Tokyo Mew Mew: An American Me...

Galing kay TheBlondeAdventurer

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Whenever Tokyo Mew Mew finds out about another Mew, they are in a panic. What if they don't get to her first... Higit pa

Chapter 1: Beating the Aliens to America!!
Chapter 3: Decisions and Betrayal
Chapter 4: Back to Japan!
Chapter 5: Changes that come with a new school
Chapter 6: Promises
Chapter 7: Why me???
Chapter 8: Confessions
Chapter 9: The easy days
Chapter 10: Getting back on track
Chapter 11: Surprise!!
Chapter 12: Staying Alive
Chapter 13: Coming back to a scary situation
Chapter 14: Unexpected Visits
Chapter 15: Getting ready for a fight
Chapter 16: A new ally?
Chapter 17: The First Fight
Chapter 18: Battling For What?
Chapter 19: A Deadly Encounter
Chapter 20: Fate?
Chapter 21: The Finale

Chapter 2: Who do I trust??

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Galing kay TheBlondeAdventurer

Hey guys! Hope you liked the first chapter. If not, PLEASE TELL ME!! I'll be uploading as much as I can, just depending on how much time I can spend writing. Blame school. :p alright! Hope you like it!


Kisshu’s Point of View:

I knew it! This girl is the sixth Mew Mew. But I’m going to make her mine. Ichigo is such a fool, but this one doesn’t know anything. I watch her as her body stops glowing, and I hear her call out for me. Hehe, miss me much honey? I grin to myself, but seeing the other Mews come to her, I teleport. She’s different than the others; she actually tried to fight back!!! I lay on my back, smiling to myself, when I get an idea. What if I could make her join us? She doesn’t know what side to go on. She’s clueless right now, but I have to make my move before Ichigo ruins my chance. I teleport back to where I left her, and I see her walking away from the others.

Perfect. I follow her, making sure no one sees me, and I don’t get caught by anyone. She runs into a house, so I go to it, and looking into the different windows, I hear her yell “Mew Mew Heirii! Metamorphosis!!” Heh. She figured it out. I look at her, and take in her appearance. If I didn’t know better, I wouldn’t recognize her. She’s a red Mew. A little fox, MY little fox. She muttered something, and I decided it was time to make my presence known. “Well well well, look what we have here.” I say, and she turns around, looking shocked and scared. “Hehehe, don’t look so surprised to see me. I just came by too see you.” I say, seeing what kind of reaction I could get from her. “Why would you want to visit me?!” she spat back at me. “Seems to me you don’t know what happened to you, but if you come with me, I will tell you. I could even change you back if you wanted.” I say sweetly, and I know I have her attention. She looks at me with a guarded look in her eyes, “Okay. Tell me what I am.” I grin at her, thinking to myself Bingo! I extend my hand, telling her to take it. “I can walk on my own!” She started to yell, but I came forward and covered her mouth. “Well, I don’t think you can go to places I can by walking, can you Foxy?” She widened her eyes, and stepped back. “Where are you taking me?” she asked, getting scared. “Trust me,” I say, but when I see her narrow her eyes, I add, “It’s a place that will explain everything to you.” She sighs, and reluctantly gives me her hand. I just laugh, and teleport us away. When we reach my little hideout place, I set her down, while she looks at her surroundings. “Where are we?” she whispered, looking frightened. “You’re frightened face is cute, you know that Foxy?” I say, trying to get a reaction. She blushed and looked away. “Shut up you pervert!” I laugh, clutching my sides. “Someone’s playing hard to get, huh?” I tease, then get up close to her. “I like a good fight.” “J-just tell me what this is Kisshu!!” Hmm, she knows my name, isn’t that nice. “Fine. You are what they call a Mew Mew. You’re DNA is infused with a rare animal. You were supposed to fight…something, but they have it wrong.” I said, trying to make her understand. She looked confused when she said “Who were we supposed to fight?” “Us. But we are just trying to save our planet. You see, humans kicked us off the earth a long time ago, and we are trying to get it back. You’re like us, Heirii!! We are both different, and people will always say you are an outcast. You don’t want that, do you?” I say, being as convincing as I can. She just looked down. “Does that mean I would have to fight Ichigo and them if I side with you? And I would be your enemy if I sided with my Mew Mews?” “Yes, but think of how great it would be! A world of no fighting!! Just us two, and I could finally give my people the planet they deserve.” I start saying frantically, trying to get her to understand. “Heirii, please, understand.” “I…I need some time to think Kisshu. This is all overwhelming; I don’t know what to do, or who to trust. Please take me home.” She said, sadly and confused. How could she not choose now??? After everything I explained? I tried to keep my cool, and grabbed her wrist tightly. She let out a yelp, and my grip softened. I teleported her back to her house. When I set her down, she stumbled away from me. With my head down, I said, “I’ll wait for you Heirii, you aren’t like the others. I hope you understand. Bye-bye.” And with that, I teleported back, laying down and closing my eyes.

