The Bad Guys Justice League:...

By Flashbolt157ninja

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This is a story that takes place during the events of the Night Howler Case and Nick was once a member of the... More

Chapter 1: Blast from the Past
Chapter 2: Missing Mammals
Chapter 3: Old Friends, Old Wounds
Chapter 4: Blast of the Past
Chapter 5: Case On
Chapter 6: Big Trouble in Tundratown
Chapter 7: The Chase in the Rainforest District
Chapter 8: Nick's Tragic Backstory
Chapter 9: Cliffside Asylum
Chapter 10: The Dark Truth
Chapter 11: Downfall
Chapter 12: Epiphany
Chapter 13: Friends United
Chapter 14: The Case is Back on!
Chapter 15: Train Car Chase
Chapter 16: The Real Villain

Chapter 17: Happy Endings

327 8 10
By Flashbolt157ninja

The scene changes to ZNN reporters outside taking
pictures of bellwether being taking in by Wolf.
While Nick gets bombarded with reports as
microphones get in his face.

"Officer Wilde, Officer Wilde!"

"Whoa whoa!"

"Is it true that bellwether is behind the bizarre
predator attacks?" a rabbit reporter asked.

"Why yes." he says as he smirks.

"Did you single handedly tracked and took her

But before he could answer that he saw how Wolf
was looking back then looks away with a frown.
After all they been through , after he saved him,
could Nick really betray his friends again......or
should he really go true or his words. is he a
changed fox?

"Actually it was all the Bad Guys doing, they helped
me solved the case." Nick said.

Wolf was surprised as he turns around to see Nick
smiling at him, then Nick walks over to him,
grabbing his shoulders and pulling him to where
reporters were taking pictures.

"They were the greatest team ever, heck they were
the best team I ever had and I took them for
granted." Nick said.

Wolf looks at Nick to see he was being serious as he
was talking to the crowd like he was talking to Wolf

"He was my best friend, the only friend who cared
about me...guys if I could turn back time...I found
stop making that same mistake.... please would you
guys forgive me?" Nick asked.

Wolf and the others were trying to hard not to cry
then Wolf smiles at him and said: "Water under the bridge old pal."

He opens his hands up to him, Nick smirks and the two predators hugged.

Everyone awed at the reconcile friendship, then
suddenly the Bad Guys joined in for a group hug,
shark picks them up and swings them around, wolf
and Nick smiles at each other as Judy, Cisco, and Barry smiles.

The Bad Guys have finally forgiven Nick.

The scene changes to ZNN with Fabienne Growley
and Peter Moosebridge.

"Former Mayor Dawn Bellwether is behind bars
today, guilty of masterminding the savage attacks
that have plagued Zootopia of late."

They show Bellwether in an orange jumpsuit, in
handcuffs, filled with contempt, as she is escorted
through the crowd as photographers take pictures.

"Her predecessor, Leodore Lionheart, denies any
knowledge of her plot, claiming he was just trying
to protect the city."

Lionheart is seen in prison being interviewed by a

"Did I falsely imprison those animals? Well, yes.
Yes, I did. It was a classic "doing the wrong thing
for the right reason "kind of a deal"."

"In related news, doctors say the Night Howler
antidote is proving effective in rehabilitating the
afflicted predators."

The scenes changes to a hospital where Emmitt is
being cured from his savage state. He starts to
wake up, lying down in bed. Mrs. Otterton, who is
reading, looks at him.

"Emmitt? Oh, Emmitt!" The Ottertons hug very
deeply in relief.

Mrs. Otterton turns to Judy, who is back in her
police uniform and her leg is healed.

"Thank you" she whispered.

While on the other side of just, Nick was looking at
room, where the Bad Guy we were waiting for
Princess and their own kids to recover. Their room was filled with flowers, stuffed animals, balloons and get well soon cards.

The Bad Guys looked at them with concern mixed
with worry. They gathered around her, waiting for her to wake up, Shark cupped her right had as Wolf held her left hand, Snake laid his tail on her forehead, Webs rubbed her knee that was underneath a cover.

Then suddenly a miracle happened, they fluttered
their eyes as she opens them and looks around
confused at the Bad Guys.

"Oh princess" wolf sits on her bed beside her,
hugging her tight.
"Thank gosh your okay...I thought we lost you" he
nuzzled his snout deep in her fur, holding on tight,
not wanting to let go.
But she let go, after remembering what happened.

"Did we hurt anyone?"

Then shark cuts in, "No of course not baby, you just
been sick that's it."

Then she turns to feel Snake rubbing her head and
brushing her fur.

"We're just glad to see you ok." Wolf said hugging his son.  Then he looks at Nick who was smiling at them,
then Wolf hugs Princess again.

"It's ok dad, I'm fine now" she returns the hug

The scene shows an overshot of Savanna Central.
Zootopia is peaceful again. A voiceover of Judy is
Judy is seen walking, looking at everything is back
to normal. She sees a giraffe calf and a tiger cub
playing with a soccer ball.
It comes to her; she does a few tricks and kicks it
back to them.

"When I was a kid, I thought Zootopia was this
perfect place, where everyone got along and anyone
could be anything, Turns out, real life is a little bit
more complicated than a slogan on a bumper
sticker. Real life is messy."

