Azur Lane: Knight [Lost Broth...

By USS_Crossfield

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"Oh, him? well... I know him... for about 5 years to a decade, as I recall... I suppose you hear the rumor by... More

Starfleet Ships and BG 75
Chapter 0: Azura
Chapter 1: The Arrival
Chapter 2: Being Rescue
Chapter 3: Dulcinea
Chapter 4: Home Tour
Chapter 5: Tycho Hours
Chapter 6: Doolittle
Chapter 7: Hit and Raid
Chapter 8: Sea of Star
Chapter 9: The Calming
Chapter 10: Before the Storm
Chapter 11: Venture for Home
Chapter 12 - Mirage in House
Chapter 14 - Bearing Trials
Chapter 15 - Skirmish at Sol
Chapter 16: Whirling Storm
Chapter 17: Between Horizons (1)
Chapter 18: Between Horizons (2)

Chapter 13 - Stage to War

67 2 0
By USS_Crossfield

Siege 3

- - -

[Olympians Mansion, Outskirts of the Capital - Aurora, ASF Capital World]
<<Third PoV | 1027 Hours (Aurora Hours) >>

The scenery opens with a gentle breeze of the forest mansion located on the outskirts of the capital where currently, Mobile and his company are meeting with the Azura Stellar Fleetwork leader as normally they will be met at Talverton Palace but in light of the recent activity, the location was changed to here at the request of Duke Apollo himself.

The location was at the mansion design was similar to Earth Forest Creek Manor build before the catalyst and was restored by Mobile in the 2260s. The mansion or manor was near the capital where the local forest is and they were inside the room where the individual who looked to meet them and was non-other than his father Otto Adama appear as an elderly man with a white beard scruffy face, monocle glasses on his face, and brown-grey eyes. For years his time of spend on the throne or office slowly degraded and once he left he used the time on his hobby and side hustle such as garden in the Mansion Courtyard, Stargazing at his personal observatory, and Spending his time with children or his colleges for supper and dinner.

Sitting down in the chair in front of him, was his father as for the chair guard by a tabletop were two chairs where Mobile and Koharu sit with their aid at each end of the table where a chair was present too.

Mobile: Mr. Alfred, If you may?

Mr. Alfred: Of course, sir.

As he left, Mobile turned his gaze to his father, who was somewhat pleased to see him return after years of him in Starfleet in radio silence until the Undien Scandal and Axis Attack on USN based in Hawaii several including Otto's agent witness the firepower of their craftsman. As the technology, while based on Earth in various forms the ones that refined to its extended limit were the Azuran which turns from a simple exoskeleton suit that is framed with modules attracted to ships that measure hundreds of meters arm to the caliber of own right and fly to where the air is unbreathable.

Emperor Otto Adama: So, son - have you made any decision yet?

Mobile: Father? I don't know what you mean.

Emperor Otto Adama: Do I've to say it - It's oblivious that you and the Dutchess now partake in wars as volunteer and commission officers of your volition without getting the Federation involved too much. I wonder what sort of future is for the two of you right now with a hinted point that something else is on its way.

Koharu: !!!

He said jokingly as he was quite known to make people chuckle during private time as his time spent in the garden was extraordinary to him for the comment on "something on its way" hinted that Mobile and Koharu are having a bond moment after his rescue of her from her last solo mission in the Antarctic.

Mobile: Father, please - You embarrass her again! Honestly, how many did you have anyway?

Koharu: Um, Iso - I hate to say this but there is a slight misunderstanding here...

Emperor Otto Adama: Oh?

Mobile: How "slight" is it?

Koharu: Um... You see I've been planed consulted with you while happening already but before any of that-

Emperor Otto Adama: The Undien Scandal, and your near-five-year on personal vedette for your friend - I assume?

Koharu: Yes, and also - I haven't confirmed our plan with Mobile settled down just yet.

Emperor Otto Adama: I see, no worry about that it seems. In any case, I wouldn't be going anytime soon and you two should take the time to tour the ground and see Tro'Va there too. Now, let's move on from the pleasantly - I'll be filling in the two of you on what is going on recently as I assume you are aware of the fight at Talverton Palace.

= = =

Soon Emperor Otto filled in on what just recently happened as well as things that happened elsewhere too.

= = =

Mobile: Well that explains, the things that have been ongoing here. To think that they were this desperate shown at the level these people will do...

Emperor Otto Adama: Indeed, while you were away - Tro'Va told me that you went for the career and put the entire Kim's ordeal on secondary - a smart but bitter move.

Mobile: While I knew it was a gamble and expected it to go poorly - not on us but them... Something has changed as if their internal has switched over to something.

Thoma: Your excellency, If I may...

As one of his advisors, Thoma said as they look he is waiting to be processed forward. It's no secret that anyone who is affiliated whether directly or not will be labeled as a "Traitor" during the decade-long crusade - Mobile knew that the battle must end and there was only one way that a defeat that the so-called "Coalition" will crumble to dust and the Azuran Federation as the victor to claim spoils of the wars.

Thoma: We should begin an arrested on them by now they would likely to on the move after the attempt.

Mobile: And give those rebels traitor a chance to escape - No.

Koharu: Hm...

Emperor Otto Adama: Lieutenant Watabe - Your thought?

Watabe Naomi: It's likely that the Kims will create a ruse to distract us and use that as the point of their exits. The said must be on a high-official target which means that they have been eyeing you for a time now and once words reach about your arrival in advance - it's likely they swap some of the guards or pose as additional guardsmen and infiltrated the Palace security's forces.

She summery perfectly as the event all unfolded one act at a time revealing the treachery of the Kims Leagues and their allies during those long ten years Mobile tasks a more personal oversite in the frontier region and majority in the Starfleet area to locate and find fugitive or their contact which his expedition used force measure to expedite some of the processes.

Emperor Otto Adama: So that fools, Augustin has reached his end. At this point, speculation will only serve us not good at this moment... Mobile.

Mobile: Yes, Father?

Emperor Otto Adama: I want you to continue your pursuit of the Siren and assemble forces to repel this threat and eliminated the Traitor in doing so too.

Mobile: Understood, Father. I will call upon the member from the First, Second, and Third to rendevous at the predetermined location with their respective advisor or not in due time. As well that I request the use of a flagship for this campaign.

Emperor Otto Adama: I see, well then - I shall not keep you waiting now.


He said reaching his hand to press the bell button as it rang - Alferd and Hino appear and gestured for them to leave the room as the four do without hesitation. The Emperor did this and it isn't a request but an order given to him with clear lines and boundaries the request for use of a flagship was a strange one as during his life he commanded several ships including the Glenn and Brigid.

Walking down the corridor and lead to his quarter with Thoma on the second floor at the guest bedroom of the mansion in tows while Koharu and Naomi are taken to their on the same floor and area but on the other side facing toward the pool at the center of the manor.

Mr. Alferd: Please take the time to relax and familiarize yourself - Prince.

Mobile: I see, Thoma...

Thoma: I will leave you to your devices then.

The two left the room and Mobile now free from the preview of his aide and staff member began to relax as then a knock can be heard on the door - a little annoyed but have no right to refuse. At his wrist conceal a device that he will only use in the direst situation. Some call it shapeshifting but to him call it "Form Switch".


Mobile: Who is it?

???: It's Hino, Sir - I've here to bring you a message directly for you.

Hearing this Mobile walked toward the front door and while it was chained he opened it and see that it was exactly Hino appearing with grey hair and red eyes all dress as a butler to the house as he was. Mobile could see that despite being related to his father and having the title of the crown prince - his preference was much simpler as the comfort of the Duke was at least manageable and can be flexible as needed, while all of this Hino is at this front door with a tablet pad within the said message.

Mobile: Where is the message been sent from Earth or here, Hino? Oh and please come in.

The staff nodded as soon as he enter the room Mobile unchain the door and lets him in while it was uncertain of what its is he decided to active the hidden device that he bring along and which was a small robotic droid in his suitcase it did - the unit receive a record and standby command and while it's can't be seen it was there.

The room was decorated with a bed, and several decore that up the require-level of the mansion as there were lounge chairs or sofa on the side with a table and the room-suite dedicated lavatory in full-set. Sitting on the room sofa and on the opposite, the staff butler - Mobile began the small briefing with his assigned mansion staff.

Mr. Hino: I assume you think the message was from Earth in Sol, correct?

Mobile: Yes, What about it?

Mr. Hino: Well, you see - there are two messages; one from Earth originate in the West Pacific in the Northern Hemisphere and the second was the Gas-giant of Jupiter at the center of the storm.

Mobile: I see, Keep the ones from Jupiter and see it's to my flagships the Brunhild. As for the ones from Earth, I will handle it's from here.

