The Curse of Time: Going Back

De DanyJ10

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*Discontinued* Percy Jackson battled against Kronos and just when he thought he had won, he couldn't be more... Mais

Chapter 1: Meeting Family Once Again
Chapter 2: Training and Conflict
Chapter 3: Meeting Gramps
Chapter 4: Another War, Really?
Chapter 5: Power and a New Olympian
Chapter 7: Archery and Competition
Chapter 8: Fighting Dirt and Grand Entrance
Chapter 9: Unexpected Revelations
Chapter 10: Huntress vs Hunter
Arch 2: Chapter 11: The Son of Neptune and Champion of Time
Chapter 12: Alaska is Nice this Time of the Year, Especially With Such a Welcome
Chapter 13: Giants and a Giant Warship
Chapter 14: A Not-So-Friendly-Duel with Blond Superman
Chapter 15: Coliseum
Chapter 16: A Jump Through Time, Again...But Jurassic?
Chapter 17: A Jump Through Time, Again... But Jurassic? Part II
Chapter 18: Diana and Artemis Ride a T-Rex
Important Announcement
Announcement of New Story

Chapter 6: A Talk With the Creator and Meeting Two Myths

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De DanyJ10

Third POV

Percy got a little nervous when the woman in front of him called him by his full name. Everyone who used his complete name was either trying to kill him or mad at him. The woman in front of him noticed this and gave him a warm and welcoming smile which helped him relax a bit. 

"Don't worry Perseus, I'm not here to kill you or be mad at you." The woman reassured him and Percy relaxed a bit. After a few minutes of silence, while drinking their oil-like liquids, the woman made the cups disappear and gave Percy her full attention. 

"It was about time that I meet with the famous Percy Jackson." The woman started and Percy started to feel like every other time he felt when some deity met him because of his doings: tired. The woman noticed this and gave him an apologetic smile before continuing. 

"Don't worry Percy, I am not here to get something out of you or for you to do a quest." Percy got curious at her statement, if she wasn't here to give him a quest or something similar, why did she call him? 

"I am simply here because you are the first mortal being to travel through time. No one has been able to travel through time before besides the titan Kronos and the primordial Chronos." The woman started explaining and got comfortable in her chair before continuing. "You have gained the partial blessing of Chronos and you are now in a place completely out of your time defending the world once again after winning two wars. Your selflessness and compassion have attracted my attention, which is something not even the Olympians have done." 

"Wait, if the Olympians have never seen you, who are you?" Percy asked a little confused and surprised at the fact that a deity so strong wanted to just chat with him. The woman read his thoughts and chuckled a bit causing Percy to pout. 

"I am who you call Chaos." The woman simply responded and waited for Percy's reaction. Who was looking confused at her causing her to laugh at his obliviousness. Percy got even more confused before he started thinking about who this 'Chaos' was. Shortly after going through his mind and all of the information he gain from time-traveling he looked at the woman in shock. 

Chaos noticed this and was about to die from laughter after Percy quickly got up and bowed to her. She signaled for Percy to get up and sit down while laughing her ass off. After she gain her composure after a few minutes she looked at him with a smile. Percy was even more nervous than before he learned who she was. He couldn't stop thinking that he screw up by going back in time because he got the attention of the creator. But she previously said that she wasn't mad or wanted to kill him, so a talk seemed kind of weird.

"I came here with a proposition for you Percy." Chaos said after a moment of silence. Percy got skeptical because she had said that she didn't come here to give him a quest or ask for something. 

"This is not a quest nor am I asking something for." She responded after reading Percy's mind which made him pout once again. "This offer is about if you want to go back to your present-" Chaos started and Percy perked up at that point. "-but the present will change because you wouldn't have gone through the entire curse like you should've. On the other hand, if you keep going you will eventually go back to your present and everything will be the same. As a plus bonus, I will give you a wish as long as it is reasonable." 

Percy was a bit torn between going back to his present or continuing as the curse demanded. He really wanted to go back to his present, but the present he knew wouldn't be the same. If he keeps going with the curse he will eventually reach his present and everything will be the same, but he needed to go through time an indefinite amount of time. It was a really hard choice but he eventually settled for the last choice.

"I am going to keep going Lady Chaos, I want to return to my present, the one where everyone's sacrifices for survival gave fruits." Percy confidently replied and Chaos smiled. She was happy that she made the right choice to choose Percy for her wish that she hasn't given to anyone ever in existence. Not the god, the titans, not her children the primordials have gained a wish from her. When she created the universe and her children she did it so that her children will learn how to be leaders and figures of power, that is why she never intervene.

