Percy Jackson protector of th...

By bookreader5491

455K 9.1K 1.5K

Percy was kicked out of camp. With all of his friends hating him he heads into the world trying to survive. H... More

Percy Jackson protector of the hunt
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
chapter 7
Chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
Chapter 12
chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
So sorry guys
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Up for adoption

Chapter 2

35.7K 616 75
By bookreader5491

Hey guys here is the next chapter tell me what you think

Percy POV

I woke up with a start. I shook my head trying to remember what happened. I remembered seeing the apartment explode, and I remember the fight with the wolf, but I don't remember anything after that. I stood up groggily as I tried to get to my feet. When I stood up I realized something else, I noticed that my sight had sharpened considerably, but that wasn't the only thing that had sharpened. My sense of smell had increased as well and I had to hold it as the true stench of New York hit me. I gagged until I also caught a whiff of the sea. The strange part was that I wasn't even anywhere close to the sea. It was miles away, but it still brought me some comfort. As I excited the alley way I turned toward the sea knowing that that was the one place that I could be and stay calm. After a couple of miles I saw the beautiful waves lap against the shore line. I smiled and jumped in happily. It was strange, but the fish weren't fighting for my attention. They were actually avoiding me. It was strange, because normally when I was in the sea every fish within a mile was trying to fight for my attention. I thought about it until I saw a silver flash above me standing on the shore line. Swallowing my fear I kicked towards the surface, but before I even breached I smelled the moon, if one could smell the moon. When my head broke the surface I saw Artemis standing on the shore with a bow in her hand. Again I dry swallowed. If Artemis was here, that was never a good thing. She hated men, and if she was holding her bow, it was even worse. I slowly walked out of the ocean, with my hand in my pocket, ready to bring out Riptide just In case. When she saw me a look of pity came across her face slightly. It wasn't much, but I could also smell her emotions. It was a weird feeling. Before I could say anything, she drew her bow and said, "Percy Jackson, I have been ordered to kill you on sight, however I must ask you something before I let this arrow fly." To say I was shocked was a little of an understatement. The only person who could order Artemis around was Zeus. "Ok." I said with just a slight hint of fear in my voice. "What do you need to ask." With a quick glance up she said, "I must know did you do everything you were accused of?" I sat down before I answered. "Artemis, do you think I am the kind of person that would do something like that?" I said while waiting for the arrow to pierce my skin. It never came. I looked up and saw that Artemis no longer had her bow drawn. "No. No I know you aren't." She slung her bow on her back and asked, "May I?" she said indicating the spot on the shore beside me. I nodded and she sat down beside me. This was weird because one she was a man hating goddess, and two because she hadn't killed me yet, and three because she was actually being nice to me. "Listen Percy." She started. "I have an offer for you. You don't have to except, but if you don't someone else will hunt you down, and they will be much less understanding than I am." I indicate that she should continue. "How would you like to be protector of the hunters?" I looked at her as if she had just grown a second head. "But you're you." Was the smartest thing that came to mind. She smiled and said, "Yes I am me. Who else would I be? Listen Percy I know it is a shock, but I do need someone to help protect the hunt when I can't be there. And with your current. . . " She looked up looking for the right word. ". . . situation. You are the obvious choice." I looked at her and asked, "Situation?" She looked at me and said, "Percy do you feel stronger? Faster? Sharper senses?" I nodded, but wondered how she could have known all that. She nodded. "Thought so. Percy that wolf you fought wasn't just any ordinary wolf. It was the spirit of all werewolves, and can turn anyone into one, however you are lucky you survived. Most times it devours the person if it catches them." A look of shock came across my features as I looked at myself and said, "So wouldn't I be putting your hunters in danger if I were to ever become a werewolf while they were around." Again she smiled as if she had already thought of that. "Normally yes, but if you become the guardian of the hunt, I will give you my blessing, which will let you control your wolfish side and not the other way around." I nodded but then asked. "Ok well that's one problem, but what about me personally. I doubt your hunters will be too pleased to have a male staying in their camp." She looked down and said, "You're right. However they will get over it because I will give them a good reason why you are there. Also it may help if you don't let them know that you are you. When they first meet you, you can approach them in your wolf form so that they don't try to kill you because you are a male." I nodded assured that I wouldn't be killed on sight. "Artemis there is one other thing that I need to know. Why?" I could tell she understood. Why me? Why would she let me in with the Hunters? Why didn't she kill me? It took her a few minutes to answer, but when she did I was shocked. "Because Percy I trust and respect you." That was all she said. Nothing more and nothing less. I tried to process what she just said, but before it could she asked. "Now do you except my offer." I looked at her and said, "Yeah Artemis I except your offer. I would be honored. After all I have nowhere else to go." She smiled as if she was pleased and placed her hand on my shoulder. She started to chant, and soon I saw a silver glow surround my hands. "There." She said. "You are now in full control of yourself again, and I also made it to where you can't be killed by silver. You can be injured, but killed no. However I don't know how it will affect other metals since you aren't only affected by silver." I looked at her shocked at what she just said. "Do you mean that I am a god?" I asked. "Technically yes. You are a god, but officially no. You are a god of nature and protection, but will you bleed ichor no." I looked at my hands again as I realized what she had just done. "Are you ready to go join the hunt Percy?" I smiled. "Yeah I'm ready." She grabbed my shoulder again and flashed us out.

