31 days of Halloween Oneshots

By Yamikingofgames

590 68 10

Enjoy these spoopy oneshots of our favorite anime characters and some! (October 2022) (October 2023) *All pic... More

1 ('23)
2 ('23)
3 ('23)


15 3 0
By Yamikingofgames

Prompt: Losing any knowledge of who you are or where you live
Character(s): Mammon (Obey Me!) 
Scenario: One second he's gambling, next second he's confused on where and who the hell he is.

It was a normal night for the Avatar of Greed, the usual gambling and adding on to his losing streak. He had snuck out so Lucifer was definitely going to be angry when he got back, but he didn't have to worry about that at the moment. Of course, what he did have to worry about was playing with witches. He knew better then to mess with them. But he couldn't help it when it came to gambling, he was too greedy. It was his nature after all.

Sadly, he lost all of his grimm. Lucifer was going to be pissed. 

Well, more pissed than he's going to be.

He was walking home, staring at his empty wallet, when a sudden throbbing pounded at his head. He groaned as he rubbed his temples. The avatar of greed rarely got headaches and they weren't normally that bad. Or sudden for that matter.

"Where am I?"

Mammon stumbled around for a second, it was like he was starting to walk for the first time. Or maybe he was? Who the hell was he? Why couldn't he remember?

A ringing in his pocket startled him, what the heck was that thing? 

It was a rectangular box and was vibrating. There was a big green button and a big red button and some picture of someone. There was a name too but it just seemed jumbled up. He clicked the green button and jumped when a voice roared through the box. 


The voice sounded angry, but why?

"Where have you been? Gambling I presume. Get back home now!"

"I'm sorry, but who are you?"

"Very funny Mammon, now get home!"

Mammon grimaced, why wouldn't this person understand?

"I don't know who you are and where my home even is!"

The voice in the rectangular box was quiet for a moment before it clicked. It seemed like the voice wouldn't speak anymore. 

He put the rectangular box back into his pocket, the white-haired  boy decided to pick a direction and just walk. There was no harm, but he had no idea where he was going.

Mammon passed multiple glowing signs with words he didn't understand and many different smells permeated the area. 

Running footsteps sounded from behind him a few seconds later and hands grabbed onto his shoulders. He was whipped around to be face to face with man from the rectangular box. He didn't look very happy.

"I had to come get you myself to see if you're drunk or not. We have school tomorrow, Mammon! You're going to go regardless if you have a hangover or not!"

"Drunk..? Hangover..?"

"You're kidding me, Mammon!"

"Who's Mammon?"

It was just then he realized that that name was being spoken. Was that his name? That really helped, but what about everything else. And who even is this man?


"I said who is Mammon?"

The man's face went from a frown to shock, does he finally believe him?

"You're joking, right? If you are this isn't funny!" 

Mammon shook his head, he was definitely not joking. 

"What. Did. You. do?"

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