ꕥ ★⋆steddie oneshots⋆ ★ ꕥ

By zzhongli

7K 62 14

ah yes, a fan fiction about two crazy hot men who are deeply in love with each other. what else could you pos... More

˗ˏˋnotes :)'ˎ˗
˗ˏˋafter hours'ˎ˗
˗ˏˋ junk food and chill'ˎ˗
˗ˏˋlast saturday night'ˎ˗
˗ˏˋhe lived bitch'ˎ˗
˗ˏˋscoops ahoy's newest edition'ˎ˗
˗ˏˋit's my year.'ˎ˗
˗ˏˋsext me.ˎ˗
˗ˏˋone rainy night'ˎ˗
˗ˏˋi dream of you'ˎ˗
ˏˋa world full of hate and love'ˎ˗
˗ˏˋwater reflection'ˎ˗
˗ˏˋgood boy'ˎ˗
˗ˏˋthe dog that lead me to you'ˎ˗
˗ˏˋauthors very sad note'ˎ˗

˗ˏˋtattooed coffee'ˎ˗

410 5 1
By zzhongli

(Nsfw chapter; kinktober edition !! this chapter includes multiple prompts from charliec0rpse's steddie list on twt and some prompts i added myself, since i missed  literally all the days and i have no excuse hahaha.. anyways, this content involves deepthroating, hair pulling, marking, mirror sex, after care, and recorded sex yayyyyy!!! and modern au and platonic stobin. also i have no idea how tattoos work and im not going to look it up so bare with me pls.. this was highly inspired by melonalemonades tattoo artist steddie au so enjoyyyy hheheeh..)

Lately Steve's been getting the shivers - the good kind - whenever one particular customer comes in for the same order every day since about six or seven months ago. Now, that customer just happens to be his boyfriend. Steve works at the local cafe with his best friend, Robin, and it's no doubt that she knows what's going on between him and Eddie Munson, the tattooist who works just next door. Oh, how Steve becomes a whole new person around his boyfriend. It's quite cute actually. Clearly he is head over heels for him. And who can blame him? Eddie has the most luscious brunette curls, piercings that bring out his nice facial features, and his tattoos. The tattoos that Steve can stare at all day. So when Eddie asks Steve to stop by the tattoo shop, how can he deny it?


Steve waved one hand to his customer as she left. He sighed in relief right after he saw the door shut with a jingle and the girl disappear. "Rob, my shift is over!"He shouted out from behind him. He then reached behind himself and untied his black apron.

"I'm not that much of an idiot Stevie," Robin replies back in a normal tone of voice. She shut the wooden door behind her, stuffing her phone in her pocket with one hand and holding a white cloth in the other. "how much did we make this week?" She leans and takes a look at a jar with a tips label on the front of it. "Almost five hundred. Including card payments."

Steve reached above the counter and set his apron on a nearby bar stool. Robin nodded in improvement, stretching one arm around Steve's shoulder all the way to the other. "Definitely a breakthrough from last week." She rested her head down on the man's shoulder, along with her own hand. 

"Tired?" Steve asks and looks down at Robin. "Are you kidding me? I got minus zero hours of sleep last night thinking of what it would be like if aliens invaded the universe." She yawned. "Jeez. I'm really sorry, that I can't relate." Steve lets out a small giggle and moves away, letting Robin slip off his shoulder.

Suddenly the two heard the door jingle, and immediately focused on it. The door swung open and in came Eddie. "Oh, hey Eddie! Steve was wondering why you didn't come in today." Steve made a face at Robin and gave her a hidden punch on the arm. She gave a forced smile, indicating that genuinely hurt.

"What she meant was that we both were wondering where you were." Steve corrects Robin and watches as Eddie leans against the marble brick counter. "Oh, thing one and thing two were worrying about me? Isn't that so sweet," Eddie's lips turn up. 

"if you must know, the shop was packed as shit today. Had to stay and take a break after this one girl wouldn't stop screaming at me for not doing my job right because it hurt. She wanted a huge fucking dragon on her thigh. Aaand she came out with a giant outline of what looks like a sperm."

