Buddha's Wicked Wife

By jeon_jijae

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About the novels I post: 》They are Not. Mine. 》For Reading and Offline Purposes Only. 》Originally Chinese no... More

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By jeon_jijae


Chapter 71

Bei Yitong said with a small face: "Take a bath!"

When Yin Jitian heard such an answer, he couldn't help laughing and crying, and he didn't know if it was because of the red candles in the room. With a strange rosy.

"I'll take it off myself!" He took the initiative to take off the beads from his neck.

Bei Yitong stared at the Buddha beads that Yin Jitian put on the bed: "Can I borrow them?"

Yin Jitian looked at the golden Buddha beads, and smiled, "You can take a look at them!

" After recognizing the master of the aura magic weapon or tool, it needs the consent of the master to touch it with hands, otherwise there will be a phenomenon similar to the previous one.

Of course, if the spiritual power or cultivation of the person who touches it is higher than that of a magic weapon or a magic weapon, then it is another matter.

Bei Yitong picked up the Buddha beads and scrutinized them carefully, checking each bead on the item over and over again. After a while, he said, "Strange!"

Yin Jitian looked at him curiously: "What's wrong?"

Bei Yitong's eyebrows became more and more wrinkled. The tighter: "I can't even tell what kind of material your Buddha beads are forged! Although there is aura, but not much, but it has the ability to bounce me off!"

Yin Jitian asked suspiciously: " Isn't it made of gold?"

He always thought that this set of beads was made of real gold.

Bei Yitong shook his head: "Who gave you the Buddha beads?"

"This is a gift from the master!"

Bei Yitong was relieved when he heard that it was a gift from Void: "The gift from Master Void is really extraordinary!"

At this moment, the voice of a servant came from outside: "Young Madam, Xiao has already put the water in!"

Bei Yitong glanced at the cloudy sky where only his trousers were left, and his eyes flickered slightly. He said aloud on his behalf: "You step back!"


When Yin Jitian heard the sound of the door closing, he immediately walked out to the front of the tub, and was about to take off his last pair of trousers when he saw Bei Yitong standing beside the screen, staring at him intently.

Yin Jitian gave him an irritated look: "What are you doing here?"

Bei Yitong said with a small face with a straight face, "Screw your back!"

Yin Jitian looked at the bucket that was taller than Bei Yitong's chest. He laughed angrily on the spot: "You want to rub my back?"


Yin Jitian looked at the serious little face, and smiled helplessly: "Forget it! Let's wash it together!

" There was a flash of hesitation.

When Yin Jitian saw him standing motionless, he smiled evilly: "Aren't you shy!"

He didn't give the little boy a chance to repent, he stepped forward and grabbed Bei Yitong, and he took the little boy in two or three times. The fart boy took off his robe and threw it into the bucket.

Bei Yitong drank several mouthfuls of bath water in a daze, and when he got out of the water, Yin Jitian had removed his trousers and got into the water.

He frowned and looked at Yin Jitian, a little dissatisfied with his approach.

Yin Jitian didn't seem to see that angry little face, he threw the white cloth towel in front of Bei Yitong with a smile, and then turned his back to him: "I'll leave my back to you!

" Yi Tong's angry little face flashed stunned, looking at the white and smooth back, the light in his pupils became deeper and deeper.


Chapter 72 I'm Not Small

Bei Yitong's angry little face flashed stunned, looking at the white and smooth back, the light in his pupils became deeper and deeper.

He swam behind Yin Jitian, raised his hand and stroked the back of his fair neck, followed the curve of his back, and slowly descended.

Yin Jitian didn't stop him, he was just a little kid wondering about other people's bodies: "Have enough fun, then quickly wipe your back!"

Bei Yitong's eyes flickered, ignoring the white cloth towel floating beside him, using his hands to scrub every part of his back.

The tender hands made Yin Jitian feel extremely comfortable, especially Bei Yitong also stimulated the spiritual power, the whole person was like enjoying a massage while taking a bath, very comfortable.

Just when he was about to fall asleep, he suddenly heard Bei Yitong say, "Have you shaved your head since you came to Bei's house?" Hearing the

sound, Yin Jitian opened Xingsong's eyes and looked at the surrounding environment. I just remembered that I was still taking a shower.

He shook his head, and when he was fully awake, he said, "No!"

Bei Yitong stared at the top of his head illuminated by the candlelight, frowned, and asked in confusion, "Then why haven't there been long hairs?"

Yin sacrifice Tian touched his bald head on top of his head: "I don't know!"

He seemed to have thought of something, and added: "It may be because he ate the nourishing pill given by Beiming."

"Impossible!" Bei Yitong He affirmed: "The nourishing pill only has the effect of nourishing the body and prolonging life, and it will never prevent the growth of hair!"

Yin Jitian said indifferently: "Maybe I have just been abolished spiritual roots, and my body has not been able to adapt to changing from a cultivator to a true practitioner. Become an ordinary person!"

"That's even more impossible, once a cultivator becomes an ordinary person, all aspects of the body will age rapidly, and because you are only fifteen years old, after your spiritual roots are abolished, you will not be able to physically Nothing has changed, if this happens to a monk with a hundred years of cultivation, he will immediately become an old man, and may even die in the next moment!"

A flash of joy flashed between Bei Yitong's eyebrows: "Could it be that the Buddha beads sent by Master Void are protecting you?"

Some magic weapons can make ordinary people delay aging. If this is the case, it is not surprising that hair grows slowly!

