Out Of Orbit | āœ“

By insane_over_books

931 156 302

She was a lone star forced to stay away from the sun. She learned to keep quiet and sit in the back. She for... More

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty

Chapter One

70 8 11
By insane_over_books

"Some days she has no idea how she'll get it done. But every single day it still gets done."

There's something about seeing a smile. It invokes a feeling of seeing your dream come true. It's like the ending line at the end of a race. It's relief and happiness and endless exhilaration bundled into one.

But also, it's like seeing a person come alive for the very first time. A rainbow assembling its colors for the very first time. A star coming to life after a billion years of accumulation.

If a smile meant this much, then what did a frown mean? Did it mean unhappiness? Anger? Disgust? A hidden way of expressing revulsion and hate? A sign of future unemployment? 

My smile wobbled and it was harder to speak as Mr. Lussac glared at me, his beady eyes boring into my soul. 

A trickle of sweat ran down my temple as I pressed the button on the small remote displaying the last slide. My body internally sagged as I flashed a faux bright smile and bobbed my head a little.

"And that's the end of it. Thank you for your time."

I ducked my head and quickly made my way to my seat, my throat parched and cheeks flushing pink. I didn't look up to see the multitude of stares directed straight at me. It was too embarrassing.

"Wonderful Ms. Caldemon. It was very... rejuvenating."

I shakily smiled at Mrs. Winston as she continued her praises. The project was horrible and she was totally overdoing it.

It wasn't my fault I wasn't acquainted with profit graphs and stocks and analyses. I bunched the fabric of my skirt and continued holding that smile in place as the others shot me looks. Some of the amusement, some of mirth, and most of the puzzlement. 

Of course, it was a wonder the staff knew me at all, after all, it had only been a week since I had started working at the largest florist company in the world. It was a lucky win on my part. 

A true ring of fortune in my usually hapless life. 

It came to me on a sunny day, the sky overhead a dull blue when I happened to bump into Mrs. Winston. I was nowhere in a rush to go home, where no doubt I'd stress incessantly over the bills piling up on the countertop. 

Plus I needed some alone time. I was too stressed and alone and it was messing with me. These days all I felt was stress and anxiety.

So when I saw the old lady struggling with a handful of tulips, roses, and bouquets emanating the most delightful scents, I walked over and helped her. She was delighted at my helpfulness and we engaged in a conversation quite easily.

It was another lucky thing perhaps, that she grew to like me and we lived near the same area. Long story short, she took a liking to me and went as far as to help my penniless state by suggesting my expertise-or rather unexpertise-to her boss, Mr. Lussac. 

And a week later, bam-I had a steady job and income. Something I had been trying to get from the moment I had moved to this town a few weeks ago. And now I had finally found a job. Well, unless I screwed it all up. 

"Well then, I think we can end this discussion. Mr. Lussac will filter and pick one of the many ideas and then we'll start. Have a great day everyone!"

A little sigh whooshed out of me and I stood up, collecting my binder and pen. The day was still bright and new and it excited me that I could spend it peacefully. This meeting was the last one for today and Mrs. Winston had told me I could go home right after it was done and I was excited.

However as I turned around, someone called me. 

"Ms. Caldemon," My foot froze and my mouth ran dry as I heard Mr. Lussac approach me. By now, almost the entire room was empty and Mr. Lussac and I were the only ones left in the slightly translucent room with the hum of the air conditioner further freezing my limbs. 

"Yes, Mr. Lussac?"

I licked my lips anxiously and tried to think of anything I did that was wrong and went again to being an employee. I mean my presentation was horrible.

Could I possibly get fired because I used the wrong font or colors? Was it possible to get fired for something as trivial as that?

"I'd like a word if you're free?" Mr. Lussac asked, one of his busy silver-streaked eyebrows lifting.

I shook my head and painted another-which I hoped was a genuine looking-smile on my face. 

"Oh, certainly not."

Mr. Lussac looked surprised and I scrambled to correct my mistake, "I mean, I'm not occupied, Sir. What is it you wanted to say?"

Mr. Lussac looked at me a little more and I pressed the binder to my chest feeling insecure. Men didn't scare me but there was something about my boss that rattled me. 

He was a large man, with wide shoulders and big hands. His bushy eyebrows and thick hair were intimidating. Mr. Lussac looked like someone who belonged in the world of wrestling. Not here, ensconced by meetings and papers and making me feel inferior. 

Okay, maybe I was just being rude and ungrateful. This man had given me a job and that's what mattered. He saved me from a life on the streets so I was indebted to him. 

It was the feeling of having a new boss that didn't ignore you that made me feel this way. All the other bosses I had used to ignore me like I was pesky fly. Maybe that's why I felt so weird; feeling recognized for the first time. So I made my face soften and genuinely smiled. 

Imagine my surprise when Mr. Lussac smiled back. In the few days I had worked here not ever had I seen this man smile and here he was! Then again, I wasn't his PA to have seen him that much. 

"You don't know a thing about working here do you?" My smile wobbled as I dodged not knowing what to say. "But I see you're a fast learner. So I expect better from you but for now welcome to the company."

My smile knew no bounds as I shook his big hand, my heart bursting with joy, thanking him with burnished cheeks. 

My boss didn't hate me after all! I finally felt like I belonged. Mr. Lussac retracted his hand after a minute and nodded at me, stepping back. 

"I look forward to our next meeting Ms. Caldemon."

And it was all I could do to politely nod and say my thanks even though my world had just found its moon. I think I even squealed before clamping a hand on my mouth.

I picked up my phone and checked the time before waltzing out with a flair to my steps. I wasn't getting fired! 

I would show them. I'd show them how I could be worthy. It was the only shot I had for supporting myself and Aloura.


Hey there! I hope you are all excited for this story as much as I am. First few chapters are really not my forte but I can't very well skip it, can I? So anyway, thank you for reading and on-wards to the next chapter!

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