Robin immediately cracked a laugh, and Steve couldn't help but laugh softly alongside her. "She was just being a little cry baby. It really doesn't hurt that much unless you're not experienced with tattoos like her and want a big one." Eddie pushed himself off the counter and bent down. He was looking at the pastries stored below. "Trying to be different today?" Steve tapped the counter with his fingers.

"Gotta say, those powdered eclairs look amazing right now. Mind getting me one?" Eddie gets back up and looks at Steve, who looks at Robin. "Of course." Robin scrambled through her front pocket for the key. Then she bent down and unlocked it, grabbing one plate and an eclair.

"Here you are!" Robin hands the plate to Eddie then she shut and locked the small glass opening. "Pleasure doing business Buckley." Eddie took off his gloves before taking the plate and biting into the dessert.

"I should probably get going now. My shift starts again soon," Eddie says after swallowing his eclair. He smacks a six dollar tip on the counter before heading to the exit. "Harrington, Buckley, you should stop by the shop some time. I can hook you guys up with some sweet tats and a nice discount. Catch you cuties later!" Then he was gone.

Steve felt his cheeks getting hot. Robin looked at him with a sly smile on her face. "You're a mess aren't you Steve?" She sighed. "Robin, We have to get a tattoo." Steve says, making Robin's smile fade into a concerned look. "Are you sure? I've seen the look on your face when a crab pinched you and I'm not willing to see it again."

"I'm a hundred percent sure on this. Besides, my pain tolerance has been a breeze since then!" Steve gave Robin his cute little puppy eyes. Robin couldn't help but give in to Steve's begging. "Fine! But I'm not getting a giant one. You heard what happened to that one girl.." Robin felt shivers go down her spine.


The next day, Steve and Robin spent the whole afternoon finding out what tattoo they should get.

"Okay.. what about.. oh my gosh!" Robin gasped and Steve looked at her with curiosity in his eyes. "What if we got matching ice cream tattoos!" She tapped on a picture of a arm with an outline of an ice cream cone on their upper arm, then held it up to Steve's face.

"That's not bad," Steve inspected the photo. "Okay. I think I can work with that." Steve nodded. Robin jumped off Steve's sofa and squealed. "That settles it then. Let's go! Hurry!" Then Robin ran out the door and to the car, and Steve followed.

Eventually in a matter of time, the two were entering the tattoo shop. It was new for them, not to mention the fact they've never stepped foot inside a tattoo shop. Not even Eddie's.

There was faint metal music playing in the background, and there were posters of metal bands all over the place. But it wasn't weird for them because they knew Eddie liked this type of stuff. Once they reached the front desk they were greeted by a lady with medium length brunette hair. When Steve got a good look at her, it was then when he realized it was Nancy. She had a whole new style.

"Steve, Robin? Fancy seeing you guys here. I never thought you two were the type to want tattoos." Nancy says. Steve could see that she was chewing on a piece of bubblegum. "Well, uh, we actually got recommended by Eddie to get one. He said we would get a discount." Steve smiles a friendly smile. "Oh! He did tell me that!" Nancy snapped her fingers.

"Okay. So which one of you are willing to go first?" Nancy looked at the two of them. Steve looked at Robin, and she looked pretty dead. "Um, I think I'll go first." Steve says. "Great! You can head down to the room Eddie is in to get started. The door has his name on it" Steve nodded and grabbed Robin's hand and led her to the waiting area. Or what seemed to be the waiting area at least, it had a lot of chairs.

"Look who's a mess now." Steve teased Robin, and she quickly snapped out of her trance. "I can't help myself! I was just stunned." Robin crossed her arms and sat down in a chair. "Yeah, whatever. While you daydream about Nancy I'm gonna go ahead and find Eddie." Robin nodded then Steve left down the hall.

He walked and walked down the walls until he found a door. It had Eddie's name on it. He gripped onto the doorknob then turned and opened it. Eddie was there sitting on a chair, messing with tattoo ink and what not.

"Hey Eddie." Steve stepped into the room and closed the door behind him. It seemed like Steve startled Eddie because he jumped in his place and dropped his tattoo gun. "Holy fuck Harrington, you scared the living shit out of me." He sighed and picked up the gun.

