on Flapjack. I shifted my stance, ready to run or fight at a moments notice.

"Meet me at the door." Hunter said quietly. I nodded.

"I said... stay... back!" Gus yelled. His voice echoed and his eyes glowed bright blue. Energy of the same colour shot out in a ball around him. Half the people in the hall disappeared, the scenes around us started to change and swirl. People started to scream and run around.

"Now!" Hunter said.

I ran in the direction of the door, though I couldn't see it. I dropped the illusions on me and Hunter to save energy. He ran towards Gus and Graye.

I hit the wall, though it didn't look like the gym wall. I didn't recognise where I was. I felt around until I felt a door handle. I grabbed it tightly and looked behind me.

Hunter was running at me, his hand around Gus's arm. I pulled open the door. They ran through and I followed, closing it behind me.

We kept running, pushing through the semi-transparent illusions. I recognised a few places, the Owl House, the woods surrounding it. The illusions stopped and became opaque. But we kept running. We'd pushed through the walls, why not this one?

That was wrong. Hunter faceplanted into a wall and fell on his ass. Normally I would have laughed, but I was too distracted looking around. We were in Bonesborough, a town near Hexside.

He fell and took Gus down with him. Hunter sat up and rubbed his head.

"Why are we here?" He asked, looking around.

"What happened back there?" I asked, looking down at Gus.

He stood and looked around. I stepped back slightly. Hunter looked at him.

"Whoa, Gus," he said.

"You okay?" I asked. His left eye was still glowing blue. "Your eye..."

He groaned and rubbed it with his fist. He squinted and looked ahead.

"My spell. It's still active."

Hunter stood. "Well, you're a witch. Unspell it."

"I thought you were meant to be smart." I said. Hunter shot me a look.

"I-I don't know how." Gus stammered. "I've never made one this big before."

"Well, if we're still at Hexside, we should find a teacher." Hunter started walking, one hand on the wall. Where he touched it, it glowed blue and shimmered as he broke the illusion. We followed.

"They'll know how to help, right?" I asked Gus over my shoulder.

"Guys, why'd you save me back there? From getting a sigil. Don't those guys work for you?" Gus asked.

"Work for him." I nodded at Hunter.

"I owed you." Hunter lied. "For the food."

We reached and staircase and stopped. Hunter eyed them suspiciously.

"Are these real steps? Or illusion steps?" He asked. I shrugged.

He stepped over the edge and fell face first down them. I grabbed the end of his cloak and pulled him backwards panickly. I held him close to me as we both stumbled.

"Real steps." Hunter decided.

"I noticed." I nodded.

So close to eachother, we both started to blush. I let go and crouched, picking up my spear. We started down the stairs carefully.

"When we first met, you two were trying to trick me into joining a coven." Gus said.

"I don't think trick is the right work." I said. "Forced would probably be better."

"And now, you're helping me stay away from one. Cause of a sandwich?"

"It was a good sandwich." Hunter said.

"No sandwich is that good." Gus said.

"This sandwich was." I shrugged.

"Come on." Gus said. "If we wanna find a way through this, we need to trust eachother. What's going on with you?"

Hunter stopped. He opened his mouth and hesitated. "I-"

"Hey! It's the kid!" Infront of us, two coven scouts.

Hunter summoned Flapjack and teleported over. I gripped my spear tightly and ran towards them.

Hunter appeared behind one and knocked them down with Flapjack. The other trapped him in a spike of abomination goop. Using magic, she pulled Flapjack towards her. The bird flew onto my shoulder as I swung my spear, hitting her in the head with the blunt end. The other gaurd was on one knee. They cast a spell and blue beams of energy shot out at me. They threw me against the wall and pinned my arms to my side. Gus ran forward. They entrapped him in two vines.

"Wait, aren't you the Golden Gaurd?" One scout asked.

"Oh, great." I said sarcastically. They didn't even look at me. They were distracted. I started to struggle out of the magic constraints.

"Seriously?" The other scout stood. "Dude, what the hell? We're on the same side!"

