-13- 最后一天 Pt. 4

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"Bakugou's" POV, Saturday, 21:04

We arrive to the club and we all step out. Again, i'm the last one out. I get close to Todoroki but he moves away from me. The fuck? Weird. I shrug it off and get close to Mina instead. She greets me with a smile and we stick close together, laughing.

Though, I don't like how Todoroki is acting. It's not like him. I wanted to lash out at him and slap him for his behavior but everybody's here and I don't want to ruin anything on a special night.

We all walk inside and I go over to one of the workers and tell them about the reservation. They don't ask for I.D. and just let us through. I was kind of pissed when they didn't ask for it because I got everybody fake I.D.'s for nothing. I just sigh and we all follow to the room.

We get there soon enough and it's a room big enough for all of us. The walls are sound proof so we can play our own music, they have a table for all the drinks, a few buttons to call the workers, a couch, a TV to watch some stuff, and some more cool things. Though, they don't have a bathroom so we have to leave the room to get out.

The workers give all of us a key card to enter the room just in case we leave to get some fresh air or something. We all say thank you before the workers leave.

We all start talking, but I focus on the menu to order food. I only order the tempura and dumplings since we ate dinner already, I also order the drinks so we can get drunk. I plan to stay sober a little so we can get home safely.

I turn around to Todoroki when I'm done with the ordering. "Babe!" I yell as I wrap my arms around him.

"Hi." Is all he says.

"Babe~! I ordered some drinks, you can get drunk all you want because i'll stay sober so I can keep you safe."


"Babe!" I yell. No answer. "Icy Hot!" I yell again. He just continues talking to Shitty Hair. "Todoroki!" I yell for the third time. I let go of him and nudge him to look at me.

"Oh. Um. Okay, do what you want." He says, and which Shitty Hair gives him a weird look.

I grunt and move to Mina. We start talking and playing some games. The room is split up, the girls and me on one side, and the boys on the other. It's like a school dance, nobody from the other side want to communicate.

Though, I'm giving Todoroki some glances but he not even once, he turns to look to at me. This makes me mad but I calm down because the food and drinks come. It gets put on the table and the waiter leaves the room.

The boys immediately go to the food but the girls and I head to the drinks, ready to get drunk.

The room is separated again but this time, the food and a few drinks is with them. We have mostly the drinks and some of the food. The girls are drunk, definitely, except for me and Mina though. I look over to Todoroki again but he doesn't look at me, instead he's doing karaoke.

I wanted to do karaoke but now I don't want to because I'm pissed at him and don't want to do anything that has to do with him. I groan loudly and take a full bottle of soju and chug it down. The burning feeling down my throat makes me feel at ease and more calmer. I don't get drunk easily but it makes me a little woozy.

I get up and leave the room, telling everybody I'm going to the bathroom. I take the keycard with me and head out.

Once I get there, I use the bathroom. It reeks with vomit, drugs, and piss. Makes me want to leave faster. I finished and go wash my hands. I'm the only one there, so I look into the mirror. I look at what I can see. There's nothing really specials, just a bunch of graffiti and writings all over the wall.

I sigh when I see an ugly man walking to me. Ugh. I can't believe I have to deal with him.

"Hey, what are you doing alone? Need a strong man to protect you?" He asks me as he flexes his muscles.

"No. Goodbye." I say and try to leave the bathroom.

But to my surprise, he stops me and slams me against the wall. He holds my arms up by my wrist. He uses one hand to hold me down and the other to touch my waist.

"Come on...don't be like that." He says, I turn my head away in disgust since his breath didn't smell good. He grabbed my face to turn to him. "Why are people like you always like this?"

The guy got close to my face and was going to kiss me until he got pulled back. Todoroki. I never thought I would've been so happy to see him.

Todoroki beat him to a pulp and grabbed my hand. Everything was happening so fast that before I knew it we were back at our dorm. Just the two of us, nobody else. I didn't question what happened because I knew what it was but couldn't recall it.

"What happened?" Todoroki asked.

"I was just using the bathroom. He approached me. I'm so glad you were there, babe-" I said but he cut me off.

"This is why I said not wear something so revealing."


"You know what I said."

"Do you fucking hear yourself!?"

"Loud and clear. It's your fault he charged at you."

"Oh my god..! You think this is my fault!?-"


"SHUT UP! Shut the FUCK up! I will be talking and you won't say shit. I changed my outfit for you. You. YOU, said it was okay to wear. I shouldn't be asking you if it's okay for me to wear this. And guess what, Jirou was wearing the same first outfit and you didn't say shit. Why?!"


"You better start fucking talking. Or is it because you're too afraid?"

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