Female Gohan x Male Saiyan/An...

By Victor_TheRiper

197K 4.5K 2.3K

After the arrival of Gohan's Father, Son Goku, back to earth, he then had a little chat with an unknown ally... More

Prologue 1: Andorid Saga
Chp.1 The Saiyan Andorid Is Born
Chp.2 The Rise Of The Androids
Chp.9 Enter Imperfect Cell Pt.1
Chp.10 Imperfect Cell Pt.2
Chp.11 Enter Semi-Perfect Cell Pt.1
Chp.12 Semi-Perfect Cell Pt.2
Chp.13 Semi-Perfect Cell Pt.3
Prologue 2: Cell Saga
Chp.14 Enter Perfect Cell
Chp.15 Cell vs Trunks
Chp.21 Cell Games Pt.1
Chp.22 Cell Games Pt.2
Chp.23 Gohan's Awakening Anger
Chp.24 Super Perfect Cell
Chp.25 The Unleashed Transformation
Chp.26 Cell's Defeat
Before I Continue...
Chp.28 Goten Is Born
Chp.35 Date Night
Chp.36 AfterMath
Chp.37 Lemon
Final Chapter


3.6K 90 52
By Victor_TheRiper



Gohan Age: 17

Years have pass now, earth is still no danger and yet to be living in peace, and so far for the z fighters as well, Goten, Gohan's little brother is now 5 years young, as for Gohan and (YN), their grew up as well and are now teenagers, Gohan 17, and (YN) 18, and yet they still to get along really more often and with Goten alongside too, (YN) continues to work on the farm while Gohan now goes is in High School and studies for a career, and has made some freinds over there as well, especially one friend who goes by Videl, Mr.Satan's daughter.....
One day, they notice ChiChi always busy, working hard and taking care of Goten, so (YN) and Gohan thought for her to take a break, and go out and have herself a little vacation with Bulma, and they will take care of the chores and Goten...ChiChi agrees and will take a break and hang out with Bulma...

ChiChi: Alright, well I'm off, so you got everything under control you two?

Gohan: Of course mom, everything here we'll take care of it.

(YN): No worries Ms.ChiChi, just go and enjoy your break while we do the best we can here to help.

ChiChi: Okay then, well take care you two, bye my sweet little Goten, mommy will miss you.

Goten: Bye mommy.

ChiChi: Okay bye you two, and don't screw around, hehe, see ya soon.

ChiChi then leaves the house, and to then look at each other when ChiChi said "screw around" they both chuckled together...

Goten: Big sis, is mommy gonna come back?

Gohan: *Pats goten* Of course little bro, she's just gonna be with auntie Bulma for a while and she'll be back in no time.

(YN): And look at the bright side, we got the house ourselves, so we'll be taking care of you and make sure you have the best time with us.

Goten: Cool!

And so, Gohan and (YN) took over the house and to began to do chores first, Gohan washing dishes, (YN) sweeping and mopping the floor, both doing laundry with Goten's help, cleaning the dust off the furnitures, and after taking care of the chores, they then get them leave some free time...they played with Goten hide and seek, went fishing as they managed to catch a huge catfish and to cook it for later on for dinner....and at night, they watched tv together...and so goes on the night, they put Goten to sleep in his room and to then sat together at the living room...

Gohan: Heh, guess it isn't hard nor stress as I thought would be.

(YN): No kidding, it's easier than I thought would be.

Gohan: Yup.

Then, (YN) wraps his arms around Gohan from behind and to snuggle with her as Gohan holds his hands and smoothens it...

(YN): Today was fun.

Gohan: It is...hopefully this happens all the time.

(YN): It will, heh, I mean what could go wrong?

Gohan: Heh, you're right. I mean we can easily handle this, so what could possible for wrong either way?

Some weeks pass by...at first, things were going good with the two taking care of the house and Goten and smoothly going well....until at the very end...things aren't looking quite good for the two of them as take in charge and being responsibility took it to the very next level. One evening, Gohan was at home, stressed out of her head as she was cleaning everything in the house while cooking dinner as well...

Goten: Big sis, can you help me with homework?

Gohan: Not now little bro, I'm too busy here.

Goten: But I can't-

Gohan: Well if you focused at school very well you wouldn't have to much trouble with homework!

With Gohan raising her voice at Goten, Goten began to hold back his tears, and to then walk away...and Gohan to feel bad...she then walks up to Goten and to pick him up and hug him...

Gohan: S-Sorry, I didn't mean to yell at you... I'm sorry little bro.

Goten: *sniffs* It's okay.

Gohan Mind: sighs* Nrgh! This wouldn't have happen if HE would be home in time and taking care of his responsibility! And I wonder where the hell he can be?!*

Then, he heard the doorknob and the door open and to see (YN) arriving home with food...

(YN): I'm home.

He approaches to Gohan and to pat Goten...

(YN): Hey little guy.

Gohan: So...Where have you been?

