Anomaly [Monkie kid] REWRITTE...

By Zion204

9.9K 374 59

Old as Time and flesh itself, A being was born out of darkness and Emptiness from the world. Blessed by the S... More

Prolouge: A Tale
Six Eared Macaque Arc Chapter 1: Millenia Run
Six Eared Macaque Arc Chapter 2: Possessing One. at a .Time
Six Eared Macaque Arc Chapter 4: The Executioners Blade
Six Eared Macaque Arc Chapter 5: Threat
Six Eared Macaque Arc Chapter 6: Restless
Six Eared Macaque Arc Chapter 7: Do Tell
Six Eared Macaque Arc Chapter 8: Debt
Six Eared Macaque Arc Chapter 9: Debt [2]
Six Eared Macaque Arc Chapter 10: Wind and Flame
Six Eared Macaque Arc Chapter 11: New Years Disaster
Six Eared Macaque Arc Chapter 12: I'll be Of Service [1]
Six Eared Macaque Arc Chapter 12: I'll be Of Service [2]
Six Eared Macaque Arc Chapter 13: Play with Fire
Judas Kiss Arc 2 Chapter 14: Higher Sense
Judas Kiss Arc 2 Chapter 15: Observing Silently
Judas Kiss Arc 2 Chapter 16: Warning. Praising
Judas Kiss Arc 2 Chapter 17: Fear and Dishonesty
Judas Kiss Arc 2 Chapter 18: Madness , Sadness
Judas Kiss Arc 2 Chapter 19: Corpse of a thousand.
Judas Kiss Arc 2 Chapter 20: Hail to the King.
Judas Kiss Arc 2 Chapter 21: Who

Six Eared Macaque Arc Chapter 3: Forbidden Tomb

515 21 3
By Zion204

This is creepy...

He do respect his father, greatly respects him and idolized him. So helping him achieve his plans he is making a lot of Inventions and stuffs, his mother too is patient with him and everything that he is doing since literally making machines and robots takes up power and techniques.

But day after day the Demon bull family keeps on getting beaten by a bunch of lowlives, a Delivery boy. Dragon girl, a Scholar and two weird individuals which is a Pig and a man that looks like a fish.

He was serious of thinking any plans of how are they gonna beat those Brats. But of course his father saw a power source and Immediately called him and his mother saying they should hurry Digging that shit up.

It took hours and some calls of a bunch of bull clones to dig it up. And once it was revealed the thing however is Strangely resembling a Tomb. Blue Chilly Smokes coming out with blue glowing chains locking of who ever is behind that Prison.

To sum things up, since they can't open the seals circling around the Stone Tomb. He of course being sometimes a information Broker showed his parents a Key that could open anything and everything. His mother was pleased by this quick Response from him.

Turns out the key was in possession by those Noodle brains and he sneaked inside the Noodle heads room waiting or maybe even rummaging through his Cabinets and trashcan searching for that key.

To be honest though that Noodle boys Room is so Depressing good lord.

"Well...atleast we managed to open the Seals"

He mumbled, walking through their Lair, he searched and watched the bull clones work. But Even Even the Lava's and hot Smokes coming out the machinerie's, he can still feel the cold behind his back.

"God that's Chilly!"

He mumbled, and Glanced behind him only to see his father work and ignoring his mother.

To be honest his father too has been acting strange once they unsealed that thing. And he's now ignoring them and time to time, talks to himself which sometimes creeps the fuck out of them.


Oh, he didn't notice that he has walked in a wrong direction. Oh well that must've been him thinking too much with everything. "Carvings?" Squinting his eyes, he took a closer look and Trailed his fingers through the Unreadable carvings. Tracing all the way behind the Tight gaps of the wall, he Glanced back to his Parents and the bull clones and then followed it.

Using his Flames to light up the darkness, he Grumbled and forced himself in the small Gap. Once successfully entering the unknown chambers, he Awed once he is greeted by a Wide room. Pillars towering the ceilings and Pools Covered in moss and Veins. Up the ceiling are old paintings, resembling the Heavens and Mortal Realm he raised a brow Seeing a huge Split of the heaven.

He's not stupid paintings like these usually tells a story. Like a legend.

On the other hand, the chamber is full of candles and Ropes. Large chains and even arrows and Swords sticking out the ground. On the middle is a Huge Tomb made of stone, with nothing but carvings of seals and Talismans.