Heirii’s Point of View

What is Kisshu talking about?? I turn away from my window after he left, feeling a bit sad myself. I don’t want to fight. Not Ichigo or Kisshu!! I groan, and lay down on my bed, trying to figure what this is all about. “What have I gotten myself into?” I mutter before closing my eyes and falling asleep.

Shirogane’s Point of View

“Keiichiro, is that it?” I ask him, seeing the monitor on the screen. “Yes, that was defiantly a signal, but all five of our girls are here.” He replied, and I face palmed myself. “That means, since they lost the pendant, the aliens have found her. This isn’t good.” I grit my teeth, getting anxious. “I’m going to get the girls, be ready to tell them the news.” I say, walking out. “Shirogane,” Keiichiro started, and I stopped, turning around. “What?” “Don’t be too hard on them, okay?” he says, trying to reason with me. I just give a nod and walk out. These girls have no idea the trouble they could be in if the aliens have the 6th Mew. “Everyone go to our room. Now.” I say coldly, looking as everyone turned towards me. “Why?” Pudding asks, but I don’t give her a reply. I just walk back over to mine and Keiichiro’s room. They follow, and when we are all inside our room, we tell them what has happened. “The aliens have found the 6th Mew. The signal went off last night, but it was after all five of you had returned. So that means when they took it, they knew exactly who to look for.” I say, looking around at their shocked faces. “What are we going to do then?” Lettuce asks timidly. Why is she always so timid around us? “We are going to have to find her, and try to convince her to stay on our side.” Keiichiro said, smiling a little bit. “But it’s no easy task. The aliens have probably already talked to her, so you screwed up big time, and we may have lost a member.” I glare at them when I say this, so they might be able to tell how much trouble we are actually in. “Don’t blame us for this!! We didn’t know Kisshu was going to make a Chimera Animal in America! He just took it while we were fighting! How were we to stop him with that, Shirogane??” Ichigo yelled at me, her face scrunched up like she does when she’s mad. “Well, if you would’ve paid attention, he might not have taken it away.” I reply nonchalantly, turning my head to the side and crossing my arms. “HOW COULD I HAVE PAID ATTENTION!!? I WAS FIGHTING A CHIMERA ANI-” Ichigo started to scream, but I cut her off. “Enough! We aren’t getting anywhere by you yelling at me. Calm down and go try to find her, or else we have a bigger problem to face.” She looked shocked, but looked down at her feet, mumbling an agreement. “Well, I have some desserts for you girls for all you have done so far, they are in the kitchen if you would like?” Keiichiro said sweetly, intervening between us. “I would love some!” Pudding said with a huge grin on her face. As they left, I looked out my window. If the 6th Mew goes to the wrong side, we are all screwed over…

Heirii’s Point of View

After I woke up the next morning, I knew I had to make a decision, and quickly. I had heard Kisshu’s perspective, but Ichigo hadn’t explained anything. I needed to talk to her now. I picked up my phone, and dialed her number. “Come on, pick up!” I groan, sitting on my bed. On the 5th ring, she picks up.