"Our deepest apologies, sir." The scout said. She released Hunter from his abomination prison. "The Emperor sent out a search party for you. He's been worried sick."

"You don't say," Hunter said nervously.

"I'd be honoured to escort you back to the castle, sir." The scout said.

"That's my job." I said. I yelled and broke the constraints. I stood and cast a spell. The abomination goop on the floor took shape and punched the scout nearest to me unconscious. Flapjack flew over to Hunter. He grabbed the staff and hit the other scout in the back of the head, hard.

"Let's go!" I ran over to Gus and cut through the vines with my spear. Gus detangled himself and the three of us ran as fast as we could away from the scouts.

"Follow me." Gus said, running ahead. We followed him down and alleyway and through a wall.

On the other side was what I guessed to be Gus's bedroom. We stood with our backs to the "door", breathing hard.

Hunter ran a hand through his hair and walked forward. "Oh, Titan! He's looking for me! He'll know I'm here. I gotta run! I gotta hide!"

He sat down against a chest of draws. He was breathing hard and struggling to get his words out. I sat down beside him and put a hand on his shoulder.

"Hey, Hunter. Remember what I said, okay? It's gonna be alright. Deep breaths. Remember?" I took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. Hunter did the same shakily.

Gus sat down on the other side of him. "Try this." He suggested. He took a deep breath, counting to four on his fingers. Then he exhaled for four. Me and Hunter copied. I was feeling on edge myself.

"Did you run away from the Emperor's Coven?" Gus asked once Hunter's breathing was under control.

"Yeah." I said quietly, hugging my knees.

"Why?" He asked.

Hunter opened his mouth, hesitated, closed it and hugged his knees. "Hmpf."

"He's secretive." I told Gus. I patted Hunter's head.

"I told you to stop doing that."

"You like it." I said. He didn't deny it. I took my hand away, triumphant.

"Not too long ago, when I showed a little talent and started taking more advanced classes, I always felt like anyone who wanted to be my friend had an ulterior motive. Until I met Willow. And, eventually, Luz. And some others."

He stood and walked over to a wall. Three banned posters were hung on the wall showing him, Willow and Luz. A few other pictures of the three of them and Amity Blight were hung up around them.

"So, yeah, not everybody's great. But not everybody has to be bad either, you know? For what it's worth, you can trust me. I promise not to mess with you."

"That's not worth anything. Stop acting foolish." Hunter said.

"It's called a child's innocence." I said. "Can't blame him for it."

"Alright, tough guys." Gus said, walking towards a wall. "Let's keep moving, then."

He stepped through it. Me and Hunter stood and followed. We wondered through a forest for a minute, then finally, we were back at Hexside.

"Is this... real?" Hunter asked.

Gus walked over to a water fountain and touched it, getting gum all over his hand. "Yes. Yeah, we made it through the illusion. High five!"

He held up his hand. Confused, Hunter did the same. Gus slapped their hands together and laughed.

"Thank Titan for that." I said. "What now?"

At the of the hall, Willow walked round the corner. She saw us and gasped.

"Willow!" Gus yelled, running towards her. "You're okay!"

"Augustus!" Willow put her hands on Gus's shoulders. "I've been looking everywhere for you. Whoa, what are they doing here?" Willow saw us.

"Pleasure to see you too, Captain." I said.

"Don't worry. It's cool. They helped me escape from Graye." He covered his mouth with his hand. "I think they ran away from the Emperor's Coven. Also, they haven't showered. In a while. Be nice."

"We can hear you." I said loudly.

"Interesting." Willow said. "Anyway, let's find the others before these illusions get any more..." She fake-screamed.

Me and Hunter shared a suspicious look. Gus didn't pick it up.

"Okay. Let's get moving." He said.

Willow put a hand on Gus's back and the two walked away. Hunter summoned Flapjack and teleported infront of them. I held my spear with both hands and tensed, running up behind them.

"Who are you?" Hunter demanded.

"What are you doing?" Gus stepped between Hunter and Willow. "Willow's on our side."

"That's not Willow." I said, moving my spear closer.

