Danganronpa Despair Redemption

By Freezetaggers

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16 students from 3 different killings game. International Killing Game, Killing School Semester and the Capti... More

Prologue - A new mutural killing
A remembered character
Chapter 1 - Memories of the past
Failure of the present
History of the future
The new way of land
Having a rocky restart
The shattered hope
Trusting classmates
Chapter 2 - Paths of escape
End of the path
Highway of length
The next investigation
Betrayal of smarts and strength
No straight road to truth
A new set of mind
Chapter 3 - All in one and not for all
Split opinionated
Drained spirits
No longer a classmate
A worst made environment
Tricks and traps
Hatred of yourself
Chapter 4 - One remains when five have died
A puzzle without a clue
A lie hidden in truth
Trapped by guilt and truth
Ending the clear accusation
The accusaton for truth
The end of friendship
Chapter 5 - One's mind flip leads to an untold truth
Locked in our hearts
Forgon mystery
The final murder
Hanging on lives
Behind the facade
Chapter 6 - Void
The final class trial
The truth is now

In all our hearts

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By Freezetaggers

Ding Dong Ding Dong

Monokuma: good morning future victims, it is now 8am meaning you may now enter the school store and restaurant. Happy killing

So another day begins, after yesterday's investigation it really wasn't looking like anything good would be happening, though I can't see Monokuma giving out a motive, the past four times sure but with how the group is I don't see something like those motives working

Adam: everyone's arrived

Alice: mhm and quite early as well

Jill: yippie, that's a good thing right?

Lewis: well it's certainly not a bad thing

Harry: we don't need to worry about anyone

Harry says that but I can tell he's still concerned about Faye, not that I blame him she has been acting strange

Sebastian: still tired Faye?

Faye: yeah I'm having late nights

Harry: I don't like judging a lifestyle choice but that isn't smart Faye

Faye: it can't be helped, in order to find the truth a detective must sacrifice everything

Lewis: where did that come from!

Faye: I apologise, I suppose that is a little too extreme isn't it?

Sebastian: well I cannot quite understand this truth you look for, I can understand needing to go all out for said truth

If Sebastian is the one taking her side it's probably the wrong one

Faye: I suppose I could rest a little more tonight

Alice: I'll force you to sleep tonight if I have to

Jill: Alice

Alice: it was a joke Jill

Jill: ...

Alice: ...mostly, I do think you need to get some sleep Faye

The infamous Jill pout, surprisingly effective

Lewis: so uh any plans for today?

Harry: none that I've heard

Adam: I believe the point of today is to be calm, we need that after a day of investigating the fifth floor

Alice: it looks to be the last floor as well, I didn't see any signs of stairs

Sebastian: hmm now that is strange

Lewis: yeah it is, what exactly are we going to get after that floor

Jill: oh well maybe it means that there won't be anymore trials

Faye: I hate to be the bearer of bad news but it could also mean they know this trial will be our last

It's easy to tell the group wasn't a fan of that, though I cannot say I disagree

Lewis: err well let's just keep calm for the day

With that in mind, I think we have separated for now. Well I best decide what to do

Free time start

I decided to go to the yard, barring the gym it seemed like a best place to train

Sebastian: ah if it isn't Adam, hello there

Adam: the yard is out of question then, I suppose the gym will have to do

Sebastian: I understand not liking me but is going all the way down there worth it just to avoid me?

Adam: yes

Sebastian: blunt as always though I cannot fathom why

Adam: that much should be obvious

Sebastian: I feel that out of everyone still here I've done the least to you

Adam: that's wrong, you were the person who killed Kathy

Sebastian: and? As far as I'm concerned Kathy wasn't your special person, was it not August?

Adam: Kate and I were close

Sebastian at least seemed to make the connection

Sebastian: you know I cannot quite understand the hatred of killing Kathy, even if she was, was it, Kate's special person

Adam: you killed someone close to Kate, for that I cannot accept you, it would be like me killing Leary

Sebastian: so that's how you see it, well the difference is that I knew Leary. I seriously doubt you knew Kathy

Adam: if Kate was here she would be distressed

Sebastian: that's interesting, well if the roles were reversed and Kathy learned Kate died so you think she would be mad?

Adam: of course she would, they are both members of the scientific community

Sebastian: that is where you are wrong, for you see, Kathy doesn't care much for science. She believes in the lord or whatever

That does seem to be strange, but it changes nothing

Adam: it doesn't change what you did, and even if Kathy might not care much for Kate the reverse is not true

Sebastian: I suppose, though you should realise I am trying to grow from

That doesn't matter to me but there's no point in saying that now, I don't understand this one really

Adam + Sebastian's bond has increased

Lewis POV

I'm aware that Jill is all about the big brother stuff but does she have to keep dragging me to places

Jill: here we are, I hope you enjoy what I've set up big bro Lewis

Lewis: so what's this then?

Jill: you can't tell big bro? It's a tea set, I found some coffee supplies and made some tea with it

Lewis: tea...with coffee supplies?

Jill: big brother loves it

Lewis: oh I see

Jill: are you okay big bro Lewis?

Lewis: oh yeah I'm fine, it's just I'm surprised

Jill: surprised? What are you surprised at big bro?

Lewis: well it's just despite everything that's happened you are still able to keep a positive mood

Jill: hehe surprised?

Lewis: well yeah, kinda

Jill: I mean what's the point in being sad about everything? That isn't how everyone wants us to be

Lewis: that's certainly true but sometimes it's not that easy

Jill: well maybe not but I think I've done pretty well so far

Jill and that grin of hers. I don't know how someone who acts like her can be so calm in situations like these. It's almost kind of impressive. I could learn alot from her about keeping positive

Faye: oh what's going on here?

