Cheaters/Abusers x Male Reade...

By Shadowking2030

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A Story where you (Y/N) is cheated and abused by those who you thought was people you loved but apparently w... More

Important Notice
Bio Information
Prologue The Day A Protector Vanished
Chapter 1 A New World DxD Part 1
Chapter 2 Meeting the First One DxD Part 2
Chapter 3 The Magical Advisor Appears DxD Part 3
Chapter 4 Magic Training Under a Devil Leader DxD Part 4
Chapter 5 A Meeting with a Fiance DxD Part 5
Chapter 6 a Hellish Training DxD Part 6
Chapter 7 The Match For Ones Freedom DxD Part 7
Chapter 8 A Familiar plus A Holy Meeting DxD Part 8
Chapter 9 Meeting with the Angels and Fallens Dxd Part 9
Multiversal Army
Chapter 10 Facing a War Crazed Fallen DxD Part 10
Chapter 11 Meeting the White Dragon Emperor + Reading the letter DxD part 11
Chapter 12 The fifth Lover Plus Training DxD Part 12
Chapter 13 Answers received Dxd part 13
Chapter 14 A Life Changing Wish DxD Finale
Bio Update
Chapter 15 A New World RWBY Part 1
Chapter 16 A Day in Remnant RWBY Part 2
Chapter 17 Training The Arc + Tearful Reunion RWBY Part 3
Chapter 18 Match Against the Bully's RWBY Part 4
Chapter 19 Defending a City RWBY Part 5
Chapter 20 Immense Training + Confessions RWBY PART 6
Chapter 21 Meeting a Thief and a ice cream RWBY PART 7
Chapter 22 Obtaining the Golden Transport RWBY PART 8
Chapter 23 The Trap is Sprung RWBY PART 9
Chapter 24 The Unforgettable School Dance RWBY PART 10
Chapter 25 Triple Confessions RWBY part 11
Chapter 26 A Short Vision + Training RWBY Part 12
Chapter 27 Old Foe Appears + Clue RWBY Part 13
Chapter 28 Answers + Departure RWBY PART 14 (Final)
Chapter 29 Reunion and Confrontation Genshin Part 1
Chapter 30 Settling a Old Score Genshin Part 2
Chapter 31 Childhood Friends Reunite Genshin Part 3
Chapter 33 Visions Unlocked and a Family discussion Genshin Part 5
Chapter 34 Confessions + Training Genshin Part 6
Chapter 35 Tragedy Strikes Genshin Part 7
Chapter 36 New Universe Borderlands Part 1
Chapter 37 Saving a Leader Borderlands Part 2
Chapter 38 The Evil Jack appears Borderlands Part 3
Chapter 39 A Special base + Discussion Borderlands Part 4
Chapter 40 A Test and meeting the b-team Borderlands Part 5
Transformation Question
Chapter 41 Training Session and Confession Borderlands Part 6
Harem + World Question
Chapter 42 an attack on Sanctuary Borderlands Part 7
Chapter 43 Stealing the key Borderlands Part 8
Chapter 44 The Royal Reveal Borderlands Part 9
Chapter 45 Training with the Raiders Borderlands Part 10
Chapter 46 confessions and meeting the Sheriff Borderlands Part 11
Chapter 47 Training and a Confession Borderlands Part 12
Chapter 48 A Clue Found and Onward to the next World Borderlands Part 13

Chapter 32 Meeting The Archon of Geo and Lightning + Confessions Genshin Part 4

1.5K 26 2
By Shadowking2030

3rd POV

After reuniting with his childhood friends Amber and Xiangling yesterday

Y/N and his ten girlfriends are hanging out in Mondstat helping the citizens however they can

Citizen 1:Thanks for the help Y/N

Y/N:it's no trouble at all

Jean soon walks over to Y/N

Jean:Y/N Sweetie Venti wants to speak with you says it's important

Y/N:Alright mother I'll go see Venti just let me finish my rounds of helping the citizens

Jean:very well but don't let Venti wait too long

Jean walks off as Y/N continues to help around Mondstat

After several hours Y/N and his girlfriends meet up with each other

Y/N:were you girls able to help around the city

Weiss:we was able help around the city yes

Serafall:I noticed your mother talked to you while I was helping a citizen out honey

Y/N:Yeah she did and Venti wants to talk to me about something important

Yang:Should we come with you?

Y/N:It might be best  but I have no idea where I'm supposed to meet Venti at

Velvet:is there anything like a statue or something that resembles him?

