Day 22: Natural Instincts

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Prompt: Bloody Hands

Title: Natural Instincts

Fandom: Jurassic World (2015)

Warnings: Mentions of open wounds, blood

Word Count: 3,385

Synopsis: After a rather chaotic day that was made worse by a seemingly never ending relentless rainstorm, Y/N finds herself in a situation she could've sworn she never wanted to be in... but her instincts disagree.


Natural Instincts

To say you were in shock was an understatement.

You had just quite literally been saved from the jaws of death by a man you'd found yourself spending more and more time alongside.

The same man who also possess a bond with the creatures you'd found yourself quickly becoming cornered by a mere few minutes earlier.

And now, as the pair of you sit huddled under a patio umbrella, the rain coming down even more relentlessly than before, you allow a shiver to dance through your body, the thin material of your work uniform drenched and cold with no apparent chance to dry anytime soon.

"We haven't had rain like this in quite some time!" Your companion practically shouts over the noise, leaning closer towards you, the picnic table separating you both feeling substantially larger than it should be. "Should liven things up a bit around here!"

All you can do is offer a small nod and a smile in return, hugging yourself in a vain attempt to stay warm as the downpour continues, with no end in sight - heavy, grey clouds looming on the horizon.

It had been this rain that had caused your prior mishap.

One wrong step and you'd found yourself losing your balance and plummeting into the foliage of the Raptor enclosure below, which, had softened your landing a bit, but it still hurt.

You hadn't had much concern about your possible injuries though, as you'd clambered haphazardly to your feet, your head on a swivel, senses on high alert.

The four Raptors that you'd spent countless hours training and observing... they'd have heard your fall... and likely to come running in hopes of what they might very well consider a snack.

Though, to your surprise, they'd never even made it close to you.

Without hesitation, he'd leaped in after you and quickly put himself between the four of them and your beaten up figure, no doubt a ghostly pale.

It had all been such a blur... in fact, all you can remember is the way he'd looked at you while keeping the Raptors calm... his gaze full of utter concern, features stern yet creased in a certain type of worry you hadn't seen from a man in what seemed like-

"Now's our chance if we want to get out of this," Owen's compassionate tone pulls you from your thoughts and roots you back to the present, your eyes widening in surprise as you quickly meet his gaze, earning a light chuckle from him.

"What did you say?" You stammer, the back of your neck involuntarily getting warm as his familiar grin spreads across his features.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2023 ⏰

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