Walking Dead Wizard

By DanitzaV23

136K 5.7K 218

The Dixons and Harry Potter try to get to Atlanta but fail miserably when they realize the entire town is cra... More

Chapter 1: the walking dead
Chapter 2: the walking dead
Chapter 3: the walking dead
Chapter 4: the walking dead
Chapter 5: the walking dead
Chapter 6: the walking dead
Chapter 7: the walking dead
Chapter 8: the walking dead
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83

chapter 72

1.4K 61 6
By DanitzaV23

Harry's green eyes roamed over the area that had been overgrown with grass just a month ago, inspecting the area; just to be sure everything looked right. Which of course it did, everyone had been working hard to ensure it. They normally got up at six/seven o'clock had breakfast before they were working all day until night fell upon them. They didn't go anywhere once it got dark, mostly out of habit really, than any real fear that they could be attacked. The first fortnight had been purely planting seeds and trees, hay had been pretty much the first thing to be spread over the freshly overturned earth, and they would need it for the livestock. In fact Harry had brought in a twine tie baler as well as tractors and rakes, and scythes all things they'd need to deal with the hay when the time came for it to be harvested. Then the Wheat, oats, corn Barely and Rye had also been planted next, in the same area, keeping the 'grains' together. The urge to use a spell to get the work done in a few minutes in what takes the group three hours was strong, but they needed something to do, to remain productive.

Nodding in satisfaction, content that everything was going well, he turned away from the large field, wandering back towards the communal dining hall, Carol, Big Tiny and Oscar had true to their word cleared out the museum, or rather the ground floor, packing everything upstairs, preserving everything meant something these days, so the upstairs was still a museum of sorts, which people didn't frequent all that often but maybe one day.

He passed the large barn that Merle had installed with the help of Sasha, Tyreese, Axel it had been originally intended for some of the animals, but Harry had used it for the rice 'paddies' which were in reality seven very large blow up swimming pools which Harry had charmed quite solid and thick so they couldn't be deflated. Upon reading how to grow rice Harry had realized that Rice needed a warm sunny climate, so the barn it had been, it had magically enchanted sun globes floating along the top of the roof. It was magically expanded, so they all fit comfortably and with enough room to walk through it putting more water into it when it was required - and it did indeed require a lot of water according to the instructions. A week later the 'wooden raised garden beds' that were filled with asparagus seeds had joined the rice, due to the fact it needed a lot of sun, plus it was better to have it out of the way - it takes two years for asparagus to be ready for harvest but Harry had plans to make it less of a wait.

Behind the barn the trees they'd had for the past year in the green house had been planted along plethora of other sapling trees Harry and the others had brought back from scavenging a nursery on the fifth day in PA (Pandora's Apscondo). Five feet from the barn and trees which would only grow bigger with age was numerous vegetable patches. The vegetables they used more of were planted in abundance, carrots, turnip, onion, tomatoes, potatoes, Broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, rhubarb, beans, peas, cucumbers, squash and not to forgot the pumpkins, which Luna had insisted on.

The horses were stored in their very own stables; they now had seven in total, although it had taken some work from Hershel, Rick, Glenn, Maggie and Beth to get it in optimal condition. It required intense cleaning and mending of the broken stall doors where the walkers had broken them down to get to the animals within. The chickens had remained in Luna's back garden, it's not as if they had a real use for gardens these days so it was no problem for her, and Harry was sure it reminded her of home. He remembered visiting the house, there had been many animals around it, including chickens.

They had pigs in a pen a ten minute walk from here, only three, but one of them was female and pregnant according to Hershel, which made them extremely lucky to say the least. If she was able to get pregnant twice they'd have a supply up and running within two years. Not only would they be able to make leather out of the pigs hide, they'd be able to eat as well. Each obscure farm they found in the middle of nowhere bore some fruitful rewards, the pigs and the other horses, more chickens, a few roosters.

