Cherry Blossom - Power Ranger...

By AlexNeko_990

5.5K 124 79

Cherry Blossom (On-Hold)🍟 --- When the ancient evil spirit Dai Shi returns to wipe out all humans, a quartet... More

Meet Leto Driver
Meet Alexander "Alex" Paxton
Chapter One: Welcome to the Jungle, Part One
Chapter Two: Welcome to the Jungle, Part Two
Chapter Four: A Taste of Poison

Chapter Three: Sigh of the Tiger

554 16 15
By AlexNeko_990

[Alexander "Alex" Paxton]

Casey, Lily, Leto, RJ and I are in Jungle Karma Pizza. RJ was training Casey and Lily, while I was training Alex. RJ was wearing a blindfold.

"All right, dude," RJ said, as he points at Lily, "and dudette." He said, and points at Casey.

I chuckled. "It's always funny to see him get something wrong." I told Leto, who was sitting next to me and meditating.

"What is your relationship with RJ, anyway?" Leto asked.

"Let's just say we're really close friends." I said, and winked.

"In order to defeat me, you have to be in complete harmony with your Animal Spirits." RJ said. "And get very lucky."

"Come on, Lily. He's all ours." Casey said.

"Are you sure about this, RJ?" Lily asked. "I don't wanna dent your Metaphysical Zen."

"I think it's already too late for that." I jokingly said.

"I'll get you, for that one, AP." RJ said, before turning back to Lily. "I'm using the swoop technique, eyesight is a bonus not a necessity." He said. "Now hit me with your best shot."

Casey and Lily went towards RJ, and he blocked them easily.

"How is RJ, doing that?" Leto asked.

"He had a lot of training." I said. "Not to mention, he's also using the sound around him."

Casey bumped into a speaker, it almost fell on him, but RJ caught it. Casey and Lily tried to go after RJ again, but they failed. They tried to stay silent, but RJ threw Casey towards the couch, and Lily fell on the ground.

"You were distracted and defeated." RJ said. "Remember guys, the enemy is merciless and just as graceful as-" He said, and tripped. He quickly stood back up. "Me."

I snorted, while Leto and the others hold in their laughter.

"All right." RJ said, and took off his blindfold. "That's enough for right now. I want you guys to take some time to internalize your defeat, while I watch Judge Jamie." He said. "AP, you want in on this?" He asked.

"How about later? I'm still teaching Leto some things." I said, the both of us stood up, and went away.


All of us are now in the room, as we look at the surveillance.

RJ and I were on the couch.

"Ah, yes, the old museum heist." RJ said. "Typical. Go get her."

"Be ready for anything!" I said. "She's a feisty one." I said.

I saw RJ taking out a bowl of popcorn. He look over to me. "Want some?" He asked, and smiles.

[Leto Driver]

All of us grabbed onto the vine, and swung out of the room.


All of us Morphed, and got to where Camille and the Rishies are.

"Not so fast! Lizard Lady!" Theo said.

"Oh, Power Rangers! How sweet!" Camille said. "Attack!" She ordered.

All of us begin fighting the Rishies.

I jumped into the middle of the Rishies, and did a swoop attack, making them fall.

"I got her!" Casey said, and he chased after Camille.


[Alexander "Alex" Paxton]

RJ and I were at the base waiting for the others to return.

RJ was messing with the armchair recliner.

"I can't believe she got away." Casey said.

"Don't take it so hard, Casey." Leto said.

"Yeah, she's slippery, slimy, s-" Theo said.

"Smelly?" Lily said.

"Thank you." Theo said.

"I think you broke my chair, man." RJ said to Casey, when him and the others walk over. "I need more training."

RJ grabs a screwdriver. "Fix my chair." He said, and hands it to Casey.

"But-" Casey said.

"Remember. Whatever we say." RJ said, referring to me and him.


Fran, Leto and I are at the pizza parlor, as we tend to the children's birthday party.

Fran got sprayed by orange juice.

I got hit by noodles.

And Leto is covered in tomato sauce.

"Where are Theo and Lily?" I asked.

"I have no idea." Leto replied.


[Leto Driver]

I went back to the room, because Alex told me to.

"Fran, Alex and Leto got it under control." Theo said.

"Yeah." I said, alerting the others of my presence. "Under control. I have noodles in my hair."

The alarm blared, and we saw the Rishies.

"You see, RJ? We've been wasting time!" Casey said. "Come on, guys! Let's go!" He said, and we left.


All of us arrived at the location Morphed.

"Welcome! Rangers!" Buffalord said.

"That thing looks very angry!" Lily said.

"You're going down!" Casey said.

"Attack!" Buffalord ordered.

All of us begin fighting the Rishies.

I punch and kick the Rishies that were around me.

"Call to the Beast Inside! Release the Panther!" I shouted, and my Panther Spirit attacked the Rishies.

"Call to the Beast Inside! Bring out the Cheetah!" Lily shouted, and her Cheetah Spirit attacked the Rishies.

"Call to the Beast Inside! Unleash the Jaguar!" Theo shouted, and his Jaguar Spirit attacked the Rishies.

"Call to the Beast Inside! Free the Tiger!" Casey shouted, and his Tiger Spirit attacked the Rishies.

We regrouped, and stood in front of Buffalord.

"RInshies are strong! But I am even more powerful!" Buffalord said, and his true self appeared.

"No way!" Casey said.

"I am Buffalord!" Buffalord said.

Casey tried to fight Buffalord, but ended up crashing into a bunch of pillar. He got thrown into the air.

"Casey!" I shouted.

