A Tale of Two Sisters || Tang...

By Disneyfan_1235

56K 1.2K 1.2K

Rapunzel has dreamed of seeing the floating lights, for years - Y/n has dreamed of one day finding her long-l... More

☀️ Origins and Obligations ☀️
☀️ A Thief and Some Thugs ☀️
☀️ Dances and Lanterns, At Last ☀️
☀️ Happily Ever After ☀️
💖 Kingdom Of Corona 💖
🍬 Meeting Vanellope 🍬
👑 A Tangled Wedding 👑
👑 A Golden Coronation 👑
🌻 First Season Introduction 🌻
🌻 Meeting the Alchemist 🌻
🌻 Rapunzel's Enemy 🌻
🌻 Fitzherbert P.I. 🌻
🌻 Best Birthday Ever 🌻
🌻 Challenge of the Brave 🌻
🌻 Cassandra v. Eugene 🌻
🌻 The Return of Strongbow 🌻
🌻 In Like Flynn 🌻
🌻 Great Expotations 🌻
🌻 Under Raps 🌻
🌻 Attila The Bun 🌻
🌻 Pascal's Story 🌻
🌻 Angry and Red 🌻
🌻 The Wrath of Ruthless Ruth 🌻
🌻 Max's Enemy 🌻
🌻 The Way of the Willow 🌻
🌻 Queen for a Day 🌻
🌻 Painter's Block 🌻
🌻 Not in the Mood 🌻
🌻 Quest for Varian 🌻
🌻 The Alchemist Returns 🌻
🌻 Secret of the Sundrop 🌻
🌕 Season 2 - Intro 🌕
🌕 Trust in the Alchemist 🌕
🌕 Beyond the Corona Walls 🌕
🌕 Crashing a Wedding 🌕
🌕 The Return of Quaid 🌕
🌕 Goodbye and Goodwill 🌕
🌕 The Forest of No Return 🌕
🌕 Freebird 🌕
🌕 Vigor the Visionary 🌕
🌕 Keeper of the Spire 🌕
🌕 King Pascal 🌕
Important Story Update

☀️ Mother Knows Best ☀️

2.2K 58 19
By Disneyfan_1235

The king and queen don't take the news well that Y/n has now gone, too. Her mother finds her letter which explains her determined expedition to find her long-lost sister and they immediately send for the royal guards to search for her. Heartbroken that both of their daughters are now gone, the king and queen remain isolated in the castle. It's not long before the kingdom quickly finds out, too.

[07:46am, In The Town Of Corona]
Flynn Rider and the Stabbington brothers, Patchy and Sideburns, are leaping from building to building before stopping. "Wow! I could get used to a view like this." Flynn states, as he takes in the glorious view of the kingdom from the tall building.

"Flynn, come on." Sideburns Stabbington ushers. "Hold on." Flynn tells him, before smirking proudly. "Yep, I'm used to it. Guys, I want a castle."

"We do this job, you can buy your own castle." Sideburns Stabbington assures Flynn, promptly grabbing him by the collar of his denim vest.

[Inside The Castle]
Flynn is hoisted down into the castle's throne room by the Stabbington brothers, with a rope around his waist. Flynn then sees his targets of thievery: the princess' tiaras. This confuses him - both of the tiaras are here, now. Anyway, he silently slips them into his satchel bag, as a guard sneezes.

"Oh, hay fever?" Flynn guesses, holding the satchel with a proud smirk. The guard turns to the thief, without thinking. "Yeah." He answers, oblivious.

In realisation, the guard turns back around in an instant. "Huh?" He says, to discover that Flynn is now escaping through the roof. "What, wait! Hey, wait!" He yells, as the rest of the guards turn and look up to where Flynn had managed to escape.

"Can't you picture me in a castle of my own? 'Cause I certainly can. Oh, the things we've seen and it's only eight in the morning. Gentlemen, this is a very big day." Flynn tells the Stabbington brothers, as the three of them are running across the bridge.

[At The Tower]
Rapunzel sighs, putting away all her paints. "This is it. This is a very big day, Pascal." She giggles. "I'm finally going to do it. I'm going to ask her."

"Rapunzel! Let down your hair!"

