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Soulmate AU

Soulmates, everybody gets one. Some people get one as soon as they're born, others, they get it later.

How do you know if you found your soulmate? You either get a piercing or tattoo. One soulmate gets a piercing, the other gets a tattoo but mostly they both have tattoos. Your piercing/tattoo will give you hints for who your soulmate is.

You' ll know when you found your soulmate when you start to feel something new. Like a connections, a string that's pulling you closer to them, or a warm sensation taking over your body but mostly it's your face.

If you lose a soulmate, you get another. You only have three, if you lose your third one, you don't get one any more. You don't feel love ever again, you die alone.

This will be a TodoBaku story, or is it? This book will have surprises, hatred, heart breaks and more. This will be all inside the books, or not. This will leave you wondering, is it the end?

This book will mostly have trigger warnings, like suicide or blood/gore, stuff like that. This is not recommended for the children under 14.

The Chinese Lettering is something I only use for the chapter names. You can translate it to english.

"✮Solivagant✮" Coming Soon.

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