30 Days of Assorted One-Shots

By Kaila_Falcon

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(For my 30 Prompt Writing Challenge!) These one-shots will likely be in the following Fandoms: - Jurassic W... More

Table of Contents
List of Participants
Day 1: Free, But On The Run
Day 2: Moving Forward
Day 3: Fevered Realizations
Day 4: [Pt. 1] In The Arms of a Stranger
Day 5: Recon Gone Wrong
Day 6: Against The Odds
Day 8: [Pt. 2] In The Arms Of A Stranger
Day 9: Running And Hiding
Day 10: A Promise
Day 11: Even In Suffering
Day 12: Foiled Plans
Day 13: Split Second Decisions
Day 14: Christmas Circus
Day 15: By Your Side
Day 16: Saviors In White
Day 17: Sick Days
Day 18: Memories
Day 19: [Pt. 3] In The Arms Of A Stranger
Day 20: Snowy Surprises
Day 21: Seeking Answers
Day 22: Natural Instincts

Day 7: Warming Up To Love

360 5 8
By Kaila_Falcon

Prompt: Waterlogged

Title: Warming Up To Love

Fandom: Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol (yes, I know. Again. I'm sorry. Well, not really. 😅)

Warnings: N/A (though this somehow wandered into sappy central... I don't know how. Send assistance? These are supposed to be angsty prompts! Bruh. Scolding myself, I guess. I honestly don't know how this managed to wander so bad, but oh well, what's done is done.)

Word Count: 2,127

Synopsis: After the bombing of the Kremlin that Agent Y/N L/N quickly found herself swept up in along with her Partner, Agent Ethan Hunt, the pair somehow manage to escape from the Russian hospital that they'd been transferred to after the explosion. With their minimal injuries having been tended to, they quickly discover as they roam the dark streets of Moscow, all that unfolded while they had been trapped behind those whitewashed walls... and that the mix of relentless, bone-chilling rain coupled with fatigue and minimal clothing isn't such a great combination.


Warming Up To Love

You'd been slow to come around, inwardly groaning in pain and discomfort as you'd shifted against that godawful hospital bed, blinking the grain from your eyes as you'd opened them, wincing at the light.

And even now, as your bare feet pound against the wet pavement beneath them, you're desperately attempting to come to, unable to shake the fog from your mind.

Your Partner, however, seems to have rebounded far quicker than you, his paces steady from where he is, a bit ahead of you.

He'd somehow managed to snag a jacket when you both had made your break for it from the whitewashed prison, the black leather already becoming soaked with the relentless, bone-chilling rain that had descended upon your surroundings, almost an ominous warning of what's to come.

In fact, you're quickly becoming soaked in the thin t-shirt and jeans you wear, especially considering you'd profusely refused Ethan's offer to take the jacket.

No matter how many times he offered, you'd refused.

A refusal you're beginning to regret.

Suppressing a shiver, you quicken your pace, hurrying to keep up with the man ahead of you, a trembling hand being raised to wipe away a loose strand of wet hair from your face.

Darkness is quickly on it's way, the headlights of passing vehicles practically blinding as you stumble for a moment, your side making contact with Ethan's, who hurriedly steadies you, a hand on your shoulder, another resting on the small of your back, hooked around your waist.

"You're slipping on me, Y/N," He states, tone low and thick with concern, a glimmer in his gaze confirming that fact.

"I'm fine," You assure firmly for what seems to be the thousandth time, though your voice wavers, the shiver you'd shoved aside moments ago resurfacing and wracking through your entire frame.

Feeling your trembling figure against his hands, your Partner just frowns disapprovingly, sighing.

"J-Just cold-d," You admit with a pitiful attempt of a chuckle, only for it to come out sounding more like a cough, yet another shiver shaking you.

No kidding. I'm soaked to the bone.

Seeming to nod to himself almost as if confirming his own thoughts, Ethan urges the pair of you onward, the hand on your back not vanishing as you both progress on through the dark, rainy night, uncertainty in your synced footsteps.

"Any idea where we go next?"

"Somewhere warmer than out here."