Before long Harry was wandering past buildings, veering off to enter the museum, not that you'd know that's what it was or had been. The large banner that had been up had been taken down. The smell of dozens of herbs was the first thing that registered in Harry's mind, at each window which was many in this building, had various herbs getting as much sunlight as possible. It gave the place a homely feel to it; they'd done a fabulous job. Lavender, bay leaves, chives, Dill, garlic, lemon balm, lemongrass, mint, parsley, rosemary, oregano, sage, sorrel, sun flower, thyme and violet Harry knew each scent instinctively.

The large dining room table housed everyone, which was the point really, and the chairs were all the same thanks to Harry so nothing was mismatched, well one thing was...their plates, cutlery, glasses, cups you name it. He wasn't the only one there, judging by the noise so he wandered through to the 'kitchen' and found - to no surprise - Carol was pattering about getting things ready.

"Good morning, Carol," Harry said, making his way towards her and taking half the plates she was trying to carry with her to the table.

"Did you sleep well?" Carol asked smiling in gratitude for the help, both of them absently setting the table before everyone got there, which wouldn't be long at all. Nobody wanted to miss their hot meals, not when they knew it wouldn't be reheated and they wouldn't get anything else until lunch time. They were still rationing food obviously, so yes, everyone made sure to be on time.

Harry's lips twitched, "Very well," he admitted, having proper privacy and sleeping with Daryl in the same bed every night was...heaven. Especially with Daryl's newfound intimacy, ever since he'd almost died at the prison it had obviously had some affect on Daryl. Whatever that had been holding him back had drained away in the face of the fragility of life.

Carol refrained from commenting, it was actually really sweet seeing the moments between both men, they didn't happen very often, in fact it had stunned Tyreese and Sasha when they learned what everyone else had already known. Tyreese had stated that you'd never know they were together, they seem like just close friends. Andrea had just commented that neither men were big on affection having received very little of it in their life. Everyone knew that was the reason, they had seen Harry's scars for themselves and it didn't take a genius to figure out about Daryl and Merle, the comments they'd dropped here and there alluded to an absentee father at the least, one they hated.

"What do you have planned today?" Carol asked out of curiosity, not that it mattered after breakfast Harry would let them know.

"Morning," Dale said cheerfully as he entered the kitchen, ready to help them. He had to say he absolutely loved being here at PA; it was so much warmer than the prison which helped his aching bones immensely. As did the green tea that Harry insisted he drink one cup off each morning.

"Hey," Carol and Harry replied automatically, as they passed the cutlery out.

"I'm going out to find someone," Harry informed her, he had received the book from Hermione the first night he'd spoken to her after wakening up from a two day sleep when they first came to PA.


**Flash Back**

"Hey, we can put this off if you're too tired," Harry said glancing at Hermione who had answered the mirror call but she looked exhausted. There was only the four of them here now, himself, Daryl, Merle and of course, Luna. They'd spent most of their day on the move as well, investigating the Fort. Glenn and Maggie had found a map of the area which had been copied so every house had a copy of the map.

"No, no it's fine, what happened?" Hermione asked insistently, she wasn't going to give up.

Harry sighed softly before he relayed what had happened, both what he knew and what he had picked up. How the Governor had caught their attention, what he had done, how he had threatened Sophia and got her outside the prison. What he remembered during the attack, including the fact he had Apparated outside the safety of the wards to rescue Sophia and ended up shot. Hastily adding that not long after Luna had saved him by using the phoenix tears. Mentioning the loss of Chloe, how the prison wall had collapsed, the two new additions and the fact he'd informed everyone about magic and their travel to Fort Benning.

Hermione now knew the secret as well, Daryl had informed her, Harry had also whispered the secret to Judith Grimes and Andre since there was no way for them to read anything at their extremely young ages. He hadn't been in a hurry since they weren't going to be going outside the compound - not any time soon.