Yin Jietian didn't think so in his heart, he thought it was probably related to his practice.

Although he didn't need spiritual roots to practice, and he didn't know what kind of exercises he was practicing, he felt that he was no worse than those with spiritual roots.

Yin Jitian turned around and smiled indifferently: "The greedy monk is a monk, what does it matter if he grows his hair or not?"

He raised his hand and rubbed Bei Yitong's forehead: "Speaking of which, you little brat knows how to So many!"

"I'm not small at all!" Bei Yitong sternly pulled down the hand that was making trouble on his forehead.

"Really?" Yin Jitian glanced meaningfully at him into the water: "Do you need me to check it?"

Bei Yitong did not rush to cover his shame, but gave him a meaningful look: "One day , you'll regret saying my little!"


Chapter 73: Leaving the Window

Yin Jietian raised his eyebrows amusingly, thinking that the self-esteem of a little brat is really strong!

In the future, whether his little brother is big or small, what does it have to do with himself? Why do you regret it?

Yin Jitian didn't take his words to heart, washed his body, took off the robe that was still on the side and surrounded his lower body, stepped out of the tub, then turned around and faced north. Yitong joked: "Do you want me to carry you out?"

"No!" Bei Yitong turned his back to him, and rubbed himself with a white towel.

Yin Jitian thought he was making trouble, so he didn't continue to tease him, turned around and walked out.

As soon as I walked outside the screen, I heard the person inside the screen confessing: "Try not to take off the beads in the future!"

Yin Jitian raised the corners of his lips in a funny way, this little brat really likes to worry!

Back indoors, change into clean clothes and trousers, then put on the beads and lie on the bed waiting for the little kid to come in.

Suddenly, a painful muffled sound came from outside.

Yin Jitian's expression froze, he quickly turned over and rushed out.

I saw that the figure was like a gust of wind blowing by, and the next moment, people came to the bathtub.

Yin Jitian blinked his eyes in astonishment, what happened just now? He obviously just got off the bed, and then, the surrounding scenery suddenly flashed by, and he stood in front of the bathtub...

Without thinking about it, he hurriedly looked at the bathtub. However, there was no one in the bathtub, only the fall The robes that fell by the barrel.

It's a brat!

Yin Jitian's eyes flashed fiercely, he swept his surroundings quickly, and finally landed on the open window behind the tub.

Could it be that some criminals broke into the Mingsheng Court and kidnapped Bei Yitong?

Yin Jitian was thinking of calling someone to arrest the thief outside the door when he heard someone say, "Beidou has seen the young lady!"

He looked back, Bei Ming's bodyguard Beidou was standing outside the window, smiling at him: "Young madam, are you looking for the young master?"

"Yes, he..."

Beidou didn't wait for him to finish, then Interrupted him: "Young master is naughty, jumped out of the window and left!"

"Really?" Yin Jitian's eyes flashed with doubts, obviously not believing Beidou's words.

Although he can't say that he understands the kid's personality very well, but from his words and deeds on weekdays, it can be seen that the kid's temperament is still very mature and stable, and he is definitely not a naughty person like Beidou said.

However, Beidou was Beiming's personal bodyguard, and he had no reason not to believe him.

Yin Jitian was about to ask clearly when he heard Big Dipper say: "If the young lady has nothing else to do, the youngest will retire first!"

Since he said that, Yin Jitian is not good to keep anyone else. When Beidou left, he stepped forward and closed the window, then turned around and picked up the kid's robe.

Yin Jitian frowned, still feeling a little strange in his heart.

Even if the little kid jumped out of the window naughty and left, he wouldn't even bother to wear clothes, would he?

Yin Jitian thought about it, since Beidou had told him that the little boy jumped out of the window because of his naughty, even if he was really kidnapped, he wouldn't be able to send someone to look for someone else. Go worry!


Chapter 74

Yin Jitian had just put down the matter of the little boy in his heart, and another matter came up again.

The distance from the indoor to the outdoor bathtub is at least four or five feet away. If you count it, it will take at least three counts to run to the front of the bathtub, but he only spent a blink of an eye before. Kung Fu, the speed is quite astonishing, the surrounding scenery is like a virtual shadow, whizzing past!

Could it be that after his agility was strengthened, his running speed also increased?

The more Yin Jitian thought about it, the more excited he became, and he tossed and turned on the bed.

It seems that he needs to practice more when he wakes up in the morning, especially his boxing skills. As long as he combines his strength, agility, and speed well in the future, I believe it will not be a problem to deal with cultivators below the Jindan stage.

At this moment, Yin Jietian was full of energy, without any sleepiness, thinking about how to combine the kung fu he and Shantiantian had learned to formulate a set of quickest enemy-beating moves for himself.

It wasn't until the sky brightened that I felt sleepy.

In his sleep, he felt something hard and cold, imprinted on his lips, gently rubbing back and forth, very cautiously, and lingering all the time.

Yin Jitian frantically struggled in his sleep, and then suddenly opened his eyes, facing the sunlight coming from the window, making him squinted a little uncomfortable.

He turned his head and glanced at the room, but there was no one there, and then, there was a quarrel like a filament outside.

Yin Jitian raised his hand to touch his lips, confusion flashed in his eyes, was he dreaming just now?

At this time, the quarrel outside grew louder and louder.

Yin Jitian frowned, got up and walked out, and saw Nanny Zhang and Nanny Liu, who had not seen each other for a long time, arguing with a pile of gorgeous robes.