I: Hello?

H: Hey Ichigo! I have a question for you!

I: Umm, what is it?

H: You know all of what happened yesterday? Could you explain to me why you are fighting these guys, and all that? I’m very confused on it all, and you told me yesterday you would explain it. I’m real curious.

I: Oh yeah, sure! Do you want to meet at my hotel? I’ll send you the address.

H: Yeah! That’s perfect!

I: Okay, give me like 15 minutes at the least.

H: I’ll be over in 30.

I: Alright, Bye-bye!!

H: Bye-bye!

Well, that was much easier than I thought it would be. She seemed totally fine with my question. My phone buzzed again, and I looked, seeing Ichigo had sent me her hotel address. After getting ready, I starting walking over, since her hotel was relatively close to my house, only about 5 minutes walk. I got to her room, and knocked on her door. Mint answered, and sent me a small smile as she welcomed me in. “Hey guys! Sorry for the short notice.” I say shyly, offering a weak smile. “It’s fine! Pudding loves seeing Heirii-onee-san!” Pudding answered happily. I chuckled softly, sitting down on their couch. They all sat around me, and they had cautious looks in their eyes. “So, what exactly is…this?” I ask, careful not to repeat anything Kisshu told me, or they would be suspicious. “Well, this is the Mew Project. Our DNA is infused with rare animals, and we have special powers. We were made to fight the aliens, and the Chimera Animals. The aliens are trying to destroy earth, and we have to stop them, before anyone dies. The battle you saw yesterday was nothing; they have much more stronger Chimera Animals than that. Now, we found out that there is a 6th Mew, someone else like us, here in America. So we came from Tokyo here to try to find her. It’s harder than it looks, as it seems the aliens have already found her. So, we need to find her quickly, and make sure she is on the right side.” Ichigo says, explaining everything out with hand motions. I sat there as she talked, looking intensely with a serious look on my face. “Alright, that makes sense. So, why are the aliens trying to destroy earth?” I ask nonchalantly, but this was the question I really needed to know. “We aren’t exactly sure why, but something about their planet where their kind are suffering, and this was their promised planet, but Kisshu said we’ve polluted it.” Ichigo says with a sad tone in her voice. I nod, “So the only reason you are fighting them is to protect earth?” I add, trying not to voice all my thoughts. This is harder than I thought. Kisshu has more reason to fight, but this is where we live!! “And to protect everyone we love!!” Pudding added, looking fierce with her answer. “Okay, this is a lot to take in, but it makes sense. Thank you very much! So what animals are you guys?” I ask enthusiastically, because I may just make up my mind about this. After they told me what they were, I got excited. A wildcat, grey wolf, monkey, finless porpoise, and a bird!! No wonder I became a fox. After that we chatted for a while, but I excused myself, saying I had to go somewhere. “I’ll see you guys later! I go down to the beach almost everyday, so you can probably see me there!! Bye-bye!” saying that, I waved, leaving their room. Walking out of the room, I bumped into someone, falling on my butt. “Ow!” I yelp, wincing at the pain in my butt. I look up to see a blonde guy with blue eyes, staring at me intensely. “Sorry. I’m kinda busy right now, so I need to go to that room you were in.” He said monotone. WHAT THE HECK??? He’s just going to ignore that he knocked someone over!?! I bite my lip from saying something I shouldn’t, but instead I get up, saying “Sorry to be such a bother to you.” I walk off, not looking back, but I can feel his gaze on me, so I grin to myself, knowing he wasn’t really expecting that from a stranger. Walking out of their hotel, I knew I needed to make a decision. I went to my special little hiding spot, where I knew I could be alone. Surrounded by trees, with a view of the ocean in front of me, I sat down, tucking my knees up to me and putting my head on my knees. Sighing, I close my eyes, trying to think of what I should do. I should go with the Mews, but why would Kisshu stick his neck out for me, trying to make me go fight with him? Who should I trust? I remember my first impressions of everyone: Ichigo and the others were really nice, but Kisshu was perverted and scary. I kind of smiled when I thought of Kisshu, because he just makes everything interesting. I laid back in the grass, looking up at the trees as they swayed in the wind. Closing my eyes, I try to forget everything that happened, but it’s just not possible. I groan, sitting up again, but this time I start to hear yelling and screaming. What’s going on down there? I look down at the beach, and gasp. Another Chimera Animal is there, but this is an octopus looking one. It’s really big, and it’s not purple, it’s red. KISSHU!! I get up quickly, digging into my pocket where my locket is. “Mew Mew Heirii! Metamorphosis!!” After my body stopped glowing, I jumped down from my secret cliff, racing across the sand. No one will recognize me, I look completely different. But as I approach the Chimera Animal, I realize I have nothing to