Batfamily one-shots

By Coffeeaddicted106

13.3K 200 68

Just as the title says. All characters belong to dc. None of the art is mine. More

Damian and fireworks
Jason and thunderstorms
Damian and nightmares
Brothers by heart not blood.
Tim can get sick?
Wally and Damian
Back from the dead into hell
Midnight coffee run
Please read
Damians first snow day
Nightmares and Christmas Lights
Damian Part Two


339 8 0
By Coffeeaddicted106

Prompt: Tim, Jason, and Damian go hiking. Damian lives with Tim.
Tim Drake: 18
Jason Todd: 20
Damian Al-Ghul Wayne: 11

Tim's POV

"Wake up demon!" I yell. I here some shuffling. Damian then walks into the kitchen wearing black jeans and a black t-shirt. I pass him some toast and eggs. "Ready to go hiking?" I ask.
"Tt Drake hiking is stupid." He states crossly. I roll my eyes. "Brat." I mutter.

We both get out of the car. "Replacement! Tator-tot! Over here!" We both look in the direction of the voice.
"Jason." I greet with a small smile.
"Hey Timbers ready to go hiking?" He asks. "Yep." He then turns to Damian.
"What about you short-stack?" Damian just stares daggers into him.

We have been walking for about 30 minutes. "What's up with demon?" Jason asks while pointing his thumb behind us where Damian is walking. I shrug.
"No idea." We keep walking until I here Damian yell. I turn around to see him tumble down the hill. Both Jason and I run down to him.
"Did the infamous Robin just slip?" Jason tease. I let out a chuckle. We both wait for Damian's response but nothing comes. Jason shoots me a concern look. He kneels down in front of Damian.  "You alright?" He asks. Damian's head shoots up.
"F-fine T-Todd" he stutters. I start to grow concern because Damian Wayne does not stutter. I kneel down beside Jason.
"Are you hurt?" I ask.
"I'm fine." He sneers. Damian goes to stand but when he puts pressure on his right foot he collapses. Jason catches him before he can hurt himself further.
"I need to look at your ankle." I state while moving to grab Damian's leg. He quickly kicks both Jason and I off.
"I'm fine really. Let's keep going." He states with a little tremble.
"No Damian let me see your foot." Jason commands. Damian shakes his head like a little kid. If we where in a different circumstances I might have thought it was cute. Jason rolls his eyes and grabs Damian anyways. Damian lets out a shriek and try's to fight Jason off. "Damian calm down." Jason orders. Damian doesn't listen. "Let me go! Let me go!" He cries. I decide to step in.
"Jason give me him." I state. Jason gives me a odd look but obeys. He passes me the thrashing child. I place him in my lap doing my best to keep him still.  "Damian look at me." I state. He does. "I need you to calm down okay?" He slowly nods. "In and out" I coax. It takes a few minutes but his breathing does eventually go back to normal. "Good boy." I praise. He leans his head against my chest and lets out deep breaths.
"Can you tell us what that was about Tater-tot?" Jason asks. He shakes his head no. I let out a sigh.
"Jason is going to look at your ankle now okay?" He stiffens. I nod to Jason. He makes quick work on checking out the ankle and wrapping it.
"This should stable it for now but we need to get it x-rayed." Jason informs. I nod.
"No we have to finish. I can finish." Damian states. Jason goes to answer but I send him a glare.
"We know you can finish but you don't have to. Do you Want to?" Jason sends me a look that screams 'what the hell are you doing.' Damian thinks for a moment before shaking his head no. "That's what I thought." Jason then stands up and grabs Damian from me. I stand and grab our bags.
"I can walk." I here Damian mumble but he makes no move to fight Jason on it.

We are half way down the hill when Damian breaks the silence. "I was 6." He whispers. Both Jason's and I freeze. "I had 24 hours to climb to the top. I tripped. I made it at 25 hours. I learned how to set and break bones that day." He whispers. Jason rubs Damian's back and holds him a bit tighter.
"Damian look at me." I gently order. He obeys. "We will never ever do something like that okay?" He nods. We head back to the car and start to drive to the doctor.

Word count: 706

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