"I think this robe is more suitable for the young lady!" Nanny Zhang held a dark blue robe embroidered with golden unicorns and pressed it on the light green robe embroidered with fine white flowers in Nanny Liu's hand.

Nanny Liu was not convinced: "The color of your robe is too old and heavy, and it is not suitable for the young lady at all. It is better for me to have this one. It is light and elegant, and the young lady will look good in it." Not understanding what the two robes are arguing about, she interrupted them: "What are you doing?"

Madam Liu smiled apologetically when she saw Yin Jitian standing at the door of the room, "Young madam, you are awake! Yes! Did we wake you up with the noise?"

Yin Jitian sat at the table, pointed to the pile of clothes and asked, "You are..."

Nanny Liu said with a smile, "Young madam, today is the Fate Festival. , of course you have to wear new robes!" "For the

Yuan Festival?" Doubts flashed in Yin Jitian's eyes, but Shantiantian didn't have this festival in his memory: "What festival is this?"

, it's Xiu... uh..."

She gritted her teeth secretly and stared at the sudden extra foot on her right foot.

Nanny Liu casually retracted the foot she stepped on Nanny Zhang's feet, and continued, "The Fate Festival is a major festival in the south, so it's not surprising that the young lady doesn't know about it!"

Yin Jitian raised his eyebrows.

Nanny Liu seemed to think of something, her eyes flashed slightly, she took out the pot of tea and the cup from the space bag, and said with a smile: "Young Madam just got up, let's drink tea to moisten your throat first!"

Yin Jitian took the teacup and immediately Smell out more than ten kinds of sweet medicinal aromas in the tea, take a small sip, and the aroma spreads between the mouth and mouth immediately, making people unable to take a second sip.

Nanny Liu watched him drink the tea, and a sly smile flashed in her eyes.


Chapter 75 Long Hair

Nanny Zhang took advantage of the Yin sacrifice day to drink tea, and quickly picked up the robe she picked and handed it to the front, and said, "Young madam, you should wear this robe today!"

"Nanny Zhang, the robe in your hand That robe is about the same for Elder Hong!" Madam Liu sneered, then she picked up the robe she picked and smiled at Yin Jitian, "Young lady is more suitable to wear this light green robe, young lady, you say Am I right?"

Yin Jitian looked at the robes in their hands while drinking tea, the color of the robes in Nanny Zhang's hands was indeed too old and heavy, while Nanny Liu's hands looked too much like the dresses worn by the girls. , It seems that it is better to wear the robe that Beiming made for him.

Thinking of this, he put down the cup and instructed: "Nanny Liu, go indoors and get that white robe!"

"Yes!" Nanny Liu put down the robe in her hand and walked into the room. A white embroidered golden robe came out and asked excitedly: "Young madam, why didn't I know you had this robe? Besides, it was still forged, when was it made? It's so suitable. You!"

Hearing this, the corner of Yin Jitian's mouth couldn't help evoking a shallow arc.

Madam Liu looked at the smile that could not be concealed on the corner of his mouth, and immediately understood who made the robe for the young lady, and said happily: "The young lady, I will put it on for you!"

Yin Jitian did not object, stood up, Let Nanny Liu toss around.

Just when the two were busy putting on their robes, suddenly, Nanny Zhang screamed, "Ah~~"

Yin Jitian was startled by the sound, and hurriedly turned her head and asked, "What's wrong?"

"I...I..." Nanny Zhang looked at Yin Jitian in shock, but out of the corner of her eyes she caught Nanny Liu shaking her head at her.

She quickly returned to her senses: "I just suddenly felt pain all over my body!"

Yin Jitian frowned and looked at Nanny Zhang, wondering if it was because of the actual body pain, or if the wound from the whipping spirit had not healed, and his face was slightly pale. .

"Since you're not feeling well, let's go back and rest early!"

Nanny Zhang shook her head: "I'll just sit for a while!"

She sat on the chair, but she kept her eyes fixed on Yin Jitian.

Nanny Liu smiled and said, "Young Madam, she is an old problem, leave her alone!"

Nanny Zhang glared at her angrily.

Nanny Liu quickly put on a robe for Yin Jitian, then took a step back and looked at him with satisfaction: "Young Madam looks so good

in this robe!" "Really?"

Yin Jitian lowered her head and agreed. He straightened the placket on his chest, and suddenly, a few strands of jet-black hair fell in front of his eyes.

He was stunned for a moment, raised his hand and pulled it gently, and pain immediately came from his scalp.

Yin Jitian looked at Nanny Liu in shock: "What's going on?"

Nanny Zhang pouted: "It must be the herbal medicine that was put in the cup of tea I gave you just now!"

Nanny Liu looked at Yin Jitian with a smirk. Said: "I just want the young master to be a little happier today!"

"..." Yin Jitian looked at the hair in his hand, and it was growing wildly at a speed that the naked eye could see. In the short cup of tea, the black hair grew longer than the waist.


Chapter 76

"..." Yin Jitian looked at the hair in his hand, and it was growing wildly at a speed that the naked eye could see. Originally, the hair only reached the lower jaw, but in just a short cup of tea, the black hair grew beyond the waist.

Just when he thought the hair would grow indefinitely, it suddenly stopped growing.

Yin Jitian looked at the black hair almost reaching his knees in surprise, and his mind became very complicated.

To be honest, wearing a bald head every day makes my heart a little crooked, but seeing myself with long hair makes me feel a little unacceptable.

