Tokyo Mew Mew: An American Me...

By TheBlondeAdventurer

44.1K 1.4K 381

Whenever Tokyo Mew Mew finds out about another Mew, they are in a panic. What if they don't get to her first... More

Chapter 2: Who do I trust??
Chapter 3: Decisions and Betrayal
Chapter 4: Back to Japan!
Chapter 5: Changes that come with a new school
Chapter 6: Promises
Chapter 7: Why me???
Chapter 8: Confessions
Chapter 9: The easy days
Chapter 10: Getting back on track
Chapter 11: Surprise!!
Chapter 12: Staying Alive
Chapter 13: Coming back to a scary situation
Chapter 14: Unexpected Visits
Chapter 15: Getting ready for a fight
Chapter 16: A new ally?
Chapter 17: The First Fight
Chapter 18: Battling For What?
Chapter 19: A Deadly Encounter
Chapter 20: Fate?
Chapter 21: The Finale

Chapter 1: Beating the Aliens to America!!

5.5K 143 37
By TheBlondeAdventurer

A/N: Okay guys this is my first story so please bear with me!! Please give me your feedback and vote, comment, whatever you want!! :) And a humungous thank you for reading :D


Ichigo’s point of view:

Ugghhh….Its Tuesday morning, and I have to go to school. Danggit...At least I’ll be able to see Aoyama-kun!  Stepping into my shower, I let the warm water run over my body, but I have to hurry since I'm alredy running late! After I’m dressed and ready, I go downstairs to see my dad going off about something he did at work, and mom swooning over him. They really are a cute couple, I’m happy to have them as parents. I grab some toast and run out the door, realizing that I’m going to be late! AGAIN!! I’m sprinting down the streets, and finally reach school where everyone was already going inside. Just great…I think, running to class before I’m too late.

I’m late, I’m so very late! Running, once again, to Café Mew Mew, where I know Mint and Shirogane are bound to yell at me for being late again. I burst through the doors, and see everyone there, glaring at me. I sigh, and quickly go back to the changing room and put on my uniform. I start working and taking orders immediately, trying to make up for me being late. “Where have you been Ichigo?” Mint asks tauntingly. “Probably on a date with Aoyama-kun!!” Pudding answers back. I blush, and turn away, so everyone doesn’t see my red face. “N-no!! I was just running late, that’s all!” I mutter back, laughing unconvincingly. Keiichiro and Shirogane come out, calling us down to the basement immediately. We all exchanged a confused look before following them.

When we all get down there, Shirogane addresses us, saying “We’ve received news for the Mew Project. It turns out that there are not just five Mews.” All of us gasp, looking at each other shocked. “Wha…what does that mean?!?!” Lettuce asks timidly, but worried. “There is another Mew, but thankfully only one Mew left, but there is a problem with her location.” Shirogane says, closing his eyes and shaking his head before continuing. “She is in America.” AMERICA?! How did a Mew get in America? I just stand there with my mouth gaping open. “Well….we have to go get her then...Right?” I say slowly, making sure I was actually saying what I meant to say. Keiichiro nodded. “We are going to send you to America. You leave in 3 days.”

“WHAT?!” We all practically scream at them. “And how exactly is this going to work??” I say, getting worked up. “I can’t leave my brothers and sister!!” Pudding said, looking frantic. “I have a job to do.” Zakuro says, speaking for the first time. “I can’t just leave! I have school!” Mint and Lettuce say. “HOLD ON!!” Shirogane yelled, silencing us. We stood there in silence, waiting for him to say something. “I’ve already worked it out with your families and jobs. This is going down as a worker’s vacation. So nothing to worry about, just get packing and don’t miss the plane. It leaves at 12:00 Friday afternoon.” “Oh…” we all mutter, feeling slightly bad for yelling at him. “But, I need to warn you. The aliens have somehow found out about her too. They will try to get to her first, as they think she is defenseless. She doesn’t know she’s a Mew yet, but the power coming off her is defiantly a Mew’s power. So we need to get to her before they do. Here, take this.” Keiichiro said, tossing me the little pendant the five of us have. “She will need that if she is going to survive the aliens.” Shirogane dismissed us, and we went back upstairs, changing back into our normal clothes. “Bye-Bye!” I said to them, and then walked out of the café. A new Mew huh? I wonder what she will be like…what’s her animal? I start thinking, and I actually get excited to go to America. This is going to be so much fun!

 (3 days later)

Ahhh!! I’m on a plane!! I smile so big, looking around in wonder as I take a seat next to Pudding. She seems to be excited to, and I see Mint, Lettuce, Zakuro, Keiichiro and Shirogane all comfortable in their seats. *intercom voice: Please fasten your seatbelts, we are going to be taking off soon.*

After fastening, we watch as the plane takes off, then I find myself slowly drifting off to sleep…

(After they landed)

“Whew! We’re finally at the hotel! That was such a long ride.” Pudding exclaimed, exhausted. I sighed, finally happy to lay my suitcase down, and glance around at our suite. 5 bedroom, 3 bath suite in a hotel. “This actually isn’t that bad, I could get used to this.” Mint said lazily, lying down on a bed. “It is nice, isn’t it?” Lettuce asked happily, looking around with a slight smile on her face. I could get used to this too. I thought to myself, but didn't say anything out loud, I just went over to a bed, and collapsed face first on it. Aahhh! Its so soft! I smiled and sighed, drifting off into a deep sleep.