Casey landed on the ground.

"Jungle Tonfa!" Theo shouted, and attacked Buffalord.

"Let me get in on this!" Lily said.

"Me too!" I said.

Lily and I begin attacking Buffalord.

"Cheetah Jabs!" Lily shouted.

"Panther Strikes!" I shouted.

The both of us attacked Buffalord, and he fell.

"Whoa! Leto and Lily are amazing!" Casey said.

Buffalord changed back into a Rinshi. "I need more time to harness the full Power of the Buffalo!" He said. "I will return!" He said, and left.

"Stop! Come back! I'm not done with you yet!" Casey said.

"Hey! Stop!" Lily said, as we stopped him.

"He's gone!" Theo said.


Theo, Lily, Alex and I were at the stairs, as we watch Casey scrubbing the floor.

"And they call me the neat freak." Theo said.

"No rest for the weary." Casey said.

"Come on, Casey." Lily said.

"Let's go." I said.

"Uh, no." RJ said. "Casey needs to finish the floor first."

"Really?" Lily asked.

"Yeah." RJ said.

I look over to Alex.

"That's how he trains them." Alex whispered to me.

"RJ, we're under attack, if I don't help them, they could be destroyed." Casey said.

"Then they'll be destroyed." RJ said.


Theo, Lily and I rushed towards where Buffalord is.

"Rangers!" Buffalord said.

We pressed on our Solar Morphers. "Ready!" We shouted. "Jungle Beast! Spirit Unleashed!" We shouted, and Morphed.

All of us begin fighting, but we got thrown off, and Rishies appeared. We stood up, and begin fighting them.

Lily and I got attacked, and we crashed into a bunch of objects.

"Lily! Leto!" Theo shouted. He got attacked next.

"Are you okay?" Lily asked, as we got to him.

"Yeah." Theo said.

"Your Power cannot compare to the Power of the Buffalord!" Buffalord said.


[3rd Person]

Casey was still scrubbing the floor, until he challenge RJ. Alex was watching.

RJ went in to attack Casey, and Casey blocked it with the techniques he learned from RJ by doing the chores.

"When you face off with that buffalo thing, stay low." RJ said. "You'll cut his power in half."

Casey was about to ran out, but stopped and came back. "What about the shoulder up thing, how does that help me?" He asked.

"Oh, that doesn't I just slept funny last night." RJ said.

Casey left.

"Well, that's that." RJ said.

Alex snuck up behind RJ, and prepares to strike him. RJ caught his arm, and put Alex in a headlock. "Did you really try to catch me off guard?" He asked.

"Yup." Alex said, he got out of the headlock, made RJ fall on his back. He sat on RJ's hip.

"Kinky." RJ said, he smirks and grabs Alex's waist.

"What?" Alex said. He felt something poking his back. "Are you serious, right now?" He questioned.

RJ sat up, and looks up at Alex who is now sitting on his lap. He grabs Alex's chin. "I have a little problem now." He whispered next to Alex's ear. "And you're gonna help me with it."

Alex felt his cheek grew warm. "Fine." He said. "But we're not doing this on the floor."

RJ growls, and Alex saw his eyes darkened. RJ launch himself at Alex, and they start making out.

A/N: I did it again! Woo! Is it getting hot in here, or what?


[Leto Driver]

The three of us got attacked and we fell.

"Nothing, can stop me!" Buffalord said.

"Look!" I said, and we saw Casey.

"Hey freak! Ready for round two?" Casey said.

"You again? No problem! Charge!" Buffalord said, and we ran towards Casey.

The both of them begin fighting, and Casey destroyed him.

We went towards Casey.

"Yeah!" Theo said.

"Wow! You did it, Casey!" Lily said.

"Amazing!" I said.

"I guessed you learned something, after all!" Theo said.

"Yeah! RJ's smarter than he looks!" Casey said.

"That's no surprise!" Lily said.

"Rangers!" Buffalord said, and he appeared. "You have proven you have Power! But that will not save you! I summon the Full Power of the Buffalo!" He said, and grew giant.

"Animal Spirits! Unite as One!"

"Power Rangers Jungle Fury!"

"Animal Spirits! Unite!"

"Jungle Pride Megazord!"

All of us begin fighting Buffalord.

Buffalord ran around us, and attacked us when we didn't see him.

"We gotta get back in the fight!" Theo said.

"We have to use all of our Spirit Energy!" Casey said.

"Casey's right!" Lily said.

"Let's do it!" I said.

"Buffalord is going down!" Casey said, and all of us stood up.

We ran towards each other, and we got into the air.

"Super Kick!" Theo shouted.

"Spin Attack!" Lily shouted.

"So long, Buffalord!" Casey shouted.

"Adieu!" I shouted.

We destroyed Buffalord.

"Jungle Pride Megazord!"


All of us got back to Jungle Karma Pizza.

"Now you show up." Fran said. "How convenient."

"Yeah, we were a little busy." Theo said.

"Not so busy, that you and Lily couldn't lend a hand." RJ said.

Alex came in, he was limping a little. "At least, Leto and I were helping earlier." He said.

"Sorry, Fran." Theo and Lily said.

"Well, it's all right." Fran said. "I needed some crash course training anyway."

"And I needed a long shower." I said. "But I already got it."

"Me too." Alex said.

"So for not helping Fran, Leto and AP, you two get to clean this place up. And the five of us, go get Ice Cream." RJ said.

"Oh, I love Ice Cream." Fran said, as she was about to head out. "Oh, I should probably go and clean myself up first, huh?"

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