Not Your Edgy Bitch (ROTTMNT...

By Toddels

128K 4.8K 25.3K

Are you a simp for Donnie??? Awesome. Me fucking too bro: Ever since (Y/n) witnessed an oozequito turning th... More

Unexpected Ally
Ninja Stalker
A Spark
Nightly Foes
Dr. Donnie
Not A Café Date
Stay Bitchin'
Heating Tension
Growing Feelings
The Purple Dragons
The Art Fair
Make Amends
Two Geniuses Hand in Hand
The "Exterminator"
The Exterminator Returns


5.1K 210 1.1K
By Toddels

Sorry for the late chapter loves,, very rough busy week. Literally have not slept in 2 days bc deadlines & work. But I'm still alive I think so enjoy 💜💜💜


"Ladies and gentlemen" Big Mama starts, "This is (y/n), your new boss that will oversee all the production from this day moving forward. In order for us to be successful, you will follow all orders from them without hesitation. Is that understood?"

"Yes ma'am!" the group collectively chimes.

As you can see, the next day finally came. I was actually here! The factory was massive and super clean, so clean that you could eat off of the floors— but don't do that.

There had to be at least 30 employees, all Yōkai of course.

"Big Mama?" someone calls out from the crowd, "If I may, don't you think a below average inexperienced human running the factory is obscured? Surely, one of us Yōkai would be more fit. It'd be much better for our image as well." The crowd laughs.

Okay now I'm fucking pissed.

"That's funny coming from the one that looks like an inside out molded bellybutton— disrespect me like that again and I'll make sure your diet switches to hospital food bitch..." I say in a monotone. The crowd immediately grew silent.

"I believe the human will do just fine." Big Mama says contently while patting my head.

I didn't want to react harshly like that as a first impression but I cannot allow any of them to get too comfortable with being rude. However, I intend to be a really nice boss and will only be an asshole when pushed to that point.

"Come (y/n), I shall give you the grand tour. The rest of you, please resume work." Big Mama says. She leads me away and starts to show me around.


Donnie worked in his lab on inventions that he felt wasn't getting enough attention. Projects that have been pushed off to the side that was starting to pile up. Donnie couldn't have that, he was going to take advantage of this catch up day.

"Hey Don?" Leo calls from the doorway.

"Enter." Donnie says not taking his eye off his invention.

"So buddy, I was thinking—" Leo starts.

"No I am not bringing those nonsense sketches you left in my lab the other day to life." Donnie interrupts.

"What?! Why not— wait that isn't the reason why I'm here."

"Then why are you here?"

"Whatcha doin...?"

Donnie stops working and stares at Leo annoyed. A smile then grows on his face, "Oh I was just getting ready to give you the grand tour of my lab!"

Donnie points to a desk, "that's my second favorite desk."

He points to a wall, "There's my wall of sensational ideas."

He then points to the door, "And there's the door. Get out."

"Sheesh!" Leo says, "Sorry to interrupt you from making (y/n)'s wedding ring!"

Donnie stiffens with a tinted face."WHat?!"

Leo starts to snicker, "Oh that never gets old..."

"I-I'm not making that! I won't have room for that until—"

"WOAH WOAH WOAH BUD— You already considered that?!" Leo shouts surprised.








Leo snickers, "oKAY! Calm down! I will help you hermano!"

Donnie tilts his head in confusion, "What could you POSSIBLY help me with?"

"I can help an emotionless turtle like yourself understand, well, emotion."

"I think I'd rather ask Dr. Feelings..."

Dr. Feelings tumbles into the room. He shoots back up onto his feet and adjusts his glasses, "You called?"

"Mikey nO! I have dibs on helping Donnie this chapter!" Leo shouts.

"Chapter?" Donnie questions.

"Man!" Mikey says as he throws his glasses to the ground before walking out.

"As I was saying..." Leo continues, "What do you like about (y/n)?"