"Oh, Harry, you really should be more careful," Hermione sighed resignedly, not the least bit surprised in his actions. Harry was always putting people above himself, especially those he cared about. He constantly spoke about Sophia that was a good indicator that she was important to him. Always exclaiming in pride in the process she was making, how she was growing up and that she had a much bigger chance of survival now. She would have done it herself; it was ingrained in their mind now.

"I know have you made any progress with my blood for the cure?" Harry asked getting back on a topic he wanted to know more information from.

"No, we've ran a dozen tests and adding it to walker blood has no affect, we think it was just the usual, or rather in his case unique blood that had Doctor Jenner so excited," Hermione said solemnly, she had watched his videos, it was heartbreaking to watch them, it made her appreciate being in a school surrounded by people.

"Well that's disappointing," Harry said, but a huge part of him was also relieved, him being responsible for a cure was a lot to put on anyone's shoulders.

"Yes, it is, Fleur is making her way to building that Doctor Jenner spoke about, we hope it's still standing, considering it isn't actually the CDC we hope it is."

"So it wasn't a CDC in France?" Harry asked blankly.

"There isn't one in France, Harry, but thanks to Doctor Jenner's notes and information he gave us through video recordings we know France was close to a cure before wildfire." Hermione explained, seeing their frowns, "I mean when the outbreak became global, around one month after the first case was reported. They call it wildfire; I've been thinking of it that way myself ever since reading his notes."

"Does Fleur even know where she's going?" Harry asked concerned, she was extremely smart, and was with a man who would protect her from anything and everything.

"They've got a map, they'll spend most of their time on broomsticks or in their tent, they will be just fine, their way has gotten them this far," Hermione said, despite her words they could clearly see she was just as worried as Harry. "Plus thanks to all the information you've given them they know what to do,"

"Good," Harry said relieved, "Listen, I want you to send that copy of Ilvermorny book through, it's no good to you, but I can help them, I'm a lot closer than you are."

"Not to mention you aren't trapped," Luna said wryly.

"There is that," Harry conceded.

"Sure, I'll let them know," Hermione answered, "Since they'll know something is going on when the addresses suddenly become wiped off the book." it was better than a black line being drawn through it signifying death.

"Sure," Harry nodded in agreement; when things had calmed down he might go to Ilvermorny to test the theory on whether if he got rid of the walkers the wards would be lowered. Right now it wasn't a priority, everyone in the school was safe, it was those on the outside that were in danger and needed help. "How is everyone?"

"They're all doing very well, Draco is dating Astoria Greengrass, she's pregnant," Hermione said thoughtfully, trying to think of anything else she could tell him. "Severus is his usual self, the lack of progress is getting to him though," her worry prominently displayed.

"It eluded the greatest minds both Non-magical and magical, he's extremely smart but there's only so much that can be done." Harry said in sympathy. "I have absolute confidence that if anyone can do it, it will be him."

Hermione nodded vigorously in agreement, she actually wanted to ask Severus on a date herself, but hadn't quite got up the courage to do it. She chickened out constantly, not only would he probably think she was far too young for him, but young enough to be a daughter to him, but she didn't care how old he was, watching his mind at work was amazing, she was truly in awe of him...overtime a crush had developed into something more.

"Any activity on the mirror from Ilvermorny yet?" Luna asked, a small smirk on her face, oh she knew about Hermione's crush, you'd need to be an idiot not see how her cheeks heated up when she was talking about him.

"Nothing yet, but it's too soon to even think of giving up hope," Hermione insisted.

"Agreed," Harry said, "Anything you guys want to ask her?" referring to both Merle and Daryl who had been quiet throughout the conversation, probably over analysing everything that was said but that was the Dixons for you.

Both men shook their head in disinterest.

"Hermione, do you have a supply of phoenix tears?" Harry asked.

"Yes, Severus had three bottles, he had been working on a new healing potion before the outbreak," Hermione informed him, "Why do you need one?" she knew Severus would grumble about it but would give them up without much hesitation, he cared deeply about Harry, even Luna and everyone else who had been under his charge at Hogwarts.