I wake up feeling energized and refreshed, and see everyone is getting up too. Zakuro hears someone knocking at the door, so she goes to open it, revealing Shirogane and Keiichiro. “It’s about time you girls woke up. You need to start looking for her.” Shirogane said, with his arms behind his head. “Whats the big hurry anyway?” I ask him, getting mad at his behavior. “If the aliens find her first, and take her away, or kill her, would you feel okay with it because you didn’t want to rush?” he said with a cold look in his blue eyes. We all stood there with our heads down. “No…no I wouldn’t.” I reply, but it’s barely a whisper. “Good. Then get dressed and start looking. She should be around the beach, so have fun.” Shirogane said, then turned around and left without another word to us. “Here girls, I prepared a lunch for you, it’s in this basket. Good luck!” Keiichiro said, setting down a big basket by the door, then leaving, shutting the door behind him. “Well, what are we waiting for? Let’s go to the beach!!” Pudding yelled excitedly, and got dressed in her suit. Well…here goes nothing.

Heirii’s point of view (6th mew)

I walked along the beach, enjoying the nice rays of the California sun. When I looked around, I saw 5 strange girls walking around the beach, bothering everyone. What the heck are they doing? They're going to scare everyone. Sighing, I go over to them. “Umm, may I ask just why you are disturbing everyone?” I say, trying to be polite. “Oh! I’m sorry! We’re new around here! On vacation, so we don’t know much about this place.” The girl with the red hair said, smiling. I recognized her accent immediately.

“You’re from Japan, huh?” Their eyes widened with surprise. “Yes!! How’d you know??” the blonde hair little girl questioned enthusiastically. I laughed slightly, amused by her giddiness. “I just recognized it, but if you guys want, I can show you around a bit so you don't go around scaring everyone.” I said, liking these Japanese girls just a bit more. “Oh yes!! Please!” the girl with the green hair said. “Haha…alright! My name is Heirii by the way.” I say with a smile. “My name is Ichigo! And this is Mint, Lettuce, Pudding, and Zakuro.” Ichigo said, pointing to the girls as she named them. “Alright, pleased to meet you! Now let’s get this show on the road!” I say, turning around to lead them through the beach.

After giving them a tour of the beach, we went into town to a little restaurant. When we got our orders, we sat down, and just chatted for a little while. “So why did you come here from Japan?” I asked out of plain curiosity. “Oh...umm...we’re looking for someone.” Ichigo said cautiously. “Yeah, but we don’t know much about her, so I don’t think you could help much.” Zakuro said, looking out the window. Well isn’t she just a bunch of fun? I think bitterly but ignore it, letting out a sigh. “Oh…well I hope you find whoever you’re looking for!” I said, and I was about to leave whenever I heard screaming and a huge crash. “What the heck was that?” I asked incredulously. “Umm…sorry, but we have to go.” Ichigo said, looking towards the now burning building with a glare. “Bye-bye Heirii-san!!” Pudding said quickly, and then all five of them ran out. “Well that’s weird…” I muttered. Something inside me told me to follow them, so I left the café, running towards the building. WHAT THE HECK IS THAT?! I gape as I see a huge tiger looking monster, but it was white, with a golden mane, red eyes and about 20 feet tall. Oh dear, what am I getting myself into? I find my legs moving towards the monster. Why are you going towards that thing?? It’ll kill you!!! As I walk toward it, I suddenly stop and fall to my knees, remembering a strange dream I had about a week ago.


I laid in a meadow of fresh flowers, the wind blowing in my face. I heard a soft noise calling my name, so I sat up. But when I did, I see a Fennec Fox in front of me, almost looking as if it were smiling at me. I picked it up, and it cuddled up to my chest, then disappeared inside of me.

I open my eyes with a gasp, and I realize I’m breathing really heavy. When I look at the monster, I see 5 girls in uniforms of purple, pink, green, yellow, and blue fighting it. What is this? The girl in pink attacks the monster with a magical attack, and it vanishes, leaving a jellyfish-type thing floating around. All five land on the ground, and look up at the sky. I follow their gaze, and see someone floating…wait! FLOATING?! The guy had green hair, tied down in ponytails in front, and I could make out yellow eyes. He had a half shirt on, and some shorts. Who is this guy? He takes something in his hand, and the pink girl, who looks like a half cat, yells something at him.

