Power rangers beast morphers...

By kuksoolwon29

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Second book of power rangers beast Morphers. More

Chapter 1: Believe it or not
Chapter 2: Save our shores
Chapter 3: Game on
Chapter 4: Artist anonymous
Chapter 5: Cruisin for a bruisin
Chapter 6: The blame game
Chapter 7: Beast king rampage
Chapter 8: Boxed in
Chapter 9: Secret struggle
Chapter 10: The evox snare
Chapter 11: Intruder alert
Chapter 12: The greater good
Chapter 13: Finders keepers.
Chapter 14: Making bad
Chapter 15: Grid connection
Chapter 16: Lily and Nate special chapter
Chapter 17: Golden Opportunity
Chapter 18: Goin Ape
Chapter 19: Devon and zoey Special chapter
Chapter 20: The silva switch
Chapter 21: Fossil frenzy
Chapter 22: Crunch time
Chapter 23: Source code

Chapter 24: Evox unleashed

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By kuksoolwon29

We were getting everyone to evacuate. We were in the control room with zoeys mum. We were all morphed as we were on the news. People of coral harbour we are interrupting with an urgent announcement from grid battle force Muriel said. The commander stepped forward. Evox has taken control of the morph x tower network towers around the world are sending pure morphing energy into tower one in the heart of Coral harbour the commander said. Evacuation of the city is already underway everyone needs to get as far from the morph x George as possible Devon's dad said. Grid native will stay to protect our home you can count on us devon said. And cut that will go out ok every channel Muriel said. Good thank you Devon's dad said. We then all walked out. We then demorphed and went to Nate's lab. Load this into the ultra bowl carefully though we won't have time to build a second one Nate said. You got it ben said. You know distracting evox can help us hit him with the antivirus Ravi said. But his hacking made him immune to our weapons so how can we fight him Steel asked. Don't worry I have something planned that he will never expect devon said as he came out of the vault. The alarm then beeped. Rangers evox has appeared near tower one it's go time the commander said. Roger that commander position then for transport okay devon said. Absolutely betty said. What's in those cases I asked. I'll explain on the way Devon said as we ran out. We then ran up to where evox was. It's you the universe will be better without Devon said. Havent you learned fighting me is futile evox said. I made you evox but today we are gonna destroy you as a team Nate said as i smiled proudly at him. We then all morphed. We then transported other rangers weapons. Ninja super steel blaster Devon said. Dino saber Nate said. Delta enforcer Ravi said. Cloud hatchet steel said. Thermo blaster Zoey said. Ninja Blaster I said. What those aren't good battleforce weapons evox said. Yeah because you never got the chance to hack these legendary ranger weapons see how you like this devon said as we all blasted him. He then fell to the ground. Steel and Nate then went to attack him. Transport devon said. We then had the ultra bow. All right team one last shot devon said. We then blasted the bolt at evox. Evox then stopped it from hitting him. No Ravi said. No way Zoey said. It didn't work devon said. You foolish rangers can't stop me now evox said as he got backup. Uh oh he's got backup Devon said. Robotrons obliterate them he said. We then started fighting the robotrons. As I struck down a robotron I saw the antivirus. The antivirus we can still use it I said. I then tried to go towards Evox. That arrow Zoey said. I know I'm going after evox I said. Wait Lily Zoey said. I then ran inside. Here we go I said as I ran where evox was. Oh man it's all on me I said. As I was about to run in steel stopped me. Steel what are you doing I asked. Give me the antivirus I'll do it he said. No steel I have to do this I said. No Nate will be crushed if he lost you let me do it he said as I gave him the antivirus and I stepped back. Don't get any closer it's too intense Lily come back nate said. Steel went in and put the antivirus in evox. Yes he did it devon said. He then absorbed the arrow. Impossible steel said. Nothing can destroy me now you are too late say goodbye evox said as he blasted steel out of the bit he was in. Steel Nate said. He then fell to the ground. No Nate said as he tried to go towards him but we all pulled him back. I tried my best I'm sorry brother Steel said as he disintergrated into the morphing grid. Nate watched in horror and I put my head against Nate's. You will pay for this evox ravi said. I don't think so he said as she blasted us out of the tower. We fell to the ground and demorphed. We then struggled to get up. The mayor and zoeys mum then cane. Devon he said. Are you guys okay Muriel asked. Not even close we gotta stop evox nate said and ran. Devon then grabbed him. Nate there nothing we can do right now devon said as he struggled I then got up and grabbed him. We gotta get back to base regroup Ravi said. I then grabbed his cheek and made him look at me. Let's go I said. He then nodded and we got into the car and went back to base. We walked in where the commander was. I was comforting Nate. Hey guys ben said. Where's steel Betty asked. He's not coming back devon said. They all looked shocked. Commander if you don't mind devon said as she gave him the radio. He then turned to look at us. Grid battle force this is Devon daniels red ranger today our team of 6 power rangers went up against evox only 5 returned when no one else could steel made the choice to fight evox alone and now he's gone evox is in tower one gaining more and more strength you have worked so hard to hold on but now it's time for grid battle force to evacuate like steel the power rangers will stay and fight and defeat evox if we can devon said. We won't evacuate Betty said. Us Burkes never back down ben said. You know what us beast bots are staying too cruise said. Yeah not a chance we would leave Jax said. Just in case anybody needs a hug huh smash said. Zord maintenance will stay a guy said. We will stay too Muriel said. Rangers the command room is with you a girl said. Then we got a load of messages saying none of them will evacuate. Okay then we will defeat evox together for steel devon said. For steel we all said and I looked at Nate and grabbed his hand. The alarm then beeped. Commander the sky has gone dark somethings happening to tower one the girl said. Whatever that is it doesn't look good nate said. Look at it Zoey said. It must be 50 times the size of a gigadrone I said. It's evox he's harnessing the grids energy Nate said. So that beast is how he plans to eradicate all human life devon said. Battle stations prep the ultra zord the commander said. We were about to run out when the commander stopped us. Rangers evoxs strength comes from data and energy nothing more but you you are strong because you are human you fight for each toner and for the world if you can remember that there is a chance you can beat him the commander said. Thanks commander devon said. Lily be careful she said. I will
I said. We then ran out to our zords. Not so fast you will have to go through us Nate said. Whoa devon said. Feel my wrath he said as he blasted us. Hold on guys nate said. We are going down devon said. We then hit the floor. I'll enjoy defeating you just like I did your robot friend evox said. Oh you shouldn't have said that I thought as I thought of Nate. Steel wasn't just a robot he was half human too nate said. Being human makes you all weak evox said. No like mum said being human makes us strong Ravi said. Exactly, exactly remember when evox tried to get into steels body Nate asked. Yeah Zoey said. He couldn't handle his human DNA I said. Plus being in my dads body really messed him up Devon said. So that must be his weakness Ravi said. Yeah affirmative if I can redirect morph x through our bodies our attack will be infused with human DNA Nate said. It's risky but we gotta try it devon said. Coming to your cockpit devon Nate said. Ravi lily and I will charge the main weapons Zoey said. Evox then blasted us again. We aren't gonna last much longer devon said. We then combined with the beast x king zord. Brace yourselves everybody the morph x is about to flow through us Nate said. We then felt the morph x. It's time attack devon said. We then flew in and attacked evox. What no evox said. We didn't penetrate his armour devon said. Then we know what we have to do Ravi said. Give it everything we have got I said. We then did that. No it can't be human DNA he said as we all groaned. Evox then screamed. It's corrupting my systems curse you rangers evox said as we penetrated his armour. His zord then exploded as we flew out. We did it Nate said. Evox eliminated devon said as we all cheered.