"You're scaring me, Y/n." Not-Willow said.

"Have you ever seen her play Flyer Derby? There's no way she'd be afraid of us." Hunter said.

"I'm more scared of her." I said quietly.

Gus backed away from her. Not-Willow looked between the three of us nervously.

"Oh! Again? Cut!" Adrian Graye called out from somewhere.

Not-Willow's illusion faded. Instead was a familiar, tall coven scout with cat ears pointed through her hood.

"Severine!" Graye yelled from wherever he was.

"Severine? C'mon, seriously?" I asked, more annoyed than anything.

"This is still my job!" She said indignantly.

"Severine!" Graye yelled again. She yelped and turned. I looked past her and saw Graye stood pinching his nose. "You had your shot, and you blew it! Not that I'm surprised."

"But I-I followed all your notes." Severine said.

"Well, they were still able to see through your shoddy performance." Graye walked towards us. I was between him and Severine. I didn't want him close to me. I gabbed my spear point at him.

Graye stopped and continued as if I wasn't even there. "So maybe you should've figured out the note inside the note."

Severine hung her head and walked away. I stepped back and stood beside Hunter and Gus. Graye turned to us.

"And you three are making my job very difficult,"

We turned and ran. Hunter grabbed Gus's hand and Flapjack fluttered to his shoulder. We reached the end of the hall and Emperor Belos rounded the corner. He stared down at us with glowing blue eyes. We skidded to a stop. I put an arm infront of Hunter.

"Belos," he breathed.

Graye kicked Hunter to the ground from behind. He grabbed hold of Gus. I went to attack him but Severine came up behind me. She took my spear and threw it aside. She held my arms behind my back tightly.

Graye snapped his fingers. Belos disappeared in a puff of blue. An illusion. He was actually just two coven scouts. I groaned in frustration that we were tricked so easily.

"I command you to stop!" Hunter yelled, still on the ground under Graye's foot.

The scouts stopped.

"Technically, he is our superior." One said.

"Well, right now, he's just a runaway." Graye shrugged. "And our dearest Emperor wants him back. So tie him up."

One grabbed Hunter and hauled him to his feet. I struggled and pulled, but Severine was suprisingly strong.

Hunter kicked on scout away and headbutted the other behind him. He groaned.

"Just put him-" one said as he got a better grip on Hunter.

"Out of his misery?" The other guessed. He cast a spell. "Got it."

"Leave him alone!" I screamed, pulling against Severine desperately.

"To sleep, dude! To sleep!"

"Oh, yeah. Right, right." The other scout dropped the spell. He cast another and summoned a pipe instrument. He played it and Hunter's eyes fluttered shut.

I growled and threw my head back. I hit Severine and her grip loosened. I wrenched an arm free and elbowed her in the face. She stumbled back and I spun. I kicked her in the face. She dropped down to the floor.

The scout with the pipes started to play. I grabbed it out his hands and snapped it in two. I him in the face with one half and threw the other at the scout holding Hunter. I went through the eye hole of his mask and stuck there. He yelled and held his face, falling backwards.

I turned to Graye and ran at him. He turned and disappeared in a puff of blue smoke, Gus aswell. I yelled and swiped my hand and where they'd just been. I waved my arms about trying to catch them, but they were gone.

I growled in frustration and turned back to the scouts. Severine seemed to be unconscious. The one with Hunter was curled on his side holding his eye. I think he was crying. The third was starting to sit up. Hunter was lay down in a heap between them.

I stalked over and put a foot on the conscious one's chest. I pushed him back down and summoned my spear to my hand. I pointed it at his face.

"Stay down." I warned.

He scoffed and grabbed my spear, just above the blade. "I'm not scared of you."

I yanked it back and tossed the spear behind me. I held out my hand and cast an illusion spell. I appeared in my scout uniform minus the mask.

"Do you know who I am?" I spat, angrily.