"You want it in chronological order or alphabetical order?"

"It really doesn't matter..." Leo says as he walks behind Donnie, "I won't know the difference."

"Uh I guess I like how resourceful and intelligent they are... and how they don't take any of my shit..."

"Go onnn..." Leo says to distracted Donnie while ascending further into the lab.

"Stop, I don't know how to begin. Urm they can be really nice— caring even! Oh and they are really funny— they think I'm funny too. (Y/n) perfectly understands all my scientific jokes and everything I say in general. It's like having an equal! And boy we really do have great chemistry..."

"That's great Don-Don, now less intellecty, what do you feel when they are around you?"

"Um sick? In a nervous way sometimes but other times I feel at complete peace? Man that was a really terrible way of describing it..."

"Uh huh... now what about their looks?"

Donnie looks down at the floor and mumbles something at an inaudible level.

"You need to speak louder buddy..."

"A solid 9. The 10 spot is primarily reserved by me."

"Yeah okay forehead."

"HEy! Gotta store all the brains of the family somewhere!"

"Yada yada yada, anything else to report?" Leo asks.

"No except that I have finally acknowledged and accepted the fact that I have a mini crush on them. I find that I get too excited around them more than I express and I've never been so easy to fluster before—"

"Aaaaand send." Leo chimes.

"I'm sorry? Did you say send?" Donnie says as he turns around to face Leo.

Leo waves Donnie's phone in the air.

Donnie gets up and grabs Leo by his ninja strap across his chest, "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST DO?!"

"Reeeelaaaxxx, I just sent (y/n) a recording of everything you just said!"

"WHAT!?" Donnie shouts blushing, "W-WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT— I'M GOING TO MURDER YOU!" he threatens while aggressively shaking him.

Leo burst out laughing, "Stop! Stop! I'm totally messing with you! I didn't send them that!"

Donnie lets Leo go and catches his breath.

"But I diddd kindaaa send them another message— also did you seriously put Hamato in their contact name?" Leo teases.

"GAH! Gimme that!" Donnie snatches his phone back to see the damage.

"Oh I fucking hate you Leo..."

"You're welcome."

"That doesn't even sound like me!"

"Yes it does."

"reALLY?" Donnie reads it out loud, "Most people call me Donnie but you can call me anytime." ?

Leo falls to the ground and starts dying of laughter, "It's perfect!"

"It's a cheesy pickup line Leo! I cannot believe you right now!" Donnie facepalms in embarrassment.

"What? I'm helping!"

"No! NOT HELPING! It's the equivalent of me falling off a cliff and you have a rope to save me but you decide to play jumprope with it instead!"

"Oddly specific but I still disagree with you. We are now 100% certain you do have an innocent crush and not a creepy obsession."


"Nay! You stated a minute ago that you didn't know lameo!"

"Because I was being pressured to answer your questions! You know what, get out. Leave! Now!"

"Psh whatever, you'll thank me later bro..." Leo says as he leaves.

He pops his head back in, "And just to be clear, you aren't going to bring my sketches to—" A ninja star flies next to Leo's head, "AAALRIGHTTTT FINE! FUCK YOU TOO!" He finally leaves.

Donnie exhales and buries his head in his hands, "I am never going to recover from this..."

Donnie pops his head up, "Wait a second... how the hell did Leo know my phone password?"



I spin around happily in my office chair.

Big Mama left about an hour ago so I was foreseeing everyone in the factory from afar. My office rested on the top floor and I had a big window so I could see everything going on. This was the life!

I then hear a knock at my door.

"Come in!" I say.

The door slowly opens up and a small smiley Yōkai greets me. "Hi, I'm Peep."

"Hiya Peep, what can I do for you?"

"There's been an incident with one of the machines in sector C..." they say.

I get up from my seat, "I'll check it out, what happened?" I ask as I walk to the door.

"It's malfunctioning..."