Hearing Mother Gothel from outside of the towers Rapunzel beams happily. "It's time!" She whispers, excitedly. Pascal straightens up, telling his friend to be strong. "I know, I know. Come on, don't let her see you." Rapunzel tells her chameleon friend, hiding him behind the closed curtains.

"Rapunzel, I'm not getting any younger down here." Mother Gothel points out, standing at the bottom of the tower. "Coming, Mother." Rapunzel replies, then casts down her seventy feet of hair. This lets Mother Gothel loosely tie it in a large loop and step in it, before Rapunzel manages to pull her up.

"Hi! Welcome home, Mother." Rapunzel greets, sweetly. "Oh, Rapunzel. How you manage to do that every single day without fail, it looks absolutely exhausting, darling." Mother Gothel says, stroking Rapunzel's chin, with her fingers. "Oh, it's nothing." She replies, humbly.

"Then I don't know why it takes so long." Mother Gothel teases, in a high-pitched voice. Then, she laughs. "Oh, darling. I'm just teasing."

Rapunzel giggles, awkwardly. "All right.. so, Mother. As you know, tomorrow is a very big day-" She begins. "Rapunzel look at that mirror. You know what I see? I see a strong, confident, beautiful young lady." Mother Gothel tells Rapunzel as they look in the mirror together. Rapunzel smiles.

"Oh look, you're here too! I'm just teasing, stop taking everything so seriously." Mother Gothel teases, as she checks her reflection.

"Okay, so Mother. As I was saying, tomorrow is-" Rapunzel says. "Rapunzel, mother's feeling a little run down. Would you sing for me, dear? Then we'll talk." Mother Gothel interrupts, with a smile.

"Oh! Of course, Mother." Rapunzel obliges, then quickly sets Mother Gothel's chair down, gets the hairbrush, sits Mother Gothel down, hands her some of her hair, then sits on a small, wooden stool and begins to sing the incantation very fast.

"♪ Flower, gleam and glow,
Let your power shine,
Make the clock reverse,
Bring back what once was mine.
Heal what has been hurt,
Change the fate's design,
Save what has been lost,
Bring back what once was mine ♪"

"Rapunzel!" Mother Gothel says. "So, Mother, earlier I was saying tomorrow’s a pretty big day, and you didn't really respond, So I'm just going to tell you. It's my birthday! Ta-da!" Rapunzel says.

"No, no, no. Can't be. I distinctly remember. Your birthday was last year." Mother Gothel recalls. "That's the funny thing about birthdays. They're kind of an annual thing." Rapunzel points out, then sighs. "Mother, I'm turning eighteen. And I wanted to ask, what I really want for this birthday.." She replies, then chuckles under her breath, as she strokes a strand of her hair, "Actually, what I’ve wanted for.. quite a few birthdays now-"

"Rapunzel please, stop with the mumbling. You know how I feel about the mumbling. Blah, blah, blah.. blah. It's very annoying. I'm just teasing, you're adorable I love you so much, darling." Mother Gothel says, then stands up and walks away. Rapunzel frowns, but Pascal comes down subtly and signals for her friend to carry on.

"Oh, I want to see the floating lights." Rapunzel blurts out. Mother Gothel lets out a small chuckle. "What?" She asks. "Oh.. Well I was hoping you would take me to see the floating lights." Rapunzel says, showing Mother Gothel her painting.

"Oh, you mean the stars." Mother Gothel replies. "That's the thing." Rapunzel points out, revealing her paintings of the stars. "I've charted stars and they're always constant. But these, they appear every year on my birthday, Mother. Only on my birthday. And I can't help but feel that they're, They're meant for me. I need to see them, Mother. And not just from my window. In person. I have to know what they are." Rapunzel says, desperately.

"You want to go outside?" Mother Gothel questions, walking to the tower doors. "Oh, why, Rapunzel." She adds, before shutting the doors.

"♪ Look at you, as fragile as a flower.
Still a little sapling, just a sprout.
You know why we stay up in this tower ♪" Mother Gothel sings. "I know, but-" Rapunzel says.

"That's right!" Mother Gothel interrupts, then sings, "♪ To keep you safe, and sound, dear ♪"

Mother Gothel lovingly holds the ends of Rapunzel's long hair, and Rapunzel notices this.