"Very well Percy, now, let's talk about some other stuff. For instance, let's talk about how you plan on defeating the giants." Chaos asked. She knew what he will do but she wanted to hear it from the kid himself. When she thought about it she felt sad, sad that a 16-year-old had gone through so much at such a young age. When this conversation is over she is going to have one with her grandaughters, the fates, about how they shape, well, fate.

"Well, the giants can only be defeated with a demigod and a god. So I am going to have to help Heracles, as much as I don't like it, to work with the gods. I will participate, but I will do it from the shadows so as to not make my presence in this war too much for the fates to overwrite from everyone's minds." Percy responded and Chaos smiled once again at his answer. They kept talking for quite some time until Percy's body started to give some smoke. Percy looked at Chaos and she gave him an apologetic smile. 

"I am sorry that our time to talk is up. The reason why you are smoking is that I am contacting you through your mind and not your physical body. If we were to physically meet our time would be longer." Chaos explained and Percy nodded in understanding. 

"No worries Lady Chaos, it was an honor to meet you. Hope to not let down your expectations." Percy replied. His response made Chaos raise an eyebrow because she didn't know how he figured out that she had great expectations of him. Percy chuckled before giving her his lopsided grin and answering. 

"Why else would the freaking creator of the universe want to talk to me if not because she expects great things from me?" Percy pointed out and Chaos' smile grew even more than before. In her mind, she was celebrating about choosing the correct person for her future plans. 

"Very well thought Percy. We will meet sometime later during your curse to give you a small surprise..." Chaos lingered about before snapping her fingers and Percy's vision started to blur. 

Percy woke up once again in his bedroom and it was the morning of the next day. His body felt so strong and full of energy, unlike any other time. The closes he could compare it was when he would step or get splashed with water. He decided to just be grateful to Chaos for this and went out of this room towards the throne room. He noticed that the doors were closed, meaning that there was a meeting going on. He stepped in and noticed a very muscular man with a white chiton and black hair like Zeus. 

Percy immediately knew who this man was and felt a sensation of disgust and hatred for what he did to Zoe. Well, what he will do to Zoe later when he does his 12 labors after going mad and killing his family because of Hera. Decided to make himself known to the gods he cleared his throat and everyone looked at him. 

Heracles had the same eyes as Zeus, but other than that and hair stile they didn't look anything alike. While Zeus might have a muscular body, Heracles had the body of a bodybuilder almost looking like steroids. Heracles seemed to be around almost twenty. Percy could see the relaxed but tense features in Heracles' face and body posture. He couldn't understand why until he remember that Heracles wasn't used to gods. 

"Who are you?" Heracles asked. The question made Percy question if he should tell him his real name, but he remember that anyone besides the gods will forget about him. 

"My name is Perseus Jackson, but you can call me Percy." Percy answered and stretched out his hand to greet the living legend. Heracles looked unsure about it but he ended up shaking Percy's hand in a strong grip. It didn't make Percy flinch or groan in pain, it rather made him admire the strength of the son of Zeus. 

"Son, he is here to help us with this war that we called for you." Zeus announced and Heracles looked up at his father questioningly. Percy didn't judge because he still looked rather young. He was almost 17 years old but with the time travel, he didn't know if he was still aging. 

"Don't worry Heracles, my son will show you his abilities, and probably you could learn a thing or two from him." Poseidon's statement made Heracles even more confused because he believed that a 16-year-old couldn't teach him anything. Percy didn't judge that either since he would've thought the same if he was in Heracles' position. 

"Alright, now that everyone knows what they are supposed to do for the following week, we shall meet when we accorded. Meeting dismiss!" Zeus thundered and flashed out with his wife, who didn't leave until giving a nasty glare at Heracles.

Almost all of the gods flashed out with the exception of Artemis and Hestia, the latest who sat by the hearth. Artemis started making her way toward the two demigods but she had her sight on the son of Poseidon. Percy noticed this and didn't know what to feel. He could feel flattered that the maiden goddess of the moon wanted to talk to him, or annoyed because she was going to interrogate him about his skill. 

"Heracles, why don't we meet outside? Give me a few minutes and we can talk about training." Percy offered and Heracles immediately nodded once he saw who was coming towards them. Heracles almost sprinted out of the throne room, which earned a chuckle from Percy and an eye-rolled from Artemis. 

"What can I help you with Lady Artemis?" Percy respectfully asked once she had reached him. Artemis was serious and looking scanning the boy in front of her. She still couldn't believe that a simple demigod was capable of defeating her with pure skill when she was the goddess with more skills than the younger gods. Artemis knew that he was a son of Poseidon and wanted to ask him if he knew about his brother Orion. Artemis had let the hunter spend a few weeks with the hunt to inspect him and his skills with the bow, but she was still skeptical about him. 

