The life she should have had...

By RyuuLu

6.2K 232 11

When the rest of her team was dealing with the after match of her betrayal, Skye finds herself leaving the BU... More

The offer
What are you going to do about it?

The secret is out

330 13 0
By RyuuLu

The moment Jane walks out the door, Skye turns her attention towards her computer screen, pulling out everything she needs, at the same time as she keeps her eyes on the clock, counting the time. She has a small window to work with and she’s taking a large risk doing this.

She’s about to do the stupidest thing one can think of, and she has a long list of stupid things she has pulled throughout the years. She could have easily called Stark herself and ask him and the rest of the Avengers to come here and deal with the problem themselves, hiding away with Darcy, Jane, May and the others.

And yet, she stays behind, putting herself in harm’s way, only because she doesn’t want to see any of her friends get hurt.

Putting the finishing touch on her work, she can hear the heavy footsteps of Ward coming towards her classroom. With a deep breath, she forces herself to slow her heart beat down as she rises from the chair. Placing herself at the side of her desk, she leans towards it and crosses her arms, hopping it will give her more power.

The moment Ward enters the room, looks around himself before stopping. His eyes travel slowly towards Skye, and she makes sure to keep any emotions from her face.

“Where are the others?”

“I told them to head for the cafeteria, you and I have a few things we need to talk about.”

Skye answered the question, surprise to hear how stable her voice sounds, when in fact she’s freaking out on the inside.

“You know Ward, I pride myself on being a semi good at reading people. Miles was one of my biggest fails, I have to admit to that. When it comes to you, I always thought something was up, but you being a Nazi, that was a turn I didn’t see coming.”

Skye starts to explain, making sure to keep as calm and collected as possible and she can see that Ward is trying to come up with a lie or anything that he can use to get out of this. Shaking her head, Skye places her hand on her computer screen, twisting it so Ward can see the screen, showing his HYDRA profile. The change in him is instant and the atmosphere grows heavy, and Skye is sure that if she wasn’t already leaning towards the desk, she would be moving backwards.

“Now I understand why you were so nervous about this, you weren’t sure what my students were able to find, I might give it to you all, HYDRA’s firewalls are much stronger. But nothing is strong enough to my team, I think that has been cleared now.”

Skye adds, knowing fully well she is pushing the man in front of her into deeper into anger. But with the knowledge that the Avengers are on their way, gave her strength to go on. When she sees Ward moving his hand, she knows he’s going for his gun and she grows tense, breathing becomes harder.

“You should just have let it go.”

He finally speaks, an anger to his voice that she has never heard before, and she is quite sure she has heard him angry on multiple occasions when she was living with the team on the BUS. With a deep breath, she tries to channel the energy she had when she was faced to face with Quinn.

“And you should know that you won’t be able to come out on top here. The others knows that we are left alone and even if you shoot me and tries to go for them, you will fail. Only my boss and I are able to open the lock door they are behind.”

She informs him, mostly to make sure he won’t just shoot her out of nowhere, but seeing the turn in his eyes, Skye realises she just gave him an idea and she doesn’t like it. Following his hand, she tries to move backwards as the gun is being pointed towards her.

“Well then, I just have to make sure to injure you, so you are still of use then.”

He says, and Skye turns her head to the side, eyes closing and waits. The sound of the gun going off, the bullet hitting something, making a ringing sound before she hears Ward cry out in pain. Opening her eyes, Skye turns her head slightly to see Ward lying on the floor and a group of angry looking Avengers standing over him, Captain Rogers holding onto his shield.

Realises what just happened, she gives the super soldier a smile before looking down at Ward.

“Did you seriously think I wouldn’t have backup?”

She asks, crossing her arms and is happy how perfectly Stark and the rest of the team managed to time that.

“So, Skye. Mind telling us why this man is and why he is pointing a gun at you?”

Stark asks and Skye nods her head towards the computer screen.

“Meet agent Grant Ward, he’s supposed to be a S.H.I.E.L.D agent, but thanks to Jefferson and Dawson, now I know he is a HYDRA agent. And there is a lot more of them hiding within S.H.I.E.L.D.”

Skye explains, Stark and Natasha moves towards her computer while Steve and Clint keep their eyes on Ward, who is cover his arm, blood running down.

“We should take this information to Fury.”

Stark points out and Skye nods her head, having a feeling this would be the road everything would go. With a deep breath, she looks down at Ward.

“How about we take him somewhere for now, I need to let out the others. They must have heard the gun shoot, which means they are freaking out by now.”

Skye says and Stark nods his head, pulling out a key card and holds it out. Grabbing it, Skye walks past Ward and into the hallway, hearing how Clint and Steve is working on Ward. As she walks down the corridor, Skye makes sure to take a few deep breaths, trying to stay in the here and now and not to let old memories reservice. Reaching the door, Skye can hear that she was right, at the tone of the voices, they are all worried.

Pulling the key card by the door, she hears how it unlocks and she pushes the door open. She doesn’t have time to see her friends, students, May and the rest of 616 before Darcy has thrown herself around her shoulders in a tight hug.

“You are alright, thank Gods! What happened? We heard a gun shoot and then…”

Darcy starts to ask, it being clear that she is trying to figure out the answers as she asks the questions. Hugging Darcy close, the other woman falls silent, not finishing what was on her mind.

“I’m alright, everything is fine. Are you all doing okay in here?”

Skye asks, looking over Darcy’s shoulder to look at everyone else, seeing the worry in their eyes. When heads are being nodded, she smiles, stepping out of the hug, making sure to take in Darcy, just to make sure she is alright. Seeing that her best friend is fine, she takes a step back, into the hallway.

“Well, come on, there is a few things I need to show you all and some things that has to be talked about.”

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