Mr. Hino: I leave it to your capable hand then - my lord.

He said as soon he left the room and as he did with the door click - he quickly seal it. Once that was done, he unzipped the bag revealing the said robot to be a drone appearing in a floating sphere, with large lens eyes, and its two-wing-like flaps on each side hovering up and down or in idle. As it's done Mobile took the pad and moved to a relaxing position on the sofa - then browsed what the message is saying transmit from Earth.

As he did, Mobile broke a little by law and while the change have no abnormality the timing for each shift was down to a fifteen-minute delay. As he was aware of his image change and it turn him into a new appearance featuring long-black hair and dark-magenta eyes as well as new clothing. Once the transition is completed - a glance at the mirror made him feel a bit discomfort as in this and his others - it was mistaken for a girl as originally his appearance was once seen very often but these times when he changes his appearance and currently he has three forms all sword-welded and range support.

Mobile: ... Well, In fifteen minutes I've got the option to change back to remain as who I am. Mag, Take a copy of this and save it in internal banks. Let's- What the heck?!

He said in exclamation as the headline of the letter said; "Siren-People's Navy Carrier". As the title suggests - the PRC naval called the People's Liberation Army Navy were ineffectively the decadence of the China PLA Navy in 2050 the United State and its allies deliver a fatal blow to China, Russia, and their allies on the final day of two battlefield Third Battle of Okinawa where a force lead by Alliance Navy backbone by major such as US, Japan, Philippines, and Australia while the minor were Thailand, Indonesia, and Taiwan with their own navy on the island resulted in a total victory and the destruction of the final PLAN Carrier called "Zhejiang". Okinawa and many other locations in the 2050s are a wasteland after the many powers either a nation or not launched several of their ICBMs in roughly the late-2030s to 2040s and the remaining was still holding a fracture left.

Mobile: If the irony wasn't enough already, come on... I don't want the fourth to happen with Okinawa and Moscow Campaign here too! As I'm done at this point!

He said as the other one was at the Battle of Moscow led by Alliance Army Troopers staged at Poland, Finland, and Ukraine in a full offensive strike aid by England, France, Germany, Italy, Spain and many more in a single blow resulted in the city of Moscow itself been siege for five long gruing months and two more until the victory was achieved at the same day that Okinawa was reclaimed back to Alliance hand.

The day when the wars on Earth ended was on October 10th, 2053, in China, Beijing - Tiananmen Square the site of the infamous massacre by the Communist government. The site was chosen as the place to sign the instrument and on a further note the demand made was clear and transparent so that no one will blackmail anyone for this. It started with two major factors as follows; Full Surrender and turnover of all the Coalition Forces, and Disloving the all-member nation of the Eastern Coalition government. All of this accumulated to the signing of the instrument of surrender at 1005 Hour local the War was over and began the grueling year until April 5th, 2063 at Bozeman, Montana.

Mobile: Gosh, Why haven't this Xing and his PRC government haven't learn about this irony yet - It will be a massacre if Starfleet or us involve.

The message, in summary, was that the intel they receive from Earth was written by Wren Nancy (Washington's alternative name) during her station and aid the ROC Taipei against the raging CCP Bejing and their Siren allies as he processed through all of its content; Mobile realized that in aftermath of taking the port-city of Xiamen and Provicen capital of Fuzhou within three months, the ROC force will be able to recover the number losses and deploy to standard formation - the same was said to Federation Starfleet and ASF. After that - Intel and SIGINT all pointed toward one thing; The Axis with the industry of Shipyard at Shanghai is planning to go on the offensive in masses.

Mobile: Hm... At this point - Our navy will likely have to go the offensive too... A bombing blitz at Taipei, the CCP didn't even bat an eye on its locals and hoped for them to collapse - It's incredibly childish though to think about it a minute.

He said, Then he began to formulate a plan and it was simple - with intel now available and cited the Siren Dreadnought called the "Fraction" is active in the South Indian Ocean and near the Antarctic region where a based link between the two oceans headed to Pacific. Mobile will force this dreadnought to go up and leave the ocean with the use of his ASF ship the Brunhild, and fleet to make them Siren in retreating withdrawn. During all of this outside his room, Watabe can be seen at the front door with his spouse and went they do...


Watabe Naomi: Grr...

Koharu: Allow me.

She said as Naomi walk aside Koharu spotted a door knock and used her hand to knock it. Back inside the room, Mobile is now at the bed screaming or screeching with his face down on the pillow to muffle the voices.

Mobile: *AHA-HA!!!*


Koharu: Mobile, It's Koharu.

Mobile: One moment!

The voice of Koharu manages to at Mobile's attention and it quickly has the duke off the bed and headed straight toward the door that he's just locked. Unfortunately, he didn't realize that he hadn't changed back to the normal one as once he open the door the reaction of the two were stunned and glancing joy/envy all in one go.

Mobile: ...

Koharu/Watabe Naomi: ...

Mobile: Um... Is there-

Koharu: Get in the room!

Mobile: What?

Koharu: Get In The Room!

She said in a terrifying way that she push Mobile back and quickly shut the door behind her while Watabe is still in shock. It's would be some time until an answer was reached but knowing the insanity happening behind the door was last on the list.

- - -

[Starfleet Earth's Orbital Station, Earth Spacedock - Earth, Sol III, Vulcan Sector]
<< Ichihara PoV | Time: 1615 Hours (Universal Standard Hours) >>

Arriving at the high orbit station of ESD, I was a little stun by the recent event on the FNN lately - Tavlerton Palace at their hangar stories were turning into a warzone by the Kims Coalition. Seriously, Are they running out of wait time or something - obviously Hong-Sung or anyone in the so-called "Kims Dynasty" was a total laughing-stock, and added insult to injury their "renown" commander and tops spokesperson from the Nings was captured, and currently in a booth from what I've heard is waiting for a trial.

Ichihara: I've never imagined that I will be continued my work with CnC here in every major project. Augh!!!

Just the thought of what the CnC and Admiraly hurtle at me was ridiculous as it already, but involved Battlegroup Galactica and Sakura under the infamous admiral was a call for concern for sure. Walking down from the transporter room near Club 76 and headed to Operation, in the CnC office I can see Admiral Quinn is in talk with someone - wait a sec.

???: Well, Admiral, If you put it that way - it does call for concern while now.

???: As much I like to hand the mission in person both of us knew full well that one battlegroup would suffice, now wouldn't it?

That person, I can tell by the uniform light-grey color trim must be an admiral and by collar have two squared-incase pips - Rear Admiral... the overall pattern of solid color face with a raised eyebrow and simple hairstyle like a hair bun that gather or nape at the back of her collar. The color of her hair was in the brown-white mix as I've read about her - the original was brown but dyed partly white after her loss of her brother at Archanis IV after his death and the blue eyes, no doubt now - it's Ashina A. Perre of the battlecruiser Australia!

RADM. Ashina A. Perre: Plus, You mention a battle group and right now I've just confused - normally I would be told whose I working with - but something isn't going right, is it a new fleet or-

FADM. Jorel Quinn: Admiral Perre, please.

Ichihara: Am I interrupting anything?

As soon as I enter, being led by his attache - I can see that Quinn is either grinding out of the mess of himself or is that he deliberately making Ashina-san panic for sake of morale - Honestly, Trills are something the most confusing species of all time to me at least.

FADM. Jorel Quinn: Ah, Admiral Ashina - there is your new partner fleet and their commander; Sachi Ichihara from Battlegroup 75.

RADM. Ashina A. Perre: Wait, Ichihara?

Ichihara: Ehe~ It seems that things finally change a notch.

I said as while it wasn't much frequent or uncommon for the Commander of a certain ship to be selected as acting leader for various battlefleets or groups or even an armada at one time. The USNA has its hand full in the Pacific and ASF also has its supper in the Ionia sector and at their fortress gone by the same name too. Added to that- Ugh!

Ichihara: Ow! Ow! OW!!!

She hugs me in a terrifying comfortable way that makes me in term breathing, erratic!! I've known Ashina since High-school and while me a year behind - We've witnessed several changes that included the new Alliance between the two federations - Starfleet and Azura. The USNA join at a later stage but essentially designed toward economic, trade resources, and intel.

RADM. Ashina A. Perre: Sachi!!! Oh my - It's been what? Two years, No?

Ichihara: Um... Ashina-senpai, please... not in front of CnC, and also Yes, it's good to see - MY GOD!!!

RADM. Ashina A. Perre: Now, This is something we should toast later, by the way, Ichihara-chan.

Ichihara: Yes?

RADM. Ashina A. Perre: Do you know where Mobile-senpai went? I've seen him after his promotion to Rear ADM there and I want to know what he is up to nowadays.

Ichihara: You really have been up to news there recently didn't you? Mobile is on ASF Capital and before you jump back to your Australia - We got a briefing to do, right Admiral Quinn?

I said remarkably that got the woman's attention, Honestly - a fangirl of Mobile might need an advanced head up cause if this girl got the Adament-class or any pilot escort by us Starfleet in her arsenal - well it's game up at this point and she will be like grandma or something - For Kamisama's sake, please!!!

= = =

It took an hour for the briefing to begin but soon members of both battlefleet Sakura and Galactica are all here at the CnC briefing room

= = =

The room was near the Admiral's Office and usually, it was used for station personnel meetings but today is a different one - members of two battlegroups are here with CnC himself for this briefing.

FADM. Jorel Quinn: This meeting is called to order is both Battlefleet member all present?

He ask the two of us commanders as both I and Ashina knew that this meeting is a high-level one.

Ichihara: Battlegroup Galactica is all accounted for, Commander Ichihara of Kyshuhu.

Moore: Commander Moore from the Wright.

Hizen: Commander Hizen from Yamagushi.

Chekhov: Commander Chekhov from Alexandrov.

McCall: And Commander McCall from Bennett are here too.

RADM. Ashina A. Perre: Battlegroup Sakura are all present, Admiral Ashina of Australia.

I look at the commander of the battlegroup Sakura and I can see each individually - The first was a girl with light-pink color hair, the second was a black-hair man with blue eyes, the third were brown hair and appear similar to a Vulcan but might be an elf and the last was a cyborg with one of its eyes implanted with enchantment device. Let's look at who they are.

???: Commander Flores of Rademaker.

???: Commander Yang Wen-li of Ulysses.

???: Commander Lawrance of Dalles.

???: Commander Ravenburg of Divine Right.

Yang Wen-li, a Taiwanese commander acted as consulted for both ROCN and USN as a Starfleet officer. All of them introduce each other with their respective color of division and note that Ravenburg guy of the Divine Right was a Galaxy-class Battleship that had been upgraded. Its firepower was no joke - while armed with roughly 18 beam arrays, 2 dual cannon hard-point, and 3 torpedo launcher bays with a complement of 250 divided equally in 3 magazines in each area of the ship that been connected by share system of auto-loader and target suite.

FADM. Jorel Quinn: Very well, let's begin. For starters, I will overseas this meeting regarding the reason why you are all here.

He said as the room point of entry was sealed by a forcefield and tinted with glass too. Then at the center of the table, the room holo-emitter soon displays a holographic globe with a visual of Earth in its orbit where the ESD, Orbital Station of San Francisco Fleet Yards, McKinley Station, and ASF Sol were shown. Knowing the admiral and displaying Earth means one thing.

FADM. Jorel Quinn: Earth, the heart of the Federation is in jeopardy not just by Klingon but the Siren. Recently our allies in the Union Intel operative manage to uncover a strategic plan for the Axis incursion into their space.

Ichihara: Intel about the Axis? Admiral, may I enquired what it is?

FADM. Jorel Quinn: The info we received originated on the island of Taiwan and the nation-island territory of Matsu or Lienchiang.

The admiral response as the holo-globe soon displays a map section of Taiwan island-nation much like Tuvalu appear with a few large area marks by mapping in orange zone appear. Three in the north and Northeast were; the East China Sea, the Yellow Sea, and the Sea of Japan, while the other two are at the south and southwest of the map were the South China Sea and the Philippines Sea.

FADM. Jorel Quinn: Based on its report by Commander Momiji, the Intel was an intercept transmission from Sakura Island Axis Headquarters to Northern Parliament Kremlin - the transmission was a battle plan with a note of several key objectives.

RADM. Ashina A. Perre: Admiral, this plan that they drawing - is there any indication of their primary object?

FADM. Jorel Quinn: There is, Admiral. Based on what we gather so far, the Siren and their Axis allies are targeting Midway island. Currently, they are massing at the outer edge of Shanghai port anchorage with the number increasing every day. The projection indicates that the forces required to take the Midway Atoll Fortress were numbered at around two hundred warships split into several fleet numbers of fifty ships each.

Commander Flores: That largest undertaking ever since the high of the Dominion War.

Chekhov: Admiral, is there any info we have about the enemy forces station there?

FADM. Jorel Quinn: We have and have listed the composite figure about it, my attaches will be soon handed to you in due time.

He said as I look at the Holo revealing that in orbit are representations of various forces, ships,s and facilities in orbit and surface. In orbit at least seven, I counted four circles with our delta insignia while the remaining three are bold in ASF delta insignia are present here too.

Ichihara: One circle to tens to hundred ships. Guarding various installations with weapon emplacement or not was one thing.

Said to me - as while Starfleet ships defending Earth was taxing enough but after receiving help from the Azuran Fleet - They went straight to work eliminating Siren and Klingon-scoutship near Saturn and Jovian Belt with their warships from the 2400 Imperial and Modernization Plan with moderate effort unlike some other county then the Union.

Chekhov: Doveryai, no proveryai - China is not verified for sure as a country but a mere sovereign territory run by a corrupted, statement official, nobleman, or elite for that is surely verified.

Moore: A sad day and still regard it - no matter which way.

Old proverb... a trust, but verify - tell or recalled correctly and even double as a summary of this entire damn century or earliest and pre-2400 for sure. Let's hope, Bil is coming back here soon.

- - -

[Azur Lane Pacific Headquarters, Union Naval Port Pearl - Hawaii, USNA Territory]
<< Biloxi PoV | Time: 0924 Hours (Honolulu Hours) >>

Pleasant sunshine is everything here in Union. I can't believe that some still think that is a fact. If I hear that - I will scoff at them for thinking that we here have easy days as naive as we are and they are the big boys here.

Biloxi: Please, Tell me all of it!!!

Allen M. Summer: Yep! All sorted, organized, and ready for your preview!


Allen M. Summer: Whoops! I've got a next assignment coming up so... so you later!


I couldn't believe the flak I have here, Halsey is asking me to sift through the files all regarding our Icarus base on Midway, and Nimitz asking me to find documents about certain Foundation files that have been lockup in our archive in Iowa and middle of Nevada.

Biloxi: Well, let's see what you have for me here ...

Still, these things are slightly better than my previous assignment as I was undercover as a ducking call girl and the only rod I had taken in my binder was Bil only - he dominated me, his savage twin, and his wife in one go.

???: Commander Biloxi, Are you there?

Biloxi: Hm!!! Oh, one moment... Shit.

I say to my-fracking-lust-self as I've... Have my binder fruitfully wet in my shorts just thinking of him dominant me again, what am I thinking?! My god... Good grief that in my office I have a small cabin near my desk as that is where I keep my spare in it.


Biloxi: Hold on! Hold on! 'Those frankers!'

Quickly I drop my pants shorts and undies and swap them really fast before I let in who knows who on what it's is. It isn't stretched as one I zip up I'm... Done!

Biloxi: Alight enter.

I said, not wanting to keep the poor fellow waiting, as it slid open I can see that it was Tennessee with two people someone from the mainland.

Tennessee: Commander Brenda.

Biloxi: Captain Cora, Captain Vanessa, and Commander Aria.

The incognito is a lively practice and a down to Earth one that is for sure. Cora is Tennessee allies' name while Vanessa and Aria is our recent arrival - under allies - they are Virginia and Arlington. Appearance-wise the two, are similar in personality, and that were similarities ended.

My note on the two is this; Virginia appears with brown hair, magenta eyes, and black hairbands. While as for Arlington, her appearance was equivalent to a tomboy, short-bob haircut in white, blue eyes, and yellow for a reason or two.

Virginia: It's good to meet someone like you, Commander - it seems that you are looking well.

Arlington: Haha, Brenda, my old roommate - I've seen you in years last time in grad school!

That Arlington... She will never change. I've wanted to do a little payback as during my and Aria's cadet years, almost all minor expenses are covered by me while Arlington took all major. FYI paying for all of the major utilities in year annual round is around 15,000 dollars or credit depending on what exchanges are.

Biloxi: You still haven't fully paid your dues there, Arlington.

Arlington: Um... Yet can you keep that down for a minute?

Biloxi: You know I've been waiting to ask you this - Do you interested in getting domination and have you paid monthly taxes?

I've said in the most slay thing I've ever had. Honestly, the perk of being Intel was that I have access to everything from LT. CMD. and onward on the civilian scale to those of the same rank as mine.

Arlington: Um... You see...

Biloxi: You haven't started or you are late by five, right?

Arlington: ... Yeah, you kind of right - I'm late by five days.

I'm speechless as by now at this point by the time any major - no, the moment the Kennedy is back on its way with Iso on its or any ship that hauls him to Earth, I will deed myself with big brother, savvy sis, and Koharu there all in one go at SF.

Virginia: You got at least fifty-five more days until hundred and IRS knocking on your door.

Tennessee: Haha. Gina, that was a bombshell!

At least everyone is having their moment but I turn my face to serious mode as this got the attention of our two arrival - Normally, their arrival will be in next month in standard time but with the threat of the Siren and Axis hammer our effort - Union began to step up their actives in the Region and beyond.

Biloxi: Within an hour all members of the Union Battlefleet command such as Battleship Captains and Cruiser that are in the Pacific will attend this meeting.

Tennessee: Time?

Biloxi: At 1045 hours here local time at War Room 3. See you there.

Soon the trio left and continued the tour of the base - while I didn't notice at first glance, It seems that Ginia left a piece of a paper note. Went the door closed - I went and pick it up on the floor and the note said; "Arlington, VA on IRS taxes is a wreck." Good Lord, Arlington... You are such a fool sometimes.

= = =

Time Passes to 1005 and All of the Union Captains of Battleships and Cruiser now began to arrive at the island anchorage bay.

= = =

[Azur Lane Pacific Headquarters, Union Naval Port Pearl - Hawaii, USNA Territory]
<< Third PoV | Time: 1005 Hours (Honolulu Hours) >>

Just as Biloxi said, as soon in the next forty-minute The headquarter of Azur Lane base of the Pacific Fleet in its anchorage were now swarming with several warship numbers in hundred as these ships are manned number between little as tens to a few hundred at any given time and operated with the ship's major system using either semi or automated conveyor.

As for the arrival was total chaos again for this to be properly expedited - the Union crew set up several floating terminals and barges around Pearl Anchorage Bay to allow the ship to dock and set at station keeping - performing resupplies, fuel, armed and standby for deployment. Within the mix of crew ships, there were also Azuran-based ships mixed in it, and the Ops of Pearl Harbor at the control tower were frantically getting these ships docked before everything else as these ships had been listed as high-priority.

AZLN Pearl Ops 1: USS West Virginia, This is Pearl Ops - Clear for docking at FT 0-4-2.

USS West Virginia's Helm/Comm: Copy that - Pearl Ops, Set and made on course to FT 042.

AZLN Pearl Ops 2: USS Honolulu, move to process at Bay 5 and dock at FT 1-0-5.

USS Honolulu's Helm/Comm: Acknowledge, Ops - beginning docking right now.

This is all happening in front of everyone while this is happening, Several small boats or shuttlecraft and vehicles begin to move whether through the road like a rover and car or flying by a shuttlecraft the destination for these crafts headed to the bases central building where the center housed several high-ranking officers and Biloxi was consider as one due to her rank as commander in the Intelligence division and second in the entire Pacific Intel-branch.

The scene view changes to a meeting war room at the base island and there are several familiar faces and several commanders from the Azuran-pilot ships. The design feature an oval-cutout table with several monitors on it and support twenty-two seat with three per-designated as Fleet Commander of the Region, Commander, and Adjutent at one end of the table. Biloxi can be seen at the entrance walking into the room holding a red binder folder with Brooklyn and Helena towed behind or leading.

Biloxi: What the heck is the entire Pacific Fleet doing here?

Brooklyn: You tell me, you're the ducking-intel gal here.

Helena: Where's my SG??

As they enter - the War Room design was akin to somewhat a tactical CiC with a holographic console used for a large meeting or display map and stat report in real-time. As second on intel Biloxi sat closed with Brooklyn (Advisor of Logistic and Politic Affair) and Helena (Head of Radar in Operation-Science Divison) got a seat near Admiral Nimitz or Halsey respectively.

Admiral Nimitz: Please be seated.

A moment later the room was seated - the member who attended it are from Azur Lane Pearl Fleet, the Third Fleet in Northern Region, and Fourteen Fleet from the Southern Region - as they will be listed as follow; first, the base position and second ranking and assignment to the posting.

(The seating will be assigned clockwise - left to right through numbers one to twenty-two characters. As well as this the number isn't arranged in an orderly fashion.)

+ + +

1 - Admiral Chester Nimitz, Commander of Pacific Theater Command and Battlefleet Midway.
2 - Vice Admiral William Halsey, Commander of Pacific Fleet and Battlefleet Oceanic.
3 - Captain Wren "Washington" Nancy, Deputy-Adjutant of Pacific Theater Command and Commander of Battlefleet Guadalcanal.

4 - Captain Cora "Tennessee" Julia, Commander of Pacific Defense Operation and Battlefleet Gilbert.
5 - Captain Homer "Nevada" Rockwell, Commander of Intelligence Operation Force and Battlefleet Guam.
11 - Captain Philipa "Pennslyvania" Eda, Commander of Expedition Reconnaissance Fleet, and Battlefleet Aleutian.
10 - Captain Carol "California" Julia, Vice-Head of Pacific Logistic Operation and Commander of Battlefleet Pearl.
9 - Captain Natalie "Carolina" Nancy, Commander of Battlefleet Mariana.
12 - Captain Samantha "Dakota" Ernest, Commander of Command Frontline and Battlefleet Rennell.
16 - Captain Henry"Massachusetts" Ernest, Commander of Battlefleet Saipan.
17 - Captain Amari "Alabama" Ernest, Commander of Battlefleet Palau.
18 - Captain Norah "Jersey" Edison, Commander of Battlefleet Chuuk.
20 - Captain Fiona "Oklahoma" Rockwell, Commander of Battlefleet Samoa.
19 - Captain Reginald "Colorado" Earhart, Commander of Tactical Frontline and Battlefleet Marshall.
21 - Captain Wendi "Virginia" Earhart, Commander of Pacific Forward Command and Battlefleet Leyte.
22 - Captain Harry "Maryland" Earhart, Commander of Battlefleet Fiji.
7 - Captain Vanessa "Virginia" Rolin, Advisor to Pacific Theater Command and Commander of Battlefleet Nova Scotia.
13 - Captain Samuel "Arizona" Eda, Commander of Battlefleet Maui.

8 - Commander Aria "Arlington" Lutz, Adjutent to Captain Rolin.
6 - Commander Brenda "Biloxi" Adama, Vice-Commander of Intelligence Operation Force.
14 - Commander Ruth "Brooklyn" Thrace, Commander of Logistic Communication Operation and Advisor of Logistic and Politic Affair.
15 - Lieutenant Commander Hannah "Helena" Thrace, Member of Reconnaissance Operation.

+ + +
(Additional Info will be provided after this chapter.)

Once all of the attendance sat down, the room entrance door swung inward and quickly closed, and the ambiance lit on detection of any presentation.

Adm. Nimitz: As some of all here were aware by now that the Axis is making a move - for this, the meeting here is considered confidential and you are all here sworn to secrecy unless asked by selected authorized individuals from Pacific Azur HQ and Pentagon only.

Adm. Halsey: It seems the situation began to worsen and it seems will be any time soon.

The opening line by the head of Pacific Theater Command can tell the seriousness of the situation at hand as the number of high-ranking officers in the same room was enough to tell that this is no ordinary meeting.

Adm. Nimitz: As mentioned before the recent activity has triggered alarm bells everywhere in the Union and I've afraid that we have more coming our way. To this end, I've passed the con to Captain Homer. Captain.

Nevada: Thank you, Admiral. As you've guessed what the Admiral said is true - Too bad for any of you whose finished breakfast cause this will be a hard one to swallow. Take your time looking at this.

She said as flicked her hand - A holo-image appear at the center and the front terminal of the attended seat. The room also darkens to a humble ample dime as the light of the hologram and terminal screen are the ones illuminating it. The image in question is a satellite photo outside and at the outer edge of Shanghai anchorage bay where hundreds of ships mostly Transport Ship, Pawn-class Destroyer, Knight-class, and Bishop-class Cruiser.

Nevada: As you can see here, PRC China used its state-owned shipyard to build a war fleet - their yard is constructed at an unpresentable state through their replication industry and used Siren naval design patterns. The number at roughly two hundred to an estimate from Starfleet.

The room was in awe as they knew that China PRC will likely construct ships in mass for in return was the Axis assistance in ceasing Taiwan island-nation much to the dismay of everyone as while the Union at least held integrity as word of European or Asian countries are petitioning of joining the USNA naming a few was Micronesia, Philippines, Scotland, Ireland, and France. The fact that it was holding was relevant fact to Brooklyn, as a diplomat and part of Fleet - her job was to supervise in conjunction with their secret service for any incident no matter the size.

Pennsylvania: The Axis never trusted them in a space-variant of it that makes our job easier.