"I trust you heard about the scout that's been trailing behind the Golden Gaurd? That's me. I am his escort. Assigned by the Emperor himself to keep him safe. When I tell him what you did today he will have your heads. Maybe I should just put you out of your misery now,"

I cast a fire spell. A small burst of fire flew from my finger tips towards him. Enough to scare him, not enough to hurt him.

"Wait!" He yelled desperately.

"What did you do to him?" I asked darkly. It had been a while since I'd put on this act. It almost felt good to be feared again. I managed not to smile. I didn't need to be that crazy.

"Nothing! He's just asleep. Y'know, bard magic! It's harmless."

"Bard magic is harmless." I muttered with an eye roll. "And Gus? Where did Graye take him?"

"T-to the gym. I think."

"You think?" I bent over slightly, bringing my face closer to his. "Or you know?"

"I know! He's in the gym. Please, don't hurt me." He whimpered, turning his face away. "And please don't tell Emperor Belos."

"I'm not that evil." I muttered, straightening. I cast a spell and put him to sleep.

I had to find Gus. But I also had to keep Hunter safe. The scouts uniform seemed to enforce some kind of respect, especially the golden over cloak, I'd noticed that before leaving the castle. I had to find the other students. I'd get Hunter help and tell them where Gus is, then we'd all go help him. I didn't like my chances against a Coven Head alone.

I grabbed Hunter and tried to lift him. "Titan," I muttered. With a lot of struggling, I managed to get him over my shoulder. I grabbed my spear off the floor and jogged away, looking for Hexside kids.

After a minute of wondering, I was attacked. Something hit me from behind and sent me sliding across the floor. I got to my feet and turned. I recognised them both, Skara and Viney from Hunter's Flyer Derby team.

I couldn't help but smile when I saw the two girls.

"Oh, hey, guys-"

I was cut off by Skara waving her Palisman staff at me. A beam of energy shot out at me and I jumped to the side. I rolled and came up on one knee. I held up my hands. The two were already casting more spells.

"Wait! Wait, wait! Wow, you're fast." I dropped the illusion of my scouts uniform. "It's okay. It's me, Y/n. Salem. From Flyer Derby."

"What are you doing here?" Viney asked suspiciously.

I hesitated and glanced at Hunter, who I unceremoniously dumped on he floor.

"Long story. I'm not completely sure myself. But, look, Hunter needs help. Please. I promise you can trust me."

They glanced at eachother before dropping their staffs. I stood and walked over to Hunter. Viney helped me carry him, on arm over our shoulders each.

"Thanks." I said.

"Don't thank me yet," she said. "We have to see what Principal Bump says."

"Great." I muttered.

They lead me to the Healing Homeroom. Inside, kids were sat on foldable beds getting their cuts and bruises patched up. Principal Bump and the other teacher from before were wondering around checking on people. Bump saw us and walked over, eyeing me and Hunter suspiciously.

"Skara, Viney, who are these two?" He asked.

"Uh..." Skara said, hesitating.

"A coven scout and the Golden Gaurd." Viney said.

"Way to soften the blow." I told her. She shrugged.

"Why would you-?"

"They're cool." Skara said quickly. "We know them."

"We're not with Graye, sir." I said. "My friend needs help. Please."

Bump hummed a response, still eyeing me suspiciously. He was thinking, I could see. I sighed. Viney yelped slightly as I dumped Hunter's full weight onto her. I went to one knee and bowed my head.

"Please, sir. I swear, I'm not lying."

"Uh..." Bump said, sounding uncomfortable. I looked up slightly and saw him step away from me. I was confused.

"What are you doing?" Skara whispered.

"Showing respect." I shrugged, also whispering. "Don't you do that here?"

"We don't kneel." Viney said.

"You don't kneel?"

"No, we don't kneel." She said like it was obvious.

"Oh. Shit, that's embarrassing."

"Well, if you're so, uh... you- you can stay." Bump started to speed-walk away. "Flyer Derby team, it's your job to watch them."

I shrugged to myself and stood. I helped Viney carry Hunter again and we took him to a spare bad. We lay him down and I sat beside him on the edge of the bed. Viney cast a healing spell on him. Flapjack appeared and landed on his chest. He chirped.