When we reappeared, I realized that we were in Artemis' tent. I looked at her and she said, "Don't worry it was just so that you could change into your wolf form." I nodded and concentrated while closing my eyes. When I opened them again Artemis was standing near me in her twelve year old form. I didn't realize how big I was until she came up next to me and looked at me. My head came to her shoulder, and felt like I could have been bigger if I wanted. She walked around me inspecting me like she wanted to memorize every detail about me. She gasped when she reached my left shoulder. I looked her and was about to ask what was wrong until I remembered I was in my wolf form. I looked at her with my head tilted sideways a little bit. She saw my look and said, "Percy you do realize you can talk even in your wolf form." Actually I didn't. When she said that I instantly said, "Well actually I didn't realize that, and secondly what is wrong?" My voice shocked me a little bit. It was somewhere between a growl, and a bark. It must have surprised her too because she jumped back reaching for her bow. I laughed a little. Till she slapped my shoulder. Not hard enough to hurt, but hard enough to tell me to quit. I smiled a toothy grin. "Actually nothing is wrong." She said, "However there is a patch of fur here that is in the shape of a trident, and a bow, super imposed on each other." I tried to get a look at the place, but my head didn't turn that far. "How are we gonna explain that?" I asked. She looked thoughtful for a second before saying, "Well since you are immortal, we could just tell the girls that you had been blessed by Poseidon, and since you are part of the hunt now you have been blessed  by me, which is true." I nodded. That should work, but one thing still bugged me. "Artemis, what are we going to call me since we don't want them to know that I am me just yet?" She looked at me as if the question had never accord to her. "Well I am thinking Alpha, because you are a wolf, and because you are now the Alpha of the hunt." I thought about it and gave my consent. I looked at the entrance flap and was about to ask if we could go out when Artemis answered my question by walking forward and holding the tent open gesturing for me to follow her. When we were out in the night I noticed a fire crackling to the north as well as heard the laughter of young girls. Artemis nodded showing that I was correct. That was the hunters. She started walking that way and I followed her. When she stepped into the fire light every girl looked at her. Luckily they hadn't seen me yet. Another step forward and I was visible. Before I could do anything Thalia stood up and shot an arrow at me. A second later it pierced my shoulder. I let out a yelp as it sunk into my flesh. Artemis ran over to me pulled out the arrow and quickly healed the wound. "Listen all of you." She said with so much command, that I couldn't help but listen. She turned toward her hunters and said, "This is Alpha. He is your protector. You are to treat him with as much curtesy and respect as you would me." I heard a couple of mutterings about how they didn't need a protector. However there was another sound in the forest. Before anyone else could react I jumped above the girls heads and tackled a minotaur. Luckily my claws and teeth were sharp, because soon it was reduced to a pile of yellow powder. I looked at the hunters and with a growl walked back toward Artemis. I laid down and curled up into a ball with my head underneath my tail. Suddenly I felt a small hand pet down my side. I looked up and saw that it was one of the youngest hunters that had come up and started petting me like I was a normal dog. I inwardly smiled and brought my head closer to her. She looked at me afraid. I even saw a couple of the hunters reach for their bows. I smiled a toothy grin and said, "Don't worry. I don't mind. Actually I have a better idea." She looked at me kind of shocked that I could speak. I reached forward with one of my paws and picked her up while rolling over on to my stomach. "I actually have a spot near my shoulder that itches. Would you mind scratching it for me?" the little girl smiled. Suddenly I felt her small hands start to scratch me belly. I couldn't help but wag my tail in happiness. The little girl laughed. After she finished I lifted her off and set her gently on the ground. "What's your name sweet heart?" I asked while nuzzling her with my head. "Jenna." She replied with a smile. "Well Jenna," I whispered. "You can scratch my belly anytime you want." She laughed and patted my head. I laid my head back down while Jenna sat down beside me and leaned against me. I wrapped my tail around her and curled around her. I looked at the other hunters and saw that most of them had smiles on their faces. The few that didn't were Thalia and a couple of the older ones. Artemis looked at me and said, "Well girls I would advise you to go to bed its getting late, and Alpha looks