The Cataclysm {Rick Grimes x...

By Nobody8524

16.4K 657 53

People don't arrive broken. They start with passion and yearning till something comes along that disabuses th... More

Chapter 01: First Encounter
Chapter 02: Learning More
Chapter 03: Being Honest
Chapter 04: Confession
Chapter 05: Positive Yet Sorrowful
Chapter 06: Responsibility
Chapter 07: Taking the next step
Chapter 08: Soul Bonding Ceremony
Chapter 09: An Unforgettable Honeymoon
Chapter 10: In a Split Second
Chapter 11: Support
Chapter 12: That Fateful Day
Chapter 13: The Beginning of the End
Chapter 14: Coping
Chapter 16: Can it be?
Chapter 17: Trying to Make a Plan
Chapter 18: Thinking Quickly
Chapter 19: A Quick Getaway
Chapter 20: Reunited
Chapter 21: A Morning of Peace
Chapter 22: Admitting the Truth
Chapter 23: Going Back
Author's Note
We Back Bitches

Chapter 15: Wheels in Motion

390 23 0
By Nobody8524

"We spend our whole lives worrying about the future, planning for the future, trying to predict the future; as if figuring it out will cushion the blow. But the future is always changing. The future is the home of our deepest fears and wildest hopes. But one thing is certain when it finally reveals itself. The future is never the way we imagined it."
-- Shonda Rhimes


When Logan had an unexpected asthma attack and only had an empty inhaler, Arthur felt resolve in his decision to go out himself to find more. Especially due to the fact that they couldn't get in contact with the scavenger group all the way in the city from where they were. When it became clear that he wouldn't be swayed, Benjamin Plakner volunteered to watch his back while on the quest. Before taking their leave, they were given a modified walkie so they could get in touch once they were close enough.

After they had driven away from camp, both men remained quiet. Though, for very different reasons. Arthur's mind was occupied with a dozen plans on how to obtain the necessary medication and where to possibly find it. Benjamin, on the other hand, felt choked by his nervous interests. "Where do you think we should start?" he wondered aloud.

"We'll find the scavengers first. Could use the help to cover more ground." Arthur replied shortly, not in the mood to make small talk. "When we get into the city's limits, we can try contacting them. See where they are."

Benjamin nodded slowly, feeling his unspoken words continued to eat away at his addled mind. "Isn't it strange that we talk least about the things we think about most?"

"I guess." was Arthur's only reply, oblivious to his nervousness.

Not wanting the conversation to end, Ben asked the first question to have popped into his thoughts. "So, what were you before all this?"

He shrugged, "Military, then police. What about you?"

"I was just a librarian. Nothing too exciting." came his answer, wanting something more impressive to say.

"Nice. Sounds riveting." They were then immersed in silence once more.

To which was something that bothered Ben greatly. "So, I was thinking... for a while now..." he began hesitantly. "Uhm, maybe, when we get back, and only if you want to, which is fine if you don't. I wouldn't just expect-- er, I won't force anything you don't want. But if you did--"

Arthur then sighed heavily, "Spit it out already."

"Maybe... we could, I don't know... get together? As something more."

Upon hearing the proposition, Arthur furrowed his brow with a deep grimace etched into his attractive features. "I can't." he muttered in a virtual whisper. For the grief over his lost love was still all to consuming to move on from. In fact, he doubted he'd even be able to genuinely heal from the devastation at all. 

Benjamin looked down at his hands, trying his best to stay composed as well as he could. "Oh. Sorry."

"It's just that--" He then exhaled heavily. "Look... I was married before all this." Arthur admitted, keeping his eyes on the road. "I lost all that not too long ago; along with everything else. When I think of him, it makes it difficult to even breath. The hole he left hollowed me, all the pain that filled it killed me. It's hard to face every day... When he died, that part of me died with him. It'll never come back. Not any time soon..." he explained further, needing him to understand the real reason behind the rejection.

"It's all good. I get it. Just know I'm here if you ever need someone to lean on or simply need to vent to."

Arthur nodded in understanding, "Thanks." They were then engulfed in silence once again.


Once they were within the city's limits, they got in contact with the scavengers while also keeping an eye out for anything useful. Following Arthur's knowledgeable lead in sneaking through the streets and buildings, it didn't take them to long to track down where their people were located.

When they finally met up with them, Jacqui was the one to have seen them first. "So, what are you two doing here?" she asked without delay once they had joined the rest of them.

"Logan needs more of his asthma stuff. We couldn't get in contact without getting close enough." Ben said when  Arthur didn't say anything.

She nodded with easy acceptance. "We passed a pharmacy two buildings down." Jacqui recalled within seconds.

Glenn then walked over to them while the rest of the group were still in search of supplies and what not. "I'll go. We'll be able to get it faster if I go alone." he offered, confident in himself to succeed. 

Arthur studied him for a moment, then nodded with wanted trust. "You'll be looking for an Albuterol inhaler. Shouldn't be too hard to find."

"Albuterol. Albuterol." he chanted with a nod and turned to leave.

"Hey, Glenn." The sir in question then turned back around, not sure on the proper reaction to give just yet. "You got this, man. Without a doubt." With a grateful smile, Glenn nodded once more and hurried away.

Arthur then proceeded to busy himself with looking for anything they could potentially use. While searching, he made sure to avoid any kind of socializing with anyone. Though, it seemed that no matter what he did, he'd still feel existentially lost. A feeling he despised over all. For life without Rick was like having a broken pencil. Pointless. He wasn't living. He was simply surviving.

Only ten minutes had passed before unexpected, nearby gunshots could be heard. Dread suddenly flooded his mind. Knowing what the loud sounds would cause, Arthur quickly moved to look out the closest window. What he saw was beyond horrifying. "Well shit..." 

Andrea then stood beside him so as to spot what he saw. When she did, overwhelming fear violently flooded her entire being as well. "Oh my, God." she muttered with wide eyes and a racing heart. All she could think about was making it back to Amy in one piece.

"We are without a doubt attached to another object by an inclined plane wrapped helically around an axis." Arthur said, also feeling the immense pressure they were all now under.

She looked at him with confusion, unable to understand what exactly he had said. "What?"

"Screwed, Andrea. We are screwed."

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