"Sorry!- I should've knocked." Steve took a seat in the hydraulic chair. "No shit you should've," Eddie set down the tattoo gun on the small table next to him and Steve and looked at him. "So, what have we got today?" Eddie watched as Steve took out his phone.

"Me and Robin decided on matching ice cream tattoos. We worked at scoops ahoy not too long ago so we thought it could be a good way to store our memories, y'know?" Steve gave Eddie his phone with the picture on it. Eddie studied the picture hard.

"M'kay. Platonic with a capital P right?" Eddie whispered to Steve. He had a confused look, then he realized what Eddie meant. 

"Platonic soulmates of course." Steve waved one of his hands and put his phone back in his pocket. Eddie nodded. "Got it. Where do you want that sweet thing to go?"

"I was thinking right here- Wait, one second," Steve began to lift his yellow sweater above his head and set it next to him, revealing his white tank top. Eddie's face flushed red a bit. "here. On my upper arm?" Steve pointed his index to the spot.

"I can do exactly that for you pretty boy," Eddie reached to his side and pumped soap onto his gloves. Steve flushed at the name. "Did you shave today? Can't get a tattoo without shaving." Steve nodded, and Eddie proceeded to grab Steve's arm and rub the soap all around the area.

Then Eddie grabbed a wipe and cleaned off the same area with it. The whole time it was just comfortable silence between the two. After he applied some stencil products and let it sit. Finally he placed the stencil onto Steve's skin.

"Scared?" Eddie finally says something. "Just a good amount. If that exists." 

"You'll be fine. I remember when I got my first tattoo," Eddie says while switching out his gloves and grabbing the ink bottle. "thought I would pass out right on that chair. Turns out it just felt like I was being pinched by toddlers over and over." He shook the ink bottle. He shook it hard.

"And.. does that hurt?" Steve asks. "Not unless you have the pain tolerance of a ten year old, no. But don't worry about it, sweetheart. You've got a professional on your side." Eddie grabbed a paper towel and used it to open the ink bottle, then he poured the ink on the towel.

"Ready?" Eddie gripped onto the tattoo gun. He waited for Steve's approval before pressing the tip of the needle on the sides of the stencil.

Steve winced and swore under his breath for a good thirty seconds, then the pain faded into slight pain. And it wasn't that bad anymore. "Damn," Steve took a deep breath. "Almost done man, you're lucky you chose a good sized one, otherwise this would take for-fucking-everrrr."

Eddie finished lining up the last bit of the tattoo, then he was done. "Were you looking for a fill in? Color?" Eddie stopped the ink machine. "Uh.. yeah, I guess. You can use pink for the ice cream, red for the cherry, and yellow for the cone." Steve gave Eddie a warm smile.

"Of course, my good sir." Eddie joked and smiled back.

After some time, Eddie officially finished the whole tattoo.

He rubbed some lotion onto the irritated skin, then carefully applied a bandage. "Alright Harrington, you're all set. Just be careful and don't swim with it for a little while, don't rub it when showering, and don't get it dirty." Eddie sat up from his chair and threw away any used or dirty products.

"Thanks again love, I really appreciate it." Steve propped his sweater back on with care. "It's nothing. Just worked my handy magic once more. Want me to walk you out?" He threw away his gloves and walked towards Steve. "Yeah, sure." Steve turned the door knob and opened the door to step outside the room.

The two began to walk down the hall at a slow pace.

"How much do I owe you? I mean, for both me and Robin's tattoos." Steve began to pull out his wallet, but Eddie stopped him. "It's fine." Steve stopped in his tracks, causing Eddie to do the same. "What? No- You deserve it-"


Eddie gave Steve a reassuring smile, then closed the gap between the two. It was a soft and caring kiss. Then they both pulled back. "Let me pay you somehow, please," Eddie opened his mouth to protest once again, but his lips were quickly met with Steve's. This time the kiss was more passionate and slightly messy. Steve's nose vaguely brushed against Eddie's and his black hoop nose ring.

Steve's hands fixated on Eddie's waist, and his on Steve's shoulders. The two pulled back for a breather. "We shouldn't do this here." Eddie whispered straight into his boyfriend's ear. "Tell them it's an emergency." Steve smirked suspiciously and his fingers interlocked with Eddie's. Steve led them to the lobby.

