By GuildMaster_RiP

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KDA popstars rising to fame in just 1 night but despite their talents there are also the people behind the sc... More

Chapter 1:A Devil Behind the Smile.
Chapter 2: Seraphine
Chapter 3: Pizza?
Chapter 4: Memories
Chapter 5: Fight?
Chapter 6: Polaroid
Chapter 7:My Queen
Chapter 8:The storm
Chapter 9: Catching Up
Chapter 10: There goes my peace
Chapter 11: I can dress up nice too!
Chapter 12: Party Night! (Part 1)
Chapter 13: Party Night! (Part 2)
Chapter 14: Buckle Up.
Chapter 15:Bloody Night
Chapter 16: Aftermath
Chapter 17:MOM?!
Chapter 18: She Actually has Pretty Eyes
Chapter 19: The Aftermath.
Chapter 20: THIS IS A BAD IDEA!
Chapter 21:Unwanted Guest
Chapter 22: Remenicsing
Chapter 23: Closure with your Demons.
Chapter 24: Wild Goose Chase.
Chapter 25: Midnight Snack
Chapter 26: Staying over with the Idols.
Chapter 27:What are they doing?
Chapter 28: Lighting up the fuze
Chapter 29:Let's go to the Mall!
Chapter 30: Im through with you.
Chapter 31: SURPRISE?
Chapter 33: New Start
Chapter 34:Walk with me ?
Chapter 35: Back to work.
Chapter 36: Trust

Chapter 32: Game Night!

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By GuildMaster_RiP

(Y/n) POV

We all moved to the living room to relax abit more and grabbed all the drinks and snacks the others brought, while the girls started unloading their snacks they have stored up in there cabinet after that the rest were already sitting on the sofa and some on the floor we all got cozy. 

Yasuo:So whats the game?

Ahri:Spin the bottle:truth or dare~

(Y/n):i think im gonna need this.

I got up and grabbed a small bottle of soju then gulping it down with the taste of grapes and  the burning after feeling through my throat after gulping the last drop i placed the empty bottle on the table in front of us.

(Y/n):here a bottle for the game.

I looked up and saw everyone were looking me with a mix faces of concerned and surprised.

Ekko:damn bro i havent seen you gulp that much since... like college?

(Y/n):what? If im gonna play this kind of game mind aswell get wasted before i can remember what happend.

Kai'sa: is he going to be fine? He just chugged a whole bottle.

Yasuo:He'll be finee...he has a high tolerance than both of us, i think.

Senna:you think?!

Yasuo: we were wasted! How would i know all i remember was (y/n) was looking normal when we woke up.

Eve looked at me and bit her lip look like i was some kind of meal to her.

(Y/n):I think I'm gonna need another bottle.

Yasuo:I got you.

Feeling abit disappointed the alchol didnt kick me to straight to tipsy so i tried to just sit back and relax with Yasuo placing another bottle of seltzers to my side.
Ahri placed the bottle i used and started to spin it with everyone anticipation and excitement the bottle sadly landed Yasuo.

Yasuo:Oh come on!

Ahri:Truth or dare~

Yasuo: Truth.

Ahri:Awe no fun...

Yasuo: just go with it please.

Ahri:Finneee.... Did you really dated Riven?

Yasuo:Waaaait, n-!

Ahri:I have my friends~

Its akali.

I looked at Akali and she looked back but immediatly broke eye contact by the second.

Yep its her.

Ekko:Really? I thought u hated that chick cause she copied your style  in the dojo.

Yasuo:I- its....umh...can i change?


Yasuo: fuck me...

Yasuo poured a bottle of sake that he brought and before taking a shot he took a deep breath then taking a shot, his face squinted abit from the taste of alcohol and made a refreshed exhale.

Yasuo: yes it was a 1 time fling....we dated for abit but we didnt last.

Ekko:But how didnt i notice! We were roommies- wait....those vibrations werent from the bass of your speakers werent they?


My face perked up getting some juice story from Yasuo.


Ekko:arrgghhh can we move one i dont wanna hear the next thing in the story.

Eve:I do

Everyone except Eve shouted no as we didn't want more information about what happened in that room.We moved on to the next one which was Kai'sa , she spinned the bottle and it stopped at Ahri which made her excited.

Kai'sa: Truth or dare?


Kai'sa: I dare you to charm someone in the group~

Eve:Oh are we doing that today?~

(Y/n):Wait wait doing what?

Ekko:i have a bad feeling about this.

Sera:what going to happen?

Senna:Oh this would look fun.

Senna already readying her phone to record whats about to happen, Ahri and Eve were giving out mischevious smirks i was up to my seat scared and confused whats happening! But what did she mean charm? Like just flash their beauty or something?

Akali:Seriously? You guys are doing it today?

(Y/n):what's going to happen?!

Suddenly ahri stood up and went to the middle she looked around finding who her target would be she looked at me then smiled, she then slowly walked towards me and stopping right in front of me.

(Y/n):wait wait! stop...dont Ahri !

Ahri:sorry (y/n)~

Her eyes glew pink and her tails appeared with as blew of a kiss releasing a cloud of pink mist in a shape of a heart going to me, and as it hit my face my body started to wobble it felt like i drank alcohol but at the same time my body was yearning for someone....and it was ahri..

No (y/n) control yourself!

My body was swaying left and right i tried snapping myself back by shacking  and tapping my face lightly.

Eve:Oh we have a figther, sorry Ahri your charm isnt that strong enough~

Ahri scoffed and looked at Eve quietly annoyed

Ahri: thats because i didnt want to over do it!

(Y/n):So you were holding back?!

Ahri:Well .......yeah!

Scared that the fact she hold back and knowing even charms have some kind of power level! still lost whats happening..

Qiyana:I get the gist of it, but lost why you guys do it. we have this tradition when playing spin the bottle with friends were  if the bottle ends with eve or ahri they would charm that 1 person till he/she collapse, resist or give in to the charm it works like alcohol it makes the person to wasted if they try to resist until they give in to there "urges".

Senna:And how many were able to resist so far?

Eve:no one so far we know, they all gave in to the 2nd charm.

Lucian: and collapesed?

Ahri:a few..

Ahri looked away while sipping her drink while lucian cocked a brow suspicious of her.

