Broken soul. (A fanfic starri...

By LadySchneefee

5.2K 177 17

Adar had been captured by Halbrand and Galadriel. Not knowing what to do with him, Galadriel asks Eilith, an... More

Adar's character


156 4 1
By LadySchneefee


Eilith had been riding for three days when she got into a big storm. She was riding though a valley at that moment. Passing between two big mountains. The rain that was coming down was horrendous. She had to get out of it. Hoping to find an overhanging rockface or maybe even a small cave.

The rain come down like a curtain, heavy and wet. Finally  in front of her appeared an overhanging rockface. Grateful Eilith got out of the rain. Once there, she knew she had to get the both of them dry and warm. There was lots of ivy growing along the rockface, some of its branches thick and because the part under the rock was dry, it would be ideal to make a fire. With a dagger, she chopped away. To her surprise, a cave showed itself. Even better! The entrance was so big that even Raghnall could enter. Using her staff for light, she entered a little deeper into the rock, until she found a small room sized cave. Here she made the fire they so badly needed. The ceiling was high enough for the smoke not to bother them too much and hopefully it would all escape through the entrance anyway. Soon the cave was warm and filled with the mesmerizing light of the fire. As soon as the fire was going, Eilith started to rub down Raghnall. Only once he was dry she changed into dry clothes herself. The cave felt cosy now and after she hade made herself something to eat, she went exploring because there was a tunnel. The tunnel let into a big hall. Eilith made her Staff shine brighter, so she could get a better look. Ginormous and majestic the cave stretched into all directions and there where more tunnels. It was a whole underworld of caves and tunnels, amazing and intimidating. Eilith took another minute to take it all in, then she returned to Raghnall. It was nice to sleep in an enclosed space for a change, especially because the storm was still howling outside the cave.

All through the next morning, the storm continued, If Eilith had been alone she would have just walked through it anyways but she didn't want to risk Raghnall's health, he had become like a friend, a companion for the long and lonely hours.
Again and again she had to recall the beautiful moments spend with Adar. It started to feel more and more like a dream. She was desperate to be united with him, maybe also because she was beginning to wonder... Did he still love her? She was sure that at the time being, he had indeed loved her but had it been enough to love her still? They had been apart now for almost the same time as they had been together.

She had to know, so onward she was going to go until she found him! By now she had gotten used to being out in nature and had developed some useful outdoor skills. At times it was tough but she wouldn't have missed it! How much she had learned about the world and about herself. Maybe she would go back one day, home, but than not as Gil-Galads prisoner anymore and WITH Adar!!!

Finally in the afternoon the weather changed. Eilith packed up and went on her way. The air smelled fresh and earthy now.
She hadn't come far when she got surrounded by dwarfs.

"Hola there," one of them barked at her in their dwarfish accent. " Have you lost your way, lassy?" They seemed to be friendly but they didn't let her pass. It annoyed Eilith because she really wanted to press on, she had lost so much time already.

"Come, you must have a drink with us, tell a tale, than you can be on your way," said the same blond bearded Dwarf. Eilith was torn.

"I'm very much in a hurry," Eilith tried.

"Surely you can spare a few minutes or are you of those elves that are to fine to sit with the likes of us," another had spoken now. He seemed less friendly, offended.

Oh, it was no good. She would have to spare those precious minutes.

"Alright then," she said. "I've been travelling for days now, with no company than my dear horse. It would be nice to have a conversation with somebody who can answer me back."

The dwarfs laught heartily and Eilith got of her horse and followed them.
Earlier on she had crossed the river that had been running in the middle of the valley and had now been travelling on the other side because the terrain was better for travelling.
They arrived now at a fireplace now. Here were a few women as well and one or two children.

"We brought a guest along one of the dwarfs bellowed. This was taken in with loud calls of joy. Eilith was treated like a princess. She had been worried first, that maybe these dwarfs had evil plans but now she realised they just really wanted to be friendly and seemed to really like having a guest around. She was offered a lot of food, some of which was new to her but not unpleasant. Eilith saw that they were coming and going from a cave entrance.

She asked them if this mountain also had a cave system and told them that she had taken shelter in one of the caves in the mountain on the other side. Told them how she had discovered that there was a whole underworld of caves there.

The dwarfs went quiet, starring at her. Eventually a white bearded, older dwarf spoke. "Ay lassy, you have no idea of the evil that sleeps in those caves on the other side. A great fire-breathing dragon! He has been sleeping for a long time now and only the oldest of us can remember the destruction he had brought upon these lands. Our ancestor's wanted to see if there was riches to be hold in those caves and had woken the dragon. After roaming for same time, angry for having been woken, he went back to sleep. Nobody ventures into those caves anymore. You couldn't have known, but, if he had woken we would have known by now." He said lighter hearted again.
After this the celebrations went on and every so often Eilith could hear a dwarf laughing about the fact that she had been sleeping next to a dragon. Thankfully she had not woken him!

Eilith ended up spending the night with the friendly dwarfs but the next day she was of early with a lot of new supplies. She marveled at the hospitality of the dwarfs. Even though it had cost her time, again, she was glad she could have had this experience. But her heart long so badly for Adar!!!

A few days later, it had already gotten dark, when she was yet again surrounded..


Adar had been procrastinating. He couldn't quite bring himself to join Sauron. He feared for his children.
He had been at the camp now for over a week, when a messenger from Sauron arrived, demanding them to join. Sauron was getting impatient and wondering what took Adar so long. So it was with a heavy heart and dark foreboding that he gave orders to pack up camp. If he would deny Sauron, he would seek revenge and the price he would have to pay then, would be a lot greater than the loss they might experience joining forces. Adar would have to make sure he defeated Sauron before they went into battle though because war, would mean even greater losses  and not only those of his children. The fate of many would lie in his hands.

There was suddenly a commotion near the camp. Some of hiz children were causing a racket. He rushed to see what it was all about. There was a horse rearing up, with a hooded rider and his children were trying to get hold of the horses reins, shouting about.

"Enough," Adar bellowed. Immediately his children hushed. The horse calmed down and turned to face him and there on top of the horse, miles and miles from where he thought she would be, was Eilith. He felt like his heart would burst, break, freeze.. all of it together. This he had never expected! He starred at her. She looked like a creature from another world, a world that was usually not his, one of light and beauty!

"She is mine," Adar informed those standing by. Than he took the reins of the horse and let it to his tend. He had to be alone with her.

In front of his tent he commanded. "In!" Only that. She dismounted and disappeared in his tent. He followed, closed the hutch and pulled her into his arms. Clinging to her, desperate for her very being.

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