"No, but I've had the tears before in the past, I've been waiting for an occasion to try it out on someone that's been bitten but so far there's been no fatal bites," Harry explained, he wasn't about to use it without it being fatal, like a neck or shoulder bite, now if that happened there wouldn't be anything they could do so he wouldn't have qualms about using it to see what happened. However a bite on the arm or leg or foot even...they could be saved by severing the limb above the bite.

"We won't get an opportunity to find out here," Hermione sighed, it would be such an interesting experiment, but at least she was safe at Hogwarts and hadn't been constantly on the run for a year.

"No, I don't suppose you would," Harry conceded, refraining from slapping himself, he should have thought of that. "Alright, Mione, we're going to go, keep us updated with new information."

"Sure, night Harry, Luna, Daryl, Merle," Hermione said, graciously waiting for a reply before she uttered "Deactivate" and the mirror glowed blue before dimming completely.

A few moments later tapping could be heard from the box as Hermione put the book through for them.

** End Flashback **


"Someone? You make it sound like you are going out for someone specific," Carol pointed out, as she placed the last of the cutlery down, Dale was putting the cups out, so without more ado she made her way back to the kitchen which was large enough for her to put everything on at the same time.

"I am," Harry agreed, he was going after a sixteen year old wizard, he was the closest, Barrington House, in Virginia. He may or may not have family with him, magical family since only those eleven through seventeen are on the list, sometimes eighteen. "I would like to take Sophia with us," he knew Carol wasn't comfortable with Sophia leaving, but Harry knew it helped people trust them, not all of them admittedly but enough. He wasn't sure what they'd be facing when they went for the boy, but he had to try.

If only he had looked at the book recently instead of just writing down the names and locations.

"Who are you taking with you?" Dale asked, joining in the conversation.

"Merle, Daryl, Luna, Andrea and Sophia," Harry informed him giving him a reassuring look, he knew Dale cared very deeply for Andrea and Amy. However, Andrea was one of their best markswomen along with Michonne and Carol (you wouldn't think it was the same woman with how far she had come from the cowed beaten housewife she used to be).

The smell of real bacon sizzled through the air; Harry no longer had to keep his supplies hidden so they were eating real bacon, real bread, sausages and eggs. Not every day, most days they ate tinned bacon, eggs from the CDC, hotdogs and of course tinned beans and such their real meal usually consisted of their dinner.

"Do you know the person you are going for?" Carol asked as she began plating the bacon. Shaking the frying pan that held the sausages all the while.

"Not personally," Harry admitted, but he would do whatever he could to save those he was able to, and magical people were being tracked by the magical book so he was able to find them.

"What's not personally?" Luna asked Harry as she, Merle and Daryl made their appearance as always well prepared for anything, from Luna and Merle's swords to Daryl and Harry having bows, their guns as well, and the added addition the walkie talkies Harry had found in the security centre which by they had completely stunned Harry making him feel utterly uneasy at all the monitors and stuff lying around that he absolutely had no idea how it worked.

"We're going to look for one of the magical kids stuck outside," Harry explained, "Then it's on to another farm to see if we can get lucky again." he was hoping for some cows, maybe even some sheep.

"Sounds good," Luna agreed and the room quickly began to fill up with everyone, after a greeting they stuck to their own circles, gearing up for whatever they had to do today.

"I've got the dinner tonight," Harry informed Carol as she, Dale, Tyreese, Sasha and Lori began to plate out the food as Carol had directed them to so none of it got cold. He kept an eye on everyone that came in, when he noticed something...or the lack of something. "Sophia, what have I told you about carrying?"

Sophia looked down and said, "Oops," she hadn't done that in a long time, not since the first few weeks at the prison.

"If you want to come with us today, you best go and get everything," Harry remarked, "Eat first," noticing she wanted to bolt in the other direction.