Tennessee: Captain Homer, do we have any word from our operative in PRC and Axis about this?

Nevada: Glad, you ask Captain - one of the agents in PRC has found a series of documents while it wasn't classified the content was more interesting. Commander Brenda, if you wouldn't mind.

The head of intelligence and operation said Biloxi the Intel officer was the one who handles the recent documents. The document itself is displayed on the screen in its original form before the computer scan and translate for everyone to read with a 93% accuracy but then she is certainly a device at its connecter port and uploads her translation for comparison.

Biloxi: Thank you, captain. What you see here are the documents that Captain Homer mentioned before - based on what we figured out, it's a receipt list with requests for material that is common in starship construction or any of our newer models of the fleet.

California: These receipts listed materials such as Titanium, Iron, Aluminum, Duranium, Cobalt, Copper, and Carbon. The amount was dignified, to say the least.

Massachusetts: Commander, those siren ships have we been able to get a set of scans or two? I would like to look into what these vessel alloys are composed of and if there is any weakness in them.

Biloxi: Based on what we find the alloy these ships are using is a mix of Titanium, Carbon, and Duranium. We can reduce the usage of the carbon element by burning out effect but as for Titanium and Duranium - the option right now is a direct high-energy blast.

The Intel officer finished her work as the room's holo-projector was slowly turned off while all of this Halsey is quietly looking at his monitor and his face was a little bit concerned as what Nimitz have drawn up last night can be considered manic.

Adm. Nimitz: Thank you, Commander and Captain. As they mention the info - the data here is now darkening our situation and at least for now... We all should at least make strike them during their assembly stage push them to the offensive on us and will process from there. To that end, Captain Wren.

Washington: Right, I will explain the goal and assignment for this event - starting from Northern Region first, fours months ago, a report of a Siren Outpost was stationed at Attu Island, Near Island Sector and Water of Andreanof Islands Sector - During this period we observe several ships and manage to verify on what we're dealing.

Biloxi: That being?

Washington: Based on what we found the Siren deploy at least 70 vessels comprised of 40 Destroyer, 20 Light Cruiser, 15 Heavy Cruiser, 8 Battleship, and 4 Carrier led by a Queen-class Carrier - Mechanized of Agony as the overall command ship in the entire Bearing Sea. As well as this the carrier was reported as one in many participating during the first Siren Invasion as a constructed model.

She said as the image of their Intel on the Bearing Sea showed a visual site of the enemy forces and a map with three red circles in different parts to indicate where the enemy flotilla is at present. The difference between the mass production and constructed ship is its technology usage such as defense with energy shields beside armor and weapons with better targeting suite than before. The fact is that still haunted the Union was the constructed model was purposely built and crafted for warfare and oriented utilities unlike their mass production model of it's which used in mass-cannon folder offense.

Washington: per Admiral order, Captain Phillipa Eda and Carol Julia - the two of you and your respective Battlefleet will be tasked with this mission and rendezvous with Captain Isabel of Indiana and her advisor at Port Anchorage in Alaska.

Pennsylvania: Understand, We'll depart with all necessary ordinances and supply loaded as soon as possible.

California: Aye, sir.

Washington: Next was the Southern Region - We recently spotted a Rook Battleship in the Fiji Sector... it is the Merciless of Carnage - Another one of many constructed models, This ship was sited been active during the first Siren Invasion as well as this its have sunk 5 battleships and 7 carriers with their battlegroup during and after the Invasion. Captain Harry Earhart and Fiona Rockwell - Your order is to intercept and eliminate it - destroy this vessel.

The adjutant said as the projector then ship an image of a modified Rook-class Battleship being escorted by several destroyers, and cruisers and leading a flotilla of Queen-class Carrier all of these are either mass production models or constructed ones as the rate of these ships are erratic. The design of the Carnage was based on its original frame and the modification was likely its hull and superstructure.

Washington: Another thing to note was that the Carnage is armed with several inhibited polaron beam arrays and cannons. Admiral Halsey will debrief you on your mission after this at War Room 5.

Oklahoma: Aye, captain.

Maryland: No worries about that - time to see what our new strategy can do.

Brooklyn: Should We-

Adm. Halsey: I think we should - Captain Wren if you wouldn't mind?

Washington: Yes, Admiral.

The adjutant adjusted herself while Admiral Halsey glance at Nimitz and he give a nod. The room still dimed suddenly displays a new image and the map change to an overview of a very strange island located westward of the Pacific Ocean the island of Micronesia. The look on the admiral's face sounds worrying as ever - who knows what condition the Union is currently facing right now as the only ones who knew about these at full extension were themselves.

Adm. Halsey: As all of you wondering is our plan for the central region? - To be damn straight and honest, All three of us worry somewhat concerned about this assignment. As you aware Micronesia join the Union at least a century ago as well as others such as Marshall, Solomon, Tuvalu, Wake, and many more under Article 4.

Brooklyn: Admiral - Was this relevant to the upcoming assignment?

Adm. Halsey: I'm afraid it is, Commander. Approximately, five months ago - our long-range active comm between the mainland and our territory has been cut by the Siren and Axis. Ever since the cut, we're been attempting to repair it every way we can and most of the time we were only able to exchange compressed letters before it was cut again. We determine that this is likely their work as rumor and words suggest that either the CSTO or SCO is behind this in conjunction with the Siren.

Helena: The Russian-led Collective Security Treaty Organization and PRC-led Shanghai Cooperation Organisation.

Adm. Halsey: Yes, and I'm afraid that is only speculation for now. Ever since the formation of CSTO and SCO after the founding of Crimson Axis - our ability is now growing thinner than ever bit by bit until this shows up on our doorstep.

Tennessee: Oh god...

Alabama: At least we aren't up against a dreadnought this time.

The room's general reaction was shock and disbelief as what their seeing was what they hope was the thing that should and SHOULD remain in the dark or the void for that matter. What they saw was a Siren-piloted ship, known as the Aggressor - classification as a Stragitic-class Carrier, and much like the counterpart of Azuran-ships, these vessels can be turned into exoskeleton rigging.

Adm. Halsey: What you see here as you aware was the Aggressor... a Stragitic-class Carrier, and her captain gone by the same name. For the day leading to here, that carrier has physically hampered our ability to do anything and the PRC party is using that as an excusing and dis-info mode for fuck's sake.

Brooklyn: They really... really love to blast everyone including us with whatever come to their mind like a fucking Bofors, Orkline, or even a Chicago Piano AA mount for that matter entirely!

Biloxi: Politics love to have spokespersons say in the damn script and said what they were saying on their own though. Typical of them.

Adm. Halsey: In any case, we need to eliminate this vessel - whether through force in sinking or withdrawal from the region. For this, I will be leading the assignment myself and commanding on board the carrier Defiance in conjunction with the assignment Battlefleet in this one. Captain Henry Ernest of Battlefleet Saipan.

Massachusetts: Sir.

Adm. Halsey: You're ordered to head to Fiji in place of Captain Harry and her Battlefleet Fiji. Once preparation is done - you are departing within an hour, alongside Battlefleet Oceanic, Fiji, and Samoa for this assignment with me overseeing it personally for the Central and Southern assignment. The northern region will be overseen by Isabel and her Battlefleet Bearing. Admiral.

Adm. Nimitz: Thank you, Vice-Admiral and Captain - as you here aware this assignment is a gamble right now. Our main purpose is to create a scenario that will make our enemy go on the offensive. I want Capt. Natalie, Samantha, Amari, Reginald, Samuel, Vanessa, and all commanders remain in the room. As for the rest, this is all for today, in the weeks to come these assignments will be flagged as Oceania Wind Campaign. Dismissed.

The meeting for the first half has now come to its conclusion as the one who isn't called by Nimitz stands up and left the room to make preparation for their mission. As for the one whose call remains in the seat - Whose know the admiral is up to now and in the end some never will.

- - -

[Azura Stellar Federation, Imperium Mansion - Aurora, Capital World of ASF]
<<Third PoV | 1538 Hours (Aurora Hours)>>

Faraway from the choking atmosphere of the Union Pacific Command meeting, Mobile accompanied by his advisor and spouse Koharu along with their aids is now traveling back into the city passed several areas. Heading eastward to a city spaceport named Theed Civic Spaceport.

Travel in a black armored stretch SUV rover that can carry six people both passages and agents from the crown and secret service. As well as being accompanied by two SUV rovers of the same type and four land speeders on each corner of the motor cage.

Mobile: So Hong-Sung is a fool, made an enemy within the Federation and a threat to the crown and several of our allies or others such as Braunschweig.

Thoma: So how would you like to proceed?