Well I figured that but whatever. I nod my head and proceed to go down the staircase.

Oddly, Peep wasn't with me. They were just standing in the doorway. I stop walking and turn to them.

"You coming...?"

"Oh right! Yes sorry." They say as they lead the way.

We finally stand in front of the machine.

"Soo can you pinpoint the problem?" I ask.

"It isn't producing weapons! See? It isn't preforming at all."

I stare at them while pressing the "ON" button on the machine and it starts working again. You've gotta be shitting me. Did Big Mama really give me incompetent workers?

"Oh my mistake. I thought it was already on, I feel stupid now." they say while scratching the back of their head.

I sigh, "No worries, it's the first da—"

No something about this is wrong.

Because Peep wasn't even looking at me, their eyes were glued behind me for a second before looking back at me with an innocent smile.

I quickly whip my head around and see a figure in my office.

I fucking knew it!

I send a punch to Peep's face which knocks them onto the ground. I then rip out my grappling hook from my utility belt, aim at the ledge by my office, and send myself up there.

I roll onto the platform and switch my gadgets in the process. Bye to my grappling hook and hello to The Scorpion, y'know the weapon that works on everyone except Donnie.

I corner the masked figure in my office with my weapon pointed at them.

"Wanna tell me what the fuck you think you are doing?"

They hold one of my blueprints in their grasp.

"Why you dirty little thief!" I begin shooting at them. They dodge swiftly as they make their way to me. Of course it had to be a spy! The spy attempts to fight me hands on while I'm still firing at them. It's getting me no where.

Okay so that isn't working. Time for a gender reveal party! I kick them as hard as I can in the crotch. They groan and fall to the floor. Yup, it's not dickless...

I send a few more kicks to them and fire my weapon at them. They lay there paralyzed.

"Who are you working for?!" I question as I retrieve my blueprints.

"B-B-B..." he struggles to say.

"Huh?" I press.

"For me Dearie."

I whip my head around and see Big Mama standing behind me.

The fUCK?

"What is the meaning of all of this?" I question completely shocked.

She giggles, "Relax, I was testing you. I hired spies to steal the blueprints from you. Since they failed, that means you passed. You are overqualified..."

"Oh... I don't know how I feel about that..."

"Feel rejoiced! You just proved to everyone you are more than capable to run this place."

Everyone in the factory starts clapping.

Uh okay? That was totally unexpected and didn't help my trust issues in the slightest. I plaster a smile on my face.

"Why don't you take a lunch break dearie, I'll have this all cleaned up." She claps her hands and the wounded "spies" are carried away.

"Yeah sure..." I say as I start to walk out.

I can't believe that all happened on the first day. I should be proud of myself for handling it all relatively well but it genuinely worries me for the future. I feel like everything I do will be watched and analyzed!

I guess it was too good to be true. Whatever, I guess I'll just have to view everyone as untrustworthy and be ruthless.

I sit outside on a bench. I'm well aware that this is my lunch break but I didn't have an appetite to eat anymore. What if those bastards poisoned my food as a test?! Damn, I'm too paranoid.

I pull out my phone as a distraction and for the first time in awhile I see a notification that isn't from Snapchat!

And it's from Donnie— oh no, did he find out my occupation?! I unlock my phone to read it.



Wait that's kinda cute, I chuckle to myself. What a dork.

"Lmao I'll call you later then <3" I text back.

Speaking of Donnie, that reminds me: I have some unfinished business to take care of.

I check the clock, yeah I have time.

I tuck my phone away and I head to an alleyway owed by some real unlucky dragons.


Donnie screams from his lab.

"WHAT IS IT DONNIE?!" Raph shouts alarmed while barging into the lab with the rest of his brothers.

"LOOK! LOOK! LOOK!" Donnie yells while shoving his phone in Raph's face. "DO YOU SEE THAT?! (Y/N) WANTS TO CALL ME LATER AND THEY SENT A HEART EEEEE!"

