Broken soul. (A fanfic starri...

By LadySchneefee

8K 258 20

Adar had been captured by Halbrand and Galadriel. Not knowing what to do with him, Galadriel asks Eilith, an... More

Adar's character


412 11 2
By LadySchneefee

She knew that she couldn't keep him tied up anymore. If he loved her, he wouldn't run anyways and she was willing to take the risk.
That night they slept holding each other. In her heart was the memory of the ecstasy shared and she felt warmed by the fine bond of love and trust that was developing between them.

In the morning Adar loved her gently, taking his time, exploring every inch of her body. With every moment passing and with every carssing, her desire grew, until she begged him for relief!

Later, Eilith's mother came to visit. She hadn't been for a while, so that Eilith had already startet to worry.

Adar had been watching Eilith backing  a cake. He told her, that for him it was all totally new. The image of her making a dough, cutting the apples and so on was like a magical event.
The wholesomeness of the proceedings, warmed his heart and he wanted to take in every small detail of it, to store it away. It would be all of these memories that would keep him going, if ever the darkness threatened to swallow him once again.

It had been than when the bell rang. A little worried it could be Gil-Galad again, she asked Adar to hide himself. She could see that he was not so keen on that.. they would have to talk about this later, she realised. The issue of Gil-Galad had to be dealt with, from either side.

"If it is my mother, I would like her to meet you though. Does this agree with you?" She asked him and she could see that this time he was pleased.

"And what shall the nature of our friendship be?" He asked and Eilith was certain that this was a trick question, because there was uncertainty in his voice.

"We shall tell her the truth about our relationship! I will tell her that I have fallen in love with you and that you have pledged yourself to me. How about your identity?" Eilith herself would have probably told her mother, perhaps not with Adar around to listen in though.

"Please, inform her not. Not just yet. I would like her to meet me, wearing my new identity." Eilith nodded, than she went to open the door. 

It was a faily harmonious meeting. Eilith's mother was a little concerned about Gil-Galad's reaction to Eilith having found somebody to love but she was happy for the both of them. Adar wasn't used to normal socialising, so at times he acted awkward but Eilith helped him over each one of them. Eilith's mother was a kind-hearted woman anyways and so it all worked out fine.

She had brought new supplies too and Eilith realised that although, she was some sort of prisoner, her cage was definitely a golden one. She never had to worry about food, about being hungry or cold. About fearing for her live and most definitely not having to physically fight for survival. Adar had told her a few things about what his life had been like and it was very foreign to her. It was unbelievable to her that elfs could live in such circumstances.

Jn the evening Eilith had stepped outside to say good bye to her mother.

"I'm happy for you Eilith that you have found love. I can see by the way the two of you look at each other how real and strong your love is. Adar seems to be a very kind elf, a little shy and unsure perhaps." Her mother had said what she had perceived but her words made Eilith thoughtful.

She bid her mum farewell, a little sad as always, that she wasn't able to see her more often. This time had been especially long because her mother had been ill but Eilith's time had flown by very quick because of Adar stirring things up as he had.

She stayed outside her door for a while longer, pondering on the fact that her mum thought Adar was a kind man. He was indeed at the present time but if he had been a murderer of many before, he had certainly changed. Was it possible that a person could change that drastically, in that short time?
He had been with her maybe a month... It was said that love had the power to change a heart... Was it than somehow a greater force than any other? Was it not also inspired and empowered by the giver of life?
Eilith was sure that her love for Adar and any other living being she had come across, was most certainly empowered by this almighty force. She felt it inside of her so strongly most of the time. Even with Gil-Galad she had mostly compassion for him. She felt odd, different. She would never fit into the world but than she thought about the evil and violence she had heart of, perhaps she didn't want to fit in anyway.

She went inside, suddenly feeling exited. What would the evening bring? She wanted to feel him over and over, from the gentle touch of their fingers intertwining, the sweet taste of his gentle kisses, to the passionate feeling of her body set on fire by becoming one. She wanted to feed the desire of the sense Touch, which had never been as satisfied as now. But she knew only Adar could fulfill this desire because she loved him.

But, Adar wasn't in the house, her heart froze, had he gone, left her? Had his words been false, his deeds pretence? The pain was excruciating!

She went into the garden, perhaps, just maybe he was here somewhere. It was dark already but there was a faint light coming from the back of her garden. She almost ran.
He was in the hotspring and a few candles were burning, they where creating a beautiful atmosphere. She nearly cracked, wanted to cry in relief. He was still there! He loved her, he wouldn't run! If only she could trust him, stop worrying..

He smiled invitingly, teasingly. In no time she was in the spring, on his lap kissing him, trying to push away the horrible feelings she had felt a minute ago..

It was a wonderful evening full of love and passion after all.

Sometime during the following day, Eilith went into the garden, to fetch Potatoes.  She wanted to cook a scrumptious meal for the both of them.

There where however creatures in her garden, hideous looking foul-smelling and noisy. Rampaging through the very Potatoes she had wanted to fetch, eating them raw. Nobody had ever strayed into her garden, the display of brambles was so thick that it seemed impossible to go through, so nobody bothered. But even if they weren't decieved by the look of the brambles, eventually there was a barrier, to go through it, was incredibly painful.
These creatures, maybe they didn't mind  brambles and perhaps they weren't bothered by the pain? Kind of scared but also fazinated Eilith starred at them. They had no manners, trampling down her vegetable patch, whilst they gobbled up the vegetable they found. Only when they came closer she came alive. She hurried back inside. Adar had been repairing one of her tools, surprised he looked at her.

" You look like you seen a ghost," he said teasingly.

She leaned against the door. "There are creatures in the garden, I have never seen any before, but I think they might be orcs."

The change in Adar was powerful. His face went hard. His posture tall and strong. He got up and marched out through the door. Eilith was certain he went out to protect her. But he hadn't taken a weapon along?

She run towards the window to watch. To her utter amazement, the creatures kneeled in front of Adar but what amazed her even more so, he touched them one by one. Lovingly he layed his hand on each one of their heads and they in return, smiled at him, as far as their contorted faces were able to. It made no sense. She had expected him to go out and slay them, yes, that was what she had expected. Now, seeing him being kind towards these creatures made her realise how quickly she had presumed, how cliché her reactions had been. She had presumed these creatures were evil, just by the way they looked and behaved. For a moment she had been totally ok with Adar going out there to slay them... Well maybe not kill them but defeat them? No, actually she had really been alright with the thought of Adar killing them. Had she than not actually been a murderer in her head in some ways, what difference was between her and Adar than..
So as she watched him, now talking to the creatures, she felt more love for him than ever!

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