Day 5: Recon Gone Wrong

400 1 6

Prompt: Lost / Forgotten

Title: Recon Gone Wrong


Warnings: N/A

Word Count: 2,753

Notes: Takes place before the SHATTERED cinematic. --> A/N = Your Agent Name

Synopsis: A/N, a recon specialist for the VALORANT Protocol is sent alongside a Team to scope out what their Mirror counterparts have been up to, stealing their Earth's supply of Radianite. But when their enemy is already there and the Team gets separated, what will happen next? Will the two Agents lost in an unknown, underwater part of Omega Earth get back to where they belong in one piece?


Recon Gone Wrong

It should've been a simple mission.

It was recon.

Your specialty.

But as you practically slide behind a pile of Radianite crates, the concrete of wherever the hell you somehow ended up at biting at your skin through your combat pants, you sigh shakily, clutching the only weapon you'd been able to bring along with whitening knuckles.

A suppressed handgun - more commonly known to your fellow Agents as a Ghost. The best weapon of choice for Missions like these.

Or at least it would've been if this Mission hadn't already gone off the rails!

How did we manage to get separated?! This place isn't even that big!

It was true.

Direct from Brimstone - he'd sent a team to Omega Earth.

Or Mirror Earth as you like to call it.

The home of your doubles, of which, encounters with them seem to be occurring more frequently these days...

And you can only pray that now that you're on their turf, their version of the VALORANT Protocol won't come after you.

But right now, panic is beginning to settle in.

You'd already tried your Comm.

Blocked or jammed - either way, no one was there.

And you'd seen Reyna usher Killjoy's bright yellow jacketed form back through the portal, returning fire to whatever odd looking uniformed force decided to open fire upon the four of you the minute you'd all stepped through the portal.

Which leaves you and... Chamber of all people, stuck on Omega Earth with no way of getting back home.

Or at least, not from this way.

It had been Brimstone who had somehow convinced the French sharpshooter to join up on this Mission.

How he did it, you have no idea.

Chamber isn't usually one too keen on joining Missions unless absolutely necessary.

But, as bullets once more ricochet off of the crates you're hiding behind, your enemies having caught up with you once more, you're beginning to think that maybe your leader shouldn't have put so much faith in the marksman with uncertain motives.

Heck, for all I know, he managed to follow through after Reyna and I'm stuck here completely alone.

Either way, you're alone until you find your teammate - if he's even still here, that is.

30 Days of Assorted One-ShotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz