Just an Ordinary Watch (Date...

By EarlKen8

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Meet Y/n Itsuka, a boy who has been adopted by the Itsuka household in a very young age. Y/n Itsuka is the se... More

S1 Ch.1: The Start of a New Adventure
S1 Ch.2 : Ratatoskr
S1 Ch.3: Princess
S1 Ch.4: Princess Part 2
S1 Ch.5: Sealing Princess Pt. 1
S1 Ch.6: Sealing Princess Pt.2
S1 Ch.7: Sullen Rain
S1 Ch.8: Frozen Ground
S1 Ch.9: Frozen Ground Pt.2
S1. Ch.10: Hot Springs
S1. Ch.11: Nightmare
S1. Ch.12: I need an adult
S1 Ch.13: Breaking Point
S1 Ch.15: A Moment of Recovery
S1 Ch.16: Declaration of Victory
S1 Ch.17: Omen
S1 Ch.18: Fiery Date

S1 Ch.14: Waken

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By EarlKen8

<Omnitrix Talking>
Abilities, Timeskip, POV, Location, AN, etc.

Location: Raizen High School, Rooftop.

3rd Person POV


Y/n: "If words alone can't reach you, then i'll just use violence!!"

The sudden outburst of Y/n and his unknown powers that managed to land a clean punch to Kurumi's face, left the whole people on the rooftop shocked and confused at the same time.


At Fraxinus, everyone couldn't believe what they were seeing. Not only he had the power to transform into powerful alien-like creatures, he can also use the powers of the spirits whom he sealed via kiss. In short, Y/n managed to use Yoshino's ice powers.

Reine who was watching this remained to be calm and collective as she muttered under her breathe.

Reine: " Too soon...? Or maybe, his anger and his will to protect were the key factors?" She said in her thoughts.

-Back to Y/n-

Kurumi who had been punched by Y/n in the face quickly backs away to gain some distance between him as Y/n just glared at her.

Kurumi inspected her face where Y/n just punched it. Soon she started to giggle and that giggle turned into a evil laugh.

Kurumi: "Hehehe. So that's how it is~ To be able to use Hermit's powers-" Before she can continue talking, Y/n cuts her off.

Y/n: "It's Yoshino. Her name is Yoshino." He said, the anger in his voice is still visible.

Kurumi: "Right. To be able to use Yoshino's powers..."

She then approached Y/n and grabs his chin with her arm while using her other arm to caress his face as Y/n just stands there.

Kurumi: "Makes you an even greater meat for me to prey on~" She said while continuing to caress his face before planting a soft kiss on his left cheeks.

But Y/n didn't budged nor was surprised by her sudden kiss on the cheeks.

Kurumi saw this and stops caressing his face and she let's go of his chin before taking a step back.

Kurumi: "Oh? Why didn't you resist? Could it be that you enjoyed it?"

Y/n: "And what if I do?"

Kurumi: "Ara~Ara~ fufu such straightforwardness~"

Y/n: "But that's enough of this. No more flirting. The date is over. I'm here to save everyone else from you. But not just everyone." He then points his fingers at Kurumi.

Y/n: "You, are also included, Kurumi. I'll save you" Y/n declared as Kurumi giggles.

Kurumi: "Even all after you knew what I was about to do to the civilians you still chose to act stubborn and save me huh?"

Y/n: "That just proves how much I can love you. Going such lengths just to save you."

Kurumi: "Ara~ Ara~ You do know how to make a girl blush~. But You and I both know that I don't want to be saved."

Y/n didn't reply for a few second before taking a deep breathe and closes his eyes before opening it.

Y/n: "I think that's enough chatting. I know words alone can't persuade you, so I'll just use violence."

Kurumi: "Fufu~ It looks like you still aren't giving up on saving me huh~? Very well, I can also say the same thing too, because I don't want my delicious prey to be eaten dead~" She said as both of them readied theirselves.

Y/n: "I'm ready now."