Nanny Liu couldn't help but exclaimed: "Beautiful! Young lady, you are so beautiful!"

Accompanied by black hair, her beautiful face was less green, but more beautiful and beautiful. Charming, like a fairy after stealing the forbidden fruit, her beautiful eyes showed a hint of bewilderment, and she seemed to have some expectations, which made people unable to help but feel pity for him.

Even Nanny Zhang's eyes went straight. I thought that the young lady was very good-looking before, but because she wore a bald head every day, her handsome face was abruptly discounted.

"Beauty?" Yin Jitian's face suddenly darkened!

He's a big man, and he's pretty good looking. In short, he doesn't want to be viewed by everyone as a woman.

Yin Huitian said to Nanny Liu with a sullen face: "Cut it! Cut your hair!"

He had thought about not becoming a monk before, so he kept his hair up, but he never thought about keeping it so long, with a woman Like!

"Cut...cut?" Nanny Liu almost didn't scream: "No! At least not today!"

"Why not today?" Yin Jitian frowned, turned and went indoors to find scissors to cut his hair.

Nanny Liu hurriedly grabbed him, and said with a hint of pleading, "Young madam, just for the sake of this robe that the young master has worked so hard to forge for you, bear with it, okay?"

Yin Jitian looked down at him. There was a hint of hesitation in the gorgeous clothes on his body.

Seeing that he was showing signs of loosening, Nanny Liu continued: "Young madam, today is a special day, you can endure today, and after today, you can cut or shave as you wish!"

"What's the big deal today? Days?"

Yin Jitian doesn't understand, what does Qiuyuan Festival have to do with whether he has hair?

Is it just to make Beiming happy on a big day?

At this moment, Big Dipper's voice came from outside the door: "Young madam, young master is waiting for you to have breakfast in

the hall!" Before you change your mind, quickly pull into the room and give him a wash!

Beidou felt distressed that his young master had waited in the hall for a long time and did not wait for the young lady to appear, so, without the consent of the young master, he quietly left the hall and ran to the backyard to invite someone.

Who would have thought that after waiting for two cups of tea at the door, and still not seeing the young lady come out of the room, I couldn't help but feel anxious.

Just when he was about to invite someone again, the door was slowly opened, and a peerless and delicate face instantly came into his eyes.

Beidou was stunned, he couldn't help holding his breath, for fear of destroying the beautiful picture in front of him.

He thought that after seeing the handsome appearance of his master and Young Master Xuanyuan, no one would be able to fascinate him, but he did not expect that there are people in the world who can compare with Master and Young Master Xuanyuan.

Seeing Beidou staring at him intently, Yin Jitian frowned displeasedly. After all, being stared at by a man is not something to be happy about.

He deliberately put one hand in front of his chest and said seriously: "Amitabha, the poor monk made the Big Dipper wait for a long time, it's really a sin!"

Nanny Liu who was standing behind him immediately beat his chest, what a sin!

She worked so hard to comb such a beautiful hairstyle for the young lady, but she was easily destroyed by the word 'Amitabha Buddha', and even made her feel like she was ruined.

When Beidou heard that Yin Jitian was a poor monk and a benefactor, he couldn't help but slap his wit, quickly regained his senses, coughed lightly, and covered up his gaffe: "Young Madam, please!"

Yin Jitian Cong The room came out, and immediately, there was a 'pop' sound.

Beidou looked up and saw that the servant who was sweeping the floor was looking at them with straight eyes. The broom in his hand fell to the ground without realizing it. only hand.

Nanny Liu, who was behind her, couldn't help laughing smugly, expressing her satisfaction with her masterpiece today.

Beidou glared at the house servant who was sweeping the floor, and then swept the surroundings coldly, and found that not only the house servant who was sweeping the floor, but also the house servant who was cleaning the window saw his mind, and wiped the paper window with a damp rag. There is only one wooden frame left in the whole paper window.

There are also domestic servants who are pruning the flowerbeds. The extra branches and leaves are not cut off, but the ornamental flowers are cut off.

Beidou's face darkened, and he exhorted in a deep voice, "Everyone in the yard, take the initiative to go to the place where you take care of yourselves to receive the punishment!"

Next, on the way to the hall, everyone who saw Yin sacrifice to the sky looked like It was like being fascinated, either stupid or stunned, especially when they walked into the hall, everyone seemed to be still for a moment, silent and frighteningly silent.

Bei Ming, who was looking down at the book, noticed that the surrounding atmosphere had changed, and raised his head suspiciously.

The moment Beitou looked up at Beiming, his figure flashed, and he immediately blocked Yin Jitian behind him.

Suddenly, he didn't want the young master to see the young lady's appearance.

I'm really afraid that after seeing the young lady, the young master will not be able to bear the amazing picture, and his body will appear abnormal again!

Especially in recent days, the young master's body changes more and more frequently, which is not a good thing, I am afraid that the young master's body is getting worse and worse.

Beiming only saw Nanny Zhang and Nanny Liu, and frowned, "

Where's Shantiantian?" Nanny Zhang and Nanny Liu looked at each other, glanced at Yin Jitian who was blocked by Big Dipper, and snickered secretly.

Yin Jitian stared at Beidou's back in doubt, and seeing that no one answered Beiming's words, he had to answer, "I'm here!"