"I wanted to ask if you knew about your brother Orion?" 

Percy knew the basics about Orion and how he was killed by Artemis when she was tricked by her brother Apollo. Apparently, he was a rapist and a false man. He really wanted to tell her the stories about his 'brother' and her in the future, but telling her might change the timeline too much for the fates and Chronos to repair. 

"Yes, I've heard about him in the future. He is known to be the only son of Poseidon to be able to use a bow like a master. No one other than him has been able to use a bow." Percy responded while trying to hide his concern. Apparently, he didn't do it too well because the goddess noticed this. 

"Perseus, you are not telling me everything, what's got you so worked up?" Artemis questioned. She noticed the sudden change in mood and body posture from the demigod in front of her, but she didn't know why. It could be many things but the main one that comes to her mind was that Orion did something back, or was going to do something.

"There are certain things that I can't tell you Lady Artemis or I might disrupt the timeline more than necessary." Percy answered truthfully. Artemis frowned at his response, she wanted to know more. Percy's reaction got her thinking that something will happen and she will not live it. 

"For your reaction, I believe it's something bad, or am I wrong?" Artemis guessed and Percy was becoming nervous that he might've screwed it up. Artemis kept looking at him for a response because she was really starting to get worried.

"How about this, I can't tell you when it will happen, but I can just advice you to be ready to respond to any of your hunters' calls in the near future." Percy offered and started to walk away before being yanked back by Artemis. 

"You are making me really worried Perseus, so tell me straight right now or..." Artemis tried to threaten Percy but she knew she couldn't do anything since he was basically stronger than her. 

'How can I be honest with her without causing a major change in the timeline?' Percy wondered in his head until he felt the familiar presence from Chronos enter his head. 

'You can make her swear on the Styx to not act on it until the event happens.' Chronos offered and Percy thanked him for the idea.

"I can only tell you if you swear on the Styx to not act upon what I am going to tell you until that certain event happens." Percy responded after a few moments of silence between both of them. Artemis didn't know that Percy had been talking to Chronos, so she thought that his idea was his and not from the primordial of time. 

"Okay, I swear on your terms boy." Artemis agreed somewhat reluctantly. She didn't like having to swear to a male's request, but she believe that whatever he was going to tell her it was important for it to happen in the future. A second later after agreeing the typical thunder rumbled in the background and Percy nodded. 

"There are several stories about you and my 'brother' Orion," Percy started. Artemis noticed his tone when addressing his brother and just made her wonder even more. "But there are two main stories of what happened between you two. The most famous one was that you fell in love with him and Apollo made you kill him." Artemis was furious at the thought of just being in love with a male. On the other hand, she was glad that her brother would make her kill Orion.

"And the second one?" Artemis asked. Percy immediately tensed up because he knew Artemis will not like the second one more than the first one. 

"The second one is that... is that he tried to of your hunters. Your hunter prayed to you for help and when you got there you immediately killed him." Percy responded and waited in silence as he saw her reaction. At first, Artemis was shocked, then angry, and finally she was steaming with rage. 

"You mean to tell me, that the first male that I bring into my hunt because I thought he was a decent hunter, is going to rape one of my hunters?!" Artemis raged and Percy could feel her aura flaring up. He wasn't worried about that, but he was more worried about Artemis going into her divine form and accidentally vaporizing him. 

"As I told you Lady Artemis, those are only the main two myths, no one knows what happened for sure besides you and your present hunters at that time." Percy tried to calm down the goddess, but it did nothing. 

"I don't care if they are myths! If any of those two happens I-" Artemis started raging before she fell silent. She widened her eyes before suddenly placing a hand in Percy's shoulder. Percy was momentarily blinded by a silver flash, but when he opened his eyes, he noticed that he was in a forest just a few meters away from a group of silver tents. 

Artemis immediately grabbed Percy and dragged him with her towards the south side of the camp until they came to the side of a river. Right across the river in front of them was a man dressed in hunting clothes on top of a girl dressed in silver hunting clothes. The girl was screaming and trying to push her oppressor from on top of her but she could barely move like she had been drugged or severely injured. 

Artemis notched an arrow on her hunting bow and shot at the man. The arrow went in a straight path towards the man's back until it came to a sudden stop and fell to the ground. Artemis and Percy ran forward but Artemis was pushed back by a barrier when she reached the river. Percy on the other hand was able to cross without any problems and tackled the man from the huntress. By this time Percy already knew that this man was his 'half-brother' and wasn't going to let him get away with it. 

