The Bad Guys Justice League:...

By Flashbolt157ninja

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This is a story that takes place during the events of the Night Howler Case and Nick was once a member of the... More

Chapter 1: Blast from the Past
Chapter 2: Missing Mammals
Chapter 3: Old Friends, Old Wounds
Chapter 4: Blast of the Past
Chapter 5: Case On
Chapter 6: Big Trouble in Tundratown
Chapter 7: The Chase in the Rainforest District
Chapter 8: Nick's Tragic Backstory
Chapter 10: The Dark Truth
Chapter 11: Downfall
Chapter 12: Epiphany
Chapter 13: Friends United
Chapter 14: The Case is Back on!
Chapter 15: Train Car Chase
Chapter 16: The Real Villain
Chapter 17: Happy Endings

Chapter 9: Cliffside Asylum

172 11 0
By Flashbolt157ninja

They hid and peek out from a rock and see the
rather creepy looking building with a vine design
on the front. They run to a toll booth, avoiding the view of the wolf guards.

"Ok" Wolf whispered,

"we need a distraction, shark you're up."

"Copy that.'"

But before he could go, Nick stopped him.

"Whoa whoa whoa, these are wolves, what we need
is a wolf distraction." Nick said.

Wolf then realized who he was talking about.

"What, oh no." he shook his head.



"Come on, they're wolves and they could only trust
a wolf." Nick said.

"Ok now that discrimination right there." Wolf said.

"Come on Wolfie." Nick nudges his shoulders.

Then Wolf gives in, "ugh alright fine."

So Nick slips through the other side, while Wolf
walks up to the The white timber wolf as he picks
up Nick's scent and starts to look back.

"Excuse me."


He turns around to see Wolf smiling nervously with
a fake mustache, in a black suit.

"Hey I'm Maximus hounds"

Then the goes back to catching Nick scent, he
panics then he howls.

The guard howls and the other guard goes up to

"Gary, quit it, you're gonna start a howl!"

"I didn't start it!"

Then they see Wolf howling again, Gary howls,
followed by Larry, then all of the guards begin to

"Come on!" Judy says.

"Wolves are so gullible." Snake says.


He gets a glance from Wolf, he wolf looks back at Shark.

"Shark stay in the car till we get back"

"Copy that." Shark said.

As the wolf guards howl, they run up to the
entrance and hide from sight.

"That was very clever of you, Wolf." Nick said.

"Well he was getting close to you." Wolf said.

"Guys, enough bickering. Let's focus." Vibe said.

They look up and see a pipe, They enter a room
through the sewer grate, Judy uses her phone light
to search, Hospital beds have been pushed up
against the wall.

"It looks like this was a hospital." Flash said.

They see a door. Nick slowly and cautiously
approaches the door to open it, slowly extends a
paw, then he steps back and pushes Judy forward.

"You know, after you. Ladies first." Nick said.

She and wolf rolled their eyes in annoyance, turns
off her light, and wolf opens the door, they peek
inside and looks around. They see a room with an
examination bed and three screens with a CAT scan
of a brain is seen through the doorway. Nick peeks
out through wolf and looks around.

"Okay, all clear." He slowly moves backward, and
spring back into place, She rolls her eyes as she
looks up at wolf who sighing, then she turns her
phone light on again.

"See what we had to deal with?" Wolf says and looks
around the room.

"I know Nick can be annoyed, but he is trying, he's
changed to a good fox." Judy said.

She looks around, "All this equipment is brand
new." she takes pictures of the equipment.

"Why's that?" Flash asked.

"I don't know. Why you didn't let Shark along?" Nick

"You know how he gets around hospital." Wolf said.


They then both gasped when they looked down.


She looks at them, and he points down revealing
claw marks on the floor.

"Claw marks..."

"Yeah, huge, huge claw marks, I mean what kind of
animal..." Wolf wonders.

A tiger pounces against the glass, startling Nick and


Judy Nick and wolf walk through the passage way
seeing other predator mammals in cells, all in a
savage state. Webs, Snake and piranha walks up, They shine the flashlight up into the top left corner of one cell where two pinpricks of light are visible, and find Manchas in the cell, growling.

"Mr. Manchas."

"Well now we know where the Panther went." Webs

"Yeah but where's the otter" wolf asked.

Nick looks at Manchas's file, then as snake slithers
around, he finds another file, he reads it and it was

"I found him" snake says.

They walk up to another cell and see Otterton
inside. His glasses are broken, his sweater is gone and Otterton runs under the bed snarling.

"Yep that's him alright! We found your otter."
Piranha says as he goes to release him, "let's get

"NO!" but everyone stopped him.

"Mr. Otterton, my name is Officer Judy Hopps. We
were sent to find you, We're gonna get you out of
here and back to your family--"

Mr. Otterton starts to come forward, sniffing and
eyes black, before he pounces against the glass,
making them jump back in surprise.

Or not! Guess he's in no rush to get home to the
missus." Vibe said.

"Eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen.... Not including
Manchas, it's....... It's fourteen...Nick that's all
fourteen of them, They're all here! All the missing
mammals are right here!"

"Yeah yeah that's great, now let's get them out of
here" wolf says.

They hear a mechanical door opening. As the door

"AH!" everyone starts to panicked.