Kurumi: "Oh? Not gonna transform like you usually do? Or is it perhaps you're scared to reveal them your powers because there are people here who doesn't know yet~" She said, making both Mana and Origami confused on what she said.

Kurumi: "Or is it perhaps...you are curious about this newfound powers of yours~?"

Shido: "Y/n...Mana and Origami are both here...you'll expose yourself."

Y/n: "...The moment I snapped. I didn't care anymore. I didn't care if I'll expose myself to them. All I want to do right now, is to fix her ways of things!"

Kurumi: "Fufu, very well. I shall let you test your new powers against me in our fight before I devour you~!"

Kurumi: "But I do hope that, you not transforming doesn't make your body fragile in the battlefield~"

Y/n: "From here to there and there to here, it shall be everywhere!"

Y/n then clenches his fist as the entire rooftop has started to grow even more colder. Kurumi's clones that were taking Shido and the others as hostages is now frozen in ice. Making Shido and the others free themselves while Origami on the other hand is looking at both Y/n and Kurumi.

Origami: "Y/n..." She said his name with a hint of worriedness in her tone of voice.

Y/n: "Go. You guys get out of here from the rooftop. You guys can spectate if you want inside the building, but this doesn't concern you all. It's between me and Kurumi."

Mana, who is still injured from her fight against Kurumi, grabbed her weapon and stood in between them.

Mana: "Look...I don't know if the two of you are having a lovers quarrel, but-" Before she could finish her sentence, Y/n interrupted her.

Y/n: "Mana, shush your mouth for me will ya? You lost to the real her before, what makes you think it won't happen again a second time?"

Kurumi: *giggles* "Fufu~ He's right, Mana dear. So stay back and be a good little dessert for me to eat later~ After all, my business is not with you. My business is...

A clone of Kurumi then appeared behind Mana and was about ground-pound her to the ground, but Y/n noticed this and punched the clone in the face, making it retreat to the shadows.

Y/n: "Is with me!" He continued her sentence.

Mana who was taken aback for a few seconds regained her composure.

Mana: "There's no helping it. Kick her ass for me will ya?" She asked as Y/n gave her a thumbs up.

She then went to Shido to watch and spectate the fight.

Y/n then turned his head and looked at Origami and gave her a smile.

Y/n *smiles* "Don't worry Origami...i know you're confused, but I'll tell you all the details later. What matters now is you and everyone else's safety. I'll take it from here."

She doesn't gave word as she slowly nodded her head before joining Shido and the others inside the building to spectate the fight.

Kurumi: "Aren't you getting a bit too cocky just after discovering your new power?"

Y/n: "No need to worry about that, because..."

Y/n then looked at her with pure confidence plastered on his face before continuing his sentence.

He was serious in not transforming during their fight. With his newfound powers, he is no longer powerless without the watch.

(Play the song)

(Song name: siinamota - Young Girl A)

Kurumi then quickly shoot a single bullet, aiming at Y/n's head, but he moves his head sideway and managed dodges the bullet in time.

He then snapped his fingers as the ground made out of ice beneath them starts to manifest into a spiked ice as Y/n controled it and aimed it at Kurumi.

Kurumi noticed this as she then jumped in the air and shoots the spiked ice using her gun.

Multiple Kurumi's then appeared on the ice ground as they went to charge towards Y/n, but Y/n just simply raised his two fingers up and the ice ground beneath the clones turned into spiked ice and pierced their whole body, making them retreat on the shadows.

More and more clones started to appear and surround Y/n. He then used the same attack against the clones, but they managed to jump out of the way as they began firing bullets at Y/n. Y/n then manifested the ice ground beneath them and created a wall of ice that shielded him from the bullets.

More clones started to appear behind him. Y/n then got distracted and noticed that a creepy glowing arms on the ground restrained his legs, making him unable to move. The clones were now two steps closer to him, he noticed this late was about to defend himself, but it was futile.

They then grabbed Y/n and slammed him on the ground as multiple arms sudden appeared on the ice ground and pinned Y/n's entire body on the ground, preventing him from escaping. Another arm appeared and covered both of his nose and mouth, preventing him from breathing.

The real kurumi then approached Y/n.

Kurumi: "Ara~ Looks like it's over~ I hope your little struggle that you did was worth it~"

Y/n lets out a small smile under Kurumi's hand. Kurumi couldn't see it but she knows that he was smiling.

Y/n then lets out a few words under his breath, even though he was muffed by Kurumi's hand, Kurumi can still hear what he was saying.

Y/n: "I wouldn't be so sure about that."

Kurumi: "What?"

Then suddenly, Y/n's entire body turned into ice, making Kurumi and her clones shocked. It was a decoy.

Kurumi: "What!? A decoy made of Ice?!"

As she and her clones began scanning the area about his whereabouts, the ice ground beneath the clones turned into spiked ice and pierced their body, making them retreat on the shadows.

Then suddenly, the ice behind the real Kurumi burst open, revealing Y/n who emerges from the ice on the rooftop, making everyone on the rooftop shocked.

Y/n: "Can't believe you fell to the oldest tricks in the book."

The moment she turned around, she saw his fist coming straight up to her face, making her eyes go wide.

Y/n: "Dodge!"

Before she can even react, he delivered a powerful punch that straight up hits her face, making the ice beneath them crack open.

Y/n: "Sorry about that. You were wide open, couldn't miss the opportunity to punch some senses into you!"

Kurumi then backs away, making distance between them as she then summoned her angel.

Kurumi: "Zafkiel!"

Her angel, Zafkiel, a clock, appeared behind her.

Kurumi: "Aleph~"

Y/n: "As if!"

She was about to point her flintlock at the clock's number 1, but Y/n quickly thrust his arms forward as sharp ice shards starts to appear and fired it at Kurumi, making Kurumi stopped what she was doing and dodges Y/n's attack.

Y/n then manifested the ice beneath him, turning the ice into a sword made out of ice.

He then rushed at her as Kurumi fired bullets at the approaching Y/n, but Y/n manages to deflect her bullets while continuing rushing at her.

Kurumi gave up on firing bullets at Y/n as they both engaged in close-combat fight.


Everyone in the Fraxinus were watching the fight between Y/n and Kurumi.

Reine: "So, it looks like not only he has awakened Yoshino's powers, but he can also uses it like as if it's his own. But the question is, can his human body withstand the spirit energy inside him?

-Back to Y/n-

Right now, the two are still currently in close-combat as Y/n is currently in defense, blocking Kurumi's attack.

Kurumi: *giggles* "Subarashi~! Subarashi~!! Subarashi~!!!" She giggled as she continued going in offense, making Y/n step back while blocking her attacks.

Kurumi: "Fufu~! I expect no less from my delicious prey! Being able to use the powers of the spirit whom you sealed...*moans* Ohhhh~ You'll definitely be worth eating in the end!"

She then stopped her close-combat with Y/n as she stepped back, gaining distance between the two of them.

Kurumi: "But, as much as I want to play with you any further, the game is over."

She then summoned her clones, making them block Y/n's view to the original Kurumi as they began charging towards Y/n.

Y/n grab one of the approaching clones in the neck, before piercing her neck using his ice sword.

More clones surrounded and were about to tackle him on the ground, but Y/n quickly spins his body along with his ice sword, making the ice sword cut the clones in half.

But he noticed too late that Kurumi has already loaded one of Zafkiel's ability in her gun. Y/n raises his two fingers, making the Ice beneath Kurumi turned into spiked vines as they were about to restrain her, but Kurumi already know this will happen and jumped high in the air as she aimed her gun at Y/n.

Kurumi: "Zayin~"

She then fired multiple rounds of bullet at Y/n.

He was about to dodge, but multiple creepy glowing arms appeared beneath him and restrained his legs, preventing him from escaping.

He knows that he is one second late to create a wall of ice to block the bullets, so he used his sword to deflect the bullets. But it was futile as one of the bullets managed to hit him, making him immobilized as if like time has stopped for him.

She then fired multiple bullets at him in every part of his body.

Soon, time for him has continued as he was sent stumbling back before falling on the ground with holes on his body that was caused by Kurumi's gunshots. This wasn't enough to kill him but it's enough for him to stay down on the ground, after all, Kurumi wants to eat him alive.

The ice sword that he is currently wielding disappeared in thin air.

Kurumi: "It's over. I won~" She giggled as her giggles turned into a menacing laugh.

Shido's eye widened in horror, while Tohka covers her mouth in horror too. They were too horrified to even move a finger.

Origami on the other hand was enraged as she felt a strong adrenaline flowing in her body.

Origami: "I'll kill you, Nightmare!!" She said in an enraged tone of voice.

She then prepared her blade from her suit and rushed to the scene. Origami then quickly went behind Kurumi to strike her head, but Kurumi noticed this and blocks her sword using her gun, making her flintlock and Origami's blade in contact to each other as Origami showed Kurumi a face that indicates that she wanted to kill her.

Origami: "You scum! You don't deserve the benefit of life!"

She then backs away to gain some distance, before rushing straight at her again.

They both locked into close-combat as Kurumi keeps on blocking Origami's relentless assault on her.

Kurumi: *giggles and laughs* "Fufu~ Ohhh~ How priceless~! Ohhh~ How touching~ Your love and care for him is fueling all of that anger~!" She said as she backed away from her and began firing bullets at Origami.

Origami backs away and began dodging and deflecting the bullets.

Kurumi: "Too bad it won't do a lick of difference from you~ He will be eaten, just like I'll do to you~"

She continued firing bullets at him as Origami also continued in dodging and deflecting them.

Eventually, Kurumi stopped firing as Origami stands besides Y/n's motionless body on the ground, protecting him from Kurumi.

Kurumi: "But~ Since you'll make a good dessert~ I'll give you the priviledge of being eaten by me while also eating Y/n at the same time~!"

Multiple clones then started to appear as they began giggling and laughing at the same time as Origami prepared herself for the worst.

Shido, who managed to fight his fear, quickly went over to Y/n to check up on him and bring him to safety, but he stopped dead on his tracks when he saw something familiar that is happening on Y/n's body, making his eyes go wide.

The wounds he got from Kurumi's gunshots has a flames-like glow on it that soon healed his wounds.

Y/n: "Kuh...is that all you've got...?" Y/n asked as he coughed blood from his mouth as he began to slowly stand up.

Kurumi: *shocked* "What?!"

Y/n: "I said...Is that all you've got!?"

Y/n challenged her for more as he stood up and stared at Kurumi with a face that indicates 'I hear no bell.'

They were shocked to see the wounds on his body that Kurumi inflicted on him were now gone. It's as if like it didn't exist in the first place.

Y/n: "Gee...thanks for ruining the jacket that my grandpa gave me. It now has holes all over it. This makes my heart hurts even more than your bullets did."

He then removes his jacket as he tossed it at Shido who managed to catch it in time.

Shido: "Is that..."

Reine: "Yeah. It's the same thing that happened to you Shin when you got shot by Origami." Reine said through the earpiece.

Reine: "It looks like he has finally awakened Commander's healing factor. It took him quite a while." Reine said in her thoughts.

His watch is no longer covered by his jacket, making everyone who haven't seen it before finally sees it.

Origami: "The flames-like glow healed his wounds and not to mention the watch he is wearing...the green hourglass symbol...it's the same hourglass symbol that the humanoid creature had on it's chest who defeated Obsidian Fury..."

Origami: "Y/n...what exactly are you...?"

Y/n: "Good question, sadly, I don't have an answer for that. But I know for a fact that I'm no regular highschooler." He said as he wipes the blood on his mouth.

Y/n: "Yo, Kurumi. I would like to correct myself from what I said before."

Kurumi: "About saving me?"

Y/n: "No."

Kurumi: "Hmm...about not transforming during our fight?"

Y/n: "Still not it."

Y/n: "I said before that I will handle you..." He then stood besides Origami.

Y/n: "I meant to say We."

Origami: "You had a lot of explaining to do later." Origami said as she readied herself.

Y/n: "I know, I know." He said as he lets out a sigh.

Y/n: "But let's focus if we are ever going to see daylight again after this."

Kurumi: "A little help won't make the outcome change. But very well~" She said as she and her clones get ready.

Y/n: "Let's find out how good our chemistry are, Origami. You'll take care of the clones. I'll go for the real body."

He then again manifested the ice, and turning it into a ice sword yet again.

He then charged straight forward at Kurumi while Origami also charged ahead at Kurumi's clones.

Y/n was now in offense as his sword and Kurumi's gun clashed at each other. The way he swing his sword was now much more strong than before, making Kurumi step back but Y/n won't let her as their weapons continue clashing to each other.

As they continue clashing weapons, Y/n kept on raising his two fingers during their fight, making Kurumi confused.

Kurumi managed to parry his sword, she chuckled and grinned as this was her chance to take control of the fight. She quickly positioned herself and gets ready to counter Y/n, but she soon noticed that Origami was already behind Y/n, preparing to counter Kurumi's counter-attack.

Kurumi: "What!? When did she...!?"

She soon noticed in the distance that all of her clones got pierced by a spiked ice. It seems like Y/n raising his two fingers while they were clashing weapons before was a sign for the ice to turn into spikes and pierce the clones, making Kurumi believed that Y/n won't interfere at Origami's fight against her clones.

In short, they managed to trick her.

Y/n: "Origami, switch!"

Y/n then moves out of the way, making Kurumi's counter-attack fail as Origami charges forward and counters Kurumi's counter-attack and managed to slice Kurumi's hand as it falls down on the ground.

Kurumi was now enraged as multiple creepy glowing arms appeared beneath Origami and grabbed every part of her body, making sure she can't escape.

Kurumi fires her flintlock at every part of Origami's body but not enough to kill her, making Origami winces in pain.

Kurumi: "I've had enough of you! I'll take care of you later!" She said as she began looking around for Y/n, but he was nowhere to find on the ground.

Y/n: "Above you, Idiot."

Kurumi then turned to face the sky and saw Y/n who is already done preparing his attack.

Y/n: "I'll show you a neat trick."

The ice beneath them got absorbed by Y/n's ice sword as he positioned himself for the final blow.

Y/n: "Everything shall freeze..."

With the ice that his sword gathered, he swings his sword and it created a large reverse C-shaped ice shard that travels in the sky, heading towards at Kurumi.

It then multiplies upon impact, making Kurumi unable to escape from it as she eventually got hit by his attack.

(Stop the song)

After the attack, it created dust on the ground as Y/n returned to the ground, panting and breathing heavily.

Y/n: *Exhausted* "Guess...that's all I can do for now."

As soon as the dust settled, it revealed that his own attack destroyed some part of the school's rooftop and managed to send Kurumi down to two floors with a trail of ice.

Y/n then removed Origami from Kurumi's creepy glowing arms as they both descended to the floor where Kurumi is currently is.

She was on her knee, breathing heavily too. It seems like it took everything she got to withstand his attack head-on.

She was exhausted. She can't afford to use any more of her Zafkiel's ability, otherwise the time of her life will be reduced. If only she didn't use Zafkiel against Mana earlier, then, she would have the strength to continue.

She wasn't the only one who is exhausted. The three of them are exhausted and wounded.

Y/n: *panting* "It's over..." Y/n declared as he continued breathing heavily.