Y/N:there is a statue of him near the church which should be a good spot to meet at

Neo:Lead the way babe

Y/N nods his head and heads for the statue with his girlfriends following

Arriving at the statue the eleven can see three individuals standing near it one being Venti of whom asked for Y/N

Venti:Good your here

Y/N:Sorry for the wait Archon Venti but can I ask who are the two figures next to you are

Venti:Of course please introduce yourselves you two

Figure 1:Very well I am Zhongli Also known as Archon Rex Lapis my element is geo or earth in simpler terms


Figure 2:Greetings I am El Baal but my archon name is Raiden Shogun and my element is electro or lightning in simpler terms

El Baal

Weiss:So if we may ask what is it that you needed to speak to Y/N about?

Zhongli:Our discussion is for Y/N only

Y/N:Yeah about that Archon Zhongli they do have a right to hear what you want to tell me. The reason for it is that before my return I was given a letter which specifically said that whatever I learn during my journey through the multiverse my girlfriends will also learn

El Baal:Very well then we have called you Y/N here to discuss the matter that Venti had witnessed in this Orb you showed on the day of your return

Y/N:What is it that you wish to discuss about the memory orb?

Zhongli:This army of darkness that is supposed to be threatening our universe as well as other universes we want to know if you have any information about it

Sona:From what we gathered we only know that they have people in every part of the multiverse

Akeno:and that this harbinger of water is also apart of the army of darkness

Zhongli:Childe is with them? Though I shouldn't be surprised

Y/N:None the less we all should be prepared for any attack wether we are gods or not as anything can happen at any given time

Venti:He's right

El Baal:regardless I am interested to know what you learned during your time away from our universe

Y/N:I learned many things during my time away archon shogun infact one such thing I learnt is the ability to fuse two people into one individual

Venti:I think I saw that during the memory orb you showed but could we see it in person?

Y/N:Hmm... Hey Weiss Sera do you think you could demonstrate the technique?

Weiss:Of course we'd be glad to darling


The two get into position before performing the technique


the two merge in a blinding light which after a few seconds reveal a figure that has the traits of both Weiss and Serafall together

Zhongli:This is the technique?

W+S:Yes it is called Fusion

El Baal:And what does this fusion bring?

Irina:Fusion allows the abilities of both fuses to be used for example if Zhongli and Venti were to fuse together the being they create would be able to use both ameno and geo abilities instead of a singular type

Zhongli:Quite impressive ability to have

Y/N:It is but the fusion only last 30 minutes after that you have to wait a bit before you can use it again

Suddenly Gogito appears near the group

Y/N:Master Gogito? What brings you here?

Gogito:I'm here to inform you Y/N that your time here will be a short one as you will have until the day after your training session from us to get what you need done in your home universe

Y/N:So it won't be as long as the other universes

Gogito:Correct see you on the day of training

Gogito vanishes from sight

Akeno:Well that happened

Sona:Indeed we will need to broaden our search for anything regarding to army of darkness intensely

Neo:Right Y/N will also have to find out who in this Universe loves him and who is to be apart of his light army

El Baal:Your making a army to counter the army of darkness?

El Baal asks Y/N

Y/N:I am yes but only the paper I received in the universe that Sona Akeno Serafall Irina and Ravel are from will tell me who in the universe I'm currently in at the time is to be apart of the army

Venti:We shall let you go now Y/N

Y/N:Right and if anything we will inform you if we find any more info in regards to the army of darkness

The three archons nod before going back to respective areas

Amber and Xiangling then approach Y/N

Amber:Hey Y/N can we talk?

Y/N:Sure what is it?

Xiangling:You know how you said that you will have girls fall for you during your journey through the multiverse?

Sona:I'm just gonna say what Y/N is about to say but you both love him right?

Amber blushes but nod her head as to say yes

Y/N:Well as I told the others in my harem before they confessed I want to hear your honest heartfelt answers not what your brain is thinking of

Amber and Xiangling both nod before explaining everything about how they feel for Y/N

Y/N: Very well I accept your confession you two welcome to the harem I'm growing

Amber smiles before kissing Y/N on the lips which Xiangling does the same after

After accepting the confession from the two girls the thirteen chat for a bit before Y/N and those from the other universe retreat to the house Y/Ns mother is letting them use which they each fall asleep in the beds provided


Shadow here and yes as the chapter says the reader and his girlfriends will have until the day after the first training in the Genshin universe to get what they need done

So be prepared for long chapters for the remaining chapters for the Genshin arc and as I said in the notice each arc will be 7-14 parts so I'm not breaking that rule

Anyway see you all in the next Genshin Part

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