There was Nancy and Robin, in the same spot. "Finally. Welco-" Eddie cut off Robins sentence. "Sorry Robin, Nancy, but emergency calls! Get someone to sub for me. Bye!" His words went fast, considering he had no time to speak because Steve was walking so speedily. Then the exit door shut closed.

"Wha- But how will I get back home?" Robin complained. "I'll be glad to take you. Nancy smiles at Robin from across the room. Robin smiles back.

The whole ride to Steve's house felt long. The two men couldn't keep themselves still, rubbing each other's thighs and palming each other through their jeans every now and then.


Steve slammed his room door shut with the heel of his foot. "Wait, wait," Eddie breathes in between kisses. Steve feels his ankle hit the frame of his bed, and allows himself to fall, bringing Eddie with him. "You're sure your parents aren't going to be here?" Eddie gazes into Steve's doe eyes.

"God, please don't bring them up. They won't be here I promise. Okay?" Steve cupped Eddie's cheek. His fingers grazed over the soft skin. "Okay." Eddie melted into Steve's touch. They pressed their bodies against each other, Eddie leaning on to Steve's jaw line to press kisses along it.

"Wait, Eddie," Steve pushes Eddie away, leaving the man confused. "Can we.. Can we try something different?" Eddie hums in consideration, trying to think of what possibly Steve wanted to do. "What'd you have in mind sweetheart?"

"I really  want to be the one to top today. I also thought of maybe doing some stuff in the bathroom?" Steve chewed on his bottom lip, wondering if Eddie will indulge or not. Thinking about the last time Eddie bottomed with Steve. It seemed like Eddie was thinking the same thing based on the fact he was blushing terribly.

"Whatever you want to do." Eddie beamed. Steve signaled for Eddie to get off him, and he did. He pushed himself off the bed after remembering to take his phone with him, and clutched onto Eddie's waist. Eddie shrieked in surprise when he felt himself being lifted up by a pair of strong hands. His legs wrapped around Steve's waist like they knew they belonged there.

The two's lips attacked each other, and that was all Eddie was focused on. He was so focused on it that he wasn't aware that Steve already made it to the bathroom, so when Steve accidentally pushed him against the counter a little too hard, Eddie groaned into Steve's mouth.

"Sorry love," Steve muttered once they pulled back from their connection. Eddie moved himself off of Steve and started to take his sleeveless shirt off. Once the top was fully off, he noticed Steve took his shirt off too. He also couldn't help but notice the fact Steve was full on eyefucking Eddie's tattoos.

"You're so cute Steve. Can't wait for your ink to heal so I can bite all over it." Eddie wet his lips and returned Steve's gazing. Steve's hands immediately rushed to Eddie's fly on his black jeans, working all the buttons then continuing to push the jeans down. All the while Eddie watched with hearts in his eyes. He couldn't believe it. Steve Harrington was his boyfriend. He was all for Steve Harrington. Nobody else.

Past Eddie would never, not once in his life, think that he would be in a romantic relationship with the person who bullied him in high school. Hell, he wouldn't even think it would be possible to be friends with him. His friends were dicks and so was he. Maybe Steve just happened to have a change of heart.. and of sexuality.

Eddie was so lost in his thoughts he didn't even realize Steve was snapping his fingers in front of Eddie's face.

"Eddie? Is everything okay baby?" Steve swiped his thumb across Eddie's sideburn. Just the sensation of Steve lovingly touching Eddie made him want to just hold on to him forever and ever. "Mhm. Just zoned out for a sec." Eddie says.

"Alright. Remember to use safe words when I do something wrong, like we did for me." Eddie nodded. Steve warmly smiled, which was followed by a soft kiss on Eddie's cheek. "Let me deep throat you." Something inside Eddie made him say that. He didn't mean to, he wanted to let Steve control everything. But the words just rolled off his tongue.

Steve's eyes grew big and a blush creeped up on him when he heard Eddie's words. Nonetheless he obliged. "Okay.. are you sure?" Steve watched as Eddie walked around him, so Steve was now the one pressed up against the counter. "Please," Eddie kneeled down on the hard wood floors. "until my throat is sore." Eddie looked up at Steve with a pleading face. A face Steve hasn't seen in so long.