Jill: hi hi Faye, me and big bro Lewis were just having some tea

Faye: I could do with a little, you don't mind if I join you do you?

Lewis: that's fine with me

The three of us hung out together while drinking tea, it was quite nice actually

Lewis + Helper's bond has increased

Harry POV

Nothing wrong with relaxing in a room made for relaxing, I've really needed this with everything that's happened

Alice: you know I never properly went into this zen room apart from, that

Harry: oh Alice, didn't hear you come in

Alice: it's no worries, I was just thinking of something to do

Harry: how about you try these candles with me?

Alice seemed to be ok with that idea and sat down

Alice: so uh if you don't mind me asking...how are you dealing with Ozan?

Harry: I could be better honestly, feel like a weight is keeping me locked in place

Alice: yeah that makes sense though all things considering you do seem at least a little better

Harry: heh you can thank Faye for that

Alice: that makes a lot of sense, she's helped out a lot

Harry: yeah but despite that I can't do much right now

Alice: oh? In what way?

Harry: I dunno it just feels like since Ozan died I've not done anything

Alice: sure you have, it might not seem like much but you helped during the trial with your account and you've been investigating

Harry: yeah I suppose you are right

Alice: look I know this stuff can stress people out so all I can suggest is to try and not think about it too much

Harry: yeah I got you Alice

It's times like these where I need to start taking Ozan's lifestyle and just relax, maybe it'll help?

Harry + Alice's bond has increased

Adam POV

I believe I still have some time to spend today, well I suppose Jill will probably want to speak with me

Jill: big brother!

Adam: hello Jill, what are you up to?

Jill: nothing much I was just about to show big bro Harry something

Oh I didn't notice Harry

Harry: you can check it as well if you want

Adam: I suppose I can

The three of us headed to the pool

Harry: it's...in here?

Jill: mhm

Adam: Jill, I'm not sure this is the place you want to be

Jill: but I know I do

She wants to be in a place that caused her so much pain....this must be important

Harry: uh ok Jill, so what is it?

Jill: well it's this

Jill suddenly jumped into the pool causing the both of us to reach for her

Adam: Jill!


Jill: hehe surprised

Adam: when did you get the confidence to go in the pool again?

Jill: yesterday, my arm has gotten much better since back then and now I finally feel good about swimming

Harry: that's great Jill

Jill: I'll never be able to forget big brother's death but I think I'm finally strong enough to move past it

Adam: that's all anyone could ask

Jill: so uhhhhh do you two wanna swim with me?

Harry: that sounds perfect!

Adam: sure but I'm changing into a swimsuit

The three of us had a little fun swimming, it was a nice change of pace to say the least

Adam + Families' bond has increased

Sebastian POV

Hmm seems someone is on the third floor, this place hasn't been used much since the incident from what I can tell

Faye: could a clue be here?

Faye of all people? That is surprising. Well she wouldn't want to be surprised so

Sebastian: is someone here?

Faye: oh it's you

Sebastian: I suppose I cannot expect to be liked, what exactly are you doing here?

Faye: I could ask the same of you

Sebastian: that's true, though I just felt the presence of someone here, I'm sure that is understood

Faye: while I find it unlikely you would somehow be able to tell I was on this floor, stranger things have happened

Sebastian: now do explain yourself

Faye seemed to look away for a second, is it a lack of trust or something else?

Faye: it's just a puzzle I am trying to figure out

Sebastian: I see and you believed this floor would help you?

Faye: I just needed the right motivation...

Ah Derek and Zara obviously

Sebastian: well you should know those that are here can help as well

Faye: maybe so...but I'm not going to rely on everyone like I have before, this is for me

Sebastian: I see

Faye: you aren't going to say something about strength in numbers?

Sebastian: maybe if I was someone else but no, everyone has their battles and this is yours

Faye seemed relieved at that, while I cannot say I know exactly what she is going through I certainly believe that I can help even if it's by not involving myself

Sebastian + Faye's bond has increased

Alice POV

Phew, that's a little too much for me, I wish there was a shower but all that we have here is this sauna

Alice: I really wish there was something better

Lewis: something better?

Alice: oh Lewis! I didn't hear you

Lewis: that might've been because of the sound of that steam

Alice: maybe, I mean I was focusing on it

Lewis: so you were in the sauna? What for?

Alice: trying to clean myself after a little regime

Lewis: ah that's why you were talking about something better

Alice: yeah back in my base camp I had showers for days and even an all gender bathhouse

Lewis: really! That seems like a lot for a base camp

Alice: it's because of my abilities as a general, I assume they were trying to suck up to me

Lewis: yeah...I mean for me we had it was fine

Alice: you lived in farmlands right?

Lewis: right, I suppose Lilly would've told you that huh

Alice: not only that, she's the Ultimate Farmer

Lewis: so that's the Ultimate she got, I'm not that surprised honestly

Alice: I'm still trying to figure out how all of this revival stuff is possible but I'm just happy I got this second chance

Lewis: I can understand that

The two of us continued talking about our lives, it felt refreshing to be able to do this

Alice + Lewis' bond has increased

Adam POV

It seems another day has passed, and yet we are still no further to anything, a motive hasn't been announced, no clues really have been found and Faye is still acting off. I'm meant to be helping this group as I couldn't do much with my last and yet I feel I am only causing problems

Ding Dong Ding Dong

Monokuma: it is now night time my future victims, please head to your rooms

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