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"Bakugou's" POV, Sunday, 7:18

"Im just lucky to be born for you to look at and admire." Icy Hot days and I blush.

I do like looking at him. He hands me my food and I take a seat to eat it. He hands me a fork and I almost drool looking at the delicious food. It's a Fluffy Japanese Soufflé pancakes, it had cut strawberries on it, powdered sugar that topped it, and a little syrup on the side.

I take my fork and knife and dig in. Though, when I ate it, it wasn't cooked all the way and it was way to sweet. I wonder how much sugar he put in this. Though, he did make it look good, and that's some points. I put on my best smile, "Baby!~ How did you learn to make delicious stuff like this?" I say, making a white lie.

"I learned from videos." He answered. Just then, Raccoon Eyes comes in. She looks like a mess, she also has hickeys, guess she and her girlfriend had some fun as well. She stays quiet and slouched next to me. She looked tired.

Icy Hot continues talking to me, "I heard Jirou and the others are going to the grocery store, to you know, get sweets and food."

My ears perk up on the word, 'sweets'. I love sweets but I'm picky about them. I push my food to Icy Hot. "Babe, the food was great, but I need to change." I say, running off to the room again.

Once I get there, I immediately start looking for clothes to wear. If he told me earlier, I would have worn something else. Now I have to change again.

I grab the clothes and head into the bathroom. I change into my new pair of clothes and start doing my hair again. Then, since I already did my skincare, I put on glossy lipstick and that's it. I pose in the mirror, I start feeling myself but I snap out of it. I leave the bathroom but before I go, I look at myself again. I just had to make sure I look better than everybody else. Though, I already know it, everybody else is just there to make me look good.

I walk downstairs and it's just like how we were all ready to go the club except everybody was all dressed differently.

"Thanks for waiting!" I say, and I walk to Earphones and follow her. "Bye, Babe! I love you!" I wave my hand and leave the door.

We all get in the car. There was Deku, Shitty Hair, Pikachu, Four Eyes, Earphones, and the rest were in the other car. We got in charge of the sweets and the others got in charge of the regular food. I'm in the back seat with Earphones so I ask her, "Did Raccoon Eyes and Icy Hot get in charge with the other food?" I ask her.

She just looks at me weird, "Raccoon Eyes? Icy Hot? Who are they?"

I look at her as if she's dumb but I don't say it, I don't want to explain who they are so I just say, "Mina and Todoroki."

She looks at me, understanding, "Ohhh, they stayed back to clean the place up."

"Oh, okay." I say and pause before just saying, "So...how was sex with Raccoon Eyes?" I was going to slide the question in but I decided to be straightforward instead.

"Bakugou, you sure are weird. Mina and I didn't have sex last night." She says, all blushing.

"Are you sure? You're blushing!!" I tease.

She looks at me, "We didn't. She passed out before I could even try to hit on her." She's says, looking embarrassed and even sounding embarrassed.

"What? I...I saw...there was hickeys on her neck though..." I say, unsure. This makes me question, is Raccoon Eyes cheating on earphones? I try to get that thought out of my head because I'm sure she would never do that.

Just then, Earphones starts talking again, "Well, we all got really drunk...except for Iida-kun. He stayed sober when he heard you guys left. So we all took our chances, got super drunk, and we all woke up with huge headaches and we barely remembered anything. It was really fun."

"So maybe you guys did have sex but you just don't remember it!" I say, completely forgetting the thought of Raccoon Eyes cheating on her since I have a reason not to think so.

The car came to a stop and I looked around to see we were at the parking lot. We all stepped out of the car and began walking to the grocery store.

I could not wait to find all the sweets I can and fill up the carts to the brim. I have so many ideas to make so many desserts. "Who's ready to find the best sweets?!" I yell/ask as I wrap my arm on Earphobes shoulders, pulling her closer to me.

All she does is laugh awkwardly and fidget with her hands. This is immediately tells me that she's socially awkward, well, kind of.

Once we get into the store, we grab a cart and Four Eyes pulls out a list of we need. I rip it out of his hands and tear it apart. "Why do we need a list for sweets? Let's just get everything that we see is yummy and leave." I pause and smirk before pulling something out behind my back, "Plus, we got Icy Hots, Daddy money."

"Nice going, dude!" Pikachu yells.

"I agree but shouldn't we be asking if it's okay?" Shitty Hair asks.

I just scoff at him and put the card in my pocket. "Who gives a shit, Shitty Hair? I already know who, nobody." I say, sticking my tongue at him. "Now let's hurry up and go already!"

I already start walking before they say anything else. They start walking after me and I hear Shitty Hair say, "My hair isn't that different from yours!"

I just yell back, "Yes, it is, mine is way more cooler and yours is just shitty!"

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