Amourshipping: When Dreams Ar...

By Typovo

78.1K 1.6K 680

The Sequel to "An Amourshipping Story" Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters in this story or Pokè... More

Lumiose City
The Gang Reunited
Jealous All Over Again
"I Love You"
She Is Strong!
The Hideout
The Search
He's Mad
The Warm Smile
Dipped in Pain
The World Is Beautiful
I Love You Too
The Cocoon
Breathing and Smiling
Dreams Don't End
When Dreams Are Fulfilled
When Dreams Are Fulfilled (REDONE Ver.) Announcement

My Mind Is Set On You

4.2K 91 50
By Typovo

After everyone talked about what they've been doing for the past 6 years, they all went to bed. It was great to hear about everyone's adventures and dreams come true. Even though Bonnie doesn't have one yet, she says she's determined to find one. Serena was still up arguing with herself, whether or not she still liked Ash, while Ash was also up but wondered why he felt warm and nervous when he was around Serena.

They both tried to fall asleep but they couldn't stop pondering about their feelings for each other, each one somewhat confused about the way they felt. Eventually they fell asleep thinking of one another.

"Pika, Pikachu!" Pikachu jumped up onto Ash's bed and tried to wake him up, but he never did when he tried to say Pikachu over and over into his ear.

Ash turned around to the other side of the bed and then yelled out in concern, "Serena..."

"Pika?" Pikachu tilted his head and then decided to use Thunder Bolt on him.

"Agh!" Ash jumped up and fell onto the floor. He pulled himself up grabbing the covers and stood up. "Why did you do that?" Ash then turned around and got dressed into his normal outfit. When Ash was all dressed he exited the bedroom, which was quite big it had two master beds and had a bathroom.

When he reached the living room, Bonnie was watching TV recordings of Serena's performances and Clemont and Serena were talking at the kitchen table. They seemed to be talking to each other about something. Then they moved to the back of the house and went outside.

Serena and Clemont wore the same clothes as yesterday and so did Bonnie. Ash went towards the living room to say hi to Bonnie, but then saw Serena on the screen. She wore a white and pink dress with a zigzag design. Her hair was in curls at the bottom of it. She wore a tall white hat that had a pink ribbon on it as well. Her face wore a smile as embers fell from the sky and landing on the ground forming an amazing scene of fire around Serena who was in the middle of the falling embers with her Pokemon. He felt something again. His felt heart started to beat faster. He felt like tearing his hair out. 'Why do I feel this way!?' He yelled at himself in his head, confused as ever.

"Hey Ash! You're late you know!" Bonnie was turned around on the couch looking at him. "Serena is about to show us one of her performances!" Bonnie jumped off the couch and grabbed Ash's hand and pulled him to the back door which led them to the backyard.

It was an open field with some flowers coving the grass. A few trees were covering the sides of the walls to the house while the porch looked clean and had a couple chairs that were white scattered across it.

Ash imagined what Serena would do and then he daydreamed about her performance and how she would look.

He saw Clemont sitting on one of the white chairs already.

"Come on, sit down!" Clemont yelled waving his hand up in the air.

Ash walked over and took a seat, while Bonnie decided to sit on his lap. He looked out onto the field, but no one was their. But then he heard a door open and close from the side of the house. He turned around and saw Serena in dark red dress, with a little bit of black and white hidden in the pattern that you couldn't decipher. She wore leggings that had diamonds cut into them to create another pattern that looked like the dress. Her hat was black with a red ribbon that was made out of silk and was tied into a bow on the left side of the hat.

Ash sat there and watched Serena walk out in front of them. She threw out 3 pokeballs and a Delphox, Pangoro, and a Sylveon came out onto to stage. The Pokemon paused for a moment, and looked at Ash, Clemont and Bonnie. They seemed to be frozen, but then the ran up to each one of them and started to look at everyone an saw how much they've all changed.

Serena laughed and said, "Hey, come on! We are going to do a performance for them!"

The three Pokemon immediately turned around and ran over to Serena.

"Let's show them the on of the routines we did at the performance we did last night!" Serena announce and all the Pokemon got into their positions.

Delphox was in the middle with Pangoro and Sylveon on the left and right of it. Pangoro then jumped and then held himself up with one hand as Delphox jumped on to his other hand that was up in the air. Sylveon then jumped on top of Delphox's head and all of them sent out a move, Delphox using flamethrower, Pangoro useing Dark Pulse, while Sulveon used Moon Blast. The stage turned dark as night with a circular light that looked like the moon shot out into mid air. The area was covered in a red and a purple light from the Flamethrower and Dark Pulse, almost matching Serena's color scheme on her dress. While Delphox used Flamethrower, Pangoro's Dark Pulse was about to land into it. Sylveon then used Attract which sent a pink heart out in between the two moves, the moves collided into the heart. All of a sudden a huge heart was shown in front of everyone. It was a mix of pink, purple, and red, each color following the other. Then Sylveon came through the heart sending powder everywhere. Delphox did the same thing and then Pangoro, and then Serena. They all landed back of the ground and bowed. The hearts powder was now everywhere covering the backyard with its luster.

"Ta da!" Serena came back up and wore a smile on her face.

Clemont and Ash clapped their hands while Bonnie ran out into the field and put her hands out touching the powder.

Everyone went back inside and complimented Serena on her performance.

"That was amazing Serena!" Said Bonnie with admiration in her eyes.

"Yeah, Serena that was truly amazing!" Complemented Clemont.