Kurumi tried to use her guns, but Y/n just simply kicked the guns out of her hands. One clone emerges from the Shadow behind him and was about to strike Y/n, but he just simply gave the clone a hard elbow on the face without bothering to turn around as Origami finished the job and cut the clone in half.

Talk about a disrespect after giving her a beating.

Origami approached the kneeling Kurumi and was about to kill her, but Y/n motioned his arm to Origami, telling her to stop.

Y/n: "Don't."

Origami: "I don't get it...why do you insist not to kill her when she almost tried to kill you?"

Y/n: "I can fix her."

Origami: "Spirits like her deserved to die and rot on the ground. I already told you that they were the ones who killed my parents! I won't stop until all spirits are killed! They will pay! I'll make them pay!" She said with a hint of venom in her tone of voice. She couldn't understand on why Y/n wanted to save her.

Y/n: "And I already told you that revenge will lead to nothing, Origami."

Origami: "Don't you understand? If I don't end her, she'll just continue killing even more people!"

Y/n: "That's true...but if you give in to your vengeance and decided to kill her, then you're no different than her."

Origami was speechless for a few seconds.

Origami: "Why...? Why do you insist on saving her? A spirit?" Origami said with a hint of disgust on her tone of voice.

Y/n: *smiles* "Because, I'm a Hero."

Y/n's words made Origami confused and speechless at the same time. Soon, Shido and the others joined them and they were shocked from the outcome.

Then suddenly, Y/n dropped on his knees on the frozen ground, as he started to breathe even more harder.

His body started to feel hot, indicating that his human body can no longer withstand the spirit energy inside him. Every cells in his human body feels like it's burning inside.

Y/n: "My body...I...feel like...Ambatuexploud..."

Origami: "Y/n!"

They all went to his side to check up on him with a worried exression plastered on their face. They were all distracted on what's going with Y/n, which makes a perfect oppurtunity for Kurumi to strike back at them.

Then suddenly, multiple creepy glowing arms appeared beneath them and started to restrain their footings as multiple clones of Kurumi appeared and began restraining their upperbody.

The clones then did what they've done before to both Mana and Origami, choking them till they pass out. Mana was the first one to pass out due to her previous injury that Kurumi inflicted on her. While Origami on the other hand is still fighting for her consciousness.

Kurumi then lets out a giggle that soon turnes into laughter.

Kurumi: "Hehe...hahahahaha~ Fufu~ Looks like the tables has turned, my delicious prey~" She said as she began approaching the restrained Y/n.

His arms were restrained by Kurumi's glowing arms that appeared beneath him, preventing him just incase he will use the watch to transform.

Y/n tried to uses his ice powers, but to no avail. It's as if like his powers are now gone. His body started to feel even more hotter whenever he tried to use his powers over, and over, and over, over, over again.

Kurumi: "No more delays! No more playing around! I can't wait any longer~! It's about time I feast on you, my delicious, rebellious, stubborn piece of meat!"

Kurumi licked her lips as she slowly approached a binded Y/n.

She suddenly stopped dead on her tracks when she felt something wet below her.

No, she wasn't the only one feeling. In fact, they all felt something wet below them, except for the unconscious Mana.

They looked down on the floor and noticed that the entire ice on the floor was starting to melt in a fast way.

Kurumi: "What's happening?"

Origami noticed someone above them, she looked above and the last thing she saw before falling unconscious, was the same spirit whom she thought that killed her parents years ago.

??: "Sorry for crashing to the place uninvited."

A familiar tone of voice said above that made Shido, Tohka, and Y/n looked above, and what they saw made their eyes go wide.

Above in the air stood Y/n's and Shido's little sister, Kotori. Ribbons black, dressed in a elegant and beautiful dress, flames surrounding her body. She was in fact, presenting her Spirit form in all it's glory at them. Efreet.

AN: It's been a while.

AN: How's this chapter? Good? Bad? Confusing? Gib me your thoughts!

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