Steve let out a "Fuck," under his breath, and he wasted no time tugging down his jeans and boxers at the same time, letting them sit at his ankles. Eddie gripped at Steve's length and stroked it one, two, three times, before licking a nice hot stripe on the underside of it. Steve shivered at the wetness of Eddie's tongue. God, he forgot how good it felt to be the one getting his cock licked and sucked.

It's actually been a long time since Steve has topped. Four months ago to be precise. When the time was right they established that Eddie would almost always top. And that was it. The first time Eddie bottomed, it was because he somehow got caught in a subspace. The next thing he knew he was being fucked by Steve, folded like a chair under him.

This whole thing gave him an idea. An idea that he thought of way before they even started having sex. Steve's free hand scrambled behind him to get ahold of his phone, and when he did he unlocked it with shaky fingers and went straight to the camera app. He pressed the video button, and then the circle to start filming.

Steve held the phone at an angle where he could see every part of Eddie's face. "Say hi darling," Steve says with a sly smirk. Eddie looks up in confusion, then his eyes focus on the two black cameras on Steve's phone. Then something clicked in his mind. He was being recorded.

Eddie whimpered at the realization that Steve was probably going to post this somewhere. And he wouldn't mind that at all.

Steve's head fell back when he felt Eddie's mouth suctioning around him. His mouth dropped agape, and one of his veiny hands made their way to Eddie's hair, holding onto it for dear life. Eddie groaned into Steve's cock. The vibrations from it only made it a thousand times better for Steve. "Ed, Eddie, I'm close- Fuck!" Steve hissed.

Steve looked down only to see Eddie with drool dribbling down his chin, his face slightly red, and tears welling up in his tear ducts. The sight only made Steve's orgasm reach faster. Oh how did Eddie have a mouth. It truly did help that he didn't have a gag reflex.

Soon enough Steve was milking inside of Eddie's mouth, and Eddie allowed it to happen. Steve's cock sat still inside Eddie's mouth. His nose was pressed up against the patch of hair that made a trail all the way to Steve's belly button, and he sat there on his knees and took it. All of it.

"God- Swallow it baby. Can you do that for me? Show them how nicely you take dick?" Eddie whimpered at Steve's words as Steve pulled out of Eddie's mouth. He watched Eddie's Adam's apple roll. "Good. So good." Steve stopped the video and set his phone back on the counter, then leaned down to kiss his mess of a boyfriend, tasting his own cum and just a tiny hint of cigarette.

Eddie picked himself off the floor to deepen the kiss. One of Steve's hands ran down Eddie's shoulder, his back, then his ass to hungrily grasp it while the other held his waist. Steve was the first to withdraw from the kiss to move down to Eddie's jawline all the way to his collar bone. He sucked and licked the pale skin to leave marks all over. Eddie's head fell onto Steve's shoulder.

All the while Eddie moaned softly. Some bits of Steve's name joining his noises. This allowed Steve's index, ring, and middle finger to slip inside Eddie's mouth, and Eddie got straight to work. His tongue licked all around the fingers, being sure not to miss a singular spot. After a few moments Steve pulled his fingers out. They were wet and covered with layers of saliva.

Steve's mouth disconnected from Eddie's neck to pull down his briefs. He was a little stunned when he found out that Eddie had already taken them off, so now he was just in his black socks and jewelry. His hand was wrapped around his pierced cock caressing it, his fingers crossing paths with the two piercings that sat on either side of the head with every stroke. His briefs sat on the floor along with both of their shirts.

"Just couldn't wait huh?" Steve chuckled quietly. "Do you ever shut the fuck up?" Eddie breathed out in a hoarse voice against Steve's shoulder, being careful not to touch the bandage just below it. "C'mon.. You know you love it. You love when I talk to you all day." Steve presses kisses against Eddie's pierced earlobe. Just the sound of Steve's voice makes Eddie's pace speed up.

"Christ, Steve... 'M getting close," Eddie says in that same hoarse whisper type of tone, but just loud enough so Steve can hear him. "Yeah? You gonna come all over yourself?" Steve bites on Eddie's ear. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, Steve, fuuuuck.." Eddie's words slurred together, and his knees were so close to buckling and giving up when his orgasm hit.