We then jumped out of the megazord and demorphed. We then saw all green bits floating up into the air. I think that's the morph x returning to the morphing grid Nate said. Devon held his hands out. Wow devon said. What's that I asked. I then saw something and drew the others attention. We then saw steel. That's impossible nate said. He then turned human. I can't believe it nate said. Oh my god I said. It's me steel he said and we all smiled. He then looked at his hands. Uh hold on a second steel said as he felt his face. I'm human he said. Steel Nate said as he ran up and hugged him and we all ran up behind him. That's amazing I said. The grid must have had enough energy to do what I couldn't phenomenal it made you human nate said. Are you sure this is for more than just one day steel asked as he put his hands on Nate's shoulders. If it's the morphing grid did it it's forever devon said. Finally I really am human steel said as he hugged Nate. We all joined and made it a group hug.

A year later:
Devon had taken the commanders place and he was now in charge of grid battle force we then caught scrozzle as well. Nate had asked me to help him plan steels birthday. Or a year as a human. I obviously agreed. One year after the destitution of the morph x tower system coral harbour relies on the very lastesg wind and solar farms the mayor said on the screen that we were showing. Making our home greener than ever i said. And grid battle force will make sure it stays that way Nate said. Cut that's it folks the guy said. So you are still solving big problems I hope you never run for mayor he said. Well I said. Our wrist comm then beeped. That's the signal we gotta go Nate said. See ya I said. We then ran out. I sent blaze to take over from steel. Steel then ran in morphed. He then took his helmet off. What in the he said. Surprise we all said. Happy birthday we said. Wow I had no idea he said as Nate brought him a cake. You are one year old today Nate said. Now make a wish Devon said. No need for wishes steel said as he put his helmet down. He then blew out his candles and we cheered. After one year as a human I have everything I could possible want it's great to be human he said and tasted the cake. We all then started dancing. Me and Nate were dancing together. I love you he said. I love you too I said.

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