the chelsea fc gc | kai haver...


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in which timo werner accidently adds thea becker to the chelsea football team group chat, thinking it was mat... Більше



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2 long updates in 2 days!! who even am i😲😢😢


"yes, i will! bye papa!"

thea ended the phone call to her dad, humming to herself as she finished packing her bag for uni.

today was her birthday. a day she usually loved but one she now hated because it wouldn't be with her family. although, she was glad that she had aliyah and the other boys with her.

walking into the kitchen, she began to pour herself a bowl of cereal when she heard a buzzing on the intercom. the brunette girl walked over with a frown and became even more confused when she saw kai havertz on the screen.

"uh- hey kai?" she spoke, pressing down on the button she he could hear her. "is everything alright.

"can i come up?" he asked

"uh, i mean i'm just about to head off-"

"it's an emergency."

"oh. okay. well yeah then sure."

she clicked on the other button, allowing him to come into the flat block. now, she was not only confused but also nervous as she could not think of any reason why he would be visiting her at 7am on a friday morning.

unlocking the flat door with her key, she peered down the stairwell to see him hurriedly walking up the stairs. once he reached the top, he greeted her with a smile.

"happy birthday!" he spoke softly, no urgency in his voice.

"uh, thank you?" thea replied, welcoming him into her flat. "is everything alright?"

"great actually!" he grinned. "pack your bags."

"huh?" thea blurted out. "for uni? well i just finished packing it a few- "

"no not that bag," he shook his head. "your suitcase."

thea gave him a confused look.

"don't ask questions - just pack!"

he quickly rushed her into her room.

"okay! okay!" she laughed shortly. "my suitcase is in the airing cupboard next to the toilet. y'know the one you accidently went into the first time you came here?"

"ha, ha. yes i remember," he rolled his eyes, but going to get her suitcase anyway.

"what stuff do i need to pack and how much?" she called out.

kai shrugged, walking back wiht her suitcase before opening it. "for a couple days. just whatever stuff you wear normally?"

"a couple days?!" she half shrieked, "what the hell are you planning havertz?"

"you'll see, now pack quick!"

quizzically, she gave him a glance before quickly packing the bag. she put in a couple tops,jumpers and trousers, under garments of course and a pair of pajamas. then, she decided to throw in one of her nice outfits, because why the heck not.

"oh, you'll also need your passport."

"what?" she inhaled sharply, "i swear you are going to be the death of me kai lukas havertz."

he just grinned at her as she quickly grabbed her toiletries from the bathroom and stuffed it into the suitace, before taking her passport out from one of her draws.

she placed it in a small shoulder bag along with her purse, a portable charger and a few other small items.

"perfect. now let's go."

"go where?"

"you'll see"


"why are we at the airport?"

after saying goodbye to a confused and half-asleep aliyah, they hopped into kai's car, off to the unknown destination.

"you'll see."

"can you stop saying that!" she glared irritatedly.

he parked his car in the short-stay carpark before the two got out; kai with his rucksack and thea with her suitcase and her shoulder bag.

"why are we here kai?" she sighed exasperatedly.

once they were inside the building, he stopped moving and turned to face the german girl.

"we're going to germany for the weekend."


"we. are. going. to. germany. for. the. weekend," he repeated, twice as slow so she would hear every world.

"what- but why-" she stammered. "what about uni?"

"do you have any lectures today," he raised an eyebrow, already knowing the answer.

"no," she muttered before adding, "but i'll still have so much work to catch up on -"

"oh forget about your goddamn work for a second," kai cut her off, but there was a growing grin on his face.

thea paused for a second, taking it all in. the airport was quite busy filled with families, school trips, business occacions. she couldn't quite believe what was going on.

"happy birthday thea," kai repeated his words from earlier in the morning.

not knowing what else to say, the brunette girl wrapped her arms around the boy in a tight hug. she could already feel the tears begin to stream down her face. she was beyong grateful for this.

"thank you," was all she managed to choke out, but he understand how much it really meant underneath all that.