"See what'd I tell ya!" Leo says smugly.

"OMIGOSH!" Mikey cheers and jumps up and down with Donnie.

"Awh!" Raph says, "This makes Raph happy."

"AND IT MAKES ME EVEN MORE HAPPY!" Donnie says while spinning around.

Leo clears his throat.

"Oh yeah, thanks Leo. Sorry I underestimated you as usual."

"You're welcome."

"NOW EVERYONE OUT AND DO NOT DISTURB ME UNTIL AFTER MY CALL IS FINISHED!" Donnie says while shoving everyone out of the lab. He then initiates a lockdown on the lab.

"Welp, he's fucking lost it..." Leo says.

Mikey blinks a few times, "Hey, weren't we just in the lab."

"Yep." Raph says, "You guys know how Donnie is, I'm sure he'll fill us in afterwards... In the meantime, why don't we do something fun!"

"OOOoooo I KNOW!" Mikey shouts as he stands in front of Raph.

Leo pushes Mikey out of the way, "Move I'm gay— Raph we should totally kidnap April from school and go on an illegal shopping spree!"

"What? No. Mikey let's hear your idea."

"I was going to say the exact same thing except the whole kidnapping April part. I'm not trying to meet the Grim Reaper today! Nu uh— not today son. Although, he can't be balder than Leo..."


"I say we wait until April is out of school and then we go to the mall altogether and use April's money to buy things instead of stealing. That way, we can still be heros without being shady." Raph says.

"Wait we should totally go to the mall in the hidden city! I bet they have cooler things!" Leo suggests.

"Count me in baby!" Mikey says while throwing a fist in the air.

"Great!" Raph scoops up his brothers, "To April's school!"

"TO APRIL'S SCHOOL!" they cheer while being carried off by Raph.


I slowly saunter into the alleyway supposedly owned by the purple dragons.

I think I know why they want this alleyway. This one has an entrance to the hidden city in it. I wonder if they figured out how to open it.

I guess I should alert the unfortunate souls that I'm here. There was a piece of tech that was a little too advanced resting on the power line. I aim my blaster and shoot at it. It fries up leaving behind a cloud of smoke.

I tuck my blaster away and waited patiently for them to arrive. If that didn't alert them, then I dont know what else will. I lean against the wall as I wait.

Shortly after, I hear them arrive.

"Okay what gives?!" I hear a frustrated voice call out from above.

"I'm not answering shit until you get your asses down here." I say.

Kendra laughs, "You have balls to be talking to us like that." She jumps down with her crew. "Hey wait a second, you're that asshole person who got in our way the other day!" she realizes.

A twisted smile curls up my face. "I don't regret a single thing."

"Well in that case." Kendra cracks her knuckles, "Let's fix that."

"Finally we agree on something..." I say as I reveal my hands with tiny smoke bombs interlaced between each of my fingers. I calculatedly toss them and they unleash a thick blanket of smog to coat the air.

I hear them cough. "I can't see!" Jason complains.

"Ugh!" Kendra yells frustrated. "ENOUGH GAMES! GET OVER HERE AND FIGHT U—" I deliver a punch to her jawline. "ARGH" She stumbles back while holding the spot.

"I really hate your fucking voice." I say, "How 'bout you learn sign language so you don't have to use it as much anymore hm?"


I chuckle, "You see if I had wanted it to be cleared away so quickly..." I tase her sidekicks and they helplessly fall to the ground, "I would've only used one smoke bomb..."

"AGH! WE'RE DOWN KEN!" Jeremy calls out, "CAN'T... M-MOVE!" he adds while attempting to lift himself.

"WE'VE BEEN PARALYZED!" Jason says in a panic.

I roll my eyes, "Oh stop bitchin. You think it's funny to fight dirty and take advantage of any state their in huh?"