"♪ Guess I always knew this day was coming.
Knew that soon you'd want to leave the nest.
Soon, but not yet ♪"

Mother Gothel closes the curtains, making the tower very dark. "But-" Rapunzel says. "♪ Shh. Trust me, pet, Mother knows best ♪" Mother Gothel sings, putting a finger over Rapunzel's lips.

"♪ Mother knows best, listen to your mother
It's a scary world out there ♪"

Rapunzel lights a candle, since the tower is now pitch black. Mother Gothel makes her jump with a scary pose, to prove how scary the world is. It also makes Rapunzel scream a little.

" Mother knows best. One way or another,
Something will go wrong, I swear.
Ruffians, thugs, poison Ivy, quicksand.
Cannibals, and snakes, the plague ♪"

"No!" Rapunzel cries.
"Yes!" Mother Gothel confirms.
"But-" Rapunzel says.

"♪ Also large bugs, men with pointy teeth
And stop, no more, you'll just upset me
Mother's right here, Mother will protect you
Darling here's what I suggest
Skip the drama, stay with Mama
Mother knows best ♪"

Mother Gothel swooshes her cloak and the candles are put out, leaving the tower pitch black again.

"Mother.." Rapunzel says, as Mother Gothel sings,
"♪ Go ahead, get trampled by a rhino,
Go ahead, get mugged and left for dead
Me, I'm just your mother, what do I know?
I only bathed and changed and nursed you ♪"

"♪ Go ahead and leave me, I deserve it
Let me die alone here, be my guest
When it's too late, you'll see, just wait,
Mother knows best ♪"

"♪ Mother knows best,
Take it from your mumsy
On your own, you won't survive
Sloppy underdressed,
Immature, clumsy, please,
They'll eat you up alive! ♪"

"♪ Gullible, naïve, positively grubby,
Ditzy and a bit, well, hmm.. vague!
Plus I believe, getting kinda chubby,
I'm just saying, 'cause I wuv you
Mother understands,
Mother's here to help you
All I have is one request ♪"

Mother Gothel opens her arms for a hug and Rapunzel gladly takes it, running to her for a warm, loving hug. "Rapunzel?" Mother Gothel says.

"Yes?" Rapunzel asks, once she glances up at Mother Gothel. "Don't ever ask to leave this tower, again." She states, with a stern expression. Rapunzel frowns, in disappointment. "Yes, Mother.." She replies, looking down at the floor.

Mother Gothel sighs, glancing down at Rapunzel. "I love you very much, dear." She tells the blonde girl. "I love you more." Rapunzel replies, with a sweet smile. "I love you most." Mother Gothel insists, before she kisses the top of Rapunzel's hair.

"♪ Don't forget it, you'll regret it
Mother knows best ♪" Mother Gothel sings.

"Ta-ta, I'll see you in a bit, my flower." Mother Gothel says, as she descends down Rapunzel's hair like a rope. "I'll be here." She sadly states, as she lets her long golden hair sway down the tower.

[Meanwhile, In The Forest]
It feels like many hours Y/n has walked, on her journey. When she feels ready to take a break and rest her feet for a few minutes, she stands by some large boulders just beside a wall of vines.

"Rest break?" Y/n asks her squirrel friend. Bucky nods and sits upon the boulder. Y/n gives him an acorn, from her bag. As she leans on the vine wall to get a red apple out from the bottom of her bag, she discovers that the wall of vines is actually a curtain of vines. She discovers this when she stumbles backwards, with a small squeal, and lands flat on her back, through the vines.

Bucky leaps down from the large boulder and  scurries through the vines to follow Y/n, who groans and opens her eyes to see a stone roof above her - behind the vines is a stone tunnel.

Y/n sits up, looks behind her and sees sunlight shining through the other side. Deciding to explore the other side of the stone passageway, she and Bucky gaze upon a beautiful tower.

"Should we..?" Y/n asks Bucky, gesturing to the tower to go see. The small, grey squirrel looks up at the majestic tower and nods. "Uhm.. hello?" Y/n calls, once she walks over and stands by the tower.

[In The Tower]
Rapunzel daydreams about what leaving the tower might be like, but she's pulled out of her daydream by a young girl's voice. "Uhm.. hello?" She calls.