"Can I come, Harry?" Carl asked his eyes eager and bright.

Harry gazed at Carl, the conversation he'd had with the teen had the desired affect, and he was much less subdued and had no problem talking to him now.

** Flash back **


"Where is your mother?" Harry questioned, not even turning in Carl's direction already knowing he was there. Blowing the smoke from his cigarette in the other direction.

"On the doorstep, I asked to come," Carl said defensively, still feeling two conflicted emotions when it came to Harry.

Harry turned to face Carl, seeing the conflict on his face, and as a teenager unable to control his emotions he was best to put this to bed. "Sit down, Carl," Harry said softly, the tone he usually reserved for the kids, and Carl had very much been a kid when they first met. He drew his smoke along the concrete, putting it out; only once he was sure it was no longer lit did he put it back into his packet. "You're angry with me, I don't blame you, I think I would have been too." it wasn't a question, it was a statement.

"Why did you leave like that?" Carl demanded, his feelings finally pouring out. "And don't treat me like a little kid and say you'll tell me when I'm older!"

"I had no intention of doing that," Harry replied, his tone calm and even, "Carl, you must understand that the group was broken, it wasn't a good fit, we were all miserable because of it. Your father went too far, don't be too hard on him though, he is and was a very sick man. Your dad tried to lay the blame for Shane's death at all our feet so he could try and convince himself that he wasn't to blame. That I could have tolerated but when he tried to make himself out to be our saving grace, someone who could lead us to something better and basically told us our opinions didn't matter and we had to follow him and let him dictate us or leave...he left me no choice but to follow my own instincts."

Carl frowned, trying to process what Harry was saying.

"Your mum wasn't any better, she would have left someone I cared about to die rather than try to save him. Said his life wasn't worth anything even with the guns your dad dropped thrown in. She was quick to try and help find Sophia though, so I'll give her that one. Her demands made many of the people in the group miserable; it was why so many people decided that going with me was a better choice." Harry explained, it felt wrong saying this, but Carl had to understand.

"You didn't even say goodbye!" Carl said subdued.

"No, no I didn't, it was wrong of me, I know," Harry agreed, "It was much easier to do it that way, but Carl...I didn't abandon you completely, I've always known you were safe and out of harms way. I put a wellbeing spell on you when it became apparent that you were rebelling and going off on your own and your parents too caught up in their own drama to keep a proper eye on you. It's how I knew you were in danger at Terminus, you weren't abandoned or forgotten, I thought about you all the time." knowing that abandonment was part of the issue.

"Wasn't easier for me," Carl said mulishly, a lot of the anger tapered off at that pronouncement but he wasn't quite ready to give up yet.

"No, I suppose not," Harry conceded, "Things will be different now, I promise."

"Come here," Harry said, standing up, Carl did too and Harry brought the boy into a hug, grabbing the sheriff hat before it fell, "I'm sorry," he admitted, he'd do it all over again the same way, but he had hurt Carl's feelings so he wasn't above apologising.

"Can I help you? I've grown up now, I'm not going to do anything stupid like before," Carl said as soon as he was released from the manly hug, grinning as Harry replaced his hat with mock seriousness.

Harry winced, how long had Carl been carrying that around with him? It had been one of the last things he'd said to the boy before the split. "We all do stupid things, Carl, I did my share of stuff that could have killed me too, we just have to learn from it and move on. We say these things because we care, and you are so lucky that you have so many people that care about you." genuinely cared about him, he hadn't been as lucky, he could name the people who actually cared on one hand.

"I know," Carl said nodding his head, knowing it was true.

"Go on, go back to your mum and sister," Harry urged him, "You need to get some sleep," it was late; he would need to head in as well.

Harry watched him go, lighting up his smoke again, "You can come out now," he said in amusement, he could feel Daryl was at the door listening in on their conversation, probably out of habit.

