Day 7: Warming Up To Love

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Prompt: Waterlogged

Title: Warming Up To Love

Fandom: Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol (yes, I know. Again. I'm sorry. Well, not really. 😅)

Warnings: N/A (though this somehow wandered into sappy central... I don't know how. Send assistance? These are supposed to be angsty prompts! Bruh. Scolding myself, I guess. I honestly don't know how this managed to wander so bad, but oh well, what's done is done.)

Word Count: 2,127

Synopsis: After the bombing of the Kremlin that Agent Y/N L/N quickly found herself swept up in along with her Partner, Agent Ethan Hunt, the pair somehow manage to escape from the Russian hospital that they'd been transferred to after the explosion. With their minimal injuries having been tended to, they quickly discover as they roam the dark streets of Moscow, all that unfolded while they had been trapped behind those whitewashed walls... and that the mix of relentless, bone-chilling rain coupled with fatigue and minimal clothing isn't such a great combination.


Warming Up To Love

You'd been slow to come around, inwardly groaning in pain and discomfort as you'd shifted against that godawful hospital bed, blinking the grain from your eyes as you'd opened them, wincing at the light.

And even now, as your bare feet pound against the wet pavement beneath them, you're desperately attempting to come to, unable to shake the fog from your mind.

Your Partner, however, seems to have rebounded far quicker than you, his paces steady from where he is, a bit ahead of you.

He'd somehow managed to snag a jacket when you both had made your break for it from the whitewashed prison, the black leather already becoming soaked with the relentless, bone-chilling rain that had descended upon your surroundings, almost an ominous warning of what's to come.

In fact, you're quickly becoming soaked in the thin t-shirt and jeans you wear, especially considering you'd profusely refused Ethan's offer to take the jacket.

No matter how many times he offered, you'd refused.

A refusal you're beginning to regret.

Suppressing a shiver, you quicken your pace, hurrying to keep up with the man ahead of you, a trembling hand being raised to wipe away a loose strand of wet hair from your face.

Darkness is quickly on it's way, the headlights of passing vehicles practically blinding as you stumble for a moment, your side making contact with Ethan's, who hurriedly steadies you, a hand on your shoulder, another resting on the small of your back, hooked around your waist.

"You're slipping on me, Y/N," He states, tone low and thick with concern, a glimmer in his gaze confirming that fact.

"I'm fine," You assure firmly for what seems to be the thousandth time, though your voice wavers, the shiver you'd shoved aside moments ago resurfacing and wracking through your entire frame.

Feeling your trembling figure against his hands, your Partner just frowns disapprovingly, sighing.

"J-Just cold-d," You admit with a pitiful attempt of a chuckle, only for it to come out sounding more like a cough, yet another shiver shaking you.

No kidding. I'm soaked to the bone.

Seeming to nod to himself almost as if confirming his own thoughts, Ethan urges the pair of you onward, the hand on your back not vanishing as you both progress on through the dark, rainy night, uncertainty in your synced footsteps.

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