"That's not Mother." Rapunzel mutters, as Pascal lets out a squeak, startled by the girl's voice at first. Rapunzel peers over the tower's balcony and sees a young girl in a blue dress and a hooded cloak.

"Should we.. talk to her?" Rapunzel asks. Pascal hesitates, then shakes his head. Rapunzel then feels a slight tug on the ends of her hair. "Ohh, this is hair. Uhm, hello? Is there anyone there?" The girl says. Rapunzel remembers all the things she said about the dangers of the outside world, but she shouldn't be worried about one little girl.. right?

[Outside The Tower]
"Hold on!" Y/n hears a girl tell her. Y/n nods, and waits patiently. "No, I mean really. Grab onto the hair. I'll pull you up." The girl clarifies.

Y/n grabs onto the hair and is suddenly lifted up high. "Whoa.." She says, amazed then breathes shakily as she grips the hair tightly. Once she reaches the tower's entrance, Y/n sees a pretty young lady, older than her, in a long, purple dress. She has long, blonde hair and bright, green eyes.

"Hi.. thank you." Y/n greets, shyly. "You're welcome. I'm Rapunzel." The blonde girl introduces, with a warm smile. Y/n feels some hesitance inside, to introduce herself - after the incident with the thieves, she feels a little unsure who to trust.

Something tells Y/n to trust Rapunzel, however, so she smiles sweetly at the blonde-haired girl. "My name is Y/n. This is Bucky." She replies, as Bucky sits on her shoulder. Pascal sits on Rapunzel's shoulder. "This is Pascal." Rapunzel clarifies.

Both girls shake hands, and smile at each other. Rapunzel is quick to notice Y/n's golden hair streak. It's tucked into her hood slightly, but it's still visible. "I like your hair. Just like mine." She points out.

Y/n shakes her head. "Not all of it. It's just a thin streak." She explains, then proves it by pulling her blue cloak's hood down. The large, golden strand falls down and brushes against the floor slightly. "The rest of it is brown." Y/n clarifies. Rapunzel nods, looking at the girl's hair in fascination.

Flynn Rider and the Stabbington brothers make their daring escape away from the castle, after successfully managing to steal both the crowns.

Flynn stops to take a breather, but his eyes widen when he sees wanted posters of him and the Stabbington brothers. "No, no no. This is bad, this is very, very bad, This is really bad. They just can't get my nose right." He states, showing the red-haired thieves his poorly made poster.

"Who cares?" Sideburns remarks, agitated. "Well it's easy for you to say." Flynn replies, looking at the Stabbingtons' poster. "You guys look amazing."

Under the wanted posters, Flynn also noticed a poster labelled Missing, with Y/n's picture on it. They did the same for Rapunzel after she got kidnapped, but they must have hung up posters of the youngest princess early in the morning.

Flynn is suddenly pulled out of his thoughts, as they hear the neighing of guards horses - the castle guards have found them. Flynn quickly stuffs the posters in his satchel and the thieves run for it.

Flynn and the Stabbington brothers run, but stop when they reach a dead end - a tall wall of stone. Flynn turns to the other two. "All right, okay. Give me a boost, and I'll pull you up." He tells them.

The Stabbington brothers aren't stupid. They both send Flynn a look of obviousness, to prove it. "Give us the satchel first." Sideburns demands.

"Wha..? I just.. I can't believe, that after all we've been together, you don't trust me." Flynn says, with a hurt tone of voice. The two red-haired thieves glare at him, unfazed. "Ouch." Flynn states, dryly then drops the satchel into Sideburns' hand.

The Stabbington brothers then form a ladder and Flynn climbs up. Once he has managed to climb up, Sideburns reaches his arm out to be helped up the wall. "Now help us up, pretty boy." He remarks.

"Sorry, my hands are full." Flynn states, then shows him he took his satchel back - then Flynn runs for his life, leaving the Stabbington brothers behind.

"What?" Sideburns asks, checking for the satchel. "RIDER!!" He yells, in anger as Flynn gets away.

"Retrieve that satchel at any cost." The captain tells the other guards. "Yes, sir." They all obey. Maximus, the captain's white horse, translates this order to other horses - they all neigh in return as they carry the captain and the guards through the forest.