Qiyana:You girls really know how to make a people go wasted in a party.

While the rest were talking about how they do this certain "tradiiton" Yasuo leaned to my left whispering to me.

Yasuo:How are you holding up?


Yasuo:and i thought u can hold your alcohol

He started patting my shoulder and chuckling.

(Y/n):does it look like she gave me alcohol!?

Yasuo gave another chuckle before he gave me a slapped in back which really help not gonna lie.

Yasuo:Hang in there buddy

(Y/n):fuck you.

Sera:I-I actually also have a charm ability.

Everyone went to silent  while looking surpised at the same time with Sera's reveal

Sera POV


My face started to feel like its burning everyone is looking at me with a surpised look. To be honest i didnt know why i said it so i looked at I looked at my bottle and saw that it's not even 1/4 done so me being tipsy is out of the question....but..... seeing (y/n) getting all tipsy from just a charm he looked cute and i wanted to tease him more by joining in..

Eve:Oh this will be more fun~

Ahri:your gonna need more luck (y/n)~

(Y/n):ugh...fuck me..

Sera:Sorry (y/n)..

We move on to the next person to spin the bottle and it was Eve's turn, as she spinned the bottle it stopped at Ekko.


(Y/n) chuckled in satisfaction seeing Ekko getting picked

(Y/n):atleast im not the only one who's getting a bad night.

Ekko:shut up man.

Eve:Truth or dare, dear~


Kai'sa: he should've gone truth.


Ekko:i can handle any dare

Eve:we'll see~

(Y/n) POV

Everyone was already giggling as they wait for Ekko to come out of Eve's room, i was still abit tipsy and i can still feel the charm is still in effect but i was enjoying the night perfectly to say the least.

Ekko:come one guys! Let me change to truth!

Yasuo:Come on Ekko, i-its isnt that bad.. pfft—

Ekko:Can i atleast keep my underwear!

Eve:no no, you need to put in the whole get up dear~

Senna: Come on Ekko, it can't be that bad, plus it will be our little secret~

Senna wasn't so convincing at all with her giggling with her hand covering her mouth while her other arm was ready to take pictures

Qiyana: come on Ekko consider yourself lucky cause not everyone get's to wear Eve's underwear~

Eve:also dont bother giving it back and just burn it after.

Everyone was starting to cheer on ekko to come out Eve's room, untuil we hear a click on the door.

Ekko: ugh finee.. im coming out...

As soon as the door open everyone and me were readying our phone to take photos and a video of Ekko. Ekko came out of the room wearing one of Eve's clubbing clothes revealing alot of skin from the legs and chest while wearing her heals and traingular shades, the dress itself was almost like a night gown. Everyone was starting to hold there laugh but some couldnt handle and started to laugh there ass out.

Akali:AHAHAHAHAHAA looking fabulous man! AHAHAHA

Akali was rolling on the floor in laughing , while qiyana and senna where leaning on each other laughing aswell, Sera was covering her laugh with the hands but you can see she was giving out a big laugh, the rest of the girls where laughing as well on there seat, ahri already holding her belly because of laughing. While Lucian and Yasuo were whistling as loud as they can.

Lucian:your looking really..... fine tonight ekko

(Y/n):Hey can ekko can i buy you a drink? Ahahahahahaha

Yasuo:Hey man, i got my eye on him first. HAHAHAHA

(Y/n):oh im sorry AHAHAHAHAH

Ekko:Har har har, Hey Eve can i please change back up?

Eve:Sorry dear, a dare is a dare you need to wear it till the end of the game~

Ekko:come on im literally wearing a thong here!

Ekko started walking towards us and as he passed by us Qiyana also started

Qiyana: mama likes! AHAHAHAHAH

Yasuo: come on sit here with daddy~ AHAHAHAHAH

Yasuo was patting the his seat near us while giving him a gesture to come to us.

Ekko: urghh....

While ekko was walking to us he accidentally trip because of the heels he was wearing making him tripping down showing his ass to the girls behind him.


Eve:Oh my.


With ekko trying to gain his balance, kai'sa was covering her face all flustered while ahri looked away, Eve on the other hand was satisfied with the photo of the poor bastard unlike the rest who were unlucky  to see what ever was below the hood were laughing there ass out but, meanwhile Sera was dead out cold on her seat.

Senna:ill get a bucket.

Kai'sa:L-let me help you!

I stood up and and help up Ekko up to his seat.

Ekko: Thanks man.

(Y/n):Anything for a gorgeous lady like you~

Yasuo started to laugh his ass more which alsmost made him fall from his seat

Ekko: Oh fuck you man!

I chuckled on the side seeing the two while i took a sip of my drink.Senna and Kai'sa came back with a bucket of cold water, they immediately splashed her face with it making her body jump back up to her seat.


Sera looked around her surroundings with her face wet, she rubs some of the water off her face and looked at us who were also starring back at her

Sera; I-im so so so so sorrryy

Kai'sa:here dry yourself up Sera

Sera:T-thank you.

Ekko:Can we please move on to the next?

Eve:fine fine, what a buzzkill.

Next was akali she help the bottle for a second before spinning the bottle before giving it a hard  spin for 3 straight minutes.

Eve:ugh.....I hate it when you do that.

Akali just giggled in return before taking a sip of her drink. The bottle was finally slowing down bit by bit after 3 minutes while we all stared in anticipation wondering who will it land next. Slowly...and stopped..




(Y/n) Screw you.

Eve:I think i know what to do~

Akali:Sorry (y/n)

(Y/n): Lets just get it over it.

Eve walked to me and suddenly straddled me on my chair.

(Y/n):hey hey hey! Alittle too close for comfort Eve!

The rest of the guys started whistling with Senna and Qiyana cheering on the side too.

Eve:stay still darling, this wont take long~

Eve grab my chin with one hand forcing me too look eye to eye with her, our eyes just starring at hers and a small feeling of nostalgia lingered to me i've realized how long it has been since i last seen Eve without her glasses this long, her eye were still as golden and much brighter than her eyes glew with a glint of pink before i knew it my body starting to feel strange like a small urge was building up, I looked at eve's eyes who was glowing pink now it was as pretty as i first saw them lit up back then. Not only am i falling into Eve charm but falling into a trance.