"That was so beautiful!" Exclaimed Ash.

Serena then jumped up and said, "This reminds me off the day I was training, the week when Ash left!" Everyone looked back.

"Wow, I guess so!" Said Clemont.

"Just like old times!" Bonnie said, jumping up and down. "That was even when you cut your hair, remember?"

"Yeah, I still cut my hair, I just grow it back out every year." Said Serena.

Everyone looked back on how young they were when they traveled together and everyone laughed.

"Oh, Ash do you remember when Bonnie kept looking for girls for Clemont!" Laughed Serena.

Clemont blushed and said, "She still does it."

Everyone laughed again.

Ash looked at Serena. 'There's that cute laugh again- wait? Did I just say that- again?' He looked at Serena and noticed something in her hair. He moved his hand into the hair and pulled out a piece of powder that was in her hair.

Serena looked at him and blushed.

"Uh- there was some powder in your hair." He said felling warm and uncomfortable.

Later that afternoon Serena changed her clothes and went out, she said she had to go do something so Ash, Bonnie, and Clemont stayed at the house, watching T.V and talking to each other. After hours of talking and laughing, it got dark and Ash got worried.

"Do you think Serena is okay?" Asked Ash.

Clemont looked at Ash. "Of course she's okay Ash, that's funny hearing that from you, you usually say she's strong."

Ash looked like he was just punched in the face. "No- no I didn't mean that she wasn't strong, she is strong, I'm just worried, you know, with the guy in the black coat still out there."

"Oh, yeah. I guess your right." Said Clemont as he got up to go check in on Bonnie.

"I'm gonna go look for Serena." Said Ash as he got up. He grabbed his jacket and walked over to the front door. He reached out for the handle, but then the door flung open. It was Serena.

"Oh, hi Ash." Serena said as she walked in. "What were you doing at the front door?"

"Um, noth-" Ash stopped in the middle of his sentence when he saw someone else walk through the door. It was a boy with black hair and wore a red jacket and he wore blue jeans. He wore a red hat as well. The boy turned around to Ash and their faces both were recognized.

"You're-" They said together.

"You're Ash!" The boy said.

"You're Calem!" Ash exclaimed.

They both starred at each other and saw how much they changed- or how much they didn't change. There was barely anything different about the two, the only thing different was the height and that they looked somewhat older.

Ash felt something in his heart again, it was that feeling when he met him in the cave and he was talking with Serena.

Serena laughed and said, "You guys act the same, you could be brothers!"

They looked at each other and said, "How are we possibly alike and there is no way I could be brothers with him!" They said, in perfect sync with one another.

"You guys can be a chorus! You guys sync in harmony!" Serena smiled.

Calem and Ash glared at each other.

"Anyway, Calem is going to stay a while." Said Serena.

Ash and Calem both jumped up and pointed at each other and said, "What! No way I'm staying here with him!" at the same time.

Serena laughed again walked away, leaving the two dumbfounded.

"Hey wait you can't leave me here with him!" They said this at the same time in sync once again.

They glared at each other and then they walked away in different directions. Once they went separate ways, Ash went into his room and laid down on the bed, considering is Calem like Serena. Or even worse.  What if Serena liked Calem?

"Serena!" He yelled as he saw her fall. He caught her and then pulled her back up.

"Thank you, Ash! Calem would never of caught me!" Said Serena, smiling up at Ash.

Ash put his hand behind his head and then rubbed his hair. "Oh, it was nothing." He couldn't tell if he was blushing or not but he felt his heart pound faster and faster, but then he felt a shock and he opened his eyes.

"Ahhh!" He jumped off of the bed again and hit his elbow against the floor. "Do you seriously have to keep doing that?" He looked at Pikachu who was pleased with him awake.

Serena opened the door and rushed into the room and saw Ash. "Is everything okay? I heard a scream."

"Oh, yeah, sorry about that. That was me." Ash said putting his hand behind his head again.

"Um, Calem is going to sleep in this room, if that's okay with you." Serena said.

"Yeah that fine!" Exlaimed Ash. He wasn't exactly paying attention, instead he was embarrassed and was daydreaming about what he could do to impress Serena.

"Okay then, I'll go get him, good night!" Serena walked out of the room.

"Good night!... Wait, what?! I don't want to sleep in this room with him!" But it was too late Serena already got him and Calem moved into the room and glared at Ash. He moved to the bed next to Ash and went to bed without even saying a word. Ash did the same, except he fell asleep daydreaming, finishing his last dream, with him impressing Serena and she ended up going with him back to Kanto. He was also daydreaming about Calem starring at them traveling to Kanto together with his mouth open, touching the floor. Ash smiled and went to sleep. He had a bunch of other dreams, but he could barely remember them when he woke up the next day.

Pikachu shocked him again the next morning and Ash screamed. When he did, Calem picked up a pillow next to him and threw it across the room at Ash. The pillow hit Ash directly in the face, almost knocking him down. He glared back at Calem and stuck his tongue out at him.

Ash rubbed his head and walked out of the room. He must of fell asleep in his clothing since he didn't remember changing into his pajamas. He grabbed his hat and put it on. Pikachu followed him and they walked out of the bedroom.

When Ash passed by the main hall he looked out the window and saw Serena doing her performance all over again from yesterday. He shook his head and the image disappeared. He pondered again harder than ever to try to figure out why he felt this way. He felt so frustrated and he tugged on his hair trying to come up with why he did. Why was his mind so set on Serena?

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