Laufeysdottir: Loki's Little...

By Kat48270

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When Loki was taken from Jotunheim by Odin, Laufey was distraught. He searched for his son for centuries befo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 16

1K 23 28
By Kat48270


He nodded his head and I led Loki and the four younglings to my chambers.


I opened the large double doors and Loki and the children followed me inside, looking around curiously.

"I am assuming Thor shall be awaiting us in Asgard?" I half asked Loki. He nodded in reply, but I could see something bothering him.

I led the children into a room with some Jotun sweet-treats before returning to my brother, whom was still lost in thought.

"Tell me what burdens you, brother."

"Why do they care?" He whispered.

"What do you mean?"

"Why do they care that Odin had took me?"

"You are their Prince. Regardless if you have accepted that or not, you are the elder of the pair of us, and have a claim to the throne. Odin took someone who could be their future King. Someone who had their respect even as an unborn. You are their Prince, and Odin took you from us. Here on Jotunheim, we are all like family until we start courting. Of course they would care that they lost over a thousand years of being able to get to know you, to understand you."

One look at his conflicted expression told me everything.

"What lies did Odin fill your head with?" I softly asked.

"I was abandoned. Unwanted. Left to die on a frozen rock." Was his whispered reply.

"You were loved even before you were born. They are all empty words. Lies." I assured him.

After a few more minutes of self-doubt and reassurance, I made sure everyone was prepared and I gathered the children, Loki, and my father to the clearing that was used when my father and I left for Asgard.

We disappeared from Jotunheim in a flash of green, and appeared in the golden dome, yet again. The magic surrounding Asgard prevents me from just teleporting straight infront of Odin from outside the realm.

"Your highnesses, I hope yous are all aware that I cannot allow yous to enter Asgard if the Allfather is in danger." Heimdall said to us.

"We won't touch a single hair on his head." I assured him.

I had a point. I wasn't going to touch the hair on his head. I said nothing about refraining myself from slapping him stupid.

He smirked and nodded his head, clearly used to similar words from Loki.

"About time yous got here. Mother is waiting at the palace steps." We heard Thor's booming voice as he neared us. "There are only three horses so-" I didn't give him time to finish before I teleported us all infront of the palace.

"Nevermind, then." Thor said as he paled slightly, clearly disliking teleportation.

"Loki." I heard the Queen say. "Either I am hallucinating, you are playing mind games on everyone, or you brought your children back from Hel." She sounded concerned, and rightfully so.

"Neither of those three. I brought them back. My mother had a grimoire that was passed through generations of the eldest females of my family. Its the only book of dark spells there is." I said to her.

"What was the price?" She quizzed.

"Nothing I couldn't pay." I brushed it off.

"And, what was this grimoire called?"

"It changes with each owner. Now that it belongs to me, it is called, 'The Freyrdottir Legacy'. Why do you ask?"

"Because that was my sister's grimoire. And my maiden surname." I felt my anger rise. Odin knew that my mother was the Queen's sister. Yet another thing he hid from us all.

"I'm going to kill him." I muttered in my native tounge as I stormed towards the palace, ignoring the confused looks I was getting from workers in there.

"Lola. Lola. Lolita!" My father raised his voice to get my attention.

"This is just another secret that was kept from us. The court was right. His reign must come to an end if this is how he treats his power and status." I said through gritted teeth.

"Think about this, Lita. It will just start a war. You said it yourself, we don't want that." Lita was his nickname for me when I was younger. He hasn't called me it in decades.

"No need for murder. I will ensure that he regrets all negative decisions." The Queen, who is apparently my aunt, was almost as mad as I was. Almost.

I moved swiftly alongside the Queen and we were soon stood outside the throne room.

We both walked in using magic to open the doors, the force of it making them slam against the walls they were joint to.

Thor was about to walk in, but Loki held him back. "What are you doing? We should help them!" He protested.

"I wouldn't. Hel hath no fury like a mother's rage." My father said to the prince.

