The lost triplets

By R3b3cca09

1.7M 55.5K 9.2K

Alexander, James and Skye were triplets. They were stolen from their family at the age of 4. The family searc... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
the house
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 50
chapter 51
chapter 52
chapter 53
chapter 54
chapter 55
chapter 56
chapter 57
chapter 58
chapter 59
chapter 60
chapter 61
chapter 62
chapter 63
chapter 64
chapter 65
chapter 66
chapter 67
chapter 68
chapter 69
chapter 70

chapter 29

26.9K 925 112
By R3b3cca09

So I feel like the story isn't moving really so I'm going to skip a week

In that week nothing really happened

Triplets went to school came home spent time together did their homework and getting used to having a family.

Alex made the soccer team...I might accidentally refer to it as football occasionally but just know I mean soccer.

Marco is still awful to the triplets but isn't as bad

Lorenzo dealt with the people responsible for the attack. He spends his time between his own apartment and the family home.

"Dont be nervous you got this" James reassured Alex.

"What if I make a mistake. What if I'm not good enough. What if they take it out on you" Alex was panicking.

He had made the school team and today was a friendly came between another school. Alex was terrified of messing up in case he dissapointed his brothers and father and they took that disappointment out on Skye and James. He didn't care if he disappointed Marco but he did care if he angered him. He wouldn't let his siblings get hurt.

"It's okay Alex we are going to be watching and cheering you on" Skye said.

Rafael was even more estatic than Alex when he heard he made the team. He promised to be at all the games if he was in the country. And he definitely wasn't going to miss his sons game.

Marco had to be there as he was helping the coach manage the first year team.

And of course Nico, Leo and Lorenzo weren't going to miss it either.

"Stay together okay" Alex said pulling both of them into a hug. He was about to leave them alone with his entire family. Thankfully Marco was down on the sideline with the coach.

Lorenzo saw Alex was struggling to leave them so he approached the three children "I've got them Alex, now go play, whatever the outcome I'm proud" he said now knowing his attachment was due to abuse.

Alex nodded knowing Lorenzo knew "don't hurt them" he whispered.

"I would never, none of us would" Lorenzo said and pulled his brother into a quick hug before releasing him and pushing him slightly in a playful manner "go on"

Alex reluctantly headed to the field.

Lorenzo turned to Skye and James "let's go back to our seats" he said. He made them walk in front keeping his eyes trained on them at all times.
Rafael smiled at his two youngest "I'm sure Alex will do great. The coach tells me he is a natural, don't look so worried" he said.

The game itself for Alex was dreadful he kept looking up at the stand to make sure his siblings were okay, it had pissed Marco off so at half time he pulled Alex to the side "focus on the game or I'll remove you from the team" he warned. Alex did not want them to take their dissapointment out on Skye and James so he nodded "Skye and James will see how much of a failure you are when I kick you off the team " Marco continued.

Alex already worried about them seeing him as a bad person so that really hurt.

The second half Alex was determined to prove himself and managed to score 3 goals. He didn't look up at his siblings much. He focused on the game.

He was good, he was a fast runner and the other team struggled to keep up.

By the end of the game the score was 5-3 to their school.

The visiting school had lost.

The coach congratulated the team especially Alex and they were sent to the locker rooms. Thankfully they had pribate locker stalls to change too because Alex would dare change and let them see his scars.

"Can we go see him" James dared to ask.

"Of course" Rafael was extremely proud of Alex.

By the time they got down to the locker room Alex was done changing , he had learnt to be extra fast
He saw James and Skye, James holding Skye's hand protectively watching for any threats.
"Told you you were going to do well" James said.

"Extremely well. You were amazing " Skye added.

"Thanks" Alex said letting his siblings hug him.

"Coach wants to speak to you" a team member said walking out.

"Wait here I'll be back"  Alex said and left for the locker room and to coaches office.

10 minutes past and both siblings were worried

The rest of the family weren't too worried as they figured the triplets were bonding and knew how much they depended on each other so they had wanted to give them time alone.

"I'm going to go check on him" James stated not wanting to leave his sister but no one was about and Alex should be back.

He would only be a few minutes.

He went in the coach was filling out paperwork but Alex wasn't there "oh hello, how can I help you" the coach asked.

"My brother came to speak to you but never came back"

"Yes I just wanted to personally congratulate him, he did so well. He left 5 minutes ago maybe he went through the side exit" the coach explained.
He had told Alex how good he had been and offered him the chance to be captain of the first year team.

"Oh okay" James replied deciding to go back to Skye not wanting her left for too long.

He never made it back as he crossed the locker room which was now empty he was pulled away.

Meanwhile Skye was panicking her brothers weren't back she was all alone. They weren't there to protect her. She found herself panicking and soon she had collapsed against the wall her knees her chest trying to steady her breathing tears running down her face. Anything could have happened but she was too weak to do anything.

"There you are, where are the other two" Marco said aiiearing from another room. He had been talking to some younger players who had cornered him asking for advice and then the referee so he had just come out near the locker rooms.

"Skye" he said when he saw her state and he rushed over.

"What happened" he asked crouching down so he seemed less intimidating for her.

"They left. They didn't come back. They are gone. They can't protect me"

"Protect you from what," Marco asked.

"The monsters" she whispered crying.

Marco didn't know what was going on but he knew something wasn't right.

"Ok where did you last see them" he asked knowing she needed Alex and James.

"Locker room. The coach wanted to speak to Alex he never came back so Jane's followed but none of them came back" she said crying.

"Ok it's going to be okay. I'll go and find them. Can you take deep breaths for me" he said calmly not wanting to see her in this state.