"And where do you suggest we find somewhere like that? Because last time I checked, we're currently wanted by the Russian Government."

The man at your side passes you a glance, accompanied by a soft grin.

"I have a few places in mind."


By the time the pair of you had managed to find one of the many small, vacant apartments scattered around the outskirts of the city, your shivering hadn't ceased.

In fact, you'd argue it's only gotten worse.

"If you're good here, I'm gonna head back out and see if I can find a phone to get us an evac as soon as possible," Your Partner hums, standing at the exit, his figure bathed in the warm glow of the lamp you'd instinctively flicked on moments ago.

You're practically frozen to the spot where you also stand, facing him with what you hope is a neutral expression on your features.

"Okay," Is all you're able to muse through chattering teeth, rubbing your hands over your bare arms in a vain attempt to warm up.

Chuckling to himself, you simply watch as Ethan nears you, a compassionate gleam in his gaze, a warm hand making contact with your shoulder.

"Try to warm up," He suggests, motioning to your evidently waterlogged figure, your clothes practically dripping with rainwater. "I'll get you a change of clothes while I'm out, too."

You nod wordlessly, grasping the wrist of his hand resting against your shoulder, giving it a thankful squeeze as he moves away, heading for the door.

You do the same, wandering back towards the small bathroom, beginning the struggle of getting rid of your soaked clothing.

Originally, a hot shower had been the first thing on your list, but after walking by numerous signs all informing this building's tenants that there's currently no hot water, sprawled across lined paper in messy Russian, that idea had quickly been scratched off.

So, that leaves you with the only idea you can think of.

Removing your beyond damp clothing and setting it out to dry... somewhere... then, don the rather ancient looking bathrobe on the back of the bathroom door and slide under the covers of the single bedroom's queen sized bed...

Hopefully piling blankets on top of you will be enough to warm you up.

Because the last thing either of us need is me getting sick.

Then I'd really slow him down.

You sigh heavily, the sound of the front door closing and locking meeting your ears, your Partner well on his way.

Leaving just your thoughts and the pounding rain against the thin windowpanes to keep you company.

You already feel bad enough that you'd spent almost every moment after escaping the hospital being useless and a burden.

A shivering, trembling mess of a usually steady and highly skilled Agent is the very definition of a burden.

And though Ethan Hunt would never say it to your face - that you, his own Partner - was slowing him down, you know right well that's what he's thinking.

Or maybe you're just overthinking.

Shaking your head with a huff of annoyance, you wrangle your way out of your clothes, bundling them up and setting them aside, tossing the starchy bathrobe over your shoulders, tying it in a knot at the front.

You once more grab the clothes off of the counter where you'd previously set them aside, wandering towards the closet and setting the garments on hangars, crossing your fingers that they'll dry that way.

Humming to yourself, you urge your shivering figure towards the bedroom, grabbing the blanket off the back of the couch on your way past.

And with staggering footsteps, you practically fall into the mattress, beginning to bundle yourself in as many layers as possible.

The bed's bedding carries a rather musty smell to it, though you pay no mind, simply thankful to be out of the relentless rain.

A rain that continues to pour from the heavens, the sound of it pinging off of the window beside you a rather soothing sound now that you're not in it.

And as you lay there, in the dim darkness, your thoughts wandering with your gaze that wanders the bleak ceiling above you, you're finally beginning to gain feeling throughout your body again, the fog that had been plaguing your thoughts ever since you'd come to, hours ago, also lifting slightly.

A pang of sorrow and frustration ripples through you, accompanied by a shiver.

I wonder how many people lost their lives because of what happened today... Damn Hendricks... willing to harm innocent people just to make a statement.

But yet, somehow, you and your Partner had got away practically unscathed.

And speaking of your Partner...

The rather distant sound of keys hitting the door pulls you from your thoughts, the fatigue that had settled upon you being shrugged away as you pull yourself to a sitting position, watching as the door opens to reveal a familiar figure.

Appearing absolutely drenched.

Though he doesn't seem bothered by it, kicking off his boots and shedding the jacket, leaving both by the now locked door as he makes his way towards you, a bag in hand.

