The teacher's baby

By nellin00

639K 7.7K 1.8K

The bad boy's life changes when he suddenly becomes the teacher's baby... More



18.8K 257 72
By nellin00


"Hayden. It's time to go to bed now." I say and immediately realize my mistake. I mentally facepalm and let a sigh leave my mouth. "I'm sorry. I mean William."

I walk up to William where he sits on the couch with a puzzled expression on his face.
"Who is Hayden?" He asks as I approach him.
"No one. That was just an honest mistake." I explain and shake my head.

Now that I think about it...
I haven't had a conversation with Hayden in a while. He comes to school everyday and attends the extra lessons, which is really good. But I have no idea what's going on in his life in general. Does he still have accidents? I don't know. Hopefully he is doing fine and not getting into any trouble.


It's now Monday morning and before going to work, I see William off at the bus station. Just like me, he has his own life and a job to go to. So he has to leave for now, but we'll see each other again soon.

"Take care now" I say and hug him as the bus arrives."Call or text me if you need anything. Okay? I'll be right here."
"Okay" He says and nods while releasing the hug.
I smile and he smiles back at me before turning around, entering the bus.

We wave each other goodbye one last time as the bus drives off and then I hop in my car and drive all the way to school.


I wake up in the morning, by someone singing to me.
"Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you..."
The voice sounds familiar but I can't really put a finger on who it belongs to.
"... Happy birthday dear Hayden. Happy birthday to you!"

When the singing stops I open my eyes to find my mom staring back at me with a big smile on her face.
"Mom?" I say confused. This isn't like her at all. She even looks different.
"Happy birthday sweetheart!" she exclaims and hugs me as I sit here in shock.

"I have a gift for you" she says as she finally lets go of me. She looks over at the door and all of a sudden Mr. Nelson enters the room.
What the hell is he doing here?

He walks up to me with a small gift in his hand.
"Happy birthday my sweet baby boy. This is for you" He says and hands over the gift to me. 
What the hell is going on here? This is so weird.

I take the gift while my mom and Mr.Nelson both are looking at me with anticipation and are encouraging me to open it. So without really having any other choice, I open the gift and inside there is a...

Suddenly I wake up in my bed while sucking on my thumb. As soon as I realize what I'm doing, I immediately pull the thumb out of my mouth and look around in embarrassment. Just making sure that nobody saw what I just did. Even though it's not possible that anyone saw it except for my mom and possibly one of her male friends, you can't be too careful.

Anyways, I'm now eighteen and can finally start my new life. I'll just have to graduate, get a job and then I'll move the fuck out of here.

I make myself ready and later when I'm done and walking towards the front door , I catch a glimpse of my mom lying on the couch in the livingroom. As always after drinking, she is lying there passed out and looking like a mess. Totally different from how she looked like in my dream.

The mom in my dream was happy and so full of life. She was even dressed properly. Nothing like my real mom, who is drunk all the time and doesn't give a fuck about anything.


I walk up to Ethan and Lucas where they stand by their lockers. We greet eacother and then they congratulate me on my birthday.
Sadly we don't have much time to talk because their lesson is starting soon and so is mine.
So we have to say goodbye and go our separate ways for now.

After getting the stuff I need, I go to the classroom where the first lesson is being held.
The door is already open. So I enter and say goodmorning to Ms.Aldrin, who is writing something on the whiteboard.

I walk over to the other side of the room and sit down on one of the empty seats by the window.
Not so long after, Noelle enters the room and surprisingly chooses to sit beside me.
"Hi" she says and smiles shyly.
"Hi" I say and smile back at her,instantly starting to think about our date that we had last Friday. Hopefully we'll do something like it again someday.

At the end of the day it's time for the extra lesson. I attend it as usual but afterwards as I'm about to leave, Mr.Nelson stops me and tells me to  stay for a little bit.

When everyone else has left the classroom, he closes the door and walks up to me by the front desk.
"You're doing some great progress" he says "And um...I just wanted to tell you that I'm really proud of you".
He hesitated before saying that last sentence. And Even after saying that, he still looks concerned and in deep thought, as if there's something else on his mind. As if there's something more that he would like to say.

"Really?!" I blurt out excitedly,but immediately shake my head and look down in embarrassment.
"I mean... really?"
This time I say it with a much calmer and lower voice and Mr.Nelson looks amused.
"Yes, really. Just keep up the good work. Okay?"
He pats me on the head and then dismisses me.
Wait. Was that it?
With mixed feelings, I leave the classroom and walk home.

I'm confused because I'm not sure what that was all about, but I'm also happy because he told me that he's proud of me, which is something that I have never heard anyone say to me before. I've only been told that I'm useless and a piece of trash, both by my dear mother.

I arrive at home and can tell right away that my mom is either sleeping or has gone out, because it's really quiet. She can't possibly be at work, not after the state she was in this morning.
Well,whatever. I'm just glad that I don't have to deal with her right now. I don't need that kinda negativity, especially not on my birthday.

I walk over to my room and lie down on the bed. After being on my phone for a little bit, I begin to feel hungry. So I start making my way over to the kitchen. On my way over there, I suddenly catch a glimpse of my mom lying on the couch in the livingroom. In the same position she was in this morning. That's so weird. Has she been lying there the whole day?
I stop in my tracks and go over to where she lays.

As I approach her, a chill runs down my spine. She looks so pale and lifeless. It doesn't even look like she's breathing.
I try calling out for her a few times but it doesn't work. So I grab her shoulders and start to shake her gently, but immediately stop because of how cold she is.
What the hell?
My heart is beating faster and faster and my breaths are getting heavier. No no no...

In panic, I put my index finger and my middle finger on my mother's neck to desperately try to find a heartbeat.
I even put my hand over her chest.
But I feel nothing.

No, this can't be... This can't be real...
I fall to my knees and feel tears forming in my eyes.

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