At first he was wondering who the monsters were but realized they must have been the boys who attacked her.

"Do you remember the way out" he asked after he had made her copy his breathing pattern which calmed her down.

She nodded.

"Okay I'll message Lorenzo to meet you at the entrance okay" he said helping her up.
She nodded in response

He took out his phone and messaged Lorenzo and once he got a reply he sent her on her way.

Marco entered the locker room, the coach was packing up "where are James and Alexander" he asked.

"I don't know James came in asking where Alex was. perhaps Alex left through the side door and James left that way looking for him" the coach suggested.

Marco nodded and went through the side door.

He didn't have a clue where his brothers were and it was getting to him. He needed them found. He wouldn't loose them again.

Half an hour later he found himself in an abandoned corridor wanting to kill some more boys.

4 guys he didn't recognize but guessed they were fans of the oppersite team had his brothers and he was pissed.

Alex had a black eye, burst lip, bruising on his cheek and bruising on his arms, James only had a burst lip and bloody nose.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing with my brother's" Marco shouted.

"This little shit thinks he's better than us. And this dumb idiot tried to find his brother " one said and kicked Alex.

That was enough for Marco to snap

He pulled the guy away and in seconds had him on the floor. He kicked the guy and then stood on his leg. The guy screamed even louder when a snap could be heard.

"That little shit is better than you. He scored 3 goals for our team" Marco snapped turning to the other three who tried to run away but Marco was quick and soon all 4 guys were on the floor with some sort of injury.

"I swear if you mess with my brother's again I will do more than just break a few bones" he snapped.

He turned to his brothers not knowing what to say. They should not have seen that side of him.

He saw how Alex was covering James from seeing but Alex had a blank expression on his face like nothing had happened.

Suddenly Alex snapped out of it and positioned himself in front of James to not let him get hurt.

"Can you both walk" Marco had no idea what to say.

Sure he had been cruel to them but he had never shown them the true deadly side of him.

"Yes sir" they both responded terrified of him.

"Good because I don't feel like carrying you. Get up" he said being blunt.

They both listened but Alex almost stumbled due to the pain. James grabbed him pulling him up.

"I'm okay" he stated.

"Yeah okay I'd believe that bullshit if I didn't witness you get kicked" Marco stated.

"What are you doing" Alex asked as Marco came closer.

"Helping you, I can't just leave you here no matter how annoying you are. Now fucking lean on me"

Alex didn't dare disobey so allowed Marco to put his arm around Alex and Alex leaned on him for support.

"What did they say to you" Marco asked.

"Nothing really they were just pissed that I had won the game for the team"  Alex said

"Anything else " Marco asked.

"Just about thinking how I'm better which I don't think that. Why are you helping us"

Marco knew he had been a dick but it still hurt hearing his siblings ask why

"I wasn't going to let them hurt you. They fucking deserve more than that" Marco snapped getting angry.

"Kinda seems hypercritical you hurt us" Alex dared say.

Marco stopped walking meaning Alex did too and James followed Alex and stopped.

"Those guys though they wouldn't have stopped they would have kept beating you up until you passed out"

"You didn't stop hitting me" Alex replied.

"I apologise. It was wrong of me" Marco finally meant it.

"Still doesn't mean I like you" he added deciding he would try stick to verbal abuse.

"Why do you hit us then save us and even Skye from being hit" Alex continued.

"Because they fucking hurt you. You were my responsibility and I need to fucking protect you" Marco shouted before letting go of Alex and  walking off.

"Protect us? He hates us. I guess snide comments bullying and hitting are a new definition of being protected these days" James said pulling Alex to him so he could support him.

Alex nodded along not Paying much attention.

"perhaps he feels responsible, I mean Rafeal probably had him look out for you whilst on the pitch" James said.

"And Lorenzo too, they probably told him to make sure none of the oppersite team hurt you" James continued.

"Probably " Alex agreed. He didn't understand why Marco even bothered, he half expected him to join in but instead he witnessed Marco beat them up so badly that despite asking questions he was even more terrified of Marco.

"What happened" Rafeal asked rushing to his kids when he saw their state.

Skye rushed to them too and they both hugged her.

The guys who had been much older had done quite a bit of damage but they had to pretend to be fine otherwise it would be the hospital and they would find out the truth.

"Just some guys angry about the game" Alex replied.

"We need to get you both to a hospital" he stated as he was making plans to get them checked out.

Lorenzo saw the worry in all three of them. "actually father how about I take a look and if they do in fact need a hospital then you can take them but to me it looks like bruising which the hospital can't fix"

"My son can't even walk and youre telling me it's just bruising. I need a doctors opinion before I pass it off as just bruising " Rafeal snapped.

"I'm honestly fine" Alex spoke up

"Yeah I'm just worry over nothing" James stated

"Yeah I can walk fine on my own see" Alex said and did a perfect walk. Hd was in pain but he learnt not to show it, not to acknowledge it and pretend he was fine.

"I suppose.but we should still get you both checked out" Rafeal calmed down knowing if it was broken, fractured of something serious he would have a limp or worse not be able to walk.

"So where are these guys, how did you get away" Lorenzo asked wanting to finish them off.

Both James and Alex shared a look. Not knowing whether Marco would appreciate them saying he helped them or knocked them unconcious.

"Marco turned up" Alex finally said knowing lying wasn't a good idea.

Lorenzo knew that the guys who had done this were probably unconscious by now. He would have to wait till they regained consciousness so he could really cause damage. He wanted them to feel pain.

So Marco is finally starting to almost redeem himself. Of course some of the things can't be forgiven but I think he's gonna show he cares in his own cruel way more often.

Also a chapter written in the daytime for once 🥳

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