The milky fluid painted Eddie's hand and his chest, along with tiny splotches on Steve's. "God.." Eddie sighed and lets go of his cock, and removes his forehead off Steve's shoulder. "You ready for my fingers yet?" Steve licks one last stripe along Eddie's ear then moves away from it to get a good look at his boyfriend.

"Yeah.. Yeah, I'm ready." Eddie hops up on the counter and spreads his legs wide open, just for Steve. He'd never let anyone else do this to him. Only Steve.

Steve steps out of his boxers and jeans and kicks them to the side to join the rest of their clothes, then moves closer to Eddie. He opens the drawer that stores all their stuff for times like this and grabs the bottle of lube. He squirted a pretty good amount of it on the fingers Eddie wet earlier, and some on his own length, then shut the bottle cap and placed it back in the drawer.

Steve slipped one finger into Eddie's oh so tight hole. It seemed to have forgotten what it feels like to have something inside it, but Steve will make sure it remembers. And never forgets again.

He worked Eddie open and eventually he was three fingers inside him, knuckle deep. "Jesus, why are you so fuckin' good at this Harrington?" Eddie shuts his eyes and manages to say between his unbelievably hot moans and grunts. Once again Steve snatches his phone that lay beside Eddie's thigh, unlocked it, and went straight to the camera app.

The second Eddie flutters his eyes back open he finds himself being recorded once again. He whimpered at the thought of Steve getting off to these videos in the future, him being the one with fingers inside his ass and a horny mess. Eddie catching him and dicking him down. But for now, he'll just have to enjoy being fucked by his cute strong barista boyfriend. And he most definitely can do that.

"You're all mine aren't you darling?" Steve says in an unfamiliar sexy kind of voice Eddie can get used to. "'M all yours."  Eddie repeats, and moans unexpectedly loud when Steve curls his fingers in a way that hits Eddie's prostate just right. "Tell them who's making you feel so good." Steve thrusts his fingers a few more times before taking them out and using the rest of his hand to toy with Eddie's balls.

"Steve! Steve fucking Harrington!" Eddie cries out and bucks against the hand just trying to chase any kind of friction. "That's right. I'm gonna fill you up so good baby." Eddie lets out a low groan at Steve's dirty words. How could sweet, puppy eyed, sunkissed Steve be so fucking hot and dominant? Eddie had no idea, but he really liked it- No, he loved it. 

The next thing Eddie knew, Steve was slicking his cock with the lube he applied on it earlier. His phone was propped against a shampoo bottle next to Eddie.

"Put your hands against the counter." Steve says in a firm voice. Eddie obliged, getting off the counter and putting his hands right where Steve wanted them. "Ass facing me." Eddie obeyed again, moving a little to the left and arching his back. Steve pushed the shampoo bottle and the phone close up to the back of the counter so it could catch every single part of both of them.

"How do you want it love?" Steve lays one hand on Eddie's waist, the other gently going through his hair. "Rough. So fuckin' rough. Just use me." Eddie rolls his hips against Steve's slick member, practically non-verbally begging. Steve leans over Eddie and kisses his cheek. Eddie turns his head so he can actually kiss Steve. On the lips.

Steve moves away so he can look at what he's doing. He grabbed the base of his cock and lightly slapped it on Eddie's hole a few times before pressing it inside. Eddie hummed at the sensation of Steve around his walls, and clenched tightly around him. "Shit, so tight," Steve grunted. He slid almost all the way out, just enough so he could see the head, then slammed back into Eddie.

Eddie whimpered and moaned when Steve began to go faster. "Jesus christ! Steve- fuck, oh my god!" He yelped with every slap of the skin. Steve used his hands to gather up Eddie's curls, just leaving a few short loose strands and his bangs, and pulled his head back. "Look at yourself." Eddie's eyes stared at himself in the mirror. Drool surrounded his mouth, tears ran down his cheek, and his face was red.

"So handsome and pretty," Steve panted. By now, he was hammering into Eddie's guts. "touch yourself for me." So Eddie did. He listened to Steve and instantly began to jerk himself at the same pace Steve was going. His cock leaked of pre-cum and it was red.

