Niall's Princesses

By TornIn1Direction

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Rebecca was keeping the best things in her life a secret. Well not exactly, people knew about the two girls k... More

Chapter 1 - Where everything went wrong
Chapter 2 - I guess I miss you
Chapter 3 - It's twins
Chapter 4 - "What's her name?"
Chapter 5 - Glad you're back
Chapter 6 - "How is she?"
Chapter 7 - I still love her
Chapter 8 - Tomorrow at 2
Chapter 9 - Just Like Before
Chapter 10 - You've got it wrong
Chapter 12 - Family
Chapter 13 - A Connection
Chapter 14 - You're Heartless
Chapter 15 - Mess Everything Up
Chapter 16 - It's No Fairytale
Chapter 17 - I Didn't Mean It
Chapter 18 - Forever And Always
Epilogue - Our Perfect Lives

Chapter 11 - I Never Told You

2.1K 34 0
By TornIn1Direction

AN - Sorry that it's been so long since I last updated! I started writing this and then I got a load of work to do and I had to do all of that and then my writing got deleted and I had to start it again and basically everything went wrong. And omfg went to the O2 on Saturday for the tour and I died. Best. Night. Of. My. Entire. Life. I hope you enjoy this chapter and I will really try to update sooner than I did this time!

I rushed down the stairs not bothering to go back to my own room for my phone or anything else. I grabbed my coat and keys as I left the house and got into my car to start driving to Rebecca’s. I can’t believe all of this had happened yet there was Niall thinking she wanted to hurt him. I sat impatiently in the car as I came across a traffic jam. Trust this to happen right when I needed to get somewhere desperately. Finally when I arrived at Rebecca’s, I turned the car off and got out all in one swift movement. I then basically ran to the door and knocked on it loudly to make sure Rebecca would hear. A few moments later the door opened and Rebecca looked a bit shocked seeing me on the other side of her door.

“Harry what are you doing here?” She asked me and moved out the way so I could get in.

“I spoke to Niall,” I said whilst walking in and shutting the door behind me and she gave me a look to make me continue. “He saw someone dropping the girls home after he dropped you home” I told her. She stood there in obvious shock and I finished what I was saying. “He thinks you moved on really quickly after you and him and that you planned yesterday to hurt him like he hurt you” I said and she just stared at me.

“UNCLE HARRY!” I heard someone shout and looked behind Rebecca’s body to see Lillie running towards me and wrapping her arms around my legs. I knelt down to give her and hug as I realised Rebecca was literally frozen in shock at what I had told her.

Rebecca’s P.O.V

Niall had seen his own kids and thought they were someone else’s. He had been ignoring me because he thinks I meant to hurt him. He thought I didn’t love him anymore. That was a lot to get my head around at one time. I ended up being brought out my thoughts by a light tapping on my leg and looked down to see Lillie looking at me confused

"Mummy are you okay?" She asked sweetly and I smiled at her and nodded and she smiled before running back to play with Annabelle. Harry stood back up and smiled supportively at me.

"You really do need to talk to him,” Harry told me and I took a deep breath knowing he was right. "I can tell him to come over if you want?" He said and I nodded. 

Harry hugged me tightly before leaving and telling me to promise to talk to Niall and I promised. 

I then went to get the girls ready for bed and then collapsed onto the couch and got my phone to ring Niall again.

Niall's P.O.V

I laid there looking up at the ceiling. What now? Suddenly I heard my phone begin to ring and I decided to go and see it thinking about what Harry said earlier about me being wrong with what I though. I saw Rebecca’s name flash across the screen and it took me a moment to give myself the courage to answer it.

“What” I said bluntly as I pressed the accept call button. I could hear her sigh on the other end of the phone and I knew I shouldn’t have been so harsh.

“Niall I need to talk to you,” She said and I could hear the desperation in her voice that told me it was urgent but I was still mad at the fact of what happened yesterday.

“Well we are talking,” I said not showing any emotion in my voice not wanting to let her know how much she hurt me.

“Can you come over to mine… please?” She said with a begging tone that managed to break my heart. I nodded even though she couldn’t see.

“I’ll be there as quick as I can” I said and hung up before going out to my car and passing Harry who smiled at me who presumably knew where I was going and why.

I drove round to Rebecca’s and sat in the car outside to think things over before actually going to see her. I could turn back and go home right now and then we probably wouldn’t talk again and everything would be solved. This could work. But I owed her enough to at least talk to her. I took a deep breath before getting out the car and walking slowly towards her door. I knocked lightly hoping that she might not hear and that I could use that as an excuse for never having to talk to her and then everything would be solved in that simple knock. But the door began to open slowly and I knew there was no turning back now. I looked down a little not wanting to look at the eyes that could make my heart beat that little bit faster just by the beauty of them.

“Come in” She said and I walked in nervously. I looked around a little and she hadn’t done badly at all. It was really nicely decorated in here. She led me to the living room and I sat down on the couch. It was one of those moments like when you first go to someone’s house and sit with your back completely straight and not wanting to put all your weight on the couch incase it leaves a mark when you get up. “Niall relax, it’s just me” She said which calmed me down a little bit and I sat more comfortably but still not how I would if I was at home.