(YN): Huh?

Gohan: You heard me, Where.Have.you.been?! You should have been home 2 hours earlier!

(YN): Oh right, I was at Kame's House kicking it with Yamcha and Krillin.

Gohan: Oh?! So hanging out with them is more important than being here home and not helping me?!

(YN): Oh get off my back will ya?! I need a break somehow!

Gohan: You could have gotten yourself a break here! But instead you rather be out hanging out and not taking responsibility! Also, it was your turn to help Goten with homework!

Gohan puts Goten down as she and (YN) began arguing...

(YN): Look I messed up okay? So why don't you calm down-

Gohan: CALM.DOWN?! I've been busting my ass here all day without your help! And instead you rather not come home in time and just hang out with those guys!

(YN): Well at least I brought food from the farm! At least I'm doing something useful! On for love of dende's sake, tell the brat to not stare at me! Sick of him fucking starring at me!

Gohan: Hey you leave him out of this okay?!

(YN): Well do me a favor and ask him to stop fffffucking looking at me!

Gohan: (YN) you don't even get along with him all the time like before!

(YN): Oh I've spent time with Goten!

Gohan: You're barely even home!

(YN): I took him to the footing!

Gohan: ...Goten doesn't even like football. Maybe if you spent time with Goten, you'd know he like it.

(YN): Well every time I tried talking with him he shuts down!

Gohan: And I wonder WHO he gets that from??!

(YN): Oooooooh here we go again, little miss perfect and her flawless parenting skills!

Gohan: What?!

(YN): Oh you're always in mommy's ears telling how a screw up his old man is! Tell me, where were you when I was slaving down mic!

Gohan: I should have listen to my mother to not be married by you!

(YN): Well I wasn't good enough for your parents-

Gohan: Well you were never good enough for ME!!!

After that, everything got dead silent after what Gohan said, and (YN) to drop his jaw slowly...

(YN): So...the truth comes out *breathes in* Goten get your things we're leaving!

Gohan: Don't you touch him!

(YN): He's my son!

Gohan: Don't you dare take him!

(YN): You got the fucking house and now you're gonna take my boy too?!



Gohan: FUCK YOU!


Gohan/(YN): FUCK YOU!!!!

With them glaring at each other and arguing so much, they notice Goten quietly whimpering and sobbing....Gohan then picks him up and looks at (YN)...

Gohan: I think you should-

(YN): Ah, you don't have to say it, I already know.

(YN) stomps his way out the house and shuts the door quietly as Gohan then tries to calm Goten down...
Some hours go by, Gohan manage to clean the house and yet having Goten to be out to sleep in his room...she sat on the living room, and to feel exhausted....and also, feel awful about the argument she had with (YN)....she then looks at the picture of her, him and Goten together, smiling, and being happy....she gently smiles at it...and to get a little emotional....so, she grabs her phone and calls him...
Meanwhile somewhere at a beach, we see (YN) sitting down looking at the ocean view and the moon as well, drinking Heetap...and to feel bad about what happen at the house with Gohan as well...before he goes over to apologies, he gets a phone call, and it's Gohan...he answers...

(YN): ...Hey Gohan.

Gohan: Hey...Listen...I-I'm sorry about back there...I didn't mean to say those things to you...and shouldn't have yelled at you like that and giving you such attitude...none of that would have happen if I talked to you calmly...but I fucked up...so...if you're okay...can you come back...*sniffs*

(YN): It's okay, and I'm sorry to for yelling at you too...don't worry, I'm on my way, and we can talk about it calmly...

Gohan: O-Okay *sobbing quietly*

(YN): E-Eh??! You're crying?!

Gohan: ...a bit.

(YN): Don't worry, I'm on my way! And it's okay, everything's alright.

(YN) hangs up and then to place both fingers in his forehead and to instant transmitted himself to the house, as he does, he arrives at home, approaches to the door, takes one deep breathe...and enters, as he does, he sees Gohan on the sofa looking down and holding her legs...he approaches and Gohan realizes him here....she then quietly whimpers and to hug him and to quietly sob and (YN) to sit down with her while hugging her...

(YN): Hey it's okay, don't think about it that much, I'm here now for you, okay?

Gohan: *sniffs* Okay...it's just...now that I think about it...I guess this whole "responsibility" thing...we kinda took it too far...

(YN): heh, I guess we did...maybe we should East it off.

Gohan: Yeah *sniffs*

(YN) and Gohan looked at each other as (YN) wipes Gohan's tears off, and holding her cheeks...then, they blush when seeing each other, and gently smile...as they do, they began to slowly approach to each other closer and closer, and then...their lips to tough and landed a kiss together...FINALLY! They kiss to slowly back away and smile at each other....
And then there's Goten, who was spying there entire time, and giving a smug look...

Goten: Gohan kissed (YNNNN)...~~

Gohan: G-Goten!!!

(YN): Heh, little rascal.


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