fight with. Instinctively I reach out my hand, and yell “Heirii Staff!” I long rod appeared into my hand, and I looked at in surprise. Where did that come from??? I glance up, and I see Kisshu looking at me with a crooked grin on his face. “Looks like I’ll test your power, eh Foxy?” He said, looking down on me. “You’re crazy!!” I yell back up at him, but he just laughs at me. “Chimera Animal, attack!!” He orders, and the octopus starts coming towards me. Oh man, what do I do??? I jump out of the way as one of the tentacles come towards me. I hold out my rod, yelling “Ribbon Heirii Fire!!” I point my rod at the monster, as I feel energy going into the rod, and firing a huge blast of, well, fire, at the monster. It hit him, and it shone, disappearing, and left another one of those jellyfish looking creatures. I landed on the ground, feeling a bit drained. How exactly did I just do that? I take a glimpse up at Kisshu, but he just looks at me with a smile. Does he ever stop smiling? “How was that for a test of power??” I snap at him, a bit angry with him for endangering all these people. “He he. That’s nothing sweetheart. And you did well.” He said, and flew down do me. “But just how strong can you be?” I looked at him with a worried look. How strong can I be? I don’t have a lot of experience on my side! He noticed my look, grinned, and grabbed my chin, tilting my head up to his. “I’m actually starting to like you, Foxy.” He said, and then surprised me by kissing me softly on the lips. Whaaaaaaaaa???? As I stood there, I finally came to my senses, and hit him away. He grinned at me, saying “Thanks for that kiss honey. I’ll see you again soon.” With that, he floated up, disappearing from sight. I stood there, shocked. I was knocked out of my trance when I heard a gasp from behind me. Uh oh. I turned around, seeing Ichigo and the others just appearing in view. How much did they see?? “You’re the 6th Mew!! What’s your name? We need to know!” Ichigo said determined. Phew! They didn’t recognize me yet. But I can’t tell them just yet. I just started backing up, and before they could even realize what I was doing, I started running away. I’ve never ran so fast in my life, but I got far enough away, and I transformed back into my normal self. “That was way to close.” I breathe out, panting. I turn around and run behind a tree, because I know Ichigo and the others will come soon. To seem like I was doing something before they came, I ran over to a little bench that was sitting there, and sat down, getting my phone out and pretending to look at it. Just in time, because here they come, in their human forms, looking around frantically. Lettuce sees me, then starts running over to me. “Did you see a Mew? She was red, and looked like a fox, but she ran away from us!!” She asked frantically and out of breath. Oh man, I’ve never been a good liar! But they don’t know me that well, so it’s worth a shot. “Um, no I haven’t seen anyone come around here besides the people here. Why? Have you found the other Mew?” I say, trying to be as convincing as I can. Please buy it, please buy it!!! I prayed silently, as the others looked at me. “Yeah, we found her. But she ran away from us.” Zakuro said, breathing a little heavy. “How’d you find her?” I ask, trying to keep it up. “Well, we heard all this yelling and screaming, but by the time we got there, the Chimera Animal was gone, and we saw Kisshu leaving, and her standing there looking at him.” Pudding says, getting animated with her hands as she talks. They didn’t see! Yes! I sigh inwardly, but I remain interested outwardly. “That’s really strange, the way she just took off. It’s like she was scared of us.” Mint said, looking a bid sad. Ichigo stared at me, and for a moment I thought she saw right through my lie. “So, if you see anyone that may look like her, please let us know. You are on our side, right?” Ichigo asks, a little sharply. I knew she was upset about the situation. What do I say? I don’t know who to trust! Gaahh!!! I look at her, saying very surely “Yeah. I’ll let you know if I see anyone that looks like a red Mew. And…I am on your side.” She smiles at me now, and I feel a wave of relief wash over me. “Good. What are you doing here anyway?” She asked curiously, and I actually came up with something quickly. “I was just walking around the park, and I heard some noise over towards the beach, but I didn’t think about it being a Chimera Animal. I had nothing to do today, so I just sat down and starting playing on my phone.” Everyone seems to believe me, but I feel Zakuro staring at me. She knows…doesn’t she? I get up and say I need to go home, because I promised my mom I’d help her out today. They understand, and we say our goodbyes, and I walk away from them as quickly as I can. Please let them believe that. I hate lying to them, but I can’t tell them about me yet. I just can’t. As I go back to my house, I keep thinking about Kisshu. Why did he kiss me?? ME?? “Pervert…” I whisper to myself, walking in to see my mom. “Hey mom, I’m back.” I say, smiling at her. “Oh good! I just need help getting groceries. Do you mind?” She asked sweetly. “Of course not! Let’s go!” With that, we left the house, but my mind always kept going back to Kisshu.