The guards fire arrows with crossbows which Flynn quickly dodges and soon, only the captain and his white horse are hot on Flynn's trail. "We got him now, Maximus." The captain declares.

Flynn grabs a vine and manages to swing around a tree, knocking the captain away and Flynn is now riding on the captain's horse in hopes of escaping. After Flynn snaps the reins for the horse to run faster, Maximus stops and glares at the thief.

"Come, fleabag, forward." Flynn demands, but Maximus spots the satchel in his hand and tries to snatch it back. "No. No, stop it. Stop it! Give it to me, give it-" Flynn says, as they fight over the satchel - it ends up flying in the air and getting stuck on a tree branch on a large cliff - the satchel also dangles over what would be a dangerous fall.

Flynn and Maximus both get the same idea. Flynn leaps off of the horse and they both engage in a struggle to retrieve the satchel. Flynn falls and hangs onto the large tree trunk for life. Maximus attempts to stomp on his hands, but Flynn retrieves the satchel. "Ha!" He brags, with a smirk.

Suddenly, Flynn and Maximus hear a loud crunch of wood - the tree is breaking! The tree snaps, then falls with Maximus and Flynn on it! Maximus falls on grass, then spits out a leaf. However, Flynn isn't to be seen. Maximus instantly stands on his hooves and proceeds to search for the dashing thief.

Flynn emerges from behind a boulder and discovers a curtain of vines - the same one Y/n found. He hears Maximus neighing, then instantly hides behind the vines. He hurries to the other side of the stone tunnel and finds the tower - Rapunzel's tower! He can't help but stare at it in amazement.

Flynn then hears Maximus neighing again and turns around, before turning back to the tower. If it's either dealing with the captain's horse and risking being caught or seeking refuge in an unknown tower, Flynn immediately chooses the tower and proceeds to climb it, using two arrows he picked up from the floor during the chase.

Rapunzel and Y/n slowly get to know each other, while drinking milk and eating cookies Rapunzel baked. "Wow, so you've never seen them before? Ever?" Y/n asks. "I've never even been outside of the tower. I'd give anything to see the floating lights in person." Rapunzel tells her, with a smile.

"Uh, do you mean the lanterns?" Y/n asks, confused. "What?" Rapunzel asks, also confused. "The floating lights. They aren't stars, they're lanterns. For the oldest lost princess." Y/n explains. "Lanterns! I knew they weren't stars!" Rapunzel states. Pascal smiles at his friend, supportively.

When Rapunzel turns to Y/n with questions, the young girl feels a little anxious. She doesn't want to be sent back to the castle without finding her long-lost sister but she feels like Rapunzel can be trusted, so she feels ready to oblige. Y/n explains her dream to Rapunzel, leaving out the fact that she's the youngest princess of Corona.

"My father has always had me stay home, too. Like, you. So, I left in the hope of completing my dream: finding my long-lost sister." Y/n finishes. "Wow, how brave of you to run away like that. I hope you live your dream." Rapunzel tells her, placing her hand on hers. "Thank you, Rapunzel. And I hope you do, too." Y/n says, smiling at her. Rapunzel smiles back.

They then hear the thumping sound of someone climbing the tower. "What's that?" Y/n asks, a little frightened. Rapunzel puts a finger on her own lips."Ssh." She whispers, holding Y/n's hand. Then, they quietly investigate the source of the noise.

Rapunzel wisely grabs a metal frying pan from her kitchen as a defensive weapon - her tower doesn't exactly have anything stronger.

Y/n copies the older girl's strategy and grabs the first kitchen utensil she finds and holds it, like a sword - a metal spatula.

Rapunzel takes the lead on this investigation, pulling the younger girl behind her as Flynn quickly runs into the tower, slams the doors shut and sighs in relief. "Alone, at last." He declares, staring into his satchel and the stolen items within. *Clang*

Quickly letting go of Y/n's hand, Rapunzel hit the thief on the back of the head with her frying pan. With a small scream, they both run and hide behind a mannequin. Y/n instantly recognises the unconscious male and fright fills her body - it's one of the three thieves she encountered yesterday!

Rapunzel notices the young girl's discomfort, and holds her hand, when they slowly approach Flynn.. still hiding behind the mannequin, of course.