After speaking, he took two steps to the left, intending to come out from behind Beidou. Who knows, Beidou also moved two steps to the left to block the way, as if he was deliberately not letting Beiming see him. Beiming heard the voice of Yin sacrifice to the sky, and his indifferent black eyes quickly filled with a shallow smile, especially when he saw the robes exposed outside Beidou, the

smile in his eyes deepened: "Come here!"

When he got down, he saw that Beidou moved to the right for a while and to the left for a while, firmly blocking Yin Jitian, but he was not allowed to come out.

Bei Ming's face sank involuntarily: "Beidou!"

Beidou was surprised, he blocked the people behind him with his hands, and said respectfully, "This subordinate thinks it's better for the young master not to see the young lady!"

Bei Ming narrowed his eyes slightly: "What's going on? ?"

Beidou has been by his side for many years, he is not someone who doesn't understand the rules, there must be his reasons for doing this.

The Yin Jitian behind him couldn't bear it anymore, and pushed Beidou away: "Are you finished?"

One wanted him to dress better so that Beiming could live happily today, while the other suddenly changed his mind. Not letting Bei Ming see him was really frustrating, and the person who suffered the most was himself.

The moment Bei Ming walked out of the Yin Jitian, his eyes immediately froze.

The person in front of him is like a goblin who specializes in beguiling people. It is so beautiful that it makes people feel suffocated. It is so beautiful that the hall loses its color and makes everyone become the background. In his eyes, there is only a beautiful and charming figure like a goblin.

Yin Jitian sat beside Bei Ming and instructed Bei Shen, who was standing beside him, "You can serve breakfast!"

After speaking, he turned to look at Bei Ming beside him, only to find that he was wearing the same clothes as himself. The robe, except that the edge of the robe is embroidered with golden plum blossoms. In addition, his robe does not exude any spiritual energy. It can be seen that it is just an ordinary robe.

How did Yin Jitian think that he and Bei Ming were wearing couples clothes. Suddenly, he was a little embarrassed to look at Bei Ming's eyes, but he still politely said: "Thank you for the robe!" For a long time, I couldn't wait When Bei Ming responded, doubts flashed in his eyes, and when he raised his eyes, he saw that Bei Ming suddenly closed his eyes the moment he raised his eyes, covering all the emotions in his black eyes. When he opened his eyes again, his eyes were as calm as a lake. Bei Ming lowered his eyes, deliberately not going to the glamorous face of Yin sacrifice to the sky, raised his hand, picked up a strand of blue silk with his slender fingertips, and murmured: "This hair turns out to be real!" Nanny Liu saw In this scene, I quietly walked in front of Nanny Zhang and said proudly: "I really didn't notice that the robes of the young master and the young lady are so similar before. Look at how well the two of them match up now!" Nanny Zhang smiled, Nod in agreement! Yin Jitian gave him an angry look: "Of course it's true! I drank the tea that stimulated the hair!" Hearing this, Bei Ming squinted his eyes: "You drank the tea that caused the hair?" Yin Jitian noticed that Bei Ming's expression was a little wrong, thinking to himself, wouldn't there be a problem with urging the tea? "Nonsense!" Bei Ming suddenly shouted sharply, and slammed the table to his feet.


Chapter 77

Nanny Liu and Nanny Zhang suddenly turned pale, their legs softened, and they knelt on the ground.

They don't know why the young master is so angry all of a sudden. The tea is made from ordinary herbs. Usually only monks who have accidentally cut off their long hair will drink this kind of tea, but they have never heard of it. Have any problems occurred.

"The medicine used to induce hair needs to consume a trace of the monk's spiritual power to make the hair grow back in a short period of time. Although the lost spiritual power is not much, some monks even don't know their own hair after taking the medicine. The spiritual power has been depleted by medicines, so it can be seen that this spiritual power is dispensable for cultivators, but if it is used on an ordinary person without spiritual power, the consequences will be disastrous."

Beidou explained, He has been by Beiming's side for many years and has some knowledge about herbal medicine.

Nanny Liu shuddered when she heard the following four words, she no longer dared to look at Bei Ming's face, she could only ask with a trembling voice, "What will happen to the consequences?"

Beidou glanced at Yin Yin's long hair and said: " Judging from the length of the young lady's hair, it is impossible to keep such long hair in four or five years, which means that this cup of tea has consumed the young lady's life span for four or five years!"

Nanny Liu almost fainted when she heard this. past.

No wonder the young master is so angry!

In recent days, the young master has been flipping through herbal books day and night, in order to find a way to prolong the life of the young lady, but before she could find the way, she had lost four or five years in a short cup of tea. Life is really good intentions to do bad things!

Nanny Liu hurriedly returned to her senses: "Mrs. Younger, I really don't know that the herbal medicines you induce will reduce your life expectancy, please forgive me!"

"Mrs. Madam, Nanny Liu is also inadvertently wrong, please take a look at Nanny Liu's painstaking efforts. For her sake, please forgive her!" Nanny Zhang pleaded for Nanny Liu.

"Humph!" Bei Ming snorted coldly, and immediately fell into deep thought, as if thinking of some way to remedy it!

Yin Jitian frowned lightly, maybe it was because the death of his life did not immediately kill him, so he didn't feel much in his heart.

He looked at Bei Ming with a cold face and said, "I heard that today is the Qiu Yuan Festival, I want to go out for a walk after breakfast!" When

Bei Shen heard this, he cleverly ordered the servant to bring breakfast.

Nanny Liu wisely knew that Yin Jitian did not blame her, so she breathed a sigh of relief and quickly pulled Nanny Zhang back to the door.