Mobile: Has the letter been sent to the Resistance and Underground?

Watabe Naomi: We already did as well as additional notes on it.

The aid said as the scene show inside one of the rover is Mobile, Koharu and their aid is onboard. Mobile is leaning towards the window, Koharu sitting beside looking at her spouse with a worried face and the two aid felt a pressure that at emitted by the Duke in reserve as knowing him he has a tendency to lay in waiting and strike at the most critical moment and the timing as well as the reaction that he given was plentiful enough to get the job done.

Mobile: If all goes well, then we'll have enough resources available to be lent on other fronts but with the fact of wars in play, the role we'll play now is irrelevant to this. Delaware would be first to respond and later Topeka, then Manchester, then others afterward.

Koharu: Bil... Please you don't have to carry that all yourself, we're here for you. Remember those days back in Aincrad?

Mobile: Hm, I will always be your partner. A strange time in that castle was at least I had no worries any more as now my father wouldn't be able to rope me into an arranged marriage that for sure.

Watabe Naomi: hehe.

The rover fills with a soft laugh as the moment of nostalgia is something that no one can control it. For years now, many within the ASF leadership were in question as the fracture is slowly emerging and now that side have already been picked - it would only need an abdication of the current leader that been Mobile's father. What would be possible if the crown haven't announced its heir which is when Mobile, nicknamed callsign Apollo or Isokaze was announced as heir to the throne as Crown Prince and the result was a civil strike between several high or minor influence clans, houses, group and faction all over the Azura requesting or besieging for an audience with Mobile in hopes of gain support or favor for the days ahead.

Mobile: That little pinhead... By the way, Thoma, Naomi - what happened to that Hersh journalist?

Thoma: About that, my Lord... You see-

Watabe Naomi: Hersh is currently in a cell and filling every lawsuit he can find after his article claiming that we are responsible for the Westlake Bombing.

Mobile: ...

Watabe Naomi: My lord...

Mobile: Save that for later, Naomi. If I've had a chance to meet him I will - ouch!

Before he can complete a sentence he was pinched by Koharu, she noticed that he is getting ready for a manhunt as while the journalist is on route to be bailed out of jail - he is filling several lawsuits which is a clear violation of the Record Publication Accord Convention as one of the Articles, in summary, are that they aren't allowed to enact on disinformation, controversy, incite hostility and filing a lawsuit. 

Obviously, since he has broken the convention the penalty was clear and somewhat controversial as it depends on which charges and crimes the person in question has done. An example was one such was like; a minor thief is equal to a week-long probation on the first charge - It can be scaled to a life sentence for a mass crime, the choice was either is placed in an isolated ward for a high-profile detainee or execution if the crime of the detainee is too much to be bear and held accountable for life.

Mobile: The Kims and all of its allies prefer death to be brought to justice. I guess there is only one alternative left... 

Koharu: Are you sure?

Mobile: If it's either Delaware or Topeka then they would enact it already in their order - Delaware prefers civil confrontation and his proficiency in CQB as a top-notch dualist earned him the nickname Ares. As for Topeka, he prefers a more distant approach - remaining out of his opponent while still retaining his reach on them and holding a record for the longest shooting range as it reflected on his weapon and ships earning him the nickname Ullr.

Thoma: Delaware and Topeka... I can still remember that those two are famous for the Battle of Darton and their contested city of New Bakhmut. 

Mobile: The Laconia and Hemsedal... A Garvadara-class and Heroubreio-class Battleship... or alternatively a Sovereign-class Battleship and Siruis-class Dreadnought Cruiser.  I wonder what are they up to right now.

While Mobile is diving into his though - outside of the rover, the convoy soon reaches one of the main buildings that before their destination, the location was near the spaceport and was named the Imperium Mansion. 

The building was designed akin to a near-gothic design - it's an office with various rooms all dedicated toward the staff and workers with a recreational bar lounge, meeting room, office, and small utilities that can be made indoors. Arriving at the front lawn of the building - the Duke can see that his message has reached them prior to his arrival as a small group of the building staff is awaiting his arrival.

???: Admiral Adama.

Mobile: Rear Admiral Lohengramm and Captain Kircheis. It's good to see you two still alive.

He said as he was greeted by the ASF-Starfleet Flag officer Reinhard von Lohengramm and his second Captain Siegfried Kircheis from ASF Odin Frontier Force of Expedition Fleet Kaiser. The two were known for their action on board the Battleship Tannhauser of the Imperium class during the battle of Van-Fleet Starzone in their Van-Eidolon Sector at the galactic southwest near the edge of known space in the Alpha Quadrant. The two appear in simple but striking appearance Reinhard appears with blond hair and teal-blue eyes while Kircheis with red hair and grey eyes.

VAdm. Reinhard Lohengramm: Well, I could say the same but you here telling the office for a small welcome must mean something has happened. Talverton's Skirmish, isn't it?

Mobile: Bittenfell is a little disappointing right now given his stance for battle.

Capt. Kircheis: I good to see you again, Commander Thoma.

Thoma: Haha... Well it has been a while now wasn't it - still I keep my end of the agreement there so there are no repercussions on that. Well, I've managed to clear most of its anyway.

Mobile: I see... In any case - Admiral Lohengramm, Captain, shall we?

The captain was first led and company with Thoma for Koharu she is escorted by Naomi once more, as for Mobile he was company by Reinhard. The moment they enter the complex - they made a b-line toward a teleporter in the lobby. Once their on it, a digital particle effect appears engulfing their body and rematerializing at another location two floors above.

Mobile: This floor... is that Gregor in the office? Last time I've to remember - he has a knack for handling spoils nobleman. Still is that grey-old Gregor still there?

VAdm. Reinhard Lohengramm: If I were you - I wouldn't count on it, recently months now, he has been taking time off from the office and away from the chaotic world he is in. Bittenfelt seriously is driving the budget we had currently high right now.

Mobile: Oh god... Bittenfelt... Sware to god is that I will talk to Black Lancer and reach a needed decision on this.

Capt. Kircheis: There is no need to worry about that, Your Excellency.

Mobile: Oh? Did Reinhard do something to make him stop?

Capt. Kircheis: You see - Admiral Reinhard is doing everything he can with aid from Wahlen and Mecklinger, he was able to put the fused out before anything.

Mobile: Well, At least I felt a bit comfortable with the two of you handling this kind of ordeal. 

He said walking the corridor, and making a left turn - The duke and his company arrived at the front door of an office with a sign that said; "Deputy-Minister of State and Speaker of House Representative." Normally - Thoma would be the one door knocking but since he arrive with two of his counterpart and his superior, Kirchies move and do the honor as the door was wooden with a locking handle he used it to alert people inside as a courtesy move for sure.


???: Who is it?

Capt, Kirchis: This is Captain Kirchis company Vice-Admiral Lohengramm's Expedition Fleet Kaiser and Fleet Admiral Mobile of-

???: Come in, Captain - Bring them in. The Duke arrives early, those wars and metal devils really frank my timetable!

The voice from the other side said as went the Captain reach for the handle and pressed it down - the door open reveals a male Romulan adult with brown and rare green eyes sitting on a chair behind as desking signing paper and writing document, his name is Tro'Va, Assigned minster by Mobile during the early-stage of 12th Red Crusade. Twelve long-damning Civil Wars all led by the Bolshevik Clan under the now one fouling man - to one single damn soul, Kim Hong-Sung of Bolshevik - self-title Warmaster and Gods of Juche is now preparing for the eventual 13th and hopefully - the last Crimson Crusade.

Mobile: Hello, Tro'Va - Same paper ordeal here?

Minister Tro'Va: Oh, Your Excellency - You're back?!

Mobile: Well, I wouldn't consider that I've returned just yet. I've come back here to check up on the condition and status after my abrupt exit from the Crimson Crusade. So far - All is well... but both of us know that this isn't the truth now wouldn't.

Minster Tro'Van: Well I can't exactly deny it - since you returned with Lady Kissaki, it only means that things are getting dire. Please, My lord - You don't have to trouble yourself into this.

Koharu: Mister Tro'Va, Please...

Minister Tro'Va: Well, At least - I will give you a short summary of it. Our situation is currently;-

= = =

The Minister explained the situation to not only Mobile and Koharu but also Reinhard, Kirches, Thoma, and Naomi about the current stagnant of their power and military.

= = =

Mobile: Just what is Hersh thinking?! Claiming speculation and creating controversy like a totalitarian spokesperson is completely unacceptable and what is he expected to get out of what?! 

VAdm. Reinhard Lohengramm: In my view, It seems like that journalist hasn't a change of heart there is absolutely disappointing there.

Capt Kirches: Hm... A compiling various sketchy anonymous sources and used as fact?! Just what hope is he thinking... Maybe becoming an ally to the traitor?