Y/n pokes Flynn's head with the spatula to ensure that he's truly unconscious - he is. She and Rapunzel look to their animal friends, for advice. Bucky nods his head, to suggest turning him over. Rapunzel obliges, using the frying pan, before holding it in front of her to use as a weapon.

Pascal heads to the head with fangs that Mother Gothel painted on the floor, then imitates having fangs while he begins to turn to a dark shade of red.

Y/n and Bucky are understandably puzzled as to why there is a painting of a fanged man on the floor, but Rapunzel uses the handle of her frying pan to check for fangs on Flynn - there obviously aren't any. Rapunzel then flips the part of hair that's covering Flynn's eyes out of his face and curiously stares at the unconscious man.

"Huh?" Flynn asks, as his eyes suddenly shoot open. Rapunzel and Y/n gasp, startled. *Clang*

Rapunzel quickly knocks him unconscious once more, with her frying pan. Using the ends of her long hair, she and Y/n tie the thief up and plan to keep him in the closet, until Rapunzel figures out what to do next. But, it it's easier said than done..

Flynn's body is pretty heavy to drag - even for both girls doing the work at the same time and even heavier to try and put in the closet. Rapunzel then has the bright idea of swinging him into the closet by her hair - this works, which is good but there's just one more problem: her hair's stuck now.

Rapunzel gets her hair off, then shoves Flynn into the closet. She giggles proudly, but then his body falls on her. Y/n can't help, but giggle. Both girls eventually get Flynn's body in the closet, but Y/n's cloak gets stuck in the doors. Rapunzel holds the door shut while Y/n smoothly pulls her cloak out.

Y/n then quickly gets a chair while Rapunzel holds the door shut and the chair proves to be pretty effective at holding the closet doors closed.

"Okay, okay, I've got a person in my closet. I've got a person in my closet." Rapunzel repeats nervously, then she begins to feel proud of herself. "I've got a person in my closet! Too weak to handle myself out there, huh, Mother? Well.." Rapunzel says, then chuckles. "Tell that to my frying pa-" *Clang*

Rapunzel hits herself in the head with her frying pan. "Ooh, are you all right?" Y/n asks, wincing at the painful sound. "Yeah, I'm fi-" Rapunzel assures the little girl, then pauses. She sees Flynn's satchel with two sparkly things inside it. Rapunzel pulls them out from the satchel - the tiaras!

Y/n's eyes widen, in subtle surprise. 'He stole mine and my sister's tiaras?' She thinks, to herself. Rapunzel doesn't notice, as she stares at them in fascination and curiosity. Rapunzel hands Y/n's tiara to her, obviously not knowing that it belongs to her while she holds the first tiara.

"Hmm.." Rapunzel says then puts the first tiara on her arm, mistaking it for a bracelet. Pascal and Bucky shake their heads, while Y/n giggles.

Rapunzel then looks through the gems of the tiara. The animals shake their heads again. Y/n taps Rapunzel's shoulder. Rapunzel turns to the young thirteen year old princess. Y/n holds her hand out for the tiara. Rapunzel hands it to her and she places it gently upon Rapunzel's head.

Rapunzel copies this, by gesturing to the other tiara. Y/n smiles and hands it to Rapunzel, who places the blue tiara upon Y/n's head. They stare at their reflections and at each other in the mirror.

Something inside is telling Y/n that there's something about Rapunzel, but she can't put her finger on it. As they gaze at each other in the mirror, Y/n reaches out for Rapunzel's hand. Rapunzel takes it and their fingers lace over each other as Pascal and Bucky stare in fascination.


Hearing Mother Gothel, Rapunzel frantically takes the tiaras, puts them back in the satchel and shoves the satchel into a pot. Then, she quickly pulls Y/n to some large, red curtains to hide behind. "Just stay here, okay? My mother can't know you're here." Rapunzel whispers. Y/n nods, while Pascal and Bucky hide with her behind the curtains.

"Let down your hair!" Mother Gothel instructs. "One moment, Mother." Rapunzel says, before her hair comes down to Mother Gothel. "I have a big surprise!" She declares. "Uh.. I do, too." Rapunzel tells Mother Gothel, who approaches the tower doors. "Oh, I bet my surprise is bigger." She bets, smugly. "I seriously doubt it!" Rapunzel whispers.