like he could use some sleep." The girls stood up without a second glance and walked into their tents. Jenna looked at me one last time and said, "Good night Alpha." I sighed and said, "Good night Jenna sleep well. I'll see you in the morning when you wake up." She smiled and closed the flap on her tent. Artemis turned to me and said, "Well that went over well. However there seem to be a couple that still don't trust you." I nodded and said, "Yeah, but what can you expect from men hating hunters." She shot me a look that was actually quite humorous. I laughed deep inside my chest. She turned toward her tent and said, "Good night Alpha." With that she walked away. I laid my head down ready for a long night sleep, when I looked by the fire. There stood a little girl poking the flames with a stick. "Hello Lady Hestia." I said while standing up to get closer to the fire. "Hello Alpha." She said without looking up. "It has been awhile." I said while laying down across from her. "What do you mean?" she asked. "We have never met before." "So how is Hope doing? I heard Hope always stays brightest by the hearth fire." A look of sudden realization dawned on her face. "So that's who you are." "Glad that memory has not failed you." I said with a wolfish smirk. "So what are you doing here? If I may ask?" I said to try to start up a conversation. "I'm actually here to talk to you." "Me?" "Yes you. I actually wanted to make you an offer." I groaned not another offer. She smiled and said, "You misunderstand me. I am not asking you to do anything. I just want to ask if you would become my champion. My champion must be of a pure heart, and I have never found someone that has fit that description till now. If you do  I will bless you to have the powers of invulnerable to fire, control and create fire, as well as the ability to conjure up any home cooked meal." I thought about it. "Hestia, I don't know what I should do. I mean I'd love to be your champion, but I am already protector of the hunt, and I don't know what Artemis would think if I started to show favoritism to another goddess." Hestia nodded with a frown on her face. "Then let's ask her shall we." I was about to say no that we shouldn't, but before I could do anything Artemis walked out of her tent and sat down leaning against me. "So?" Artemis asked. "What do you need Hestia?" Hestia looked at me and said, "Alpha her wanted to ask you a question." Artemis turned to look at me. "What is it Alpha?" she said with a bit more gentleness in her voice. I looked at the ground and asked in a quiet voice. "Artemis, Hestia just asked me if I wanted to be her champion, and I didn't know what to do without your permission." Artemis looked at me and laughed. "Alpha, you don't need my permission to do anything, but the fact that you were kind enough to consider us shows me that I made the right choice in our guardian. Do what you wish." With a slight push off Artemis walked back to her tent still shaking her head with a smile on her lips. I turned to Hestia. "Lady Hestia I appreciate the offer, and I am thankful that you think me worthy, and I would like to accept. However I am afraid what the other gods would think with you both giving me so much power." Hestia smiled and said. "That is how I know I am making the right choice. Every other hero would have jumped all over the chance to have power, but not you." With that she started to chant and soon I felt more powerful than I ever had. I looked at myself and saw a slight reddish glow around me. I looked at the fire and thought expand. It suddenly jumped much higher. Hestia smiled and said, " looks like you got the hang of it. Goodnight Alpha Champion of Hestia, Protector of the hunt." I smiled a toothy grin and said, "Good night Lady Hestia, I hope I do you proud as your champion." "You already have." She said while flashing away. I smiled and laid my head back down. I thought about my powers and suddenly I felt warm all over. I looked at my paws and saw that they were on fire. I freaked out for a second until I realized that the fire didn't hurt. I smiled and doused the fire. Again I thought about fire, but this time floating in front of me. Suddenly a small flame popped into existence. I tried to maneuver it around and it followed what I wanted. All that night I played with my powers till I was too tired. After a couple of hours of sleep I heard the rustling of a tent. I perked my ears up, but kept my eyes closed, not wanting whoever it was to realize that I was awake. After a couple of seconds I felt someone prod me with their hands I smiled as I smelled who it was. "Alpha, would you mind if I came out here and slept? I can't sleep and was hoping I could join you." I smiled and rolled over allowing Jenna to lay down beside me. I curled around her making sure that she'd be warm the rest of the night. With her laying with me I slept comfortably the rest of the night.

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