"He's waking up." Skara said, leaning over him.

Hunter sat up and groaned, holding his head. He looked around, confused. He gasped.

"This-this is an illusion!" He decided. "Gus! Y/n! Are you-"

He shot to his feet and tried to run, only to collapse back down instantly. I reached over and grabbed him, pulling back onto the bed.

"Easy, golden boy. This isn't an illusion. You're fine. And me, thanks for asking. This time"

"This..? Oh, seriously? Are you still mad about that?" Hunter rolled his eyes.

"No," I said, "I'm teasing."


I rolled my eyes but couldn't help but smile. Then I had the same feeling I had on the hills by the Boiling Sea. I looked away, blushing slightly.

"You're in the Healing Homeroom." Skara told him.

"Well, Mr. Golden Gaurd." Principal Bump said, walking over with his hands behind his back.

"Hunter." He said, standing. Flapjack flew onto his shoulder.

"I'm Y/n." I said, standing beside Hunter.

"We saw you being dragged around by this one," he gestured to me, "and the Flyer Derby team was determined to save you."

"Thanks for the bruises." I said to Skara and Viney.

Principal Bump went on. "But I am not yet convinced of your innocence. Where have your scouts taken Augustus?"

"The gym." I said. "I asked."

"Asked?" Bump was suspicious.

"At spear point." I shrugged. "The whole reason I was dragging Hunter around was so I could find you guys and you tell you where Gus is."

"Maybe we can trade them for Augustus." The other teacher suggested. "I'm sure the Emperor would want his nephew back."

Hunter tenced. "We're not with them, I swear! We were with Gus the whole time. I was trying to get him to you. I'm not lying. Gus was showing us around. There was a sandwich. He showed me this breathing thing. Please, you gotta believe us."

Willow walked over and put a hand on his shoulder. "He's telling the truth. And he can help us drive Head Witch Graye and his scouts out of the school."

"Yeah, like that guy said, you are technically their superior. They have to do whatever you say." I said. 

"I guess," Hunter muttered. "Graye will be guarded."

"That won't be a problem." Amity stood. "Willow can bust through anything."

Willow smiled. "Yeah, but I'll need help."

"Say no more. I'm on it." One boy stepped forward.

Bump sighed. "Let's just come up with a plan."

"Yes! This is my favourite part." Skara said.


Disguised as a scout, I walked beside Bump towards the gym. Behind us, everyone was hidden under an illusion. I had my spear ready in hand. We rounded the corner. The gym was in sight. Four scouts and their Captain stood guarding the door. They spotted us and I cleared my throat.

"I've been ordered to escort Principal Bump into the gym." I said.

"Graye said it's off limits to everyone." The Captain said.

"Graye may be Head Witch, but I'm still Principal." Bump said. "It'd be wise to let me through."

"Graye's orders." I shrugged.

The Captain laughed and brandished his spear. "Oh, yeah?"

Bump summoned his Palisman staff. I dropped the illusion on myself and gripped my spear with both hands. Behind us, the other kids showed themselves.

The Captain whistled and more scouts poured out from inside the gym. He pointed at us.

"Get 'em!" He ordered.

Chaos decended. A flurry of magic and staffs. I ran at one scouts and dropped to the floor. I slid towards him, feet first. I took his legs out from beneath him and stood, behind him. He was on his hands and knees infront of me. I swung my spear and hit him the head, knocking him out.

Another was running at me. I swung my spear again and knocked them down. I ran at the next. I brought my spear up, aiming for her face. She stepped back and went to punch me. I stepped aside and elbowed her in the ribs. I swept my foot around and took her legs out. She collapsed and I brought my foot down on her chest. 

Infront of me, a scout was preparing a spell. Before I could move a vine shot out and wrapped around him, pinning him to the wall. I looked to see who had done it. I think Willow, but she was already fighting another.

