Out Of Orbit | โœ“

By insane_over_books

926 156 302

She was a lone star forced to stay away from the sun. She learned to keep quiet and sit in the back. She for... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty

Chapter Six

36 7 12
By insane_over_books

"No act of kindness however small, is wasted."

Elijah left shortly after we had exchanged numbers. He sent me a dashing grin before leaving to walk back into the rain outside. I had asked him to come up but he had instantly declined, eyes wide with a little panic. I admit it was startling but he refused to come in saying he needed to go.

I nodded and watched him go, feeling much better than I did a few minutes ago when I was on the ground feeling lonelier than ever. I felt pleasantly pleased when he recognized me and it sent a thrill up my body.

I turned around and walked up the stairs as there was no elevator and steadily climbed up till the second floor, immersed in Elijah’s act of kindness. 

Why did he help me? He could have gone home but he helped me and left me first. What did he see in me that compelled him to help?

I shook off the feeling where his hand had touched my cheek for a split second and the zap of warmth had heated my face, much more enjoyable than any heater. It was so weird. I never felt that in my entire life.

What was happening to me?

I knocked on my door still trying to sort out the events when I saw Clara poke her head out and then further open the door, a relieved expression on her face.

“Ms. Caldemon, you’re here. I thought you wouldn't come, it's raining cats and dogs.” I could see the dark bags under her eyes. 

Clara was a nineteen year old who lived in the apartment above mine, alone. She was the only one I knew in this town apart from Mrs. Winston and she was lovely.

I don't know much about her but she was a nice girl who hadn't had the best life since she barely had a job but tried to work as a journalist. I asked her once if she was going to school or college but she laughed and said she had, once upon a time. 

I wanted to help her because there was something about her that reminded her of me, so I asked her to babysit Aloura and homeschool her. In exchange, I’d pay her. Clara hesitantly agreed and it was a win-win situation for us all.

Except the money part for me.

“It is. You can go home now Clara. Thank you for staying.” Clara smiled politely before heading out. She lived a floor above me and it was easier this way because I could call her on a shorthand notice and she wouldn’t have to walk in such weather.

I walked in, cringing at the mess I made on the floor. I looked at the living room and smiled just as my little Aloura came into view. She was wearing her pajamas and sitting on the floor with a book in front of her as she tried to pronounce the words in her notebook.

Not to brag but Aloura was a pretty smart child. At just five years she could speak fluently and she had already learned how to write and identify four letter words and was learning five letter words. 

I wanted to put her in school but I didn't have the money-not for her education but-for the many clothes and her school supplies. And there was that inescapable dread of Aloura falling or getting hurt. I didn't ever want to put her in a situation that would hurt her. 

So I didn't have to enroll in a school. Yet. I would get her to school, one day, I’d be able to provide everything for her.

“Hello sweetie!” I said just as Aloura swiveled around and her big doe eyes-my eyes- widened as she leaped up, and threw herself at me.


I was sopping wet, I probably smelled and I was covered in mud and dirt but all my daughter cared about was getting her hug and I wholeheartedly returned the gesture, feeling an immense buoyancy of happiness.

I hope this never changes.

Aloura withdrew a few moments later and when she noticed the state I was in, her eyebrows puckered. “Did you get wet in the rain Mommy?”

I sighed, smoothing a few strands that had escaped her pink clip. “Yes, dear, it's raining very heavily.”

She nodded and then her eyes brightened with joy as she wobbled over to the door of our bedroom and turned around, “I know! I can help you get all clean and warm!”

I laughed as I made my way to her and swopped her into my arms, spinning her around while she blubbered happily, her giggles echoing in the apartment. 

“Of course, you will. Come on.”

It took some time to strip off the wet clothes and take a bath. When I was all done, I searched in the kitchen for something to make but I was reminded that I hadn't gotten to grocery shopping yet. I sighed at the empty cupboards and turned to the ones that held heating dinners.

Heater dinner it is.

As I removed the wrapping and opened the microwave, I looked at Aloura who was singing and dancing to Rapunzel on my laptop. I watched her singing and dancing, her lush hair that was in bob swished with her moves.

“Mom, look! It's the little lizard in a dress!” She squealed when she saw Pascal in the dress. I chuckled at her enthusiasm and nodded just as the microwave beeped.