Bei Ming heard that Yin Jitian offered to go out for a walk, his eyes flashed slightly, and his face softened a lot. He took Yin Jitian's hand, took his pulse seriously, and made sure that his body was okay, and his face returned to normal.

During the breakfast, Yin Jitian found that Bei Ming had been looking down at the book, maybe because the content of the book was too attractive to him, from beginning to end, Bei Ming never looked at him.

It wasn't until he put on the white gauze hat that Beiming looked at him.

Yin Jitian didn't know if it was his own delusion. The moment he put on the hat, Bei Ming seemed to breathe a sigh of relief.

Did he get ugly after growing his hair? Ugly enough to make Bei Ming unable to look directly at him?


Chapter 78

After walking out of the Beifu, without the protection of the mansion's formation, Yin Jitian immediately saw the monks flying in the sky with their magical instruments.

The monks on the street were no less than the people flying in the air. It was as if they were going to a banquet. Everyone rushed in the same direction, causing the people walking in the opposite direction to become very abrupt.

On the crowded street, Yin Jitian saw a familiar figure. The man walked in the opposite direction with a distance of three meters away from him, and then walked into an inn.

It's him! No net!

Yin Jitian narrowed his eyes.

He is very sure that he is absolutely not wrong, especially since his vision has been strengthened, it is even less likely that he will recognize the wrong person.

These days, he had always thought that Wujing would leave Beihuang City that night, but he didn't expect that others were still in Beihuang City, so he could ask him to clarify the matter.

As soon as Yin Jitian turned around, he was pulled back.

"Where are you going?" Bei Ming asked suspiciously.

Yin Jitian remembered that there was a Beiming next to him, and said perfunctorily: "I just saw an acquaintance, but I may have made a mistake!"

Since he already knew that Wujing lived in that inn, then he will live in that inn tomorrow. It's not too late to find him!

In order not to make Beiming suspicious, Yin Jitian quickly changed the subject: "Right! Where are we going?"

Beiming replied, "Yuanshan!"

Yin Jitian could hear a bit of joy in his voice. She asked curiously, "Where is Yuanshan?"

"It is said that there used to be a god who lived there. As long as people who are destined to seek fate there, they will be blessed by God!" Bei Ming explained briefly.

At this time, someone in front shouted: "If you want to enter Yuanshan, come here quickly, don't miss the good time!" As soon as

the words fell, a large group of people immediately squeezed towards the person, and even Yin Jitian and the others were pushed in the direction of that person.

Beiming tightly held Yin Jitian's hand and walked into a blue formation: "This is the formation leading to Yuanshan."

Yin Jitian had just stepped into the formation, and the scene before him suddenly changed. The bustling street has turned into a beautiful mountain forest. In front of it is a long stone ladder leading to the mountain without seeing the edge, which seems to be an endless passage.

The monks put away their instruments and walked up the stone ladder one after another.

Yin Jitian noticed that the monks who walked up the stone stairs were all in pairs, there were a pair of male monks and female monks, and there were also a pair of male monks and male monks, and they all had sweet smiles on their faces.

If he doesn't understand the meaning of going up the mountain when he sees this, then he must be stupid for drinking the tea!

A few black lines slid down the forehead of Yin Jitian, and silently turned his head to look at Beiming.

It turns out that the Qiuyuan Festival is actually the Qiuyuan Festival!

Bei Ming found that he was looking at him and asked, "What's wrong?"

Yin Jitian moved his lips and looked at Bei Ming's robe similar to his own. If he wanted to go back, he swallowed it all.

He suddenly understood why Beiming was so anxious to let the little boy deliver the robe to him as soon as possible, presumably not only to let him see the robe earlier, but also to let him live in today's world. Can come to ask for fate wearing the same robe as him.

Yin Jitian looked back at the long ladder in front of him: "Do you think that with your body, you can finish this long ladder?"

"It depends on whether we have the fate to go up!" Beiming pulled him onto the stone ladder.

"What do you mean?"

The pair of monks in front suddenly disappeared before their eyes.


Chapter 79 You Are Really Here

As soon as the words of Yin sacrifice to heaven came to an end, the pair of monks in front suddenly disappeared in front of their eyes.

Immediately afterwards, the hundreds of pairs of dual cultivators in front of them disappeared one after another on the long stone ladder. It was like a long team of long dragons. In the end, only a few pairs of Taoists walked on the stone ladder.

Beiming explained: "There are many people who come to Yuanshan every year, but only a few hundred people can reach the top of Yuanshan in the end, and the others will be sent out of Yuanshan in the middle."

Yin Jitian asked curiously: " Does sending out the dual cultivators outside Yuanshan prove that the two of them have no fate?"

"No! It's just that the owner of Yuanshan only accepts 300 pairs of Taoists every year, and there are only people who are related to Yuanshan. Only then can we go to the top of the mountain."

Yin Jitian looked back and entered the pass of Yuanshan Mountain, and soon disappeared the monks on the mountain ladder: "We can still walk on the stone ladder now, does that mean that we can go to the top of the mountain?"

"Well ? "

Yin Jitian looked at the endless stone stairs, and felt a faint pain in his forehead, and asked, "How many steps are there?"

"Ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine!"

Yin Jitian said in surprise: " It's so long? Can't use a magic weapon to fly?"

He didn't know medical skills, and Beidou and the others didn't follow him. If Beiming suddenly fainted halfway up the mountain, he really didn't know what to do.


"You really know what happened to Yuanshan!" Yin Jitian whispered.