"Oh you're referring to Donnie aren't you?" Kendra sneers while facing my direction. She chuckles mockingly. "He had it coming!" She then throws a fancy tech blade at my arm.

It cleanly pierces through my skin. I stare at it, "Okay now I'm going to beat your ass even more you prick purple-haired fuck!" I say as I rip it out of my arm. Ow. I throw the blade across the floor and begin to shorten the distance between us. I crept over to her side. I know she can't see me, she can only rely on her ears.

This goofball then starts punching where I was standing before.

Dumbass is fighting the air!

This is painful to watch, so I run in and dropkick her. She falls to the ground and I get back up. I send a kick to her head to buy me a second to use my blaster.

I aim but she swings her leg to knock me off my feet.

She stands over me and starts punching. I roll over to dodge them. She chased me with more punches hoping to hit me at least once, but I kept rollin.

"Stop moving ya little shit!" she complains, "I promise to make this really hurt so Donnie thinks twice before sending someone to do his dirty work!"

Instead of dodging I grab her fist, "Donnie didn't send me." I correct. I twist her wrist.

"AGH!" she whines while trying to pull away.

"I sent me." I keep twisting her wrist until I hear it pop. "And what you did to him is going to give you painful consequences."


"And I'll do it again bitch!" I grab her other hand and twist until I hear a satisfying pop.

"AGH WHAT IN THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!" I kick her stomach putting her on the ground. I aim my blaster at her and fire. Below me now laid three paralyzed victims.

"Stay your asses away from him."

"THIS ISN'T OVER!" Kendra yells.

"Yeah, you're right." I say as I pull out a whistle from my pocket. I blow into it and throw it next to them on the ground.

"Have fun." I say as I walk away.


"Yeah all they left behind was this whistle with a picture of a scorpion on it..." Jason adds.

"What?" Kendra says alarmed.

A few dozen scorpions then scurry into the alleyway.

The group screams as they try to move to get away. But no avail— paralysis will do that to you.

I watch contently from above the rooftops as they are tortured. Guess I didn't let them off easy after all. I check the time, my breaks almost ending so I better head back to work. I leave as I hear their screams fill the air.


As I enter through a portal, I walk through the hidden city.

I feel my heartbeat freeze.

Before me stood Leo, Raph, Mikey, and April casually walking.

I immediately turn a corner and hide behind a wall.

"Shit." I mumble. What the hell are they doing here?! Are they always in the hidden city like this? Man this is bad.

I guess that means I should slowly start to disguise myself when I come down here.


Donnie patiently waits for you to call him. He swings his legs from his lab chair.

"This is taking forever— I physically cannot do anything to distract myself as I wait, I need you to call me now!" he says to himself.

He pulls up your contact info and stares at it. "Hmph." he leans back defeatedly in his chair.

He stares at his hands, "Wow these feelings are really worsening... I don't even know if I can wait for this crush to pass..." He picks up his phone and eyes your little contact picture, "What have you done to me..." he interrogated.

His finger then slips and he hits the call button.

"AHH!" Donnie panics and throws his phone across the room. Wait, that didn't help. He dashes over to it, "NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!!!"

By the time he got over to it, you had picked up.


The gang was almost past me and I was about to be in the clear.

That was until my ringtone went off.

"Fuck fuck fuck—" I quietly ramble. I NEVER GET PHONE CALLS WHY NOW?!

Oh it's Donnie. Alright, it's fine.

The 3 turtles and April then face my direction.

Nope— not fine! I start to run away.

"Hey what's their deal?" Leo questions.

"I dont know, want to chase them for absolutely no reason?" Raph suggests.

"You sir have read my mind!" Leo says, "First one to catch the runaway wins!"

They all start chasing after you.

Oh fuck nuggets, I really start running now. Maybe I should hide, can't do that until I stop this damn ringing!

There's no way I'm hitting decline on Donnie! I answer his call.

"H-Hey Donnie!" I say as I run for my life.