She goes to the ZPD and sees Clawhauser, happy
and back at his old job, He sets his Gazelle snow
globe and his name tag and sees Officers Higgins
and Krumpanski giving him two boxes of donuts.
Then somewhere in the asylum, Jenna was visiting
Dr. Terce as his toxic garden was removed and he
was now doing checkers, he looks up to Jenna, who
has her hoof placed on the glass and she slips him a
"forgiveness card", saying that she forgives him.
Then she gets a hug from Jack as she smiles and
they both walk home.

"We all have limitations, we all make mistakes,
which means - hey, glass half full! - we all have a lot
in common. And the more we try to understand
one another, the more exceptional each of us will
be, But we have to try. So no matter what type of
animal you are; from the biggest elephant, to our
first fox, to a baby kitten, to ex criminals, to superheroes, I implore you -try. Try to make the world a better place. Look inside yourself and recognize that change starts with you. It starts with me. It starts with all of us." Judy said finishing her speech.

The police officers and crowd cheer and applaud.
Later, on the last day of summer, it became the
turn for the Bad Guys to come home. Nick arrived at their summer mansion where gazette opened the door.

"Hey guys" he laughs," I just wanted to see if-"

But then he noticed how they were all packing.

"Whoa ok." he says with a little fear in his heart as
Shark came in from the kitchen supplies.

"You guys going somewhere?" Nick asked.

He approached Wolf who was finishing boxing
Princess stuff.

"Yeah we're going back home." Shark says as he
carry the boxes to the moving van.

"Huh, what do you mean going back home?" he
asked as Diane passes by sharing a kiss with Wolf.

"I'll met you in the car." Diane said.

"Wolf? What's going on?" he asked.

"Ok I think it's time you know, this is our summer
house." Wolf said.

"Summer house?"

"Yes well it isn't exactly our house, it's Professor

He shows a picture of the Guinea pig on the wall.

"Another person who helped changed us, we were
just staying here for the summer." Wolf said as he picks up the boxes and takes it in the can with Snake and Princess following as he was carrying one of her

"Ready to go home baby?" he asked.

"Yes!" She answered.

"What-your leaving already?" Nick asked.

"Well yeah, summer is over and princess and the kids have school tomorrow." Wolf said.

"But I thought everything was good between us?" Nick said.

"It is, it's just we could only stay in here for the
summer." Wolf explained.

This has Nick feeling sad the sane feeling Wolf felt
where he thought about the time when Nick
abandoned them.

"Hey don't worry, we'll be back soon...where we're
not busy or on holiday." Wolf said.

This has Nick smiling, then he gets a hug from
Princess and the other kids.

"Good bye uncle Nick." They said.

This as Nick surprise but then he smiles and returns the hug.

"So long kiddos." Nick said.

Then they let go as Diane takes her hand and they
go to the car, she waves bye.

Then he felt Wolf touching his shoulders, "Well listen, I just wanted to say thank you for everything, you saved our daughter, we owe you so much."

"Hey...that's what friends are for." Nick said.

They both smiled then wolf lets go as he picks up
his suitcase and walks to the car slowly.

"Hey Nick?" Wolf said.

"Yeah?" Nick answered.

He looks up to see Wolf smiling, "Yes...I did had fun

The two laughed as Wolf puts his case in the back
and gets in the drivers suit.

"So hey will I be able to see you at the dinner?"

"I'll be there."

"And your friend is nice too." Snake added.

"I just feel bad that she has to be stuck with
someone like you."

They all laughed, Nick laughs too when Judy walks next to him.

"Hey good luck with this fox, you're gonna need it."
Snake told Judy.

"HEY WOLF!" Nick called out or him.

"Go bad-"


He and the others yelled as Nick watches them drive off. But then he started to feel loneliness again.

"I sure am going to miss them." Nick said.

"Yeah but hey you'll see them again soon." Judy said.

"Yeah Maybe some day, thanks Judy...for helping
me." Nick said.

"Come on, we been assigned with finding a street
racer that's been tearing up Savannah Central, let's
shut him down." Judy said.

"And maybe along the way, I can tell you my
adventures with the Bad Guys." Nick said.

Nick has finally made peace with the Bad Guys.

The End

...or is it?

Back at the asylum, Dr. Terce was planning with his checkers when he heard a ruckus happening. He sees a lion, wolf, and rhino guards fire at something before each of them got disintegrated by a light plasma blasts. All was left of them was black UV ash burn marks on the floor, scaring Terce a bit.

He then sees two female humans, a rooster with a steel beak, and a black shadowy bear with red eyes come at him. The black bear then created a shadow claw and ripped off the door to Terce's cell.

"What the hell is going on?" Terce asked getting up.

"What does it look like, doc? We're breaking you out!" The rooster said. Terce then gave them a look.

"What's the catch?" Terce asked suspicious.

"Our boss wants you to join his new organization. He admires your work." The woman with the rifle.

"Is that so?" Terce asked unsure what to say.

"If you help him take down his enemy... he'll help you get revenge on the ones who locked you away." The woman in black & white said with her hand glowing.

"Interesting offer... I accept." Terce said with a grin as he walks out of his prison. Suddenly a shadow hand grabbed him tightly, making him panic.

"What the hell?!" He growled shrugging.

"Relax... we're not gonna hurt ya. Just gonna transform you into something more... deadly." The bear said as he chuckled in his deep bass voice. The bear then pulled out a Dark Matter Crystal and holds it close to the gorilla doctor as they escaped the asylum through their own shadows.

Darkness grows as the rift in the Dark Multiverse bleeds out into the Light Multiverse. The time has come for the darkness of Lord Barbatos and his Dark Knights to rise with Batman tortured by nightmares.

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