🌻 Secret of the Sundrop 🌻

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(No One's POV)

It has been a few days, since the betrayal of Varian and the actual kidnapping of Corona's youngest princess. To lighten the mood, and to keep everybody calm and patient, the kingdom sets up Rapunzel's birthday party. Young children draw on the outside floors, with brightly colored chalk, lanterns are hung, banners are hung and presents for Corona's oldest princess are brought.

"Move it to the left." Stan tells Pete
"Wait. Your left or mine?" Pete asks.
"Mine. No, yours." Stan says, then pauses.
"No, wait a minute. They're the same!" He realises.
That was Pete and Stan, carrying all the gifts.

There are even party games, like the party is a festival. An emporium, a ball toss, a bounce house (aka bouncy castle) strength test games, portraits and prize booths. Yes, everybody at the castle is having a great time. Except for one glum nineteen year old princess, who sulks at her windowsill.

[In Rapunzel's Bedroom]
Rapunzel glumy glances through her window, wishing she could feel as joyful as almost the rest of the kingdom. But, she can't.

The thought of her little sister missing, possibly in danger, aches Rapunzel's heart and doesn't exactly put her in the mood for celebrating her birthday. She's aware of Varian and her little sister stealing the journal and the Sundrop flower, but she isn't sure why. And while the journal has been safely returned, the flower obviously hasn't.

Pascal notices Rapunzel's frown, and tries to cheer his best friend up by jumping up in the air and making a variety of silly facial expressions, but he stops when the results aren't very successful.

"Princess?" Eugene says, then opens the door and steps in. "Happy birthday!" He greets. Pascal gives him a little smile, when Rapunzel doesn't answer. Eugene approaches Rapunzel and sits in front of her at the windowsill.

"How you doing?" Eugene asks Rapunzel. "How am I doing? Okay. Let's see, uhm.. my little sister and I found out our father's been lying to us for months, a secret squad of guards hunted us down in the dead of night, oh, I destroyed my childhood home, and most recently, my little sister committed treason while helping an extremely unstable alchemist steal the most powerful object in the seven kingdoms! Not to mention said alchemist actually kidnapped her, like everyone thought before. But enough about me and Y/n. Let's talk about you. How are you doing?" Rapunzel asks.

While Eugene frowns, Pascal glances between the two, wide eyed with awkwardness. "Sorry." Rapunzel apologizes. "No. No, it's okay. But hey, I know what will cheer you up." Eugene tells her.

[In The Throne Room]
Eugene escorts Rapunzel in, covering her eyes. "Presents Room!" He declares, uncovering her eyes. "Goodness! These are all for me?" She asks. "The people love you!" Eugene points out.

"Oh, I am so good at this. Look, look!" Eugene says, picking up a present and shaking it. "It's a set of paintbrushes." He assumes.

Eugene then shakes another present.
"Someone got a new necklace." He assumes.

"And this is.." Eugene says, picking up another present and shaking it. The shattering sounds of broken glass are heard inside. "..clearly something that probably shouldn't have been shaken. Oh, that one next? Come on, socks? She doesn't even wear shoes, people!" Eugene states, after picking up another present.

A present, of sorts, on a table catches Rapunzel's eye. A brown cylindrical box.. thing, with a label on it. "'Wind Me'?" Rapunzel reads, before winding it. It plays an eerie nursey-rhyme-sounding tune. "Kinda creepy." She states, backing away.

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