"Especially when that 'mother' is ours." Loki added as he tilted his head to face Thor.

"Or just an angry Lola. She always did have issues with her temper." Father muttered.

"That sounds alot like you when you were little, Loki." Thor commented.

"He is half Vanir, and half Jotun. Both species have temper issues, when one of each have a child together..." My father trailed off, but they got the idea.

"Odin Borson!" The Queen yelled as we neared the steps to the throne.

"Oh shit." I heard him mutter as the people who he was conversing with made the right decision to leave the throne room.

"You really thought it wise to hide the fact that Loki was really my nephew?! And you knew where my sister was!"

"Ok, let's go." Loki said as he dragged everyone to what I presume are his chambers. Wise choice.

"You took my brother. You hid the fact that you knew who my mother's sister was. And you took my children." I spat through gritted teeth. "You have continued to abuse your power as Allfather, and I know a lady who is dying to see you again." I mentally called for Hela, and seconds later a familiar black and green portal formed directly between Frigga and I.

Hela stepped out, and Frigga's eyes started to fill with tears.

"Hello mother." Hela warmly smiled. The two immediately collapsed into a hug, and Odin's face paled.

"I'm so sorry, my daughter. I tried. I tried to get you back." Frigga muttered into her daughter hair.

"I know, I saw. Besides, Lola is as sneaky as her brother is. She was able to give me updates when I couldn't find a Yggdrasil root to see for myself."

"Hel is not a place I want to go to again. To many souls trying to claim my body as their own." I shuddered.

"You are just scared of Fenrir." Hela jested.

"Can you blame me!? He's terrifying!"

"He's harmless."

"He tried to bite my bloody hand off!"

"You thought it was a good idea to try and give him belly rubs!"

"He's a giant dog! Dogs love belly rubs!"

"Where do you think you are going." Hela said as Odin tried to sneak ot of the throne room when her back was turned.

"I-uhm-I was just-"

"Sit." Odin immediately sat back down on the throne.

"Why?" She softly asked him.

"Pardon?" He wasn't expecting her to sound that soft.

"You abandoned and banished me to Hel. Why?"

"I was just doing-"

"Don't say you were doing what was best for Asgard, or for Thor. I could tell you had been planning my banishment long before mother fell pregnant."

"I was scared." He admitted.

"So was I! I was 1,239 years old! I was barely an adult!" Hela stressed. "I guess one good thing came out of my banishment. I looked after Loki's children when you killed them!" She spat.

I felt my blood boil at that. My magic twitched and sparked all around me. I was practically seeing red. I saw that Frigga was in a similar situation, her nostrils were flaring and sparks of green magic, slightly darker than my own, twitched all around her.

"You killed them?" Frigga's voice was dangerously low in both tone and volume.

Odin was attempting to splutter excuses as I looked towards Hela. "Go get Loki, tell him to come alone." I told her. She nodded her head and teleported to him.

Hela's Pov

Both mother and Lola were furious.

Lola had told me to go bring her brother here. It probably wasn't the wisest idea to bring Loki into this. Jotun's and Vanir both have terrible issues with their anger. Loki and Lola are a mix of both.

Having both of them in there together while enraged is a recipe for chaos.

Lola thrives off of that stuff. But when it involves family, no matter how long she has known of them, she turns chaoticly destructive. It never ends well.

I teleported myself into Loki's chambers and stepped into the light of the room.

"Hela!" The two little ones yelled and hugged my legs.

"Hello, again, little ones." I greeted them before turning to Loki. "Lola has requested that you go to the throne room. Try not to kill him, too painfully." I said to him.

He looked confused but nodded his head and we both left his chambers and made our way back to the throne room.

All Hel is about to break loose.

An- Betcha didn't see that coming. Or maybe you did, I was hinting at it in Chapter 4. How badly do you think Loki is going to react? Comment what you think and don't forget to vote.

Till next time,


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