Ah...this is also making me excited~

The moment i knew it was my turn to charm (y/n) i didnt take a second thought about it and sat on (y/n)'s lap and grabbed his face not wasting a second on this. I looked at (y/n)'s eyes and felt really excited seeing the eyes that i admired so much, whole i passionately  look at (y/n)'s  i was starting to admire them to the point i almost slipped out of my charm but his eyes captivated me as i looked deeply, there it is the spark a small embers of his eyes how much things changed yet his eyes still tries to hold his flame. I notcied (y/n) was already starting at me quiet with his eyes still focused on mine.

Eve:Don't tell me you've already fallen for me, i havent even charmed you yet~

(Y/n):Not in your wildest dreams.

He snickered while breaking a small second of eye sight

Eve:No no eyes on me darling~

I felt the built up of extacy building up in me as the room started to feel hot, looking at (y/n)'s reaction i know he's also anticipating it but he's fear is also feeding me making me much turned and the fact he's making such a face too it's too much for me to control that i'm also about to explode.

Yes...yes YEEES-

Ahri:AHEM.... Eve i think your enjoying yourself too much?

Before i can fully charm (y/n) i was interrupted by Ahri, which pissed me off abit.


I looked at Ahri while trying to hide my pissed self  with a smile.

Eve:oh, is someone jealous?~


Ahri POV

Me? Jelous?! No no no no, im not jealous at all!plus i dont think of (y/n) that way...

But deep in me when i was starring at Eve strandeling with (y/n), and there face almost near with each other, i felt jealous for a second not jelous Eve was able to do that with (y/n) but the feeling of having someones that close to feel there warmth and comfort in a that sense.

Ahri:N-no im not!

Eve: i dont mind sharing~

Kai'sa: alrighty Eve can you speed it up?

Eve:you girls are no fun.

Ekko: im enjoying the view of (y/n) getting all flustered right now

Yasuo:Same here.

(Y/n): oh fuck off with both of you.

Eve:see? Atleast i gto some people who understands~


Kai'sa wrapped her arms around her while cocking a brow at her.

Eve:Ugh fine..


Eve stood up from my lap with me letting out a sigh of release with finally feeling the air passing though my clothes. With me getting air the charm actually  wasnt that bad.

Eve:Oh I almost forgot something, boop!

Eve turned around and walked back to me pressing the tip of my nose with her finger with my body suddenly felt a large blast of energy filled my body making me jolt backwards to my seat. The feelingwas way stronger than what Ahri gave me but this time the after effect was getting to me with my body getting warmer and warmer and my urges were slowly rising.

Yasuo:You okay (y/n)?

Ekko:*chuckles* yeah man you looked wasted.

(Y/n):Im fine im fine. It's just like being-

My body suddenly swayed to the side making me fall towards Yasuo's shoulder but he caught be before i could even land at him.

Yasuo:Yep he's tipsy

Akali:Eve how strong did you gave (y/n)?

Eve:Might have overdid it, my bad~

I knew i would never see the light of day once this charm starts taking a toll on me, not only am i falling for ahri but also eve.....and its EVE of all people.

(Y/n):Hey Lucian.

Lucian:Whats up buddy?

(Y/n):Can you grabe me a small cup of Yasuo's sake on your right.

Lucian:you sure?

Yasuo:do it i want it see this *chuckles*

Lucian: dont blame me when things out of hands.

Lucian POV

As i filled the cup with Soju, Senna suddenly push my hand downward making me fill the cup more than intented


Senna:Shhh, i also want to see (y/n) get wasted~

She chuckles while giving out a mischievous grin.

I cant beleive you all.

I looked at (y/n) who's trying to keep he's composure while his eyes were blinking a bit faster trying to keep him awake.

stay strong (y/n)....

(Y/n) POV

As lucian handed me the bottle my vision became blur for a second i removed my glasses and rubbed my eyes while i drank a part of the Soju i didnt bother the amount that was through my throat as i gulp down the cup hoping it would make me drunk but cursed my tolorance.

Qiyana:Damn (y/n) , slow down cowboy the night is just starting.

After taking the last sip i could taste the mix flavor of alcohol and lychee through my throat, i put on my glasses and lightly spinned my bottle feeling the cup is still 1/4 full.

Huh...i swore i took a big chug.

(Y/n) guessing im next?

Ekko: yep!

I didnt bother looking i spinned the bottle and rested my head on the sofa while the bottle spin around.

Yasuo: you still good?

(Y/n):yep, just gimme a minute to sobber up abit and maybe some cold air.

QIyana:Im amaze you can drink while getting charmed by two gorgeous women.

I raised my eye looking at qiyana then looked at both Eve and Ahri at the other side.

(Y/n):Im guessing they arent gorgeous enough?

I chuckled while looking at both of them with a smug look. Ahri on the other didn't like it and scoffed at me.


(Y/n) "if", ehehe...

Eve on the other didn't react 1 but smiled at me. As the bottle slowed down the bottle pointed at Qiyana.

(Y/n):Aight girl, truth or dare?


Kai'sa POV

I leaned abit to Eve while the rest prepare for Qiyana's dare.

Kai'sa:Im amaze you didnt blow out of control like Ahri, when (y/n) said you aren't gorgeous.

Eve:Oh thats pretty normal for him dear, he would always say that just to spite me~

Akali:SO basically he's jsut doing it to get on too nerves?


Qiyana:HECK NO!!! NOPE!

We looked back and saw Ekko who was now laying down on the table with shot glass on his belly, chest and mouth.

Ekko:Hjm! Wym m I-

(Y/n):English Ekko.

Ekko moved his arm and removed the shotglass that was dangling in his mouth like a pig with it's apple.

Ekko:Hey, why am i always the victim!

(Y/n):why not?

Ekko:that not's even excuse!

Yasuo:Comeone man live alittle

Ekko:Easy for too you say!

Akali:Enough complain more playing!

Qiyana:Do i really have to?

We all looked at her with a face of "really? Your asking us?"

QIyana:Ugh fine!

Qiyana: place her hands behind her back and bend over to reach for the glass on ekko's belly with her mouth but everytime  Qiyana put her lips on the glass Ekko's belly was moving making the glass shake abit .


Ekko:Im trying!