The last mention and comment by the captain intrigue the Duke as with the coming days ahead - Once the event on Earth is concluded his homeland requires his full attention on its. Currently, all member of the Olympian or Crown is still active with mention of two notable figure; Delaware of Ares and Topeka of Ullr. The thought about the Crimson Crusade was already devastating from the 2100s to the current years.

Mobile: It's likely one of those possibilities - the Death of High Admiral Kai Lawrance is an event on its own alright... but losing over a hundred ships and troops including the Sumeria?!

Minster Tro'Va: Please you don't have to worry about that, My lord - I will ensure that all will be dealt with in a timely manner. I'm sure we can appoint a new commander for this threat in no time.

Mobile: Be sure that it will be or else it wouldn't be me but someone else. As much as I like to handle this, Sol still demands my attention. So, in order to compensate for the loss of Admiral Kai Lawrence and the 10th Fleet. 

Said to himself as during his time before he was forced to pull off the Crusade - Mobile receive grim news of the death of the ASF's most experience commander against the Kims Coalition and DRF - Admiral Kai Lawrance and his infamous 10th Fleet in Cadia-Gothic Sector operated in conjunction with Admiral Dang during the aftermath of the 12th Crimson Crusade. In order for this to be stopped permanently - Mobile has no other choice but to let his train allies do it.

Mobile: Rear Admiral Reinhard von Lohangramm of Expedition Fleet Kaiser.

Rear Adm. Reinhard Lohangramm: Sir.

Mobile: Acting upon new information, the current situation, demand for a counter-offensive, and directly from the Crown cabinet - Reinhard von Lohangramm will be reassigned under my direct order, appointed as the new commander of a form fleet bears under your command with your vessel too.

Rear Adm. Reinhard Lohangramm: Understood, What will happen to those who serve me before? Such as Bittenfell, Wahlen, Mecklinger, and their fleet as an example.

Mobile: Your former member of the previous fleet will be transferred as for the Expedition Fleet Kaiser will be disbanded and any remaining will be placed on homeworld control.

Rear Adm. Reinhard Lohangramm: Understand, I happily accept the task before me.

Mobile: Well, it seems my dilemma is solved now - Let's call it a day now, shall we?

He said ending the meeting at the Tro'Va office as this new assignment to the two officers was nothing but extraordinary as knowing that on Odin the planet was ruled by an aristocracy house called the Goldenbaum Dynasty with the House currently ruled by Fredrick the Fouth. For years now many wanted to end the Goldenbram in a manner that is polite and not ended in violence.

Stepping outside to the room, Mobile and his company return to the lobby where in the stand before him were two men that he was familiar with them. One of the men appears with black hair and orange eyes and is wear in a rustic uniform, armor at various parts of the body, a leather belt, and a sword behind his back; his name was Delaware Adama of the Underground Network. The one standing beside him appear cyan-color eyes and hair, and his clothing was clean and color in black such as the suit, coat, and top with google on his head while carrying a sniper rifle; his name was Topeka Adama of the Resistance.

Mobile: Gentleman.

Delaware: Admiral.

Topeka: Duke...

The trio nodded as soon as they are at the front door of the mansion, the original team boarded the first one, and the other two boarded separately as standard protocol dictate.

Mobile: You are finally here, let's discuss something more serious.

- - -

[Azura Resident - Oracle Mansion]
<< Mobile PoV | 1737 Hours (Aurora Timezones) >>

What time is it now... That is a lengthy tour there, I wasn't expecting it at all. Arriving at my main residence on the outskirts of the capital, I make a beeline toward my quarters with unknown tractor tow Koharu with me. Still, that letter I had to send appears to be received.

Mobile: What an exhausting event.

Koharu: Well, are you ready for the morning - you've planned to make a full announcement to the public there.

Mobile: That before Tro'Va and dad dump me a load of stuff during the days there. Honestly that old man never change went can to us.

I say in complaint and annoyance as my sentence can be interpreted in an entirely different way as I've just had an orgasmic event there. At least now with Delaware and Topeka here, I've needed to talk to them which concerns me a lot.

???: Mobile, it's Delaware, can I come in?

Mobile: Please. Enter.

The door swings open as I then sit upright to see that my brother Delaware appears in much clearer clothes than before such as a suit like Topeka wore.

Delaware: How are your days going?

Mobile: I hated the fracking tour guide on the last one.

Delaware: Is it that jumpy Neuton again?

Mobile: Yes, and at least now that I've my days for today's over I can at least get ready for tomorrow. Is Topeka going through the card in the kitchen and doesn't know where to look?

Delaware: Yep. That is before I've to skip hop coming here for your info.

Koharu: Speaking of the kitchen - does anyone like Biscuit Dumplings and Wellington?

I and Delaware make a small grin and move from my room to the first floor. Walking down the corridor and near the dining area is several item that is important to me. Providence, Vincennes, New Haven and Dayton...


Mobile: !!!

Delaware: Lost in your train again?

Mobile: No, I'm just...

I try to move away from the subject as recently in my face Dela just have me dead stop outside of the kitchen with Koharu already inside - probably helping Naomi and Thoma.

Mobile: Preoccupied.

Delaware: You never change haven't you? All those years you tried to move out of the way for others to be graceful but the return was a stab in the chest left to die with no remorse like they accomplished something.

Mobile: That -

Delaware: A look at you got yourself in MA. To me, with a single glance at that girly face of you I can tell that it is something related about them, aren't they?

Mobile: That... Hm... Well, it's not like I can hide it forever. I've worried - if you getting on where I'm heading.

Delaware: So is that man after all?

I nodded as it was no surprise to me that the Kim's Coalition led by that foul man will turn himself into a nightmare, beyond recognition and turn into a mere entity - unlike us. We're akin to a god, performing our duty as who we are but he - he hasn't that and didn't do a miracle - he's a false god that shouldn't exist.

Wait a sec why is Dela putting his face in front of me and his lips near me? Try to avoid it but it no used and I can't - oh shi-

???: Oi, Bil. Dela. Are you done yet, you two better not have that went I was around, or else I will double-blade all of us.

A look and I can see that Topeka, thank heavens that you are here. Hold on what his loading his sniper rifle and aiming it?


Topeka: Delaware... Are you trying to have yaoi here with him or what? Anyway dinner is ready.

Mobile: okay.

Enter the room through door fame I've arrived to see that the table is a usual family set up of six on a rectangle - at each end were Koharu and mine while the side is for the guest or member. On my left, were Delaware and Topeka while on my right were Naomi and Watabe.

Watabe Naomi: Good timing, I hope that Topeka isn't harsh on you - he seems to be pretty angry holding a rifle there.

Topeka: No worry, Watabe. It's just the usual here. Despite his manly appearance his a bit seductive in my opinion anyway.

It took us a bit of time for settling down. As for today, dinner was Biscuits Dumplings and Stew, Beef Wellington, Light soup with Crouton, and Boston Cream Pie. This might be the homecoming I've been looking after all.


After all courses for the evening is complete - Mobile along with Delaware and Topeka excuses themselves to talked something rather important.


Mobile: Thank you for coming - I will get straight to the point.

I said as seeing that the two are now here made a little relief out of everything that had been going down recently. Still, there is no telling if this info is secure.

Mobile: By now you two are already aware of Kim Hong-Sung and his minion's increased activity within the ASF and event at Talverton.

Topeka: I see, that little grunt Ning... Mobile, do you manage to capture them all?

Mobile: No, they put up a fight and mostly surrendered but some were killed during the chaos of it all.

Delaware: So they make a move again? This is the eighth time now just this month alone - with the frequency they going it clearly signals a prelude to another campaign of theirs.

The Crimson Crusade was an aftermath product of Lenin's Heresy and the Sieges of Azura. Lenin was formerly the leader of a clan that predate the Bolshevik's formation known as the Collective Commonwealth. 

Mobile: What?!

Delaware: If I'm not mistaken, I've been hearing rumors of a certain based in their power on our region but it is hard to determine where it was.

Topeka: As currently in our space there were 20 Mega-type structures existing within our database that includes the strategic fortress class Iserlohn and the Phalanx.

Mobile: Correct me if I'm wrong, but is the ownership of the Iserlohn Fortress in dispute between the Free Alliance and Galactic Imperial?

Topeka: About that... The bid has fully on hold after a DRF Fleet appear and devastated the Battlefleet Odin and Heinessen until their reinforcement from the 2nd Fleet and Kaiser Expedition Fleet aided but the damage has been done.

Mobile: Iserlohn is crippled and second to that was Gettysburg in Freya Sector, Ionia in this system, and last was Cadia in a sector of the same name.