I ran off. Viney and Skara were on the floor, Emira Blight knelt beside them with a healing spell, a scout preparing an attack. I whacked him in the head with my spear. I turned and saw a student struggling against a massive scout, towering over them. I swept my whole arm in a massive circle. I thrust my hand out and sent a burst of fire at the scout. It sent him flying back.  

I ran and drove the point of my spear into the ground. I swung around it, kicking a scout with both feet in the head. I landed, still spinning with momentum. I yanked my spear out the ground and stabbed a nearby scout in the arm. A flash of yellow caught my eye. Willow was knelt on the floor, huge vines in each hand. A scout was running at her. Hunter appeared by her side and spun, knocking the scout away. Another scout was coming up behind him. I ran over and cast a spell. A beam of energy shot out and blasted the gaurd to the ground. I kicked them onto their back and slammed my foot onto their chest. By then I was stood beside Hunter and Willow.

A massive burst of blue energy swept through the entire hallway. I shielded myself with my arms as it threatened to blow me off my feet. It had come from the Captain.

"ENOUGH!" He roared. "I will not be cowed by a group of students!"

Lazily, I cast a spell. Huge vines shot out the floor and through the ceiling above. The Captain flinched.

"You missed." He said. Then the ceiling collapsed and buried him and the scouts around him in ruble. The other scouts were all either unconscious or tied up in vines and abomination goop. We had won. Without wasting a second Hunter ran into the gym. I followed.

Inside, two scouts were on the floor holding their heads. Adrian Graye was crawling around yelling, his eyes glowing blue like Gus's earlier. Gus was sat hugging his knees in the middle of the hall, surrounded by a ball of angry blue energy.

"What's going on?" Amity asked as she and Willow ran in.

"Gus is trapped in his head. And the others are being affected too." Willow said.

There was a rumbling sound and the ground itself shook. We turned and saw a abomaton enter, breaking down part of the wall as it did. The other students were all wrapped in abomination goop behind it. The Captain stood in the doorway with a remote control in hand. He laughed.

"I needed a reason to play with one of these!" He yelled.

"I really have to talk to my parents about this." Amity said as the abomaton approached.

She and Willow summoned their Palismen.

"We'll hold them off. Hunter, you save Gus." Willow said. The two girls ran off into battle.

"I got your back." I told him. I went to follow but he grabbed my arm.

"How do I do this?!" He yelled.

"I don't know! Comfort him? Calm him down? Knock him unconscious? Just figure it out, Hunter!"

I pulled away and ran towards the abomaton. Amity and Willow were already a blur of abomination and plant magic. I ran past them, towards the Captain. He was distracted watching the abomaton.

By the time he saw me it was too late. He screamed. I drove my fist into his gut. I spun and kicked him in the chest. I slammed my spear flat into his back. He stumbled forward and I gripped my spear with two hands, pointing it at him. He turned to face me and pressed a few buttons on the abomaton remote.

The machine turned and walked towards me. I stepped back. Vines wrapped around it's waist and Willow yanked it back.

"Get the remote!" Amity yelled as she and Willow held it off.

I looked back at the Captain. I ran at him, making a swipe for the remote. He lifted his hand high above his head. And he was taller, so I misses it by a mile. I stumbled slightly and ran a few feet away from him. I stopped and turned to face him.

He laughed slightly and brought it down, pushing a few more buttons. I ran at him again, yelling. As planned, he lifted it above his head again. I drove my spear into the floor and jumped, vaulting straight up into the air.

I turned in the air. I put one hand on his head to steady myself as I flew. With the other I snatched the remote from his hands.

I landed behind him, light on my feet, and jumped back as he swung his huge arm at me. I summoned my spear into my hand and threw the remote down. I stabbed it straight through the middle, smashing it to pieces.

"No!" He yelled.

The abomaton started wondering and swinging it's arms randomly, moving almost like a hundred ton rag doll. I laughed a little, feeling cocky.

The Captain growled and ran at me. Abomination goop shot out at him and threw him against the wall. He stuck there.

"Thanks, Blight." I called over, resting my spear over one shoulder.