Qiyana was able to grip the glass with her mouth then  bended back up and gulp the first glass.

Senna:alright! way the go Qiyana!

Senna on the other side was already getting herself to the party with 1 empty bottle down on her side she started taking a video of Qiyana.

Qiyana:ugh, thats too strong! How are you still not drunk with this (y/n)?

Uncle (L/n):EHEHE! Did i hear my son is drinking?

We heard Uncle (L/n)'s cheerful chuckles behind us so we turned around to see both  Uncles and Auntie (L/n).

Kai'sa: Uncle! Autnie! Come join us!

I smiled and raised my glasses at them inviting them to join us.

Autnie:we would love too but sadly duty calls, sorry sweety.

Kai'sa:Awe..Its fine auntie.

(Y/n):work already?

Autnie:Dont worry sweetie we still got that promised party we have and of course you can invite the other aswell!

Qiyana:Cant wait!

Yasuo:We'll be there.


(Y/n) stood up from his seat and uncle wrap his arm aorund his shoulder.

Uncle:You arent drunk already arent you boy?

(Y/n):what? Pfft no! Of course not!

Uncle let out his loud cheerful laugh before pulling (y/n) to him closer and rubbing his hair.

Uncles: THATS MY BOY !

(Y/n):you guys can continue, ill go see my parents off.

Auntie:Alright ill see you kids another time, ciao~

Uncle:It was nice to meet all of you!

As we all said our farewells to (y/n)'s parents and the 3 left the living room , everything went silent in just a few seconds.

Senna: Seriously i never thought (y/n)'s parents would be the one and only Lissandra

Ahri:You said it.

Yasuo:His dad looks even way different than him.

Ekko:He must be adopted?

(Y/n):I heard that!

(Y/n) POV

Accompanying my parents to there car my dad patted my back making a loud slap and my front body jolted forward.

Dad:You have good friends over there.

Putting my hands through my pockets and i let out a smile just thinking about them.


My mom lunges to me and gave me a tight hug

Mom: take care of them and yourself, okay sweetie?

I gave mom a tight hug and dad also joined in.

Mom:Also what's this recent purchase on your shared bank account hmmm?

She gave me a very happy grin at me. I completely forgot she can see through the recent purchases on our personal accounts. We have this card our mom gave us when we turned 16 were she gave us monthly allowances for our "spending" but i didn't used it that much unless it was an emergency.  But mom always like to seing me spending some on it.

Mom:So what's this "emergency" you had?

Her grin was getting wider as she knew where i bought.

(Y/n):I  w-was just treating the girls.

Mom:Well if its for the girls ill let it slide~

My mom happily hummed as i escorted to their car.

She really loves it when she spoils me.

After we said our farewells i went back in seeing the group all giggling and laughing.

(Y/n):Did i miss anything?

Sera: nope~



I sat back to my seat and took another sip of my drink and looked disappointed

Yep,still not drunk.

I let out an exhale of disappointment thinking maybe i should get something stronger.

(Y/n):so who's turn is it?

Ekko:just finished mine.

(Y/n):awe, i missed it.

Ekko:oh, its just we were actually waiting for you.

(Y/n):Wait what?

Sera stood up and started walking towards me, it took me a second to think it through because of my state being tipsy but it finally came to me the second sera stood in front of me.

(Y/n): fuck.

Ahri:dont get knocked out yet (y/n)~

I glared at Ahri before i looked back with Sera standing infront of me while holding her mic on her chest i looked at her and she was giving me a concerned look..

Sera:Sorry (y/n)..

(Y/n): no harm done, just send it.

Sera nodded and took a deep breath, after a second she sang 1 note which gave out a strong wave enough for me to feel it through my body. I felt my body was getting warmer by the second and my urges was just getting stronger by the second.


Senna:Oh? Has he finally given up?

Eve:If he did he can sleep in my room~

My head was bobbing left and right, my eyes were abit cloudy but i tried shaking myself to sobber up.

Yasuo: you still up (y/n)? *chuckles*

I placed my hand on yasuo's shoulder and gave him a serious look.

(Y/n):i need another fucking shot.

Ekko:Aaand there he is!

Eve:Tch, shame.

Yasuo poured me another shot but this it's a strong bourbon he brought, and i immidiellty drank it, despite the charm slowly finally working the strong and burning taste of alcohol keeps me awake atleast.

Fuck, another few shot's and im at drunks gates.

Eve:How about we commemorate (Y/n)'s  achievement as  the first one to beat the high score in this challenge  with a picture.

Ahri:Ill go get my polaroid!

Ahri stood up but slightly lost balance from those 2 shots. We all waited for Ahri while i grunted in absolute pain of trying not to succumb.

(Y/n):Do we really have too....

Eve:come on dalring dont be a buzz kill~

(Y/n):Alright fine....

Ahri:I got it!

She rush back to us with her polaroid with 2 unboxed packs of films.

Qiyana:come on ill take a photo of you guys first.

Immediatly Yasuo and Ekko stood up with the girls moving and jumping to my side.

Ahri:Sera come on!


She pointed at herself while she looking all confused.

Akala:Of course, just dont sit there!

Qiyana:Alright 3...2...

She was slowly hesitating but then rushed towards  the back, with Eve behind me placing her hands on my shoulder i looked at her but my face shifted back facing the camera by Ahri's hand

Qiyana:alright our turn!

After a quick photoshoot we continued off to where we left by spinning the bottle we waited until the bottle ended to me, making everyone cheer and some whistle

Lucian: damn (y/n) your the star of tonight.

Lucian chuckled while I let out a loud groan and laid back.

Qiyana: Alright (y/n) daaaare....or truth.

(Y/n): im not drunk so....truth!

Qiyana:tch, fine...

Qiyana biting the tips of her nail while thinking of a question she would ask me, i took another sip of my drink and looked at my cup.

yep still not drunk.

Qiyana:alright Ill keep it simple, So....who would you date in the KDA group then rate who you would date and why~

Yasuo whistled while everyone started woohing.

Alright that was a sudden question.....shit.

Trying to sobber myself abit, i thought for a few seconds cause let's be honest it was somehow of a no brainer how i would rate it.

(Y/n):Akali, Ahri, Kai'sa then Eve

Senna:Oh eve's on the last?