"What?" Bei Ming didn't hear what he said, and turned his head in confusion.

"Have you been to Yuanshan with anyone before?" When the

words fell, Beiming stopped abruptly!

Yin Jitian also stopped, thinking to himself, wouldn't Beiming really be with anyone?

Thinking like this, my heart suddenly became a little uncomfortable, like a thorn stuck in my throat, it couldn't go up or down, it was very uncomfortable.

For a long while, Bei Ming didn't say a word, but the hand holding Yin Jitian became tighter and tighter.

Yin Jitian felt pain in his fingertips. Looking at the shaking body, he immediately noticed that something was wrong with Bei Ming: "Are you feeling unwell again?"

I saw Bei Ming nodded with difficulty.

"Fuck!" Yin Jitian hurriedly stretched out his other hand to support him: "Let's go back!"

"No!" Bei Ming's feet stood firmly in place, no matter how much Yin Jitian pulled, he couldn't pull him: " I want to go up the mountain!"

His tone was very firm, and he would not give up until he reached his goal.

It was the first time for Yin Jitian to see Bei Ming being so self-willed, but when he was sick, he couldn't help but feel a little angry: "We have only walked more than 100 steps of stone stairs, and there are more than 99,800 stones in front of us. The ladder is waiting for us, and with your current physical condition, you won't be able to support the top of Yuanshan Mountain at all."

"I want to go up the mountain!" Bei Ming said stubbornly.

Yin Jitian couldn't pull Beiming, and angrily broke his hand: "Go and go by yourself!"

As long as he doesn't go up the mountain, see how he seeks fate alone.

Yin Jitian ran down more than ten stone stairs without looking back, and then deliberately slowed down to wait for Bei Ming to follow.

However, when he walked down more than ten steps of stone stairs, he still did not hear the footsteps behind him, so he stopped slowly, turned around and looked up.

On the stone ladder more than ten meters away, the shaky and handsome back is like a white plum in the cold moon, walking up step by step with tenacity and weakness.

Seeing this, my heart clenched inexplicably.

Yin Jitian didn't understand what Beiming was insisting on. His body was so weak and so unbearable that he even had to stop and take a break every three steps. Despite this, Beiming still refused to give up. Row.

"Since you didn't come here to seek fate with sincerity, why come in!" The dual cultivator who passed by, glanced at him contemptuously.

Hearing this, Yin Jitian immediately understood the difference between him and Beiming.

Beiming came here sincerely to ask the gods to bless the marriage between the two. If he didn't achieve his goal, he was unwilling to give up like this, but he came in with the mentality of coming to see. Whether he could reach the top of the mountain was all for him. It doesn't matter.

Yin Jitian silently turned his head and took two steps down. Then, he turned around suddenly, ran back at the fastest speed, and firmly supported Bei Ming, who was staggering, and said lightly: "If not It's comfortable, just lean on me!"

He wrapped his right hand around Bei Ming's waist, his left hand supported Bei Ming's hand, and let Bei Ming lean on him and continue to walk forward.

"I knew you would come back." A very weak laughter came from Beiming's white veil.

"You're making a joke about your body!" Yin Jitian said coldly, "Do you think it makes sense to go up the mountain to seek fate?"

"Yes!" Bei Ming replied unswervingly.

Yin Jitian gave him a complicated look, stopped talking, silently supported him, and stepped up the stone ladder step by step.

When they reached nearly a thousand stone steps, Bei Ming couldn't hold it any longer, and he fell into Yin Jitian's arms.

"I'll carry you!" Yin Jitian's eyes flashed with worry.


Yin Jitian interrupted him: "If you don't let me carry you, I'm afraid Yuanshan will be closed, and you won't be able to reach the top of the mountain, unless you don't want to ask for fate!"

"But, you..." Bei Ming looked With a slender back than the short one, he couldn't help showing a hint of hesitation.

Yin Jitian squatted down: "Come up!"

Beiming still didn't move!

"Don't worry, I won't carry you down the mountain!" Yin Jitian urged, "Hurry up!"

Bei Ming had to bend over and lie on his back: "You can't support me for long. "

"I have a measure of my own!" Yin Jie used all his strength in the dark, and suddenly, as if there was no one behind his back, he stood up easily: "If you are tired, lie on my shoulders and sleep for a while! Bei Ming took off his hat, revealing a pale face. Although there was no blood on

his face, he was not too weak. On the contrary, there was a gleaming gleam in his black eyes, and the corners of his mouth twitched. A shallow arc.

He leaned forward, his eyes passed through the white veil, and looking at the serious and beautiful profile, he couldn't help but whispered, "Shantentian!"

The slightly hot breath from his mouth rushed into the veil and hit the yin offering to the sky. In the ear vortex, suddenly, there is a numb feeling, and the whole body trembles slightly!

"What's the matter?" he asked casually.

Yin Jitian couldn't wait for a long time for a response, thinking that Beiming's body had gotten worse, he quickly turned his head to look, and immediately, the corner of his mouth touched Beiming's lips.

The two were startled at the same time.

Yin Jitian hurriedly regained his senses, ignoring Bei Ming's increasingly fiery gaze, and turned his head and said solemnly: "Speak less, save more physical strength!"

After that, the two of them were silent all the way.

Yin Jitian knew that Bei Ming had not slept, and the other party's warm snort swept across his neck again and again, reminding him of the previous 'kiss' involuntarily.