Amity smiled back. The abomaton was nothing but a pile of abomination goop, bits of golden metal sticking out here and there and wrapped in vines. I walked over to the other two girls. We stood admiring our work for a moment. I looked behind me. The blue energy was gone, Gus and Hunter were stood there together, Gus's eyes were both back to normal. I gasped.

"Gus!" Willow yelled. She and Amity ran over and hugged him. I ran over to Hunter.

"See? You got it." I flicked his hair strand.

"No thanks to you." He folded his arms.

"Remind me who saved you from getting kidnapped by Graye?" I said.

Out of nowhere, Willow grabbed us and pulled us both into a hug with her and Gus.

"Thanks, guys." She said.

"What... is... this?" Hunter asked.

"It's called a hug, golden boy." I said, patting Gus's back. "Just go with it."

The doors opened and Bump and the students walked in. Everyone congratulated eachother and made sure their friends were okay as Bump ordered the Captain out of his school.

Scouts were freed and, if possible, woken up. The rest were dragged away back to their airship outside. Everyone wound up stood at the top of the front steps watching them go. Lastly, Graye was dragged onto the ship, still muttering to himself in a daze. The Captain gave us one last warning:

"When Emperor Belos catches wind of this,"

"I'm sure he'll be thrilled to learn one of his captains was defeated by a couple teenagers." Bump smirked.

He groaned. Behind him, Severine was trying to sneak away.

"Severine! Get on that ship or you'll be walking back to the castle!"

"You know what?! It has been a rough year, and my self-esteem can only take so much. I quit!" She threw down her mask and stormed of. "I'm going back to the Tiny Cat Coven."

Everyone cheered. The Captain got on the ship and it flew away. The crowd started to disperse into smaller groups.
Me, Hunter and Gus wondered into the front yard to keep watching. Amity and Willow walked up behind us.

"I can't belive you took down a Coven Head." Amity said.

"Yeah," Gus said. "And I almost went down with him."

"Is Graye gonna be alright?" Hunter asked.

"Who cares?" I shrugged. "That guy's a dick."

"Hunter! Y/n!"

We turned and saw Skara, Viney, Edric and Emira Blight and a few kids I didn't know walk over.

"What's going on at the castle?" Skara asked.

"Did you actually leave the Emperor's Coven?" Viney asked.

"Have you ever sneezed with your mask on?" Edric asked.

A dog wearing uniform barked. I looked at it, confused, as Hunter answered.

"Everyone at the castle is traveling to the Head for the Day of Unity. I think we did. Or I did, anyway. Yes."

"That's gross, man." Edric said.

"Same." I said, getting over the dog. "About leaving the Coven, not the sneezing thing."

"You've never sneezed with your mask on?" Hunter asked.

I thought about it a moment and shrugged. "Don't remember. Probably."

Hunter shrugged back. He looked back at the group.

"Listen, Emperor Belos has been lying to everyone. The Day of Unity isn't about the Titan or magic. It's much scarier than that. Sorry, there's a lot to explain."

Bump stepped forward. "Then you better get started."

Me and Hunter glanced at eachother. I nodded to him encouragingly. Then, we told them everything. Hunter said most of it. I added what I knew from eavesdropping in the barracks. It took ages, but no one stopped us besides asking a question occasionally. Saying it all out loud really made it dawn on me. For years now, I'd been fighting for the bad guys. I was the bad guy. But I'd left it behind. My whole life would never be the same again. But, somehow, I wasn't scared. I mean, I was sacred. I was scared out my mind, but, at the same time, I felt something else. Almost, apprehension. Belos had hurt me, I had the hideous scars on my hand to prove it. And, from what I could tell, I think he hurt Hunter too. This was my chance for something I hadn't even realised I wanted. Revenge.

《- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -》

Whhooooooo revenge ark time! That's gonna be fun to write.

To make up for all my crappie short chapters, I gave you a crappie long chapter. Yay! Okay I actually kinda like this chapter so I take that back.

Also I got write some badass Y/n and a bunch of fighting scenes which was fun. Definitely liked those parts.

Anyway hope you enjoyed and have a nice day/night >:)

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