
By softvxty

4.1K 172 18

Bakugo. One of the most hidden villains out there. He works alone, he thinks people gets in his way. He never... More

-1- 開始
-2- 已經!?
-3- 靈魂伴侶?
-4- 第一天
-6- 第二天
-7- 第二天 Pt. 2
-8- 第二天 Pt.3
-9- 第二天 Pt. 4
-10- 最后一天
-11- 最后一天 Pt. 2
-12- 最后一天 Pt. 3
-13- 最后一天 Pt. 4
-14- 吻痕
-15- 问题
-16- 什麼鬼!?
-17- 秘方
-18- 媽媽和兒子

-5- 第一天 Pt. 2

270 12 0
By softvxty

"Narrators" POV, Friday, 8:30

The class continued talking as people were eyeing the two in the back. Bakugou and Todoroki, what an odd pair. They were confusions as why they were together but some few were eyeing them with jealous eyes. Not pointing fingers but they were Midoriya, Iida, and Uraraka. Nobody noticed but one, Bakugou. He isn't dumb, they looked they had love in their eyes and he knew they wanted Todoroki all to themselves.

Bakugou decided to play with them and grabbed Todoroki by the face and kissed him right in front of their faces. It was hot but got finished quickly. Good thing nobody noticed except them.

"What was that?" Todoroki asked, blushing.

"Oh, nothing...~" Bakugou answered, smirking.

After a few seconds of talking the door opened and everybody instantly went to their seats, as if nothing happened before. Mr. Aizawa walked in, looking like a mess, his signature look. He stood in front of the class, looking around, before speaking and teaching.

An hour passes by and Bakugou is passed out on the table. Todoroki on the other hand, wasn't sleeping but admiring his first ever soulmate. He never wanted to lose this very precious moment, looking at his future lover sleeping peacefully. He knew he was going to have other moments together and he was going to cherish them all. So this is what love felt like, wanting to cherish everything together, wanting to be by their side and an image of them in your mind that won't leave even for a second, which makes you distracted and before you know it, your grades are going down. But that's the affect of love.

"Todoroki." Aizawa says, popping Todoroki back into reality.

"Yes, sir?" He answers.

"Please, pay attention."

"Sorry, sir."

"And, please, wake up the problem child."

"Will do."

"Todoroki's" POV, Friday, 21:50

I think the day went by way to fast. It's already so late and Bakugou, right now, is sleeping, again. I couldn't even do anything nice for him since he was always so distant from me even though I was supposed to watch him. I only have two more days to prove to him that I'm not like other guys. I will love him all my life.

"Why...why would you do this?" I hear someone say. There isn't anybody in this room, except me and Bakugou. He only agreed to sleep with me if I don't hug onto him or anything like that. I sit up on the bed and look over to my side. Bakugou...his face is srunched up and his mouth is quivering. His hands are clenched onto the bed sheet, holding onto it like he would die if he dared to let go.

Seeing this as not a good sign, I gently shook him and that was enough for him to shoot his eyes open and sit up. He looks around, clueless, like the first time he was in my room. He's panting as if he ran for his life, I want to do something, anything but I'm frozen in place. I don't even know if it's okay to touch him.

With very much thought, I gently touch his hand which turns his attention to me. His red ruby eyes are watery, making them shine even though they aren't. He bites his lip as if he's trying to hold in his crying that he's holding in. But he can't anymore, because the first tear that slips, breaks him into a crying mess. He flings himself onto me and I caress his back, rubbing as I bring him onto my lap.

I close my eyes, letting him get my front shirt drenched in salty tears. His sniffles and his cries is breaking the silence. I sigh and breath in his caramel scent. He smells so sweet, like candy that you knew was real and you tasted it before but you just can't name it. His body so feminine and masculine, just fascinates me in so many ways. This person, I'm letting cry on my shirt is my soulmate.

I just knew, this magnificent, pretty boy. With pretty eyes, pretty hair, pretty face. This boy, is mine, all mine. I have a devil, to call my own, but not a mean devil, a devil that will be with me, even though I'm an angel. It's so clear, that he's the one for me.

An hour goes by and he lifts himself off of me. "Do you want to talk about it?" I ask him, gently rubbing his hands. I'm looking into his red, puffy eyes, but they aren't looking back. They don't want to look into mine.

"It was a bad dream. It was about my first soulmate, I had him in my arms, letting my tears fall onto his pale face. His eyes, dead, with no emotions. His body felt so cold and it all felt so real. The rope was tied on his neck, and the half of it gone because I tried to save him. Then, i'm running. I'm running barefoot out onto the streets and into my seconds soulmates house. It was covered in trash to the point with every step I took, my feet was stabbed with something. When I finally got to the end of the house, I see, my second soulmate, dead. I knew this was a dream, because it felt real but didn't at the same time. I tried telling myself to wake up but none of that worked. Everything just kept repeating...That's when you woke me up. If you didn't, I would've been trapped in there. In an endless dream where I couldn't get up, no matter what." He sighs, and which felt like in forever, he stares into my eyes. "You won't leave, me, right?"

I cup his face into my hands and smile gently. "Hey, I love you. Nothing won't change my mind, everything about me fascinates me. Nothing you don't do won't disgust me in any way. Sure, your a villain. That doesn't make any difference, because, you're my soulmate. Your so beautiful to the point where there is no such word that will describe how beautiful you are. And when I was watching you sleep, I thought to myself: God, this boy is so dreamy. I can't believe that, this boy, right in front of me, is my mine..." I look at his red lips, with now bite barks on top of it. I look back in his eyes and he knows what I'm about to ask because he just nods his head. I lean in, and give a gentle small kiss. "Let's go to bed."

"But what if it comes back..?" He asks, worry in his voice. He, again, avoids eye contact.

"Don't worry." I say as I lay down. I pull him next to me and hug him. I lay my head on top of his and rub his back. "I'll fight them off. I'll protect you."


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