Although Beiming's lips were a little cold, they were very soft. Most importantly, he did not reject Beiming's lips, and even wanted to taste the taste in his lips more deeply.

Just when Yin sacrificed Tian to reminisce about Bei Ming's lips, the sky suddenly darkened, and then, thousands of large lanterns were lit up, illuminating the surrounding scenery.

The stone ladder in front had disappeared, replaced by hundreds of pairs of Taoist companions standing in the open space chatting and laughing.

"It should be the top of the mountain!" said the man behind him.

Yin Jitian said in surprise, "Have you reached the top of the mountain?" Did

n't it mean that there were ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine steps? Why did it arrive so soon?

Bei Ming got down from him.

Yin Jitian looked around, the surroundings were empty, and the lanterns floating in the air were like stars, illuminating a stone statue hundreds of feet high in front of them.

"Junior Brother Ming, you really are here!" Suddenly, a Qingyue voice came over.

As soon as Yin Jitian saw that it was Xuanyuan Yu, he immediately let out a humming sound from his nose.

Bei Ming's face sank: "Why are you here?"

"I came here specially to wait for you!" Xuanyuan Yu turned to look at the person beside Bei Ming, and smiled deeply: "He should be Master Shantian, right? I didn't expect it. The two of you are destined to come to the top of Yuanshan Mountain. Little Master Shantian, later, do you want me to borrow a hair from you to seek fate with Master Ming?"


Yin Jitian frowned, do you need hair to seek fate?

No wonder Nanny Liu secretly gave him the tea that prompted the hair, and begged him not to cut off his hair today. It turned out that all this was used when he was begging for fate.

A look of displeasure flashed in Bei Ming's eyes: "You came alone?"

Xuanyuan Yu said with a smile, "Since I came to wait for you, of course I came alone!"

Bei Ming sneered: "I think you want to try alone. Can you go up to the top of Yuanshan Mountain?"

"The one who knows me is Junior Brother Ming!" Xuanyuan Yu smiled and turned to look at Yin Jitian: "Little Master Shantian, if you need to use your hair to seek fate later, remember to come and find me. Me!"

He walked away from them with a smile, and when he passed by Yin Jitian, Yu Guang glanced at the long hair of Yin Jitian draped behind him, and couldn't help but froze for a moment, and then the smile on the corner of his mouth deepened.

Xuanyuan Yu suddenly turned around and snapped his fingers, and a gust of wind shot out from his fingertips, flying towards the sky.

The yin sacrifice to the sky was unexpected, and the bamboo hat on the head was knocked down!


Chapter 80

The hat flew off, the blue silk fluttered, and the beautiful and charming face appeared in front of everyone, and the surrounding voices suddenly fell silent.

Beiming and Xuanyuanyu's handsome faces have long attracted the attention of many monks, and now they have a suffocating appearance.

Xuanyuan Yu was stunned, looking at the peerless face, he forgot to retract the arm that was raised in midair.

Bei Ming's face sank, he pulled Yin Jitian into his arms at the fastest speed, and blocked everyone's sight with his wide sleeves, his eyes turned cold, and the cold air was heading towards Xuanyuanyu's direction: "Xuanyuanyu, don't. Challenge my patience again!"

Xuanyuan Yu returned to his senses, the corner of his mouth twitched, staring at the person in Bei Ming's arms, his deep eyes flashed with plundering light.

Bei Ming, who had been with him for many years, could not understand what the light in his eyes meant, and unknowingly tightened his arms around Yin Jitian, and snorted coldly: "Don't even think about it!"

Xuanyuanyu chuckled: "We'll see! "

Yin Jitian didn't know what kind of riddle they were playing, only that his waist was about to be broken.

"Bei Ming, I'm going to be out of breath!"

Hearing the sound, Bei Ming quickly released the strength of his arm, but the other hand still blocked Yin Jitian's face with his sleeve.

Yin Jitian raised his head and glared at him angrily: "What are you doing!"

Bei Ming looked down at the angry and charming face in his arms, quickly averted his eyes, used his spiritual power, and sucked the hat on the ground into his hand Inside, quickly put it on the head of Yin Jitian, covering his face.

Yin Jitian touched the veil on his face, and the light in his eyes slowly dimmed.

He found that Bei Ming really didn't like the appearance of his long hair, just like he just looked at him once and immediately looked away, as if looking at him one more time would cause a plague.

At this moment, someone shouted: "The envoy of Yuanshan has come out!"

Yin Jitian looked up and saw a stone gate opened under the feet of the god statue. Thousands of messengers in red robes came out of the stone gate and began to dance around the monks, singing and praying for blessings.

I don't know if it was because of the blessing, but Yin Jitian felt that the soreness under his legs disappeared without a trace.

"Sure enough, it is the messenger of God!" Bei Ming said suddenly.

Yin Jitian looked sideways and noticed that his complexion was much better than before.

"Do you think they can cure your disease?" Bei Ming shook his head: "Their prayers

can only temporarily relieve my body, and have no real effect unless they are real gods."

For more than half an hour, during this period, many monks sat on the ground and meditated. When the prayers reached the last stage, a golden drizzle floated in the dark sky, which quickly attracted everyone's amazement.

Yin Jitian lifted the veil, looked at the sky and whispered: "It's beautiful!"

"Yes! It's really beautiful!" Bei Ming, who was beside him, softly agreed.

However, what he saw was not the golden rain in the sky, but the people beside him, and his beautiful black eyes were full of tenderness that could not be dissolved.

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