"it's my pleasure," he murmured into her hair, squeezing her waist tighter.


kaihavertz29 added to his insta story


"oh. my. god."

thea's breath hitched in her throat as the aroma of germany filled her nostrils. it was weird to think that even the air had a homely scent. she obviously missed being in germany but she didn''t realise how much until she was back there again.

kai grabbed her suitcase from the conveyor belt, before the two exist the airport building. the german boy had booked an uber as soon as they landed so it would be there as soon as possible.

he look sideways to thea who was taking in everything, with tears in her eyes and he couldn't help his heart warm at the sight.

the two stood there in a comfortable silence for a few minutes before their uber arrived.

the drive only took around 40 minutes and there wasn't that much traffic. the quieter roads was a breath of fresh air for kai and thea, in comparison to the busy streets of london.

once they arrived at thea's house, the two both got out the cards to pay.

"it's fine i've got it," kai dismissed.

"no please let me," thea spoke, "you bough me the damn plane ticket. the least i could do is pay for the uber."

after a moment of silence, kai nodded. while thea payed, kai got his rucksack and her suitcase from the boot of the car. the two germans thanked the uber driver again before turning around and walking up the driveway to thea's house.

to say she was now nervous was an understatement. everything was just so overwhelming that she didn't know how to act.

she reached into her bag where there was her key ring attached to multiple keys, including the ones for the flat. fumbling to put it in, kai placed his hand on top of hers and unlocked the door for her.

thea smiled thankfully as the door creaked open. once kai had brought in the two bags, thea locked the door.

"heidi? is that you?" thea's dad called in german, from the kitchen.

thea's heart jolted at the sound of her dads voice, making her want to burst into sobs.

quietly, they walked into the kitchen-dining area where they had initially heard his voice.

"heidi i told you to message me before you come over," her dad shook his head. his back was currently turned to thea and kai, while he was making his coffee.

"and aren't you supposed to be at the bakery- mein god , thea!"

his draw dropped open as he turned around and luckily he was not holding his mug, otherwise there would have been an unfortunate mess.

both becker's began to cry as thea walked over to her dad and pulled him into a tight her. neither wanted to let go as he stroked her hair.

"are you really here?" he spluttered

"ja papa," she nodded, her cheeks wet from her tears.

the old german man then turned to kai who was standing in the doorway, not wanting to interrupt on the moment.


the footballer looked up from his phone, smiling before walking over. he was taken by surprise when thea's dad pulled him into a hug but reciprocated it nonetheless.

"danke," he spoke to kai, not being able to express with words how grateful he really was. the younger boy smiled and nodded in return, glad he could reunite the two becker's.


"how are you feeling?" kai asked thea, his hands shoved into his pockets as it was a bit chilly.

"i..i can't even describe it to be honest," thea shrugged.

they were currently walking to the bakery as thats where heidi currently was, working. thea's dad had decided to stay at home while kai and thea visited the blond girl.

as planned, they turned down the small allywey to enter through the back door. little did heidi know, she was going to get the surprise of her life.

thea had a grin on her face as she pushed the back door open, the aroma of fresh baked goods entering her lungs. it was certainly refreshing.

on her right, she was met with a gaping emil who was currently on his break.

"thea?...aren't you..." he mumbled off in german. the brunette girl pressed her finger to his lips, walking down the hallway. and that's when emil spotted kai, his eyes now bulging out of his pockets.

"kai havertz?" he murmured to himself, shaking his head. "i must be dreaming."

thea then pushed the door open to the area which was behind the counter, where they served the drinks and took out the premade food. the german girl found her heart skip a beat as she saw the back of her best friend.

heidi was standing at the till, taking a customers order, her long blonde hair tyed into a ponytail and she wore a black apron, that every person who worked there had.

"...danke! your order will be ready in a few minutes, you can wait on the side," heidi finished, gesturing to the other counter. the customer nodded at her, while heidi turned around, sighing.

she pinched the bridge of her nose, clearly tired, the 'manager' badge on her apron, standing out.

thea glanced sideways to kai who was standing next to her with his hood up and his hands in the pocket of his hoodie, a small smile on his lips. at this stage, heidi hadn't even noticed the two.

the blonde girl then walked straight past them to the coffee machine. her shoulders deflated when she realised they had run out of the small coffee takeaway cups.

thea glanced to the cupboard underneath one of the other counters where they kept the spare ones. quickly, she grabbed a new pack and walked over to heidi.