Senna:Oh, sorry~


Qiyana: and why that ranking?

Ignoreing the two girls doing a small quarrel i continue to answer Qiyana's questions.

Akali POV

Wait, im first?! Im expecting atleast Eve or Ahri to be first atleast!

I felt my cheeks getting abit flustered, i dont know if it was the alcohol as already kicking in or if it was from what (y/n) said . But still it made me curious at the same time i felt happy that even my heart fluttering so fast

Qiyana: so why Akali's first?

(Y/n): i knew Akali the longest and the most,we got alot in common and she's one the person i trust the most, she's fun to be with also, so i dont mind dating her.

My cheeks started to feel much more warmer after hearing (y/n)'s response.

Qiyana:Oh, is our little ninja getting flustered~

Akali:Huh?! What? Of course not! I-it's just the a-alcohol!

I chugged my bottle till it was empty then gave out a load shout from the strong taste of the alcohol traveling through my throat. Everyone but (y/n) was giving out a smirk, i didnt bother looking back to avoid getting flustered more ,so i stared down my bottle and played with it using my fingers stilli thinking about what (y/n) said..

I really didnt thought about it... (y/n)'s been with be for along time during college ...i am happy with him.. we hangout a lot and its fun to be with him with Yasuo and Ekko, and were close almost to the point of a platonic relationship before i dated Zed..

I looked at (y/n) who was enjoying his drink, while continueing explain to the rest why he choose them in that ranking, resting my arm on my lap with my hand supporting my chin i looked at (y/n)'s who looked much more different now...

How didn't i think of (y/n) that way...

our eyes suddenly met, and i saw (y/n) gave out a smile which made me i looked away but a smile escaped the side of my lips. really i like (y/n)?

Ahri POV

Wait im second?! I was expecting eve since she know's him more! And why is she the last one?!

I was confuse at the same time flattered that (Y/N) thoight of me that way, me and (y/n) weren't that close but we would have a conversation or 2, but i was more amazed how Kai'sa was able to beat Eve.

What the heck did bookie do?

Qiyana: So ahri?

(Y/n):well me and ahri dont have that much in common..

Qiyana: But isnt that a bad thing.

I felt sad when (y/n) said it, but it is true we both like different things but...

(Y/n):but it isn't a bad thing,i like abit of a opposite of me you know...

Hearing that made my heart skipped a beat, my lips weres slowly making a smile.

(Y/n)... plus you wouldnt know, maybe ill turn a liking into the things she likes too , so it isn't a bad thing for me.

Senna: that is true.

Lucian on the side nodding in agreement to (y/n)'s words

While attentively listenng to (y/n) my phone vibrated because of a notification, i check my lockscreen and saw it was a text from my friend i didnt read the detail's of it i press the side of my phone to lock it back and went back to the party.

Qiyana: now for kai'sa, third?

Kai'sa POV

Oh no oh no! Im next! But how did i even beat Eve?? (Y/n) knew eve way before!

I was curious and flustered on how (y/n) ansered QIyana's question on ranking us 4 of who he would date.

(Y/n): Me and Kai'sa arent that close, but we shared our moments and i find it.....interesting in those moment.

He find's me interesting?!

My body jolted upwards abit from the word's (y/n) said with my face was already becoming like a tomato.


Kai'sa:D-dont stare at me Ahri! Its nothing!

Ahri leaning to my side to get angel of me i tried looking away, but i can feel her smirk from just her stare. If it wasnt for the party happening ahri would be all over me and making fun on me.

Ahri:Hey (y/n), since were here already, do think you would like to get to know more of Kai'sa~

Kai'sa:Ahri what are you up to-

Everyone's attention finally averterd to us because of ahri's quesiton


(Y/n):Yeah... of course

(Y/n) looked tipsy but he was still able to give out a genuine smile, I felt my cheeks were about to explode from the heat building up.

Ahri:Heeeh.....See Kai'sa~

Ahri was bumping my shoulder with hers gently while teasing me at the same time.

Kai'sa: S-shut up..

(Y/n) POV

Qiyana: alrighty then, this is more interesting, why is Eve last?

(Y/n):Cause it's Eve were talking about, come on.

I heard a scoff and saw Eve who's was shooting daggers at me with her glares.

Eve: and what's that supposed to mean dear?

(Y/n): no offense Eve, but i dont see you as a person who can take a relationship's seriously.

Eve:i've been in a relationship.

Akali:Those dont count.


Eve getting all choked up from her words, this was my second time seeing eve getting this chocked up ocver something, i'm amazed she hasnt gone pissed yet.

Eve:W-well i've been in 1 or 2!

Senna: oh this is a story, to hear~

Eve:Ugh, he's was a total jackass in the end, not worth mentioning already.

(Y/n):Well, ill give you effort points for atleast trying

I chuckled just to hear Eve actually got into a serious relationship.

(Y/n): but ill stand on what i said~

Eve locked her arms around her and rolleds her eyes in annoyance.

Qiyana:But you would still date her by a chance?

I looked at Eve who was also staring direclty to me waiting for my response, there was a second of thought that made me think of a second removing the different scenarios and situations we are in, i broke eye contact i took another shot of the whiskey.

(Y/n):Yeah.....sure, Eve's not that of a bad of a person either...and i dont mind giving it a try if ever..

I looked at Eve 1 more time seeing her looking away, her arm rested on top of the sofa while her hand supports her chin resting on her palm.

Seriously, what's with this woman..


I looked away after hearing (y/n)'s answer trying to hide the smile my face is making right now with my hand while feeling flattered in (y/n)'s answer.

I still got a shot!

Feeling a bit motivated to know i still got a chance, i would do everything to not let that chance go away.

(Y/n):anything else?

Qiyana:Nope, that's all i needed~

Qiyana POV

Oh yeah, i got all that i needed...

After asking (y/n) his answers, i found out the things ineede to know atleast from how the girls reacted from (y/n)'s answers and i must say there were really entertaining.

While the game continued  I just had a diabolic and brilliant idea that came up to mind so  I lean over to senna and whispered something to her after telling her my my plan i saw her grin and i knew she was all hands on deck, she spoke to lucian about it it at first he was againts it but all he did was look at me and all i did was smile at him while he let out a sigh and agreed.

Lucian:Seriosuly you girls are up to no good.