"Who the hell are you? And how did you get through the barrier?" Orion demanded once he got Percy off of his back. They were glaring daggers at each other, but Percy's intensiveness was another thing. Orion was feeling pretty good about going up against Percy since he was about the same height and he was older than Percy. Orion was feeling pretty confident until he saw Percy's eyes, his eyes were just like his. 

"So, tell me, are we related?" Orion asked while they circled each other.

"Unfortunately, we are." Percy growled and started to flare his aura slowly.

Orion was scared, to say the least. The tremendous amount of power that his 'brother' was displaying was something unbelievable. He couldn't believe that he had a brother, even less, a brother so powerful that was almost making him kneel. 

"That explains how you got through the barrier, only someone related to me is able to get through it. Now, let me show you what I do to people that interrupt me during my happy hour." Orion threw back, but he didn't sound confident at all. Percy remained emotionless and drew his sword. Orion pulled his bow and launched two arrows at his brother. Percy easily dodge them and slowly started to walk toward his brother. Orion kept shooting arrows but Percy either dodge or cut the arrows in midair. As a last resource, Orion threw his bow at Percy as a distraction and drew his sword. Percy just swiped at the bow in midair and cut it in half before parrying on Orion's swipe. 

"Let me tell you something brother," Percy started before he blocked another attack from his brother and pushed him back farther from the river. "There are several things I dislike about men in this world, but there are three major things that men do that make me furious." Percy continued as he blocked Orion's stab and slashed at his arm making Orion drop his sword. 

"First, I completely hate men who believe are on a higher standard than women," Percy started and sent a right hook at Orion's face drawing blood from his nose. "Secondly, men who abuse their power." Percy continued while he simultaneously made a slash at his brother's right foot Achilles' heel. Orion dropped to the ground with a scream of pain and agony. The hunter was covered in slashes, deep cuts, and blood. "Last but definitely not least... I detest men who rape or try to rape women." Percy finished with a stab to Orion's leg on his quadriceps. He pulled his sword and bright red blood started pouring out of the wound. 

"I just stabbed you in your femoral artery. You are going to bleed to deed in a few minutes, but those minutes are going to feel like hours from the agony that you are going to suffer." Percy said before his eyes glowed golden with sea green and everything around them moved by half its original speed. Percy willed just Orion's mind to not be affected and to let the agony from his injuries be longer. 

"This is what you get brother for thinking that you are better than a woman. Say hello to uncle Hades for me on your way to the fields of punishment." Percy said after almost 15 minutes in his time capsule. He finally stabbed Orion in his heart before he stopped his powers. Percy felt the barrier around the river disappear and he collapse to his knees. 

"Perseus, what happened?" Artemis demanded as she reached him with her hunter by her side. Percy didn't respond and got up to his feet before making his way toward the river. 

"I did what that bastard deserve. I made him feel his pain feel double the time. He won't be bothering you anymore." Percy responded while he felt energized by the water in the river. 

"Alright, th-tha-..." Artemis struggled to get the words out of her mouth. She had never thanked a male before, but she knew that without him there, there wouldn't have been anyone to help save her hunter. She didn't have a hunter who was the daughter of her uncle Poseidon. 

"It's fine Lady Artemis. Now, I need to get back to Olympus to see what Heracles is made of." Percy said before making his way west. 

"You're going in the wrong direction boy!" Artemis shouted. This time the 'insult' didn't have any bad meaning behind it. Percy turned red from embarrassment before making his way in the opposite direction that he was going. 

Once Percy was out of sight of the huntress she nudged Artemis to get her attention. The goddess turned her attention towards her huntress waiting for her to talk.

"Who is that boy?" The huntress asked, but the venom in her words wasn't there since she was still in shock from the attack and the power display from Percy. 

"I don't believe he is a 'boy', he is a person with too much power. I still don't have an opinion on him." Artemis responded and her huntress look confused. Artemis knew why her huntress was confused, she sighed before responding.

"I initially judged him as a typical male, but his actions have shown differently. He is no ordinary male, he has a history that just he knows. Not to mention that the older Olympians are very fond of him." Artemis responded and her huntress was even more confused than before. 

"I would explain everything but you will eventually forget about him when he leaves."

"What does that even means?" The hunter asked.

"Maybe one day you will know about him." 

Little did both huntresses know that Percy knew who the huntress he save. She fought and follow his orders during the second titan war in Manhattan. She was Thalia's right hand and third in command, she was Phoebe, the huntress with the most hatred towards males just behind Artemis and Zoe. They were in for a surprise later in the future. 

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