"I brought back parsnips. I'm going to make hazelnut soup for dinner, your favorite. Surprise!" Mother Gothel declares, with a warm smile.

"Well Mother, there's something I want to tell you." Rapunzel says. "Oh Rapunzel, you know I hate leaving you after a fight. Especially when I've done absolutely nothing wrong." Mother Gothel says.

"Okay, I've been thinking a lot about what you said, earlier-" Rapunzel replies. "I hope you're not still talking about the stars." Mother Gothel tells Rapunzel. "Floating lights, and, yes. I'm leading up to that." She corrects, with a small smile.

"Because I really thought we dropped the issue, sweetheart." Mother Gothel recalls. "No, Mother. I'm just saying, you think I'm not strong enough to handle myself out there-" Rapunzel says.

"Oh darling, I know you're not strong enough to handle yourself out there." Mother Gothel states, with a tone of certainty. 'Rapunzel could. Especially with that frying pan.' Y/n thinks, to herself.

"But if you just-" Rapunzel justifies. "Rapunzel, we're done talking about this." Mother Gothel states, firmly. "But trust me, I-" Rapunzel says. "Rapunzel-" Mother Gothel interrupts.

"I know what I'm-" Rapunzel states, confidently. "Rapunzel-" Mother Gothel repeats, quite sternly. "Oh, come on!" Rapunzel says, beaming proudly. "Enough with the lights, Rapunzel! YOU ARE NOT LEAVING THIS TOWER, EVER!" Mother Gothel yells.

Mother Gothel's outburst makes Y/n flinch a little. "How scary.." She whispers. Bucky nods, snuggling her shoulder. Pascal sends the young girl and her squirrel an expression that proves she has no idea.

Rapunzel looks at Mother Gothel, with a hurt expression, and slowly moves her fingers away from the green wooden chair in front of the closet.

"Ugh, great! Now I'm the bad guy!" Mother Gothel groans, before slumping onto a chair and resting her finger on her forehead with her eyes shut.

Rapunzel glances up at her painting of the floating lights, then at the closet whilst a plan blossoms in her head. "All I was gonna say, Mother, is that.. I know what I want for my birthday, now." She lies, standing in front of the green wooden chair.

"And what is that?" Mother Gothel questions. "New paint. That paint made from the white shells you once brought me." Rapunzel answers.

"Well that is a very long trip, Rapunzel. Almost three day's time." Mother Gothel points out, now facing Rapunzel. "I just.. thought it was a better idea than the.. stars." She reluctantly replies.

Mother Gothel sighs, then gets up and approaches Rapunzel. "You sure you'll be all right, on your own?" She asks. "I know I'm safe, as long as I'm here." Rapunzel answers, through her teeth. She and Mother Gothel then share a seemingly loving hug, as she kisses the top of Rapunzel's hair again.

"Stay behind there for a few more minutes. I'll let you know when she's gone." Rapunzel whispers to Y/n, while Mother Gothel walks away to get her black cloak. Y/n's left fist sticks out of the curtains, forming a thumbs up to show that she understood.

Amused by the little girl's action, Rapunzel lets out a soft giggle, then gently pushes Y/n's hand back through the curtains before Mother Gothel sees.

Rapunzel packs Mother Gothel a basket of food she'll need for a three day journey, while she puts on her black cloak. "I'll be back in three days time. I love you very much, dear." Mother Gothel tells Rapunzel. "I love you more." She replies, with a smile. "I love you most." Mother Gothel insists.

Rapunzel watches Mother Gothel and they wave to each other. As soon as Mother Gothel is out of sight, Rapunzel quickly runs back inside the tower, grabs Y/n and their animal friends from the curtains to explain the plan. It almost sounds perfect. But, it's the tricky part that they have to deal with: convincing the hidden thief to help them.

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As long as Varian can remember, he has had to do whatever people tell him to do. (Varian-centric Ella Enchanted AU of Varian and the 7 Kingdoms, writ...
45.3K 962 58
Evil follows the group and will do anything to stop you from getting your destiny. Can you rise above everything and face what lies ahead? Will Varia...