The three of us use this time to digest the info we have no secret that due to the ongoing war, Iserlohn Station was defenseless. Fortunately, The base has several ready-to-deploy defense platforms but the station commander Seeckt and garrison commander Stockhausen they wouldn't deploy them. Out of sheer pride, it is a good thing that the two were now removed and in place is, for now, Bewcock but Yang... I think his team is better suited for this operation with the addition of the Hyperion which he requested to remain in drydock for now. Tomorrow I will make a speech addressing the nation while simultaneously drawing a battle plan for this.

- - -

[Unknown System, Unknown Sector | Siren control world of ???]
<<Third PoV | ??? Hours >>

Return to a faraway planet from the last encounter as it is located beyond the border of Azura Federation and Federation Starfleet. The planet in question appears to be an M-class with mass oceanic sitting on a planet similar condition to the Sol system of Earth and Europa, planet Cala or Kamino, and the Cyrannus Star System of Aquaria.

In orbit, the very same fleet as before appears out of cloak with the mysterious figure on its upper hull. The figure was then transported to the Negh'Var Bridge - the ambient was industrial and crawling - a hallmark of a standard Klingon ship - Standing among its gleaning hulls and warm amber-orange display the figure sat that the ship bridge and slowly contemplated its goal.

???: ... Feuer. Target; Durba, near its equator.

*Ta-Brrzz* *Ta-bang-bang*

The figure said as she command her fleet to open fire with its disruptor beam and cannon on the planet near the equator line. As it did a round spot slowly appear revealing a gigantic shield volcano where magma consistently spills out on the surface. Down from orbit and land near the surface at the edge of the volcanic activity was a siren coast based double as shipyard and platform for its ocean navy.

The facility can be seen constructing a ship in an assembly stage platform where each section was pieced up and welled one by one until it was ready all processed automatically. The shipyard that build ships here was connected to a large foundation structure directed high to the skies and beyond.

During all of this, Tester can be seen appearing in white hair and yellow eyes and wearing a similar to a tomboy such as shorts and garment shirt.

Tester: Well, let's see if my counterpart can survive this brave venture they do. So... I will reunite with my true master and serve with honor beyond my reach.

She said as the scene changed to back in the orbit of the planet again and this time the Siren ship appears at a very odd location only to reveal through de-cloaking was a station anchor to the planet through a series of cable lines and structures linking the platform itself to the facility below.

During all of this, a fleet of ASF warships appear number 20 vessel comprised of 3 Imperium-class battleships, 7 Winter-class cruisers, and 10 destroyers in a mix of Saint-class and Vermil-class. The lead battleship after it scanned the planet and its system the vessel fired it's fore port thruster and aft starboard turning the ship and leading the fleet to leave the area.

???: ...

The mysterious figure onboard the leading Negh'Var battleship witnesses the withdrawing ship as all of this the figure appears to be smiling at the results and in no time this world will find itself as a battlefield for tomorrow.

- - -

[Azura Resident - Oracle Mansion]
<< Third PoV | 0736 Hours (Aurora Timezones), June 25th 2409 >>

Return to the capital of the Azura Federation its major city, and the residents of the Olympians Clan. Mobile Adama along with his siblings now all raised for today's event in the afternoon, Mobile will be addressing the nation as a whole as days before he was consulted by his linguistics and communication director but the transcript was sour as anyone expected.

Thoma: My Lord, milady, it's time now.

Change the pace to view the bedroom of the crown prince, Mobile is in the bed with Koharu in a nightgown as last night the stay and prep for today's event - while this is going on, his brother Topeka and Delaware are sparing outside at the open garden area with saber in their hand.


Topeka: Lossing the pace?

Delaware: In your dream, Blue-head!

The scene also changes to now Naomi whose in the kitchen making breakfast and drink for today. Before that, she have to fetch a box filled with cards related to the dishes she going to serve.

Watabe Naomi: Let's see here... Ah, here we go. Where are you - you Uzai mujina of a card.

Said to herself as she read her hand and fumble the selection of today she inedibly came to a haul until Delaware and Topeka came in all sweat in their workout clothes.

Watabe Naomi: My lord?!

Delaware: Easy now, ginger - what got you rally up today?!

Topeka: For the love of all things... Naomi, I think that toast, scrambled eggs with sausage and bacon as breakfast will do us fine.

Watabe: What? Have you- wait.

The scene soon changes to the dining table as it happens, Mobile and Koharu already arrive and is helping Thoma get ready for everyone.

Mobile: You know that those press is using my Columbus Capitol office for broadcast right?

Koharu: Yes, and I reminded you - you have to look at your very best today.

She said as one she finished her side of the arrangements - she walk up to him and tuck his undershirt of the suit


The ambiance change to where now the six all join on the table eating their meal of the day not knowing who is saying goodbye.

Delaware: Hydrogen and Deuterium Fusion. That is going to be the new tech install onboard the more recent variant of the Brunhild-class there as well as the Salamander-class and Heroubreio-class too.

Topeka: the first ship of the class was Lutz's ship and the two... I forget is it the Lubeck was for Muller and... Oh yes, Salamander go to Wahlem?

Mobile: Yes, obliviously the FA requested three more that been then one of which was rather annoying Triglav-class and the function Ulysses-class.

Delaware: I see, is the Brunhild getting a new bridge as well?

Mobile: Following the refit.

The scene change moving the view upward as it is black and then transitioning down to show the ceiling of a building as the base color was white and stair treads from the street to the main entrance.

At the same time, Reinhard and Kirches are standing in waiting as just in que a motor cage of three rovers, two SUVs and four speeders appear information all in a decals-pattern of white and black. As soon as it arrives the three car doors are open each transporting three figures all from Olympian House.

Rear Adm. Reinhard Lohangramm: Admiral.

Mobile: Admiral. Captain.

Walking down the hallway he was either faced with somewhat ambush or a straight-up wave of a press reporter, interviewer, and journalist all came and the secret service agent and Capitol Guard Chapter have to do some overtime.

???: Your excellency, it's time.

- - -

[AZLN Pacific Headquarter, Port Pearl, Hawaii - Union-Starfleet Facility, Oahu, Hawaii, Union Territory]
<<Third PoV | 2145 Hours (Honolulu Timezone) >>

While the time in the Azuran capital is in the morning return to Earth was already nightfall as many areas enjoy themselves at the tavern, quarter, recreation facility, and lobby. But this evening it going to be different. View change to where several of the naval-based personnel are in the mess hall looking at the inbuilt monitor appears holographic or on the terminal itself. What they are waiting for is a news live broadcast from the Federation News Network.

FNN reporter: Good evening, and welcome to FNN. I'm Gregory Smith here in place of Dasha. At 7:50 on the Aurora the capital world of the ASF - Mobile Adama acting as Crown Prince will be addressing the nation for the first time after the fifteen-year or two decades of marshall law was evoked with Congress and Admiralty Council dissolved during the Twelve Crimson Crusade lead by Warmaster Abaddon.

The viewer looks at the monitor the two admirals, the ship's captain, crew, and even a warrant officer there seeing it. While days that the fight between the two sides is currently simmering - Admiral Nimitz already put a plan that will cripple the Axis further more then ever.

FNN reporter Gregory Smith: Now while we - one moment... Go on. The ... The addressing is about to start in ten minutes at the Capitol building. Now normally the hall auditorium will be used but since the cabinet hasn't filled the required seat and the war mansion is still in effect the office of the prince will likely be the point of broadcast. More later on the summery.

Adm. Nimitz: It's time for a welcoming change the end of the month.

The admiral commented as by their calendar of New Terra on June of 2019 NTC or in the current one of 2409 AD. The Eagle Union, Federation Starfleet, and Stellar Federation have now come to the conclusion and assembled for the largest upbringing ever since founding nation roses many heroes and icons of its era.

Now with the table set and piece in place - two sides with various players on board such as Mobile Adama of Alliance, Chester Nimitz of Union and Akagi of Sakura Empire, and Goebbels of Axis will meet once more for the grand battle of many that echo through their lifetime at start of the cold-hearted and ocean world Durba.

- - -

New Character/Ship:

Emperor Otto Adama

Mister Hino

Ashina A. Perre

Commander Flores

Commander Yang Wen-li

Commander Lawrance

Commander Ravenburg

(A/N: Just imagine that he just has his eyes implanted and not half of his face.)

Virginia, USS Virginia

Arlington, USS Arlington

Minister Tro'Va

Reinhard von Lohangramm and Sieigfried Kirches

Delaware, Leader of Underground Network

Topeka, Leader of the Resistance

= = =

Vermil-class Destroyer

(Ft. Saint-class at the rear.)

= = =

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