"Hide" wolf whispers, Judy, Nick and the others ran
and hide in an empty cell. Judy hide with Snake, Flash, Piranha and Webs while Wolf got stuck with Nick in another cell...again along with Vibe. Then, they hear a familiar voice.

"Enough! I don't want excuses, Doctor, I want

Mayor Lionheart and Dr. Madge Honey Badger
enter the room.

"Mayor Lionheart" the Bad Guys whispered as they
were surprised as much as Nick and Judy were.

"He's behind this" webs asked.

"Mayor Lionheart, please. We're doing everything
we can"

Judy uses her phone to record their conversation.

"Really? 'Cause I've got a dozen and a half animals
here who've gone off the rails crazy, and you can't
tell me why! Now I'd call that awfully far from
"doing everything"!

"Sir, it may be time to consider their biology."

Judy gives a confused look and Nick gives a
suspicious look.

"What? What do you mean "biology"?" Lionheart asked.

"The only animals going savage are predators. We
cannot keep it a secret; we need to come forward!" Dr. Madge said.

"Hmm, great idea. Tell the public. And how do you
think they're gonna feel about their mayor.." he
gestures to himself before yelling right in Dr.
Badger's face.

"WHO IS A LION?! I'll be ruined!"

Judy and the Bad Guys look at each other in worry.

"Well, what does Chief Bogo say?" Dr. Madge asked.

"Chief Bogo doesn't know. And we are going to
keep it that way."

Judy's phone rings. Her parents are calling her. She
tries to turn it off, but the ringtone echoes.

"No, no, no!"

Then the bad guys try to hush her:

"Shush!" Piranha says.

"Be quiet!" webs added.

"Turn that thing!" Snake hissed.

"Someone's here!" Lionheart said.

"Sir, you need to go. Now! Security, sweep the area!

Mayor Lionheart and Dr. Madge leave the room as
the alarm sounds. The door of the cell Judy and
Nick and the bad guys are in closes. The bad guys
panicked as they try to open the door until they see
wolves coming to the door.

"Ah, what do we do now?!" webs asked.

"Ok let's not panic!" Judy says as she sees a panicked piranha pacing back and forward, she sees him against a toilet without realizing. This gets her a sudden idea,

"Hey, can you guys swim?" She puts her phone in a plastic bag.

"Yeah, Why?" Snake asked.

In the cell with Nick, Vibe, and Wolf, "ah, we got to find a way out of here!" Wolf says.

Nick looks around then he sees the toilet.

"There's only one way, Wolf!"

Wolf knew where this was going but didn't like the

"No! That's disgusting." Wolf said.

"I would rather be caught." Vibe said.

"It's our only chance.... where's your sense of

"You seem excited about it" Wolf said. Then Nick flushed the handle and hops right in, holding his noses and giving a thumbs up to Wolf and Vibe.

"Don'" he then saw the wolves coming

"Aw dang it" he looks at the large toilet then at the
wolves then back at the toilet.

He panicked, he didn't wanted to go for a swim but
he also didn't wanted to be dead, so he takes a deep
breath counting backwards.

Then Three wolves enter the room carrying taser
guns with laser sights, but one notices the toilet
post-flush and cocks his head to the side with
confusion. Judy and the bad guys, along with Nick Wolf, and Vibe, slide down the pipe and fall out, riding through a raging river, while screaming.

Then on land, a large hand grabs Snake's head, as
his tail grabs Webs, Webs takes Piranha's hand and
Piranha grabs Judy's hand.

The large hand was shark, trying to pull them out.

"Hanging guy, I got you." he grunts as he struggles
to pull them out.

Judy holding her phone in the bag, We gotta tell

Then as Shark pulls them out, snake makes a
worried face.

"Wait? Where's wolf?" Snake asked.

"And where's Vibe?" Flash asked.

Just up ahead of the raging river, Wolf, Nick, and Vibe were being dragged and pushed, trying to fight the raging river.


But soon, they saw they were getting close to a
waterfall. And just as they were inches away, Wolf was about to fall to his doom, Nick grabbed a sturdy branch and grabbed Wolf's hand. He was pasting, terrified from hanging from a long drop, he looks at Nick who was making the same reaction, Wolf was surprised as Nick slowly smiled at him. Then they heard their friends coming to save them.

"Nick, Nick, hang on, we're coming!" Vibe said.

He turns to see Judy as she and Shark helps Nick
and Wolf up.

" saved me." Wolf says as he looks at

"Well... yeah..that's what friends are for'" Nick says.

This made Wolf and the others realized...... Nick really had changed.  Then judy interrupts the now patch up right reunion.

Meanwhile In the chief's office, Chief Bogo looks at
the Gazelle dancing app and sees his face on a tiger

"Wow, you are one hot dancer, Chief Bogo."

Chief Bogo grins, then he quickly puts his phone
away as Clawhauser enters his office.

"Chief Bogo!"

"Not now!"

Wait, is that Gazelle?"

He tries to cover his phone with his hooves, "No!"

"I'm Gazelle, and you are one hot dancer"

"You have the app too?"

he's so overjoyed that he puts his fists up to his
own face in excitement.

"Aww, Chieeeeeef!"

"Clawhauser! Can't you see I'm working on the
missing mammal cases?!"

"Oh, oh, oh, yes, of course, about that, sir... Officer
Hopps just called - she and Wilde found all of
them!" Clawhauser said.

Chief Bogo shows a stunned look.

"Wow, I'm impressed!"

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