"looking for these?" she asked, a small smirk on her face.

"oh yeah thanks," heidi gave her a small smile, then beginning to make the coffee. she turned her head to the side, giving thea a weird look, wondering why she had been standing there for so long.

and then the hazy, tired look in her eyes dissapeared and a squeal erupted from her mouth.


immediately, she jumped at her best friend, the two almost toppling onto the floor.

"what the hell are you doing here?" heidi half yelled.

"what? no happy birhday wish?"

"you bitch!"

heidi slapped her friend playfully on her shoulder before wrapping her hands around her again, this time softer. her heat rate began to steady as she coudl feel tears pouring oout of her eyes.

"tell me i'm not dreaming," she mumbled into thea's shoulder.

"you're not dreaming," thea confirmed.

"tell me again."

"you're not dreaming."

after a minute, she leaned back, taking a deep breath. her eyes trailed to the side, realising there was another figure hovering over then.

"i guess you're the reason she's here?" heidi half smirked, looking kai up and down.

kai smiled and nodded awkwardly, stepping forward with his hand out. "yeah-uh, hi. i'm kai-"

"oh i knew that ages ago, trust me," she spoke with a laugh, ignoring his hand out and pulled him into a hug, the second hug that surprised him today.

thea just laughed at the interaction between two of the people she valued most in the entire world. "the becker's and the schmidts are huggers," thea snicked.

"i can tell," kai laughed, scratching the back of his head.

heidi sighed, shaking his head. "i'm finishing my shift early," she called out to the other workers at the front, "i'll tell emil to finish his break quickly."

and with that, she chucked her apron in the washing machine, to be cleaned at the end of day wash and gestured for kai and thea to follow her out of the cafe. as they passed the small side room, heidi popped her head in.


the young brunette, looked up from his phone, eyes wide.

"is it alright if you finish your break 15 minutes early. just because i'm leaving now...because...well obvious reasons," she spoke with a slight laugh as she gestured at thea, "you can come in an hour later tomorrow-"


heidi chuckled lightly. "perfect! see you tomorrow...maybe!"

emil nodded, however, his eyes were trained on one particular person. kai havertz.

the footballer knew he had been recognised but was not too sure how to react. ask if he wants an autograph? a photo? instead he just gave him a small wave, which was enough to satisfy emil.

the three then exited the cafe through the back door, smiles on all of the faces.

"someone's popular," thea nudged kai jokingly.

"more like famous," heidi rolled her eyes.

kai just smirked. "at least someone knows who i am," he teased.

thea jokingly glared as they came to a halt due to heidi sticking her hand out.

"shit i forgot my bag and coat. is it alright if i quickly go back?"

"it's fine. take your time," thea dismissed as the blonde nipped back inside.

once she was gone, kai sighed, turning back to thea. "i best be going now."

thea's smile faded. "what? why?"

"i've got a few stuff to do and plus i'm seeing my family."

thea sighed, her eyes flickering to the floor, she couldn't argue with that.


her eyes flitted up to meet his. the two were currently standing by the exit door, leaning against the wall.

"i've actually booked a dinner," he explained, "for you and your dad and heidi. at 7 at alpenstück. i didn't really know any of your other family or friends so i just booked it for you yeah. and also you guys aren't paying anything. it's all under my tab-"

"kai!" thea gasped, hitting his chest.

the brunette boy was used to her behaviour and rolled his eyes, grabbing her wrist rapidly with his hand. thea glanced down at his fingers enclosing around her skin before looking back up to his unchanged face.

"look, my family know the manager-"

"of course, your family know everybody-"

"and i have already spoken to him on the phone to put everything under my tab so i can pay for it the next time i am there. and i said no matter how much you guys beg to pay, he must not let you under any circumstances."

thea's eyes softened.

she dropped her hand from his grasp before pulling him into a hug. over the past few months, their hugs had definitely become more frequent....not that she was complaining.