Zakuro’s Point of View

Something’s going on with Heirii. I haven’t known her long, but I could tell she was hiding something. I had a feeling she could tell I was on to her, so she got away from me before I had the chance to ask her about anything. What’s going on? She might be lying to us, or she just might be uneasy because of what happened to her with Kisshu. I can’t tell just yet, but I’m going to continue to study her. As we walk away from her, Pudding keeps going on about how adorable the fox Mew looked. I just sighed, walking straight ahead with my head up. These girls are so carefree; I wish I could be like that again. “Hey Zakuro! Did you hear me?” Mint asked, looking at me with admiration in her eyes. “No, I didn’t. What did you say?” I reply, looking back at her. “Everyone is going to go to the beach to swim, would you like to join us?” I thought about it, then answered her. “Sure, I’ll come with you guys to the beach.” It is a vacation anyway. We might as well act like it is. We go down to the beach, and everyone starts running towards the water. I prefer sitting down and tanning for a while, so I find a nice spot in the sun. Lying down, I think of ways I can confront Heirii about what she told us, and what is actually the truth of it. This isn’t going to be easy, but it’ll have to do.

Heirii’s Point of View

It’s been a few days since I’ve heard from anyone. Ichigo or even Kisshu with Chimera Animals. I’m starting to wonder if they went back to Japan, but I get a text from Zakuro saying that they want me to come over for a while. I send a quick reply saying I’d be there in a minute, then put on some blue shorts and a white frilled top, pulling my long blonde hair into a messy bun. I run downstairs, yelling to my mom “I’m going to go see some friends! I’ll be back in a bit! Love you!!!” She yelled back the usual “Be safe, love you too!” and I quickly went over to the hotel they are staying at. When I knocked at the door, they opened it. But something was different about the way they looked at me when I walked in. What’s going on? I look around uneasily, saying “What’s wrong?” Zakuro stands up, and looks at me directly and hard, stating “I know something’s wrong, Heirii. Don’t lie to us anymore.” My face goes blank, my eyes widen and my mouth drops. Ah crap. What the? When did they figure it out? I just stood there as they looked at me with anger. Now what?

So guys! 2nd chapter's up! Tell me what you think, and what I could change and stuff. If you guys have some good ideas, I'll take them and put them in my story if I can. Love you all!! :D 

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