Daryl said nothing just came out observing him in that very familiar way that he does. He didn't ask Harry why he hadn't told him about his godson, he knew he'd obviously not wished to discuss it with anyone. Just like he was with dumb-ass da.

"I lived for Teddy after the war, I felt as if my purpose in life was over, I had been raised from the age of eleven to defeat Voldemort. I had hoped to come out intact against him, but he had fifty-sixty years more magical experience than I did. I hadn't even graduated Hogwarts, I didn't receive any special training, yet they were all expecting me to pull of something utterly ridiculous..." Harry admitted staring out at the dark night, only the lamps at each end of the street to illuminate where they were. Picking them up at the hospital beside the shopping centre had been well worth it. "It was mere hours before the end of the battle that I realised Dumbledore hadn't trained me because I was the last piece of the puzzle, I wasn't meant to survive. He didn't want me to beat Voldemort, he just wanted me to stand before him and be killed. All for the greater good."

Daryl listened to Harry, knowing that was all he wanted, just someone to listen. His anger at Dumbledore just grew to epic portions; he would have had no trouble putting an arrow through the old man for his actions. Plus Daryl was already pretty much aware of that part of Harry's past just not quite that way.

"So, like the obedient little idiot I had been raised to be, I did exactly that. It wasn't for the magical world though, or even Dumbledore it was for my friends, for my godsons parents who were dead...for the Weasley's who had lost a son, a friend had lost a twin, I did it for my friends," Harry explained quietly, "In the end it was nothing special I did that ended Voldemort, it was just actions and consequences, his own spell rebounded, the wand was not his to wield and it wouldn't kill it's master. Only this time his safeguards had been destroyed, there was no coming back. I felt hollow, empty really, not sure what I wanted to do with my life but Teddy filled that hole, made me feel better about myself. I had never wanted to be an absentee godfather like my own had been through no fault of his own."

"I get that," Daryl replied, just to let Harry know he was listening and that he understood a bit.

"My friendship with the Weasley's deteriorated due to Ron's inability to realize I didn't want to be a hero, while he wanted it more than anything else, he was using his friendship with me to get that status...constantly urging me to marry his sister, share my fortune, which I would have done in a heartbeat if he hadn't been blatantly asking for it. Teddy kept me strong, kept me going, then over a year later my life spiralled out of control. The few Death Eaters who had escaped persecution decided to make me pay, and they did," Harry admitted darkly, "They killed Andromeda, Teddy's grandmother and him, if it wasn't for Hermione, Neville and Luna that loss would have seen me go down a very, very dark path."

"They became your anchor," Daryl observed, nodding, it was the same with Merle and him, both of em stopped each other from doing something dangerous.

Harry nodded in agreement, "Yes," he replied verbally. Fiddling for a few moments before he pulled out a photo album, he hadn't looked at it for so long, unable to do it. He flipped passed the pages of him as a baby, then the pictures he'd collected of his friends while at school, his familiar until he settled on the ones with Teddy.

"His hair is blue," Daryl grunted in surprise, what kind of person did that?

"He was a very gifted child, he had the ability of a Shapeshifter, we call it Metamorphamagus, you'll see when you look through the pages, and his looks change constantly. His favourite thing to do was to morph himself to look like the person who was holding him." Harry said, his heart bleeding for the beautiful precious boy who had made him so very happy.

Daryl's eyes widened as he looked through the pictures, realizing he was right, the boy's looks did change, it was hard to believe it was the same kid really, he wondered if anyone even knew what he really looked like. "Does it happen often?"

"You mean Metamorphamagus? Before Teddy's mum there hadn't been one in a very long time, it was the infusion of new blood that brought it out I've always thought, it's unheard of for two generations to get it though, but those pureblood's were sleeping with their own cousin." Harry admitted, handing over a smoke before sparking one up himself.

Daryl grunted in understanding, handing the book back over and both of them just sat there for a while in silence smoking before heading in.