"i don't deserve you," she mumbled into his warm chest, her arms wrapped his waist while his were looped tightly around her shoulders.

"hey," he scolded, "you deserve me and so so much more."

after a minute, they pulled apart and thea turned around so her back was resting on the brick wall and kai was standing directly in front of her.

"are you sure you don't want to come?" she asked, subconsciously wanting him to give in and to come with them.

"i'm sure," he said firmly, "i see you like...every week, i want you to enjoy your birthday with your family and friends. i'll see other times in the weekend anyway."

"okay," she sighed softly.

he offered her a small smile which she returned

"i ordered my uber a few minutes ago so it'll be here soon, so i'll leave you guys for now," he spoke, eyeing up the road near them.

thea nodded. "okay. message me when you get home, yeah?"

"of course," he smiled. he took the opportunity to lean forward and press a small kiss to her forehead, making her heart swell.

"bye," she managed to get out, her cheeks heating up.

he flashed her one more cheesy grin before walking down the alleyway to the main road.

less than a minute later, heidi bursted out the door. "sorry i took so long! dan stopped me in the kitchen and emil stopped me as he was going back to the front!" she blurted out in a rush, one arm in her coat, the other holding her shoulder bag.

"it's okay," thea laughed at her state. she grabbed her friends bag so she could put her coat on properly before giving it back.

exhaling happily the two walked off before a frown appeared on heidi's face. "wait where's kai?"

"he's gone home."

"home as in london?"

"no...home as in his home here, dumbass," thea scoffed.

"dumbass?" heidi raised an eyebrow. "wow those british boys are really rubbing off on you aren't they."

"they're not all british," thea pointed out.

"anyway," heidi brushed off, "why didn't he stay?"

"he didn't want to intrude on my birthday," thea spoke before adding, "which is stupid because he would never be intruding. but he booked dinner for me, you and papa at alpenstück. and he's put it all on his tab."

"oh my god really!" heidi squeeled as they crossed the road.

"yep," thea answered, shaking her head. "idiot."

"no. not idiot. it's basically an all you buffet!"



thea.becker added to her insta story

yourmum.aliyah replied to your story

U AT UNI?!?!




elainemills12 replied to your story

so thats why u
missed our
brunch date👀


don't stress
its okay.
u owe me
when u get
back ;)
enjoy ur

masonmount replied to your story

who is this
fine looking

shove that
language up
your arse mount!!
not a chance!!

it was worth
a try

heidimarlene added to her insta story


heidi sighed, slumping back in her chair.

"i will never get tired of this food," she spoke in german.

"i missed this place," thea pouted, officially stuffed after the sharing platter and finishing her main course.

"so how's your friend, kai, been?" thea's dad asked, completely changing the comversation top a bit too eagerly.

"oh-uh," thea paused, shuffling in her seat as heidi's ears perked up, "good...yeah he's good."

"i'm gathering he got the ticket for you?"

thea nodded, her cheeks blushing.

"that boy is too kind for his own good," her dad shook his head, "was this all a surprise?"

thea nodded again. "he came to my flat in the morning and told me to pack my bags and then he took me to the airport and told me there!"

"awhhh," heidi gushed, even though she had been told it earlier on their walk home.

"speaking of your flat, how's your flatmmate...aliyah? is that her name?" thea's dad asked another question.

"she's good. yeah i really like her. she's lovely. you would like her."

"not as much as he likes me," heidi smiled, patting thea's dads shoulder.

"that's debatable," he rolled his eyes, having the same sass as his daughter, "but no, that's good thea. i'm really glad. one day we will meet her."

thea sighed, taking another sip of the bottomless drink, heidi had insisted they order.

"one day."


3.3k words wtf😲

yet again this is one
of the chapters i rlly
rlly enjoyed writing.

and surprising i got
it done rlly quickly
so im proud of
myself lmao.

tbh i should
have been
revising for my
english essay
which is tmrw
but oh well

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