He just laughs and starts flying down away from them and towards…me? I gasp as I see him come towards me, and when he sees me, he grins. I start running, but I feel him gaining on me fast. Stupid guy! That’s cheating! He’s flying, I’m running!! I turn the corner, and of course, being me, I trip over nothing. I fall to the ground, and turn around, seeing this strange person hovering over me. “What do you want??” I yell at him, and he looks at me surprised. “He he, you actually tried to yell at me! That’s a nice attempt honey, but I don’t think that’ll work. See, you have something I want.” He said, and his words sounded too sweet. This guys a pervert… I glared at him, “You’re messing with the wrong person, so go away!!” I yell, trying to sound intimidating, but it didn’t work as he laughed. “I like it when they try to fight!” he said, grinning. Just then something in his hand caught my attention, and I felt as if that little thing was mine. “What’s in your hand?” I asked him carefully. “I don’t know if this concerns you or not, little princess.” He said with that silly little grin on his face.

Okay, this guy is really getting on my nerves. I grab his hand really fast, and take the little pendant away from him. He looked shocked, but didn’t make any attempt to take it back. What is this? I feel as if this should be…mine? I felt my body start to react, and I looked down, seeing my body start to glow. The green haired guy’s eyes widened and his mouth made a little “O” shape. “Wha-what’s happening?” I shrieked. I didn’t know what to do, and I was getting scared. “So…you’re the 6th one….that’s just perfect.” He said, his smile returning. Next thing I know, the glowing is gone, and I look up, seeing that he disappeared. “He-hello? Where are you? Come back!!” I don’t know why I said come back, but it seemed he knew what happened, and I wanted to know. When I looked down, I gasped.

The pendant was in my hand, but I had a new little mark on my hand. “What the…” I said, but I looked up to see those five girls before, running over to me. “Heirii!! Are you okay??” the pink cat lady asked. “I’m…fine. How did you know my name?” I looked at her curiously before my eyes widened. As I scanned the five of them, they seemed very familiar, too familiar. “Oh my gosh….Pudding? Lettuce? Mint? Ichigo? Zakuro?” I asked, unbelief clear in my voice. “Umm….Hi Heirii…” Mint said, looking a bit worried. “How are you guys…animals?” I asked carefully, watching my words. “It’s a long story; we’ll have time to tell it later.” Lettuce said frightened. “Did Kisshu hurt you?” Ichigo asked me suddenly. “Kisshu? Is he that green haired guy?” I asked, thinking it over. “Yes.” Zakuro said, looking at me, waiting for an answer.

So that’s his name.....Kisshu… “Umm…no, he didn’t hurt me.” I muttered. They all looked relieved. I noticed the pendants hanging on their necks were like the one I took from Kisshu. I tightened my fist, feeling as if I needed to protect my little pendant. They didn't need to know I had this, did they? “Well good! But we need to find him; he took something of ours while we were distracted with the Chimera Animal.” Pudding said annoyed. “Wait. Chimera Animal? Was that the huge monster looking thing?” I questioned them. They nodded. Somehow all this has to be connected to these pendants…but how do I ask without sounding suspicious?? I look at them, and they all get up, and transform back into a human, while I gape at them.

“How did you….never mind…just, what should I do? Obviously I’m not going to forget about this.” I say bluntly. “I’m not too sure, but just go home for now. I’ll call you later, okay?” Ichigo told me, and I obeyed. After saying goodbye, I left them to find Kisshu, and I walked home. I kept looking at my palm, seeing the pendant there. When I got home, I ran up to my room, closed my door, and sat down in front of my mirror. My long blonde hair was a mess, and my blue/green eyes looked dull. Good thing I had shorts and a tank on, or else I’d be in bad shape. I sighed, and then took another look at the pendant. Why did my body start glowing back there with Kisshu?? And why did I get a flashback from my dream? I felt so confused, so I lay down on my bed, and closed my eyes. But I couldn’t go to sleep. Everything from today went through my head.

I met these girls, they said they were looking for someone, and then this Chimera Animal attacks, they turn into half animals, and then Kisshu takes a pendant from them, and then chases me. When I took that pendant, my body reacted with it, and Kisshu told me I was the “6th one,” and then they said Kisshu took something of theirs. This is too weird. I started to piece two and two together, then I had the craziest idea. “Oh my gosh…” I whisper, face palming myself. I stand up, get my pendant, and look at it. Something inside me somehow knew what to do, and I brought the pendant up to my lips, kissed it, and said “Mew Mew Heirii! Metamorphosis!!” My body glowed, and I felt myself changing. After a minute, the glowing stopped, and I looked in the mirror and gasped. My blonde hair had turned red, my eyes were red, I had big fox ears on my head, and a very bushy fox tail behind me. I had a half shirt on that was red, and red short shorts with red boots, a band on my left leg and red gloves. I had a red necklace on that my pendant attached to. Oh dear, what is this? What have I become?! I stood with my mouth open, and looked at my new appearance again. “You’ve gotta be kidding me.” I say, looking dumbfounded at the mirror.

“Well well well, look what we have here.” I know that voice…maybe a little too well now. I turn around, and gasp, seeing Kisshu floating outside my window with a huge grin. 

So please tell me what you think :D I really appreciate it!! You guys are my little cupcakes!! :p unless you think of something better.


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