"A grave? Huh, as expected since This mountain is full of Demons the Monkey king sealed"

He Shrugged, taking his time walking around the room and rummaging through old spears and weapons, while busy Doing his own work. His presence is enough to Awaken the Seals, the chains Slowly glowing to crimson Hues and the Carvings all around the walls up the ceiling glowed lighting up the Dark chamber.

Suddenly suprised, he backed off once he saw the carvings glow in creepy red. Glancing back to the tomb, he Shivered and didn't waste time and left the unknown room.


Opening his eyes, his head immediately snapped outside and his jaw dropped sensing that Sweet Power Trailing far away from his direction. "Tang? Yoohoooo Tangy!" Waving her hand The Scholar Shook his head and Glanced back to the Dragon girl "man you've been so quiet this past few days. Are you okay?" Asking him, Mei Scoots close but the man only cleared his throat and puts on his glasses.

"No I'm fine, just tired with all of the literature submissions. Anyways I gotta go"

"Wha-right now? But you just arrived!"

"Sorry Kid I have Other things to do"

Blinking at the sudden call, Mei Froze and watched as Tang leave immediately. Leaving pigsy, her and Sandy a bit shock She Frowned. Tang never calls her kid or maybe even Mk, also his tone is a and Aggressive. Like he's in a hurry or something.

"Man he really is tired"

"Really? Should we gift him some Noodles?"

"Alright but you pay for it"

Pigsy Glared and both of them laughed at the chefs face, Sandy only Pat's his head and Mei Assuring him that she will pay the check.

Back to the Warrior, who's possessing the Scholars body. He fast walked through the streets and followed that Power. Each step he's taking he could feel it thump along with his heartbeat.

"My lady..."

He Whispered, his Shadows agreeing with him. Slowly entering the shadows and traveling in the darkness, he ended up inside a Cave with machines and the smell of smoke. Observing the clones his eyes landed to a certain husband and wife. The Demon bull king acting all Strange and him ignoring his wife princess ironfan.

He knows these guys, However their son is nowhere to be seen...

"Creepy Mountain! Gah! I shouldn't have Touched those weapons then!"

Walking pass him, The boy didn't notice a Shadowy Figure. Eyes wide seeing Red son walk pass him with that remnant of power, his Shadows Immediately led him to where is it.

Running and Taking turns, he walked passed through the Small Gap and Invited in the large chambers. The room Illuminated with Red light and the chains clanging with the wind.

Slowly taking steps, his voice trembled and ran up close to the tomb. Bowing and touching his Forehead down to the ground.

"My lady! I finally found you!"

He greeted, eyes trembling in relief the chains clanged. A soft Eery whisper Echoing through the darkness. "Forgive me for making you wait. I may look strange to you but I assure you it's me just possessing this Mortals Body for the mean time" He looked up. And saw those seals and Talismans circling around the Stone.

"I failed Protecting you back then. I don't deserve your forgiveness..."

"Kill me if you mu-"

"Who says I will Remove you beside me?"

A loud voice Shook the walls, cold and Angered the Shadow Demon Bowed his Forehead again and didn't dare look up the tomb. He didn't expect that his lady is listening! And Also! He thought that she's sleeping peacefully inside her Tomb!

"My Shadow I will never, ever remove you beside Me. The winds has foretold it that you will be with me for eternity"

"Also, you are the only one I trust in this"

Her Gentle and soft. Just like the first time he met her and how she revived his life slowly in that mountain. "Rise" Ordering him. The man stood up and dusted off his clothing.

"You Managed to Posses this Scholar. But still the body is weak and you can't use your power properly"

"Yes My lady, but I will find my body. For now I'll just occupy this Mortals flesh and try not to Destroy it"

"Of course, be gentle with him. He seems like the man that cares to his family and friends..."

Indeed though the guy is too soft and cares a lot to his friends and family. But in the end he's a Mortal and Mortal bodies are deemed weak to handle.

But oh well, he will find a way to make this one stronger and Unbreakable.

"My lady I will free you in this prison, please wait for me" He Exclaimed, Chuckling at his soft Whispers the woman sighs and Cooed at him "I will always wait for you. You have served me enough and I feel bad making you do this" mainly she will do the planning and talking.

Simply because she wants it and her Shadow only stands beside her waiting for her orders. "My lady Don't. It's my Duty to Protect you, so long as when I'm here this chamber won't be touched by weakly Demons and mortals" Snapping his fingers, shadows Merged out the walls and floor, taking their post they stood guard in the exit and the corners.

"I will do my part, please Rest"

"Be careful my Warrior"

Nodding, The Demon Vanished within the Shadows. Leaving his shadow friends to protect the chambers and the tomb.


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