** End Flashback **

"It really isn't up to me, Carl, until you are eighteen your parents are responsible for you," Harry replied eventually, "You must get your parents consent, just as I did for Sophia." and Carol had been reluctant, but he'd given her no reason to fear, Sophia had come back each and every time without a scratch. Sophia's confidence had skyrocketed beyond measure each trip on the outside as she grew into her new life with ease.

"Mum, please?" Carl begged turning to her. His dad wasn't here yet nor was Hershel.

Lori felt torn; she didn't like the thought of him being gone from her side for even a moment. Yet she knew when it came to Carl or Sophia Harry would put them first before even himself. He had proven that himself time and time again. Turning to Harry without saying a word, her eyes unconsciously saying it for her.

"I won't leave him behind, I will protect him to the best of my ability," Harry stated, not promising to bring him back alive, but to do his best only for it was all he could do. "But you will listen to me, Carl, and follow my every demand out there; if you don't then you will not be coming again." Sophia listened to him always, even if she didn't understand it at the time.

"I promise," Carl said nodding emphatically.

"It's up to you," Harry said with a gesture, they were his parents after all, as shitty as they could be sometimes they cared and that made them at least halfway decent parents.

"Mom?" Carl said, turning towards her pleading for her to say yes.

"Don't let us down," Lori said, "If I hear you haven't followed Harry's rules I'll be very disappointed."

"I won't mom, I promise," Carl said seriously.

"Alright, but come straight to me after you get back," Lori said sternly.

"I'll be right back," Sophia exclaimed the minute she was done eating, she dashed from the table without another glance back, running 'home' to get her stuff which wasn't all that far.

"Amy, Andrea do you still have the fishing gear?" Harry asked, his attention turning to them.

"The canoe was left behind but the fishing gear is still in the RV, yes," Andrea was the one to respond with Amy nodding firmly beside her.

"Tomorrow you'll go fishing, take Patrick, Sophia and Carl with you, only enough for one meal, I don't want to empty the river," Harry said wryly. "Amy get the equipment ready today and make sure it's all set then you watch the kids if needed."

"Mira, I have a potion I want you to brew, it will help grow the vegetables to greater sizes and much quicker," Harry turned to her, "You know where the lab is, after that check on the ingredients make sure they're all thriving." by 'the ingredients' he meant everything that was growing in the greenhouse in his back garden. A load of small plants had been put through from Neville over the past month now they had somewhere permanent where nobody would think twice about them.

Mira nodded excitedly, she hadn't been asked to make any potions yet, so yes she was ecstatic.

"Tyreese, T-Dog, Sasha, Oscar I want the second well started to today, one nearer the greenhouse," Harry instructed them. "Hershel will be checking on the animals, Lori, Rick, Patrick and Axel it's your turn to do the washing and drying." Rick wasn't there but he was sure someone would tell him.

"Michonne, Carol, Amy, Beth and Jimmy you'll be watering everything," Harry stated, "And Lori if you can, begin planting the plants, Carol knows where I want them." they had brought back a beehive, which meant they needed to pollinate so they could get honey in turn as well as beeswax.

"Back," Sophia called out, skidding to a halt in the room barely out of breath due to the running and training she'd done over the past year. Her dagger and guns attached to a holster on her hips, it was a recent acquisition, she'd found it in the security centre, it was fabric, not leather and much more comfortable to have on and even had a space for her guns and daggers so she was extremely happy with it.

"Then let's go," Harry stated firmly. It was time to head off to find Rory Rutherford and let him know he wasn't the only magical person left behind in his mess. Hopefully, along the way they would find a few others.

Harry was largely unaware of the fact that he would soon know of the next narcissistic, ferocious sociopath called Negan so soon after getting rid of the Governor.

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165K 5.9K 91
Ahsoka Velaryon. Unlike her brothers Jacaerys, Lucaerys, and Joffery. Ahsoka was born with stark white hair that was incredibly thick and coarse, eye...