Senna:come one, alittle spice wouldnt hurt you know~

At this moment i knew things were about to heat up abit.

(Y/n) POV

Despite everything happend, it was already 1am ,we got tot the second rotation of everyone turn, Yasuo was now alos wearing one of Eve's clothing and this time he was wearing fishnets a short skirt that show alot of his skin and a crop top that just literallt covers his chest, meanwhile me.... ive already gone past the high score of most charms and im already on the 5th?

God it feels like im in a fish bowl or something...

I can already feel myself getting drunk with the rest already had there fair share of getting humiliated It was almost time to wrap thins up with the last 2, but despite that the game still continued and it was Senna's turn this time, she spun the bottle and unlucky it stopped me..

Senna: truth or dare

You know at this point im already half drunk might aswell join in with the 2 clowns beside me.

(Y/n): dare, alright which clothes-

Senna:i dare you to go in a sevent minutes in heaven challenge with one of the girls.


I didnt knew if i was drunk or if i heard it correctly.

(Y/n):did i heard it correctly? You want me to lock myself with one of the girls?


(Y/n):cant i just join in with Yasuo and Ekko in their sex in the city escapades?

Senna:Nope, since it's our last might aswell make it abit spcy~

I looked at the idols who was just sitting there sipping there drinks with eve just looking at me with a grin on her face.

(Y/n):arent you guys gonna say someting about it? Akali?

Akali:I- i mean...its just a's vnot like...

Her speach slowly faded until she started blowing bubble's on her drink



Her body jolted abit by surprise.

(Y/n):arent you gonna say something atleast??

Ahri:as akali said, its jsut a game..its not liek soemting wil lhappen...

Despite her being embrasse i can see her tail waggling abit.

Girl,i'm more concerned from the girl on ur left.

I looked Eve who smirked at me i looked at her with a straight face and just suck it in before i looked at kai'sa who is also half drunk after taking that dare to take those shots. With my hopes now diminishing by the second i looked at Kai'sa.


Kai'sa:No?? i mean yes ihihihee... no! Mmmm...

She started giggling while resting her head on Ahri's shoulder, I looked at the side and Sera was now wasted on the side her head was already swaying on each side while she tried to keep her eyes open.

Oh dear lord save me please...

Eve:its 3 against 5 (y/n), come on~

Qiyana:then its settled!

The 4 girls formed a circle with Qiyana holding the bottle in the middle as spun the bottle i took a shot once more to make me meet my end.

Qiyana:alright girls, good luck~

The bottle spinned round and round while i crossed my fingers hoping i would get anyone besides Eve just for tonight becaue in every second i feel myself on the edge because of the charm and i can just pounce at the girls right now.

The bottle started to slow down as I grit my teeth as i watched the bottle slows down bit by bit.


Everyone watched patiently as the bottle fianlly slowed down and stop, showing........






Ahri:Me?! Wait wait-

Qiyana took Ahri and my arm dragging us to Ahri's room, but i felt releaved knowing that Eve wasnt my partner, we then stopped at ahri's room both getting pushed in and before shutting the door, she left 1 last reminder for us.

Qiyana: remember 7 minutes and we'll finish the game from here~

Qiyana just rush out and left us in the room. When the door clicked the room was filled with silence and it was abit hot or i thinks its just the side feffects of the charm and alcohol the next second everything was becoming awkward because of this silence so i decided to break the ice atleast.

(Y/n):what a night ,right?


I took a glimpse of Ahri making small giggle but her expression was different by second that made me worried.

(Y/n):something wrong?

Ahri:Eh? What made you ask that?

(Y/n):you sounded upset..and i did noticed you were drinking alot in the middle of the game.

Ahri POV

Geeting abit flustered from (y/n) said, i looked away while  holding my 1 arm.

H-he's was observing me?!

I looked at (y/n) 1 more time showing me a concerned look on his face.

How can you be calm this look in a moment like this..


AHri:Huh?! oh s-sorry!

(Y/n): OH no no its okay, if you dont wanna tell me its okay also, just know im here to listen.

(Y/n) smiled at me with he's face all flustered from the alcohol which was very cute but...

God, that smile..

Ahri:thanks (y/n)...

I curled up on the bed raising my legs up and resting my head at my knees then smiling at (y/n).

(Y/n) POV

Once again the awkward silence came back but in just a second i felt the bed sheet moving at first it was just Ahri moving to make herself comfortable in her spot but the movements continue onwards its like Ahri was going near me, i didn't look because i to think nor assume anything but the more i heard and felt the rustling it made me feel much nervous.

(Y/n):Ahri wai-

Before i could finish my setence i felt ahri's laying her head on my shoulder which caught me by suprise.

Ahri: Was everything happend to us mean nothing to him.....

I looked at ahri to my side and she looked gloomy i raised my hand and planning to pat her shoulder but my hand frozen up a centimeter near her shoulder trying at first i hesitated to put my hands on her shoulder but this isnt a time for it cause right now she needed someone to comfort her.

When she mention "him" the only person i knew Ahri had a problem with ws Sett.


Ahri nodded and rubbed her nose while i let out a exhale from my nose

Ahri:I found out awhile ago he was in a bar already flirting with different girls...

I listented to Ahri's story and I couldnt say much about Ahri's relationsdhip since i wasnt there to witness both of them, all i could do was listen and comfort her.. i sat there as i listen to her sobbing while she's all curled up, i then now move my hand to her back patting it with suddenly feeling of arms cling onto mine.

Ahri:Did our relationship meant nothing to him...?

The room filled with silence after her confession while i sat with her listening to her crying..

(Y/n):Sometimes people just have different ways to cope up with there emotions...even.... if its the most fuck up way...

I slowly clehcned on my wrist while feeling a small stab on my chest from remembering a fragment of my past..

I suddenly felt in a moments past Ahri's arms were on my cheeks  which surprised me that when i looked to her, she push me on to the bed as she sat down on my belly with her face looking all flustered from all that alcohol

She's drunk!?

Ahri:Then can you help me cope up with my emotions....

She leaned down on to my ear whispering something seductively to me.

Ahri:in the most fuck up way, please~

Getting flustered i pushed ahri away holding her up, I felt the charm and alcohol reaching its limit with 1 more stunt like that i would have done something i would regret

(Y/n):A-ahri w-wait!  this isnt you!