“So… why did you want to talk to me?” I asked getting straight to the point and I saw her look down a little as if she was scared to tell me whatever it was.

“Look there’s something I never told you,” She said and I looked at her confused. What was she on about? She took a shaky breath and continued. “Harry told me he talked to you,” She said quietly and I knew what he told her about. “And you’ve got it completely wrong if you’re thinking I meant to hurt you because I didn’t mean that at all” She blurted out quickly and I sat there in silence feeling a bit stupid for thinking it now. “The thing is…” She paused as if trying to find the right words to say whatever it was she wanted to tell me. “Them girls are yours,” She whispered and I barely heard her. I genuinely though I had heard her completely wrong at first but I couldn’t think of what else she could’ve said that would sound anything like what I thought I heard.

“W-what?” I asked confused and honestly quite scared. I watched as her bottom lip quivered as she tried holding herself together and I felt so bad for asking her to repeat whatever it was that she found so hard to say.

“You’re a dad,” She said a little louder but only by a decibel or so and I shook my head wondering how the hell any of this had managed to happen.

“B-but how?” I said and I will be the first to admit that I sounded like a complete idiot as if I didn’t know how babies were made.

“I don’t know” She said in a shaky voice and I didn’t know what to say to comfort her, I was in too much shock myself at the moment to even think about it properly.

“But we only ever slept together twice and we used protection” I said, surely this couldn’t have happened. We had been careful, she was only 15 and my career was only just starting so neither of us planned on having kids yet. I tried telling myself it was all a lie but I had seen the girls with my own eyes.

“I don’t know what happened,” She said sounding just as scared as she probably was when she first found out.

“So what happened?” I asked more meaning about what happened after she found out rather than how it happened because I gathered that we had obviously been that unlucky 2% that condoms didn’t work for and we couldn’t blame either of us for that happening. We had been safe and everything but I felt sorry for her going through this alone and I knew that was my fault. She took a deep breath and started talking again, which pulled me out my thoughts.

“I found out 2 weeks after things ended between us and I went to live with my brother who helped me through it all until I saved up to move here” She told me and I nodded feeling even worse than ever about ending things. Why was I so fucking stupid?!

“Rebecca I’m so sorry, you never should’ve had to go through this and definitely not on your own. If you would’ve told me I would’ve been there for you all the way and I can’t believe I’ve been such an idiot” I said meaning every single word and she nodded.

“It’s fine, I don’t expect anything from you,” She said and I shook my head refusing to listen to what she just said.

“You should expect the world from me. I’ve ruined your life and I want… No scrap that. I need to make it up to you.” I said and she looked at me with watery eyes that made my heart break seeing her like this. “Whatever you need I’ll give it to you and those girls. If only I would’ve known.” I fell silent for a moment before speaking “C-can I m-meet them?” I asked nervously afraid that she wouldn’t let me after abandoning them for the start of their lives but to my utter relief she nodded and I sighed relieved. “I’m going to make it up to them, and you, I promise” I said wanting her to know that I’d fix things and I’d love them girls more than I loved anything I had ever had or will have.

“Lillie and Annabelle.” She said simply and I knew what she meant by that. Lillie and Annabelle were my little girl’s names. A smile found it’s way onto my face and I couldn’t get rid of it. She stood up from where we were sitting and I looked up at her. “They’re sleeping but you can come and see them” She said and my smile grew and I stood up to follow her. She led me to a room with multicoloured letter stickers on the white wooden door spelling out ‘Lillie & Annabelle’s room’ and I smiled at how sweet they were. Rebecca softly pushed the door open and I looked inside to see two perfect girls on identical beds on either side of the room. I could feel tears welling up in my eyes and I blinked hard to stop them from cascading down my face.

“They’re beautiful,” I whispered as I watched them move a little in their sleep. I looked around the room, which was painted a mixture of pinks, and above the heads of their beds were pink princess bed canopy’s that had twinkly little sequins on. Their beds were also pink and the headboard was shaped into a crown. The duvets resting over their peaceful bodies were purple with princess fairies on and it matched the curtains that hung from the window in between their two beds. The whole room was perfect and I could tell they like princesses which was good because they were my princesses and no matter how much I had missed of their lives they always would be.

Rebecca led me back out their room and I couldn’t get over what she had told me tonight. I was still waiting for it to hit me but I doubted that it was going to happen any time soon because it was a big thing to take in.

“Can I come and meet them tomorrow?” I asked and she nodded smiling, causing me to smile back at her. “Will they know who I am?” I asked not wanting to have the picture of my own children not knowing who I was and she looked down a little bit which answered my question.

“I’ll talk to them in the morning and then I’ll text you” She told me and I nodded.

“I’ll see you tomorrow then” I said and walked back out the door to my car. I got in and once again sat there letting my thoughts take over my mind as I it began to hit me. I was a dad. I had two 4-year-old daughters. They probably thought I didn’t care about them. A few tears found their way down my cheeks and I quickly snapped out of it not wanting anyone to know I was crying and wiped my face and started the car. By the time I got home everyone was off doing their own thing, which left me to my own thing. I went to my room and thought everything through. After all I had a lot to think about and I needed to make sure that I made tomorrow perfect to show the girls just how much I cared… and Rebecca.

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