“So it is! Now come on, dinner’s ready.”

Aloura stopped to frown at me, “But I want to watch the movie first. Can I eat after? Please?” It was one of the hardest things in parenting I supposed, to refrain from giving everything your child wanted.

I wanted to give her so much but sometimes you had to teach them to obey and try to make them understand why they had to do something you told them without making them cry. I learnt that the hard way after Aloura threw a tantrum at Walmart.

Parenting is a lesson that never stops teaching.

“No, we can watch the movie after eating. You need to eat, how else can you grow up to be big and strong?” 

Aloura thought for a bit and nodded as she ran to the sink, rushing to wash her hands.

“And smart! I want to be smart too.” 

“Yes, smart too.” I added as I picked  my daughter and sat her on the couch. I handed her the plate of food and picked up my own. We ate in silence as the rain pelted the windows and made a cacophony of slightly subdued sounds.

I watched it wash the Earth and wondered if Elijah had gotten home all right. I snuck a glance at my phone on the table and contemplated whether to text him or not.

It was the proper thing to do, right? And plus it wasn't like I was gonna ask him to hang out with me right now. I looked at the phone and saw that it wasn't even that late.

I could text him…

“Mom! I’m done, can I please watch the movie now?” Aloura asked me, her face morphing into a pout. I nodded, dropping a kiss on her forehead, “Yeah. Go and put your plate in the trash first. You sure you don't want more?”

Aloura shook her head and ran over to the kitchen and I watched her go, sighing with relief when I didn't hear her cry out in pain or stumble. It was a frequent occurrence when she had started to walk, she’d trip and fall and crack her bones. The screams and the cries would forever be branded in my heart. 

When I opened my laptop and made Aloura sit next to me, intensely viewing how Eugene was being chased by Maximus, the day's events transpired in my head. In other words, I was regretting my carelessness. 

Oh no. 

How could I just have left the office like that? That was low, even for me. I needed money. I looked towards the bills in my kitchen, I had paid most of them while getting extremely poorer but I still had to pay a few back. I needed a paycheck to go grocery shopping so I could feed Aloura the healthy food she needed.

I closed my eyes, the food in my mouth suddenly tasting like ash. Once, there was nothing to worry about. I lived carefree and oblivious to the world. All those times so easily fractured that I was still left collecting and scrambling after the pieces that had already drifted away… 

It was then that my phone pinged and my eyes were dragged down and a message notification popped up. I picked up my phone and a tiny smile drew itself on my face.

Elijah: Reached home safely. What about you?

Me: That's good. I’m fine.

Elijah: Good. I’m guessing Aloura’s in bed?

I watched Aloura as she let out a burst of laughter as she reeimded and watched as Rapunzel tried to swish Eugene into the closet. I looked away and then typed back with a smile, fingers giddy.

Me: She can sleep a little late today. She deserves a treat once in a while.

Elijah: Oh I see. Well I should be going, I’m sure you have stuff to do. I’ll talk to you tomorrow?

I don't know why that last sentence brought a wide smile to my face. Maybe it was because someone wanted to talk to me or maybe it was nice to be recognized and acknowledged. 

Elijah never showed hostility even though I was a single mother. He was sweet and kind and caring.

Me: Of course. Good night.

Elijah: Night.

“Mom? Who are you texting?” Aloura asked me as I jolted. I blinked at my phone and then at her blankly and decided to ignore the fact that I had been staring at the phone with a drunken smile and coughed.

“No one. Come on, is the movie done?” I said, trying to shift the topic. Aloura looked at me in suspicion but left it there and explained how Rapunzel had left her home and was now running through the underground tunnels.

All the while I was thinking about a handsome young man who had come to my rescue even though there were so many things I should have been thinking about, like work and bills and Aloura’s condition. 

But as I looked up at the ceiling in bed, I tried to think when was the last time I had "me" time and I had actually initiated conversation with people and tried to make a friend or two.

It hadn't happened since I was pregnant because sometimes the fractured bonds could keep you from trying again. It was too raw of a wound that time.

But there was something about Elijah. He was an enigma to me. How did he evolve from the socially absent to the socially present kid? It was kind of mind boggling and slowly as the moon slid behind the clouds, I slept with dreams of friends and true happiness.

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