Ahri shove my arms above my head till her other arm slowly caresses my neck down to my chest. I let out a big gulp just from looking at how Ahri was looking gorgeus despite being drunk but a part of be felt it was wrong too.

Ahri:Pretty please...

She pushed my arms higher while she bit her lips and  started grinding her body on my belly which didn't help as i slowly started to get an reaction to my body with my breathing also started to get heavy with sweat was building up on body, I tried to squirm and struggle from Ahri's grasp but she was too strong for me and my body is weak from all that alcohol and charms.

Ahri:hold still, this will be good for both of us~

She bend forward nibbling on my ear while her  erotic voice echoed through ear, i tried to stay cool but my face was also starting to heat up from the situation a part of me almost gave in with my body slowly getting light by the situation until i heard Ahri's voice..

Ahri:I-ill show him...

A part of me woke me up back to my senses from Ahri's words, i noticed her grip was no longer strong so i made a push that took Ahri by surpise pusher away from me by grabbing her on both of her shoulders.

(Y/n):Ahri, you're drunk this isn't what you want, trust m-

Ahri:HOW WOULD YOU KNOW ? Its always "Ahri this ahri that"!

Startled from ahri reply till i noticed tears slowly falling down from her cheeks, i tried squirming a bit and moved her off me so so i can sit straight up she was cup face with her hand as she started to cry so I slowly pulled her to my arms giving her a hug while i pat her head slowly till I felt a tug in my shirt so i looked down and  saw Ahri  clenching shirt on the chest area. I caressed her hair while she cried at my t-shirt which was slowly wet from her tears .

I heared the door was slowly opening and thankfully it was still Qiyana who  peaked, i saw her reaction from the door but i signal her by putting my finger on my lips to stay silent then told her to give me a minute by pointing at my wrist, she gave a okay sign and slowly closed the door again.

Qiyana POV

When it was time to see the fruits of my labor I did not expect what i just saw once i opened the door  i slowly peaked down and saw Ahri crying on (y/n) chest.Suprised from the results of the outcome i didnt knew (y/n) could hold himself despite getting himself wasted.

Qiyana:your dad is right, you are a tough one.

I chuckled at amusement of (y/n)'s willpower , after closing the door I walked back to the group with them all looking at me with a strange look.


Akali:SO? Where are they!

Qiyana:they're having a moment, he told me to give me sometimes.

Sera:A-a moment?!


Realizing the wording i did there Eve stood up but i grab her hand.

Qiyana:It's nothing like that, you dont have to be jealous~


Eve:Me? Jealous!

I'll be honest, i wouldve atleast wanted (y/n) at my hands first, but jealousy?

..i never got this jelous...


Qiyana:then sit down, its okay trust me.


Qiyana finally letting go of my wrist i went back to my sit crossing my legs i whipped out my phone trying to let off this feeling I'm experiencing.

Akali POV

Sitting on my chair with my feet crossed over,  while after hearing (y/n) and ahri needed more time i couldnt help but feel a bitter feeling in my mouth while my chest tightened up a bit and my head was questioning , what are they doing? Why do they need more time? Different scenarios played that i didn't even think i would have.

It must be the alcohol.

I took a glass of water on the side that Eve brought up to freshen up everyone. While i took a sip my mind wondered of again to what might have happened, but i shook my head putting away these thoughts i have cause I know (y/n) isnt that kind of person to those kinds of things. In just a moment the door in Ahri's room was finally heard closed 1 more time, expecting (y/n) and ahri to come out, but it was (y/n) with his shirt having a wet stain on his chest.

A part of me felt a small needle stabbing though my chest with my mind questioning again, what happened?

(Y/n):Sorry, ahri got alittle emotional so i needed more time..

Senna: that explains it

(Y/n):What the fuck were you guys expecting?

Yasuo: that wet stain doesn't give you justice man, so it looks like you had a fun time.

Ekko:Didn't knew you had it in you

Yasuo and Ekko were snickering but Qiyana wasn't amused by the both of them.

Did something serious happened?

(Y/n) looked at his shirt and gave out a loud sigh grunting abit.

(Y/n):Har har, funny.. But no Ahri just got too much drinks  and has lot right now she's dealing its not really a good combination.

Knowing that reason I felt somehow relieved after hearing that nothing really happend. at the. same time i wished it was me who ws with him that room.

Kai' Ahri right now?

(Y/n):she's sleeping soundly right now on her bed, she just got too much alcohol and had alot of emotional pent up from her break up with sett..

Kai'sai:I-i see.. that's good to hear..

Lucian: well that wraps this up?

(Y/n) POV

Everyone agreeing lucian carried some of the drunk casualty which was Yasuo, Kai'sa and Sera, while drinking water at the side to cool myself off and sober up abit i tired moving a bit but i ended up tripping from my balance getting off but it was good thing Eve side to catch me before falling.


Eve:Anytime dear~

Akali:You should rest here for the meantime.

(Y/n): no its fine, ill take a cab to my place, i sitll got alot of things to sort out.

Eve:Then let me drive you.

I looked at eve for a second and didn't have to debate more because im already feeling the alcohol getting to me so i just agreed to her to drive me back home. Sera was staying a few more days before she goes back ot her place and go back to work, Kai'sa was brought to her room by akali followed by her knocking herself out from exhaustion, while me and Eve help me packed up my things to her car.

Eve:You sure you dont want to stay for the night?

(Y/n):As much that sounds nice, i think i want to get home to my bed sorry...

Eve:No worries Dear, just know you have a place here.


Even though Eve brought up the offer i still didn't feel like i would even take it. A few minutes later me and Eve were in the car driving back home slowly since i  told her I was still wasted and i wouldn't want to barf at the girl's SUV.

While Eve drove I rested my head on the seat's head rest with a cold bottle water resting on my forehead. Though im amaze how Eve was still standing after those drinks.

Or maybe the charm is just kicking in...

Eve:So how was being in the same bed with a popstar?

Not moving a muscle i lazily replied back to her.

(Y/n): why do you care what happend between me and ahri? She's old enough to make  her own decisions.

I could feel Eve getting irritated from just her prescenes alone, so i atleast tried reassuring her to not make things complicated.