"Ah— oh um yeah hi!" he facepalms, "So how are you?"

"I'm..." I turn around and see those motherfuckers catching up. "I'm fantastic!" I lie, "Just very very very busy at work!"

"Oh... I'm sorry is t-this a bad time?" he asks a bit saddened.

"N-No! No no, don't worry. I'm actually glad you called."

"Are you sure? You sound a bit out of breath."

"Well, I am running. Bees."



"Are you in trouble?" he asks worriedly.

Leo opens a portal in front of me and I almost fall in. I stop myself and quickly shoot my grappling hook in the distance. I sore up into the sky. I know these fuckers can't fly.

"No trouble at all precious but thanks for asking. What've you been up to?" I landed on a rooftop and I continue running. Wait perhaps if I lead them to the purple dragons, it'll distract them! I head to a known portal in that direction.

Donnie blushes at the name you called him, "Ah, oh y'know a bunch of science experiments..."

"Any successful?" I ask.

"Well but of course! Just as I envisioned."

"Good for you. That reminds me, I have a bit of experimenting to do myself." I enter the hidden portal and jump into the alleyway where I left the horrific scene. The three laid their lifelessly twitching as the scorpions went to town.

Okay maybe this idea was a little fucked up. I then hear Donnie chuckle on the other end of the line and realize that it wasn't. I run out of the alleyway.

"Ha ha you need any assistance?" he asks.

I jokingly laugh, "That sounds insulting. Me? Require help? No no no, but I already know that you know that I don't need any help. So if you wanna hang out, you should just say so."

I hear the turtles and April discover the scene. They let out terrified gasps and now their full undivided attention was on that. I start to make my way back to work through another portal.

"Sounds like to me you're afraid I might do your experiment better than you." he teases, "So why don't you quit the excuses sweetheart?"

"In your dreams Donnie..."

"No in reality."

"Tch fine. I'm starting sometime next week, I haven't decided when so I'll let you know."

"Sounds like a date then." he says smugly.

I freeze and feel my face heat up.

"Sorry I didn't scare you did I?" he snickers.

I resume and continue walking, "You d-didn't... wifi must've delayed my response..."

"Uh huh... sure it did."

I let out a nervous laugh. "Yeah..." I stand in front of the factory, "Well um I gotta get back to work now... I'll talk to you later Donnie."

"Kay, cya around hottie."

My face heats up even more, "S-Stop that." I say.

"No can do hottie. Also I'm totally winking right now but you can't see it."

"Alright— I'm hanging up now. Byeee..." I hang up and release an exhale. Man he's going to be the death of me. I head inside the factory.


Donnie laughs to himself and wipes away a tear. He gently brings his phone to his chest and holds it there with both of his hands. "I love you." he whispers.

His phone then starts ringing again. He gets excited and looks at it. When it's not from you, he groans.

"So much for my moment." He picks it up, "What do you want Leo?"

"Donnie— you gotta get over here! It's the purple dragons!" Leo says in distress.

"Sigh, I'm coming." Donnie gets up and starts to get ready, "What have the asshole punks done this time?"

"It's not what they did, it's what was done to them."

"Huh? Elaborate."

"They're laying paralyzed in an alleyway in the city. There's also a bunch of scorpions around them so we think they were attacked..."

"What?" Donnie questions, "Guess karma is real... unless..." he eyes your photo on the wall.

Oh no...


Wassup m8s?? :3 I'm posting an additional chapter in a few mins bc I fuckin can and also bc I feel bad for this one being late. I swear I'm usually better at this lmao.

Also I think this is my longest chapter. (>4000 words)

But for those who celebrate: what are y'all being for HALLOWEEN ?!? 🧡🖤 I WANNA KNOW!! I'm being Deadpool 😌✨

And I bet you were expecting angst this chapter but I regret to inform you I am not predictable when hinting at important spoilers so haha 🥳 anyways see y'all in a few minutes ⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️

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