"I made the call - we should be able to get out of here first thing tomorrow morning," Ethan informs as he strides past you, setting the bag down on the dresser off to the side of the quaint bedroom.

"Clothes?" You inquire, gesturing to the lone item with a still trembling hand, mentally cursing your wandering gaze over your Partner's currently shirtless figure.

"Yeah," He replies, a slight chuckle in his tone, almost as if he can sense your sudden flustered state.

Which, he no doubt can - the heat on your cheeks likely burning red by now.

"Thank you," Is all you breathe before scrambling out of bed and hurrying towards the bathroom once more, peeling off the starchy bathrobe and donning the far more comfortable articles of clothing Ethan had managed to find at whatever ungodly hour it is.

Sliding into the sweatpants that fit you surprisingly well, you continue to rummage through the bag, only to turn up a rather large shirt, confusion pricking your thoughts.

There's another shirt in the bag as well, though it's nearly identical.

And far too large for you.

Shrugging, you slip the plain t-shirt over your head and around your shoulders, the rather thick material almost acting as yet another blanket.

Inwardly grinning, you leave the bathroom behind and wander back the way you had come, coming to a halt at the bedroom door, quietly observing the scene in front of you.

Ethan Hunt is merely a silhouette to you, his figure standing in front of the rain stained window, head bowed, fists evidently clenched.

Whether in anger or a certain sadness, you can't quite tell.

You've never quite seen this side of him before - maybe it's a side that you're not supposed to be seeing.

But when you softly call out his name in question, the sound falling from your lips so fast, you barely realize you've said anything until he turns to face you, a sorrowed glimmer in his gaze.

"Are you alright?"

At this, the man across the bed from you sighs heavily, beginning to make his way towards you.

"I'll be fine," He assures softly, a thin-lipped smile being sent your way as he passes you by, no doubt also heading to get changed out of his damp clothes.

A ripple of compassion dances down your spine as you silently slip back under the covers, the sound of your Partner's movements coming from the other room keeping you company.

But then, footsteps meet your ears as the lamp in the living room is turned out, bathing the room where you lie in almost total darkness.

Though your eyes quickly adjust as you track your Partner's figure making his way around to his side of the bed, the mattress beneath you dipping slightly as he slides in beside you, surprisingly close.

"Do you ever get the feeling where it feels like no matter what you do, how hard you fight back... Nothing will ever be enough?" Ethan mumbles into the void of darkness bathing the pair of you, the rain and your mingled breathing the only other sounds in the silent room.

You allow a frown to grace your lips as you turn onto your side to face the man at your side.

"Occasionally," You murmur, a hand reaching out towards his, your fingers almost instinctively intwining as you give a reassuring squeeze. "But what happened today, what Hendricks did, it just proves that we have to fight all the harder."

Now it's Ethan's turn to frown as he also rolls onto his side, a genuine look of exhaustion written across his features, facing you.

"I'm just not sure how much fight I've got left..." He sighs heavily, a wavering in his tone that tugs at your heartstrings.

Disregarding any sort of logic in the moment, you instinctively shift closer to him, wrapping an arm around his torso and pulling him even closer, once more conveying reassurance, this time, with a hug.

"I'll be right beside you, regardless if you chose to fight or not. You won't be alone," You breathe feeling your Partner's exhale as he returns your action, only he pulls you forward with far more ease.

And before you can quite comprehend what happens, you now find yourself being held rather than you holding he, your head resting comfortably against his chest, listening to the steady rhythm of his heart.

An unspoken gratefulness is in Ethan's firm yet gentle grip around you, his hand running soothing circles against the fabric of the shirt on your back.

"Thank you, Y/N."

At this, you offer a drowsy grin, your eyelids gradually feeling heavier and heavier.

"I mean it," You murmur, sitting up slightly, pressing a kiss against his cheek. "I'm with you every step of the way - whether we fight or not. As long as I'm with you, that's all that matters."

You could swear you hear the man holding you chuckle fondly as you settle back against the pillows and his chest, the shivers you'd been battling all night finally gone.

Instead replaced by an immense warmth of the feeling of finally warming up to someone you love - completely.

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