(Y/n): plus you know me enough im not that kind of person.

The car became queit all i could hear was the car's passing by and cars engine roaring on the side but in just a few minutes we stumbled in on a traffic because of a construction on the street.


(Y/n):tell me about it.

Removing the bottle of my face i opened it to take a sip but before closing i looked at Eve and handed her the bottle.


Eve:im fine, thank you dear.

I placed the  plastic bottle in one of the holders in the side then lean my head on window starring at the mutiple rear light's of each car in the traffic.


While waiting for the traffic to move, i impatiently tap the side of steering wheel with 1 of my finger with my foot also tapping the pedal.
I took a glance look at (y/n) just to see how he's is doing , looking at him starring at the widow a smile broke on my face as i look at (y/n) shimmering eye's reflecting the street light's.

They're are still amazing...

Looking back infront of me, i felt motivated than ever and so i took a deep  breath. After everything that happened i didnt want this miss this opportunity nor did i want to lose him.

Eve:Hey (y/n)...

(Y/n) POV

Hearing Eve called me out her voice sounded serious but also concerned, i didn't know what was up this time but the only thing i remember is what happened in the party.

(Y/n):Look eve, i told you it's not-

Eve: I love you.

(Y/n):Wait what?

Suprised from Eve's sudden confession my mind was still trying to process her words until slowly realizing it, my cheeks were heating up in just seconds.

Eve:I lo-


Eve got surpised from the car who was pressing his horn on us as we both noticed that the traffic already moved, so Eve stepped on the gas slowly making the car move to the side of the street to get out of the traffic, because of that the situation became awkward with the silence. Part of me couldnt tell if eve was serious or not, i mean it's eve were talking about, maybe she's just making fun of me or something just to get a reaction from me.

(Y/n):look eve if this is your new way of teasing  me it's-

Before i could finsih my sentence Eve's made a hard turn to the right making me move to my seat abit she also stopped in one of the side.

(Y/n):Hey what gives!

I looked at Eve and with her shades now off and her face she was leaning half way through her seat looking at me with a serious look.

Eve:(y/n) im serious, im head over heels for you for a long time.

For a long time? Does she mean since highschool? But didnt she dated other guys back then?

But i remember what Eve said during the party about her dating guys so I looked at Eve's 1 more more time who was already leaning near me with my ears already turning red i looked away from eve.

Eve: (y/n) look at me please.

I agreed with my eyes slowly moving towards her with our eye meeting i realized her was  much closer to me now with her face was so innocent and her eyes were still the same golden yellow  eyes that i used to admire.

They're still as pretty like back then...

a part of me wanted to take her seriously but a part of still couldn't take her seriously because of how she usually treated guys in the past, but she said she liked me back then but she still acted that way.. but at the same time we just got back as friends, i just feel like im rushing things....

(Y/n):Eve...i think were just rushing things..

Eve:Its about me with other guys isnt it?

(Y/n) and yes...Eve we just patched up our old scars, i appreciate your feelings but i think its best that we stay friends for the mean time and i dont want ruin it....

Eve:So there's a possiblity?

(Y/n):yeah...i suppose i guess?

Eve wasn't looking at me but her face showed a face  of disappointment and confusion.


(Y/n):Im not forcing you if-

Eve: im serious (y/n),ill prove it to you that im serious about you

I looked at eve starring at me  her eyes filled with her motivation. I made large sigh and gently push her becase she's is so close to me, then smiled at her

There's really no stopping this woman.

(Y/n):alright alright.


Eve finally back off back to her sit and released the breaks of the car

(Y/n):Soo.... high school?

Eve:I dont want to talk about it, dear.

I laid back at the chair and chuckled at Eve's response.


I can tell eve was flustered by a second there , but i didnt felt like teasing more. On the way back to my appartment me and eve had finally started our conversation normally again,  talking about what happend during there tour and what ive been doing those past months too, but as time flies we finally arrived at the front of my apartment, eve helped me packed up my luggage but i still went back to her car to see her off.

(Y/n):Thanks for the lift Eve, see ya

Eve:anytime Darling, and ill see you soon~

(Y/n):Drive home safe, yeah?

Eve:Of course, thanks Darling.


As i drove off back to the mansion, i let out a loud exhales after that tense moment in the car.

Eve:what was i thinking?! Back to square 1?!

That 1 moment of seeing (y/n)'s eyes everything just didnt matter, i wanted him more than ever, though I wasnt expecting the results to be like this, it was either i was getting rejected or no but knowing the odds of a No wasn't that far at. Reaching a stop sign i rested my forehead on the steering wheel while feeling exhausted after a very long day.

Eve: if only he just gave me a proper answer..

I think that i wouldn't even have these second thoughts in my head after (y/n) gave me his answer.

No Eve, (y/n) gave us a chance..

Then i remember (y/n) didnt rejected me like that but he also said that we had potential and just remembering that moment made me smile.

Eve:Sometimes (y/n) you really know how to make a women smile without trying.

I continue driving off tot he house. And on my way i planned to visit (y/n) tomorow morning just to start our new "friendship"

(Y/n) POV

On my way back to my apartment i heard howling's of dogs which was really weird because there isn't much dogs in this area.

(Y/n):Neighbors must have bought a dog..

Reaching my apartment doors i felt a unsettling cold feeling i looked around just to see a kid wearing some kind of mask.

(Y/n):Hey kid are you lost?

The kid didn't move an inch. Her figure was strange her body was covered with fur so i thought maybe she's some vastayan. Before moving another inch i heard the howling of the dog which made me look away for a second before looking back she was gone.

(Y/n):well fuck this shit man i don't want to know.

I hurriedly back to my apartment home thinking i might be either drunk and seeing things are this place is just starting to get weirder.

I really should avoid another game of truth or dare with the girls.

Message from the Author/Artist:

Belated happy holidays! This is my new year's and Christmas gift too all of you for supporting me and still sticking with me this chapter took me time cause i wanted to make a changes of course with the new book cover that ive been working on a few months ago! Feels really great to see how far this went! Also i hope you enjoyed that small hot scene ;) . Though still far from over im back and slowly recovering still have some personal issues that im working on the side but i can tell that i and coming back! Thank you so much for your support once again, and love you guys!

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