"Who do you belong to? Hm?" Steve squeezed Eddie's thigh while sucking hickeys across his back. "You, only y--" Eddie let out a choked moan right before he could even finish. "I bet they wish they were you, getting fucked by S-Steve Harrington.." 

Steve tries his best to keep up his dominant side, but with Eddie making all those lewd noises and clenching so fucking tight around him it almost seemed impossible.

"Close, close, close," Eddie mumbled over and over. His eyes shut. Meanwhile, Steve was seeing stars. He was babbling something along the lines of "Bet you want me to cum inside you, fill you up so good. God, Eddie, I'm almost there." And Eddie was listening. Steve tugged on Eddie's hair again, forcing him to look in the mirror.

Eventually, Steve was coming inside Eddie, bottom out. And Eddie was coming all over his chest and hand again. Steve gently pulled out of his boyfriend and let go of his hair. He turned Eddie around so he could kiss him, his nose slightly brushing against that same familiar nose ring. Steve reached over and grabbed his phone, stopping the video.

"Planning on posting it?" 

"Do you want me to?"

"After you just fucked the soul out of me? Hell yeah."


So Steve did post it. He posted it to twitter, because none of his younger friends had the app. At least that's what Max told him. He tagged Eddie and captioned it 'Had some fun this evening with my hot bf ;)' and of course he didn't post it without putting a content warning on it.

Steve and Eddie ended up cleaning the mess they made together, then taking a nice hot shower with each other, and snuggling up in Steve's bed.

"God, my back is sore. You turned into a fucking beast makin' me arch it like that." Eddie held Steve close, to the point their foreheads were touching and Steve could see every piercing on Eddie's face. "Sorry.. but did I do good?" Steve smiled awkwardly, and Eddie couldn't help but smile back. "Good? That was the best damn sex I ever had. And not to mention the best payment," Eddie yawns.

"you should dirty talk more. That shit made me go crazy." Eddie says, making Steve flush a bright red. "We should probably get some rest. Work remember?" Steve tucks a stray hair behind Eddie's ear. "G'night sweetheart." Eddie closes his eyes. "'Night darling."



The next day Steve woke up to his phone buzzing next to him non-stop. He groaned and turned it on lazily, not realizing what all the fuss was about.

He had over 500 likes, retweets, and comments on the videos he posted. "Holy shit.." Steve tapped on the notification, fully awake now. The notification took him to his account and the videos. He pressed on the comments and read some of them.

mrpickle66: This made me cum so hard.


saraosen: That is the guy who fucked up my tattoo.

Steve chuckled at that comment, and decided to wake Eddie up so he could see. "Eddie, love," Steve gently shook his boyfriend, and it seemed to do the trick. Eddie let out a confused hum as he twisted his body and lazily rubbed one of his eyes. "The stuff I posted, it went viral. And also the girl you mentioned a few days ago commented on it." Eddie raised one eyebrow, so Steve showed him the comment.

After he finished reading he started laughing. "Why's that so fucking funny to me? Here, read some more." Eddie leaned closer to the phone so he could see as Steve scrolled through the comments and read them out loud.

ferntherock: isn't that the guy who does tattoos? he looks so fucking submissive and cute here.

littleladybug: no way. no way steve harrington is eddie munsons boyfriend. OH MY GODD

cdsforlifeee: You're right Steve, I do wish I was being fucked by you.

simp4nancywheeler: SERIOUSLY STEVE? OH MDHSAJA

That was Robin. To be honest, Steve had totally forgotten Robin had twitter. "Oh shit, Robin saw it.." Steve whispers to Eddie as if she was in the room. "Eh. Oh well. Let's just be thankful that none of the kids saw it." Oh how Eddie would regret that sentence.

elevenorjanehopperidontkn: What is happening here?

williswiserthanu: NO EL

fruitytothecupmax: oh shit lol. good for u steve. good for you.

americaneedserica: this is worse than seeing lucas' diary.


lucassinclairrr: No comment.

mikewazowskiwheeler: oh.

Steve and Eddie turned to look at each other slowly. "Max told me they don't have twitter." Steve stuffs his face in his palms. "I mean... at least they reacted well?" Eddie awkwardly scratched